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Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1531586


Background: Injuries are a common occurrence in sports participation; however, they have the potential to be accompanied by negative thoughts and feelings, which may play a part in the athletes' state of mind when they return to their sport. Assessing the degree to which this occurs provides an opportunity to evaluate and address athletes' state of mind before their return to play. Objectives: To determine if athletes are psychologically ready to return to play after an injury and if there are differences in fear avoidance behaviour between those who were and were not ready to return. Methods: Eighty-eight athletes participated in this descriptive survey. Athletes' confidence to return to play was measured by the Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Play (I-PRRS) questionnaire and their fear avoidance was measured by the Athlete Fear Avoidance Questionnaire (AFAQ). Results: Fifty injured athletes with a mean age of 23.3±4.0 years old responded to the I-PRRS and the AFAQ questionnaires. The average I-PRRS score was 46.5±9.1 AU. The evidence suggests that 60% of the athletes were not ready to return to sport (41.0±7.5 AU), whereas 40% were ready to return (54.8±3.1 AU). The difference in scores was not significant. The relationship between the AFAQ scores and the I-PRRS score for the 'ready' and 'not ready' groups was not significant (p=0.066). The mean AFAQ score (26.1±8.6 AU) for the 'not ready' group is marginally greater than the mean AFAQ score (21.6±7.5 AU) for the 'ready' group. There was a negative correlation between psychological readiness to return to sport and athletic fear avoidance (r =-0.508, p<0.001). Conclusion: There needs to be a greater utilisation of psychological assessment tools like the Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Play (I-PRRS) questionnaire, which can assist the athlete's support team, who can help identify athletes who are apprehensive about returning to sport after injury.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Atletas
PAMJ clin. med ; 142024. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1537460


Introduction: oral diseases (OD), commonly dental caries and periodontitis are a major public health problem. Poor oral hygiene has been associated with OD, causing tooth loss, which leads to disability and compromised patients' oral health. In Rwanda, OD is among the leading causes of morbidity at the health center level. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and oral health practices among adult participants in Rwanda Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was done among participants attending public health facilities in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda. Participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage distribution, and bivariate and multivariate logistic regression at a 5% significant level. Results: among 426 participants who were interviewed, 39.44% (n=168) were 18-27 years old and the majority, 61.5% (n=262) were female. Poor oral health knowledge was found in 42% (n=179) of the participants, whilst 12.44% (n=53) showed poor oral health attitudes, and 67.37% (n=287) were found to have poor oral health practice. Participants with a high school level of education were more likely to have better oral health knowledge and the results were statistically significant aOR: 1.79, 95% CI 1.14; 2.82; p = 0.011 Conclusion: the findings of our study showed that almost half of the participants had poor oral health knowledge. Oral health attitude and oral hygiene practices were also lacking. There is a need to enhance oral health education in this community to improve their oral health knowledge, attitudes, and practices.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Higiene Bucal , Saúde Bucal , Ruanda , Adulto
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 17(2): e5483-e5491, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1552188


Contexte et objectifs : L'accès aux tests neurophysiologiques pour le diagnostic des Troubles du Sommeil (TS) est très limité dans les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne. La présente étude avait pour objectif de déterminer les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et neurophysiologiques des (TS) dans un groupe de jeunes adultes. Méthodes : Il s'est agi d'une étude descriptive d'une série de cas, réalisée au centre de Médecine du sommeil et des maladies respiratoires de l'hôpital de la Croix-Rousse de Lyon du 1er janvier au 31 mars 2019. Les patients hospitalisés pendant cette période pour l'exploration d'un (TS) ont été sélectionnés. Etaient éligibles ceux dont l'âge était compris entre 18 et 35 ans, des deux sexes, ayant renseigné un questionnaire et ayant bénéficié au minimum d'une polysomnographie (PSG). Résultats : Quatre-vingt-onze patients étaient examinés. Les femmes étaient les plus affectées (59,3 %). Leur âge moyen était de 26,6 ± 5 ans. La PSG a incriminé le Syndrome d'Apnée Hypopnée Obstructive du sommeil (SAHOS) comme étiologie principale (66 %). Pour les patients sans SAHOS, 38,7 % avaient une PSG normale et la PSG avec d'autres tests de sommeil ont objectivé, pour le reste (61,3 %), d'autres types de (TS). La dépression (50,7 %) et la fatigue chronique (84,6 %) étaient très fréquentes. L'indice d'efficacité du sommeil était faible pour 70 % des patients avec SAHOS. Il y avait un déséquilibre de la durée des stades du sommeil, augmentée pour le sommeil lent léger et diminuée pour le sommeil lent profond dans la population avec SAHOS, tandis que la durée du sommeil paradoxal chez ceux sans SAHOS était augmentée. Conclusion Le SAHOS est fréquent dans cette formation hospitalière, avec des répercussions significatives à type de dépression et de fatigue chronique. Il est important que des mesures rendant accessible l'usage des tests d'exploration du sommeil particulièrement en Afrique au sud du Sahara, soient mises en place pour diagnostiquer ces troubles

Context and objective. Access to neurophysiological tests for diagnostic of sleep disorders (SD) is very limited in Sub-Saharan Africa countries. The objective was to determine the epidemiological, clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of SD in a young adult group. Methods. This was a descriptive serial cases study carried out at the Sleep Medicine and Respiratory Diseases Center of the CroixRousse hospital of Lyon between January 1st and March 31th, 2019. Patients hospitalized during this period with tests for SD were selected. Eligible were those aged between 18 and 35 years, both sexes, who completed a questionnaire and who received at least a polysomnography (PSG). Results. Ninety-one patients were involved. Women remained the most affected (59.3%). Mean age was 26.6±5 years. PSG incriminated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome as the primary etiology (66%). For patients without OSA, 38.7% had normal PSG. For the remaining 61.3% of patients, other types of SD were found using PSG with various sleep tests. Depression (50.7%) was an important comorbidity, and chronic fatigue (84.6%) was the most frequent complaint. Sleep efficiency index was low for 70% of sleep apnea patients. There was an imbalance in the duration of sleep stages, with an increase in light slow-wave sleep in the OSA population and a decrease in their deep slow-wave sleep, while REM sleep duration in patients without OSA was increased. Conclusion: OSA was the primary etiology in our study, with significant repercussions like depression and chronic fatigue. Public health measures such as increasing access to the use of sleep exploration tests, especially in subSaharan Africa, should be put in place for the diagnosis of these sleep disorders and their consequences

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem
Bénin Médical ; 69: 52-55, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1554720


La neurofibromatose de type 1 ou maladie de Von Recklinghausen, maladie héréditaire la plus fréquente parmi les phacomatoses, caractérisée par la présence d'au moins deux critères diagnostiques, dont le neurofibrome. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient de 37 ans, contact direct d'un patient tuberculeux, atteint de neurofibromatose dont la radiographie pulmonaire mimait des images en « lâcher de ballon ¼ coexistant avec une tuberculose pulmonaire. Nous insistons à travers ce cas et à la lumière d'une revue de la littérature sur l'importance d'avoir un esprit critique et un raisonnement diagnostic médical devant toute image ne correspondant pas à l'indication clinique.

Neurofibromatosis type 1 or Von Recklinghausen disease, most common hereditary disease of phacomatosis, which is characterized by the presence of at least two diagnostic criteria, including neurofibroma. We report the case of a 37-year-old patient, direct contact of a tuberculosis patient, suffering from neurofibromatosis whose chest X-ray mimicked images of "balloon release" coexisting with pulmonary TBC. We insist through this observation and in the light of a literature review on the importance of having a critical mind and medical diagnostic reasoning in front of any image that does not match the clinical indication.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto
Health sci. dis ; 24(1): 101-108, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1411298


Objectifs. Décrire les aspects cliniques, bactériologiques et évolutifs du sepsis et du choc septique dans le service de réanimation polyvalente du CHUB. Patients et méthodes. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale, monocentrique et descriptive, durant 12 mois, incluant les patients âgés d'au moins 18 ans admis en réanimation polyvalente pour un sepsis ou choc septique. Les variables épidémiologiques, cliniques, bactériologiques et évolutives ont été analysées avec Excel 2019. Résultats. 56 patients ont été retenus (20,7%). Leur âge moyen était de 43,1 ± 17,9 ans (extrêmes de 18 et 84 ans), avec 66,1% des hommes. Le foyer infectieux initial était péritonéal (64,3 %). À l'admission, le nombre médian de défaillances d'organes par patient était de trois (maximum 5). Les défaillances rénale (71,4%), hépatique (69,6%) et hémodynamique (62,5%) étaient les plus représentées. Le taux de réalisation du bilan bactériologique était de 35,7% : hémoculture (10,7%), uroculture (14,3%), porte d'entrée infectieuse (7,1%). La durée d'hospitalisation des patients sortis vivants était de 8,1 ± 6,3 jours (extrêmes de 2 et 31 jours). Le taux de mortalité était de 57,1%. Les décès survenaient au-delà de 24 h d'hospitalisation (75%), chez des patients avec comorbidités (65,6%), porte d'entrée péritonéale (59,4%), et défaillances hémodynamique (81,2%) et rénale (75%). Conclusion. Les prévalences du sepsis et du choc septique dans notre série sont superposables à celles de la littérature. Le taux de réalisation des bilans bactériologiques reste faible. La mortalité du sepsis demeure très élevée.

Introduction. No accurate data on sepsis and septic shock in intensive care unit (ICU) in the Republic of Congo are available. The aim of the study was to describe the course of patients with sepsis and/or septic shock in the polyvalent ICU of the University Teaching Hospital of Brazzaville. Patients and methods. This was a cross-sectional, monocentric and descriptive study, lasting 12 months, including patients aged at least 18 years admitted to ICU for sepsis or septic shock. The clinical presentation, the bacteriological findings and the outcome were analyzed with Excel 2019. Results. 56 patients were selected (20.7%). The average age was 43.1 ± 17.9 years (extremes 18 and 84 years), with 66.1% of men. The initial infection was peritoneal (64.3%). At admission, the median number of organ failures per patient was three (maximum 5). Renal (71.4%), hepatic (69.6%) and hemodynamic (62.5%) failures were the most common. Bacteriological assessment rate was 35.7%: blood culture (10.7%), urine culture (14.3%). The duration of hospitalization of alive patients was 8.1 ± 6.3 days (extremes 2 and 31 days). The mortality rate was 57.1%. Deaths occurred beyond 24 hours of hospitalization (75%), in patients with comorbidities (65.6%), peritonitis (59.4%), hemodynamic (81.2%) and renal (75%) failures. Conclusion. The prevalence of sepsis and septic shock in our study is comparable to other published series. The bacteriological assessments rate is still low. The mortality is very high.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Choque Séptico , Bacteriologia , Sepse , Serviços Médicos de Emergência , Serviço Hospitalar de Anestesia , Sinais e Sintomas , Prevalência
Curationis ; 46(1): 1-9, 2023. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1413751


Background: Adolescence is a unique and distinct stage of development that involves changes in the physical, psychological and social aspects of adolescents. It is a critical transition into adulthood whereby heightened risk-taking and sensation-seeking takes place, such as substance abuse. In a South African context, this transition sometimes occurs under economic stress, poverty, unemployment, high levels of crime and political instability. This can place adolescents at risk of substance abuse. Objectives: To explore and describe the lived experiences of adolescents abusing substances in the Greater Giyani Municipality in the Limpopo province, South Africa. Method: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design with a phenomenological approach was used. Data were collected through individual, in-depth, phenomenological interviews and field notes. Thematic coding was utilised to analyse the collected data, and literature was reviewed to support the findings. Moreover, measures to ensure trustworthiness and ethical principles were applied throughout the research process. Results: Five themes were identified: substance abuse behaviour among adolescents, adolescents' motivation for continuing substance abuse, the effects of substance abuse on the lives of adolescents, factors affecting adolescents' discontinuation of substance abuse and a need to discontinue substance abuse. Conclusion: The study concluded that adolescents abusing substances in the Greater Giyani, Limpopo province, experience loss of control, broken relationships, poor academic performance, stigma attached to mental illness and negative emotions. The adolescents foresaw their future as uncertain and without direction. It is recommended that mental healthcare professionals introduce and implement interventions that will assist the adolescents who abuse substances in the Greater Giyani, Limpopo province. Contribution: The findings in this study could add knowledge in developing and implementing of strategies for psychiatric nurses to support adolescents abusing substances in the Greater Giyani, Limpopo province.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Prevalência , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Atenção à Saúde , Problemas Sociais , Saúde Mental , Fatores de Risco
Journal de la Faculté de Médecine d'Oran ; 6(2): 779-830, 2023. tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1415030


Introduction :Une forte consommation des benzodiazépines (BZDs) a été remarquée en dehors parfois des règles de recommandations de prescription, ce qui rend leur consommation un problème majeur de santé publique. La présente étude a eu pour objectif d'évaluer la prescription et l'usage des BZDs dans la ville de Sidi Bel-Abbès. Méthodes-Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive transversale réalisée du 01 Février 2018 au 30 Juin 2018 évaluant la prescription et l'usage des BZDs dans la ville de Sidi Bel-Abbès au moyen d'un questionnaire distribué aux patients de l'hôpital psychiatrique, du service de psychiatrie du CHU et aux pharmaciens d'officine.Le critère de jugement principal était l'évaluation de la prescription et de l'utilisation des BZDs dans cette ville. La saisie et l'analyse des données ont été réalisées par le logiciel SPSS. Résultats-Au total, 353 patients traités au moins par une BZD ont été inclus dont 178 hommes. Le taux de prescription des BZDs était de 1.10, des jeunes (59,77 %) et des personnes mariées (60,34%) constituaient les consommateurs privilégiés. La prescription était l'apanage des psychiatres, en monothérapie (07,42%), la molé cule la plus fréquemment prescrite était le Bromazépam (31,07%) et la prise noc turne était la plus importante (49,01%). Les BZDs étaient utilisées pour combattre l'insomnie (25,21%), l'anxiété (16,43%), pour une durée de plus d'une année (57,79 %). Conclusion-La prescription et l'utilisation des BZDs dans la ville de Sidi Bel-Abbès s'est avérée importante. L'insomnie et l'anxiété constituaient les principales raisons de leur utilisation, et le Bromazépam était la molécule la plus fréquemment utilisée .

Introduction-A high consumption of benzodiazepines (BZDs) has been noticed so metimes outside the rules of prescription recommendations, which makes their consumption a major public health problem. The present study aimed to evaluate the prescription and use of BZDs in Sidi Bel-Abbès city. Methods-: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out from February 01st, 2018 to June 30th, 2018 evaluating the prescription and use of BZDs in of Sidi Bel-Abbès by means of a questionnaire distributed to patients from the psychiatric hospital, the CHU psychiatry department and community pharmacists. The primary endpoint was the assessment of the prescription and use of BZDs in this city. Data entry and analysis were performed using SPSS software. Results-A total of 353 patients treated with at least one BZD were included, including 178 men. The prescription rate of BZDs was 1.10, young people (59.77%) and married people (60.34%) were the privileged consumers. The prescription was the prerogative of psychiatrists, in monotherapy (07.42%), the molecule most frequent ly prescribed was Bromazepam (31.07%) and night intake was the most important (49.01%). BZDs were used to combat insomnia (25.21%), anxiety (16.43%), for a period of more than a year (57.79%). Conclusion-The prescription and use of BZDs in Sidi Bel-Abbès has proven to be important. Insomnia and anxiety were the main reasons for their use, and Bromazepam was the most molecule frequently used.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Ansiedade , Benzodiazepinas , Bromazepam , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Usos Terapêuticos , Medicamentos sob Prescrição , Efeitos Adversos de Longa Duração , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono , Formas de Dosagem , Argélia , Uso Excessivo dos Serviços de Saúde
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1417207


Patients and methods: This cross-sectional survey took place in May, 2018 in Kodjokro, a village in the south-east of Côte d'Ivoire. The study population consisted of women of reproductive age, from 15 to 49 years old. A questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic, gyneco-obstetrical characteristics, knowledge and attitudes and he use of contraceptive methods. The chi-square test was used to measure the associations between the use of contraceptive methods and each of the characteristics studied

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Mulheres , Atitude , Zona Rural , Anticoncepção , Conhecimento , Métodos
South. Afr. j. anaesth. analg. (Online) ; 29(4): 128-134, 2023. tables, figures
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1511909


Preoperative anxiety potentially results in perioperative anaesthetic complications. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of preoperative anxiety in adult patients scheduled to undergo elective orthopaedic surgery at an academic hospital in South Africa and identify contributory factors. Methods: This cross-sectional study included all patients scheduled for elective orthopaedic surgery the following day from 25 July to 3 November 2021. An adapted version of the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS) was used. Four questions determined the patients' anxiety and two questions their desire for more information about their forthcoming anaesthesia and surgery. A 5-point Likert scale was used to capture the patients' responses to the APAIS questions. Data on other possible contributory factors to preoperative anxiety were collected using a questionnaire. Results: Of the 88 patients, 82 (93.2%) were included in the study. A total of 40 (48.8%) patients had an APAIS score of ≥ 11, indicating anxiety. A high need-for-information score (≥ 8) was found in 31 (37.8%) patients. A significant association between patients with a higher anxiety score and a higher need-for-information score (p = 0.0063) was identified. Other non-significant factors associated with a higher anxiety score included a lower level of education and no postoperative home support. Conclusion: Patients with a high need for information tended to be more anxious on the day before surgery. The APAIS could be introduced in preoperative ward admissions to identify these patients and provide an appropriate level of counselling about their planned procedure. Counselling might reduce their preoperative anxiety, but further research needs to confirm this assertion. Larger studies are recommended to determine the influence of other factors contributing to preoperative anxiety

Humanos , Cirurgia Geral , Cuidados Pré-Operatórios , Adulto , Pacientes , Enfermagem Perioperatória , Estudos Transversais , Complicações Intraoperatórias
Revue Africaine de Médecine Interne ; 10(1-2): 46-53, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1511904


Introduction : Le coma non traumatique est une urgence médicale, relativement fréquente dont les différents aspects restent encore obscurs dans les services de réanimation en Afrique. Objectif : Cette étude avait pour but de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, étiologiques et pronostiques des comas non traumatiques (CNT). Méthodes : Il s'était agi d'une étude rétrospective descriptive menée au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sylvanus Olympio à l'Unité des Soins Intensifs (USI) de janvier 2018 à décembre 2019. Résultats : L'étude avait concerné 484 patients hospitalisés pour comas non traumatiques sur un total de 1835 patients. Les comas non traumatiques de l'adulte représentaient 26,4% des admissions à l'USI. L'âge moyen des patients était de 52,8 ans (extrêmes de 18 et 92 ans) avec une sex-ratio (H/F) de 0,94. Plus de la moitié des patients avait été référée de structures sanitaires périphériques (55,4%). L'hypertension artérielle (HTA) était l'antécédent le plus retrouvé dans 36,4% ; suivi du diabète et de l'infection au virus de l'immunodéficience acquise (VIH) dans 14,9% chacun. Le coma était de survenue brutale dans 77,7% des cas. Les étiologies des comas étaient dominées par les causes vasculaires dans 32,2% des cas, puis les causes infectieuses dans 27,3% des cas et les comas urémiques dans 14,1% des cas. Le pronostic était défavorable avec une mortalité de 68,6%. La première étiologie de décès concernait les causes vasculaires. Conclusion : L'amélioration du pronostic des comas non traumatiques passe nécessairement par une amélioration du plateau technique pour une meilleure prise en charge des patients

Introduction: The non-traumatic coma is a medical emergency relatively frequent which different aspects remain obscure in intensive care units in Africa. Goals: The aim of this study was therefore to describe the epidemiological, etiological and prognostic aspects of non-traumatic comas. Methodology: This was a retrospective descriptive study carried out at the Sylvanus Olympio Teaching Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit (USI) from January 2018 to December 2019. Results: The study involved 484 patients hospitalized for non-traumatic comas out of 1835 patients. Non-traumatic comas in adults were 26.4% of admissions in the Intensive Care Unit. The mean age of patients was 52.8 years of a sex ratio (M / F) of 0.94. More than half of patients (55.4%) were referred from peripheral care centers. Arterial hypertension was the most common antecedent found in 36.4%, followed by diabetes and the infection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) at 14.9% each. The coma was sudden aspect in 77.7% of the cases. Aetiologies of the comas were dominated by vascular causes in 32.2% of causes, then infectious in 27.3% of cases and uremic comas in 14.1% of cases. The prognosis was unfavorable with 68.6% mortality. The first etiology of death was related to vascular cases. Conclusion: The Improving of the prognosis of non-traumatic comas needs an improvement of modern medical technology for a better patient care.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Coma Pós-Traumatismo da Cabeça
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(3): 10-14, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1516387


But : Evaluer les résultats initiaux de nos des différents traitements des fractures ouvertes de l'humérus. Méthode: Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective réalisée à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) sur une période de 10 ans, portant sur 16 fractures ouvertes de la diaphyse humérale. Elle incluait 10 hommes et six femmes d'âge moyen de 32,8 ans (Extrêmes : 21 et 61). L'ouverture cutanée était classée selon Cauchoix et Duparc. Les fractures étaient, soit traitées par parage suivi de plâtre brachio-anti-brachial, soit traitées par plaque vissée ou fixateur externe. Les patients étaient suivis selon un protocole strict. Les résultats globaux étaient évalués par la cotation fonctionnelle de Stewart et Hundley. Résultats : Au recul minimum de 24 mois, tous les patients avaient consolidé. On notait un cas d'infection locale, trois cas de raideur du coude et quatre cas réversibles de paralysie du nerf radial. Les résultats fonctionnels selon le score de Stewart et Hundley étaient très bons dans 11 cas, bons dans quatre cas et assez-bon dans un cas, et aucun mauvais résultat. Conclusion : En fonction des indications thérapeutiques, les résultats initiaux sont satisfaisants tant sur le plan clinique que fonctionnel.

Aim: To evaluate the initial results of our different treatments of open humeral shaft fractures. Method: This was a retrospective study conductecd in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) over a period of 10 years, involving 16 open humeral shaft fractures. It included 10 men and six women with a mean age of 32.8 years (Extremes: 21 and 61). The skin opening was classified according to Cauchoix and Duparc. Fractures were either treated by trimming followed by a brachial-ante-brachial cast, or treated with a screwed plate or external fixator. Patients were followed according to a strict protocol. Overall results were assessed by Stewart and hundley functional scoring. Results: At a minimum follow-up of 24 months, all patients had consolidated. There was one case of local infection, three cases of elbow stiffness and four reversible cases of radial nerve palsy. The functional results according to the Stewart and Hundley score were very good in 11 cases, good in four cases and fair in one case, with no poor result. Conclusion: Depending on the therapeutic indications, the initial results are satisfactory both clinically and functionally.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto , Fraturas Expostas
Yenagoa med. j. (Bayelsa) ; 5(1): 1-8, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1516474


Background: Generally, mothers are saddled with early childcare responsibilities. Therefore, their attitude, practice, and care toward events occurring in early childhood including teething are important. Objective: To evaluate the attitudes and treatment practices of mothers regarding teething, Materials and Methods: The study is a descriptive cross-sectional survey. A systematic random sampling technique was utilized in selecting the participants for this study. Socio-demographics, attitudes, and treatment practices of mothers regarding teething were obtained via an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire. IBM SPSS, Version 21.0. was used for data analysis. The level of significance was set at p= 0.05 Results: A total of 120 mothers participated in the study. The participants in the age group of 20-30 years were in the majority. A majority (86.7%; n=104) strongly agreed that mothers have a role to play in the management of teething. On the other hand, less than half (41.7%; n=50) strongly agreed that doctors have a role to play in the management of teething. Of the 103 mothers who practice self-medication, over 85% (85.4%; n=87) use teething syrup, 63.1% (n=65) sometimes use antibiotics, 80.6% (n=82) use analgesics, and 68.0% (n=70) always use herbal mixtures. The study further revealed a negative grade for attitude and a fair grade for practice Conclusion: Though the attitude level of mothers towards teething in this study was more negative, their treatment practices were nonetheless fair. We recommend educational programs that aim to improve the observed areas of negative attitudes and practices of the study population.

Humanos , Feminino , Lactente , Adulto , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Sinais e Sintomas , Terapêutica , Dente Decíduo , Análise de Dados
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(3): 15-17, 2023.
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1516285


Buts : Le but était de décrire les aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des péritonites biliaires. Patients et méthodes : Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale descriptive à collecte rétrospective sur une période de 10 ans incluant les patients opérés pour péritonite biliaire. Résultats : Nous avons colligé 10 cas de péritonite biliaire d'un 'âge moyen de 38 ans avec un sex-ratio de 2,3. Deux patients présentaient une contusion abdominale par suite d'un accident de la circulation routière. Une douleur abdominale maximale à l'hypochondre droit était présente chez trois patients, des signes d'irritation péritonéale chez tous les patients, un sérodiagnostic de Widal et Félix positif chez huit patients. À la laparotomie médiane la vésicule biliaire était perforée chez trois patients, gangrénée chez cinq, phlegmoneuse chez un, scléro-atrophique chez un. La cholécystectomie a été réalisée chez tous les patients. La péritonite biliaire était d'origine traumatique chez deux patients, et typhique chez huit. En post opératoire on notait quatre cas de sepsis, et trois cas de suppuration pariétale. Trois patients sont décédés. Conclusion : les péritonites biliaires découvertes lors de laparotomies pour péritonite, étaient secondaires à des cholécystites typhiques, et avaient une forte morbi-mortalité.

Aims: The aim was to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of biliary peritonitis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective collection over a period of 10 years including patients operated on for biliary peritonitis. Results: We collected 10 cases of biliary peritonitis with an average age of 38 years with a sex ratio of 2.3. Two patients presented with an abdominal contusion following a road traffic accident. Maximum abdominal pain in the right hypochondrium was present in three patients, signs of peritoneal irritation in all patients, positive Widal and Felix serodiagnosis in eight patients. At midline laparotomy, the gallbladder was perforated in three patients, gangrenous in five, phlegmonous in one, sclero-atrophic in one. Cholecystectomy was performed in all patients. Biliary peritonitis was of traumatic origin in two patients, and typhoid in eight. Postoperatively, there were four cases of sepsis and three cases of parietal suppuration. Three patients died. Conclusion: Biliary peritonitis discovered during laparotomies for peritonitis, was secondary to typhoid cholecystitis, and had a high morbidity and mortality.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Peritonite , Bile , Diagnóstico , Dor Abdominal
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1517950


Background Optimal viral load suppression results from good adherence to treatment. The viral load suppression advantages include the reduction of virus transmission. In Rwanda, however, viral load suppression among adolescents and young adults has been proven relatively low than in other age groups. Objectives To assess the factors associated with viral load suppression among adolescent and young adults in Ngororero district, Rwanda. Methods A cross sectional study that included 151 adolescents and young adults aged from 15 to 24 years was conducted in Ngororero district. Data were entered in Epi-Info version 7 software and analyzed using STATA15. Results Females and males were 68% and 32% respectively. Sixty percent of the participants were aged20-24 years. Multivariable analysis revealed the factors associated with viral load suppression: Ubudehe category 2, P= 0.016, AOR = 6.6, CI [1.4, 31.1]; ubudehe category 3, P= 0.004, AOR = 8.9, CI [2.01,39.8]; spending between 5 to 9 years on ART, P= 0.022, AOR = 0.16 [CI0.03, 0.89;) and often forget to take medication, P= 0.011, AOR = 0.35, CI [0.13, 0.97.] Conclusion Viral load suppression among adolescents and young adults was low. Improving socio-economic conditions of adolescents and young adults, as well as provision of continuous counselling to them during their whole treatment life can improve significantly their adherence.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Infecções por HIV , Carga Viral , Terapêutica
The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(3): 819-827, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1519000


Background: Nigeria has one of the highest rates of cervical cancer morbidity and mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Both the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) and cervical screening are effective prevention strategies against both HPV infection and cervical cancer. Lack of awareness, limited knowledge, limited decision-making agency, lack of spousal support and stigma are barriers to uptake of these preventive measures. Cervical cancer is a deadly disease claiming the lives of many women in developing countries due to late presentation which might be influenced by a lack of knowledge of the disease and its prevention. Method: This descriptive study examined the knowledge assessment of cervical cancer among women of reproductive age (15-49), about cervical cancer, its prevention, and their utilization of Pap smear screening; using a convenience sample of 426 women in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Women voluntarily completed a structured questionnaire. Result: Results showed that women who participated in the study were aware of cervical cancer (77%; n=328) but many (62.9%; n= 268) were unaware of Pap smears as the screening tests for cervical cancer. Although 41.3% (n=176) were knowledgeable about cervical cancer, risk factors and prevention, only 9.4% (n=40) had Pap smear tests done. Conclusion: Health care professionals, need to intensify efforts to increase awareness about cervical cancer screening, and encourage women through the different clinics to use these services. The benefits of screening and early diagnosis of cervical cancer should be emphasized to enhance the utilization of cervical cancer screening services.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Agentes Comunitários de Saúde
Occup. health South. Afr. (Online) ; 29(2): 75-82, 2023. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1527094


Introduction: Hairdressers are exposed to hazardous chemicals in haircare products, which can cause adverse respiratory, skin, and reproductive effects. The incidence of these effects can be reduced with good occupational health and safety (OHS) knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP). Objective: The objective of the study was to assess Johannesburg hairdressers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards occupational health and safety. Methods: Three hundred and eighty-three hairdressers were recruited into this crosssectional study. They were categorised into employees/wage earners (earning a salary or wage, n = 151), or business owners (self-employed, n = 232). Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. The data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Frequency tables were generated and chi-square tests were used to test differences between KAP amongst business owners and wage earners. Results: Most of the study participant were female (n = 237, 61.9%). A higher proportion of business owners than wage earners knew that hairdressing was hazardous to their health, in general (n = 44, 29.1% and n = 120, 51.7%, respectively), and with regard to specific health risks such as asthma, cancer, and skin diseases. However, more of the wage earners than the business owners had good attitudes towards the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, (n = 143, 94.7% and n = 210, 90.5%, respectively). Overall, wage earners practised better OHS than business owners, e.g. 67.5% (n = 102) and 55.2% (n = 128) reported that they wore gloves, respectively. Conclusion: Wage earners had poorer OHS knowledge than those who owned or operated hairdressing salons. Both had good attitudes towards OHS, but self-employed hairdressers had poorer OHS practices. Training, including workshops and seminars, is needed to improve KAP regarding OHS amongst all hairdressers, regardless of their employment status.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Dermatopatias , Substâncias Perigosas , Centros de Embelezamento e Estética , Cabelo , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde
Journal de Chirurgie et Spécialités du Mali ; 3(2): 49-55, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1530794


Introduction : Les pseudotumeurs inflammatoires coliques sont des lésions bénignes très rares, d'étiologie inconnue et dont le diagnostic différentiel est difficile avec les adénocarcinomes. Résultat : Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 20 ans, admise en urgence dans un contexte d'occlusion intestinale aiguë chez qui en per opératoire, nous avons retrouvé une tumeur ulcéro -nécrotique du côlon droit suspecte de malignité. Mais l'examen histologique de la pièce d'hémi colectomie a affirmé sa bénignité. Conclusion : Les pseudo-tumeurs inflammatoires bien que rares, ne sont pas exceptionnelles. Elles sont de diagnostic difficile car peuvent simuler des tumeurs malignes et l'examen histologique est indispensable pour affirmer le diagnostic

Introduction: Colonic inflammatory pseudotumors are rare benign lesions, they are of unknown etiology and the differential diagnosis is difficult with adenocarcinomas. Result: We report the case of a 20-year-old patient admitted urgently in an acute intestinal occlusion in which laparotomy has objectified an ulcerative-necrotic tumor of the right colon suspected of malignancy; it is the histological examination of the piece of hemicolectomy which affirmed its benignity. Conclusion: Inflammatory pseudo-tumors, although rare, are not exceptional; they are difficult to diagnose because they can simulate malignant tumors and histological examination is essential to assert the diagnosis

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Relatos de Casos
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1401821


Introduction Formal prehospital emergency medical services cover only a small percent of the population in most low- and middle-income countries. Increasing the involvement of laypersons in prehospital first aid can be an important part of the response to injuries and other medical emergencies. We sought to understand factors associated with the willingness of laypersons in Ghana to provide first aid to road traffic crash victims. Method This cross-sectional study purposively sampled four crash-prone areas in the Ashanti Region and 385 participants were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was used to ask about their demographic characteristics, first aid knowledge, and perceptions about first aid. Factors affecting willingness to provide first aid were assessed using multivariable logistic regression. Results Most participants were male (57.7%) and young (median age 28 years). A large majority (82.9%) were willing to provide first aid to crash victims. However, only 43.1% had been trained in first aid and only 40.4% had adequate knowledge of first aid (≥ 70% correct). Factors associated with willingness to provide first aid included first aid knowledge (aOR 17.27 for moderate knowledge vs. low knowledge, p=0.018; aOR 13.63 for adequate knowledge vs. low knowledge, p=0.030) and positive attitudes towards first aid, including the feeling that: every person should be trained in first aid (aOR 2.98, p=0.025), first aid increases survival (aOR 2.79, p=0.046), it is important to learn first aid (aOR 2.40, p=0.005), and bystanders have the responsibility to give first aid (aOR 4.34, p<0.001). Conclusion A high percentage of people in these crash-prone areas of Ashanti Region, Ghana were willing to provide first aid. However, under half had been trained in first aid or had adequate knowledge of first aid. A major implication of these findings is the need to increase the availability of quality training in first aid in these areas.

Humanos , Ferimentos e Lesões , Adulto , Assistência Pré-Hospitalar , Cuidados de Suporte Avançado de Vida no Trauma , Atendimento ao Trauma de Trânsito
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 16(1): 4949-4954, 2022. tales, figures
Artigo em Espanhol | AIM | ID: biblio-1410673


Contexte et objectifs. La perte de dents appelée édentement affecte la mastication, la parole, l'esthétique, le comportement social et la qualité de vie. L'objectif de la présente étude était d'évaluer la fréquence et les determinants de l'édentement partiel (EP) chez les adultes dans les institutions médico-dentaires de Kinshasa. Méthodes. C'était étude transversale analytique conduite entre octobre 2019 et juillet 2021 dans quelques institutions médico-dentaires de Kinshasa auprès des patients adultes congolais. Les variables d'intérêts étaient la fréquence et les causes de l'EP, les facteurs sociodémographiques et la présence du diabète et/ou de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA). Les déterminants de l'EP ont été recherchés par l'analyse de régression logistique multivariée. Résultats. Quatre cent vingt sept patients ont été inclus. Leur âge moyen était de 37,9 ±15,4 ans. La fréquence de l'EP était de 71%. Seul le statut diabète et/ou hypertension a été indépendamment associé à l'EP (ORa : 23,8 ; IC 95% : 3,2-174,8). Conclusion. La fréquence de l'EP était très élevée chez les adultes, influencée par la presence du diabète et/ou HTA.

Humanos , Boca Edêntula , Prótese Parcial , Antígenos Secundários de Estimulação de Linfócitos , Adulto
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1418259


ntroduction.La santé reproductive est caractérisée par une vie sexuelle satisfaisante, sûre et la capacité de se reproduire et de prendre des décisions. La vie de beaucoup de femmes estmarquée par les capacités d'action réduites quant aux décisions portant sur leur propre vie. L'objectif était d'évaluer l'autodétermination des femmes en matière de la santésexuelle et reproductive.Matérieletméthodes.Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive transversale effectuée dans 5 maternités de la ville de Lubumbashi au mois de juillet 2021 au près des 46 accouchées ayant accepté librement de participer à cette étude basée sur le questionnaire préétabli. Résultats.L'analyse des données montre que la moyenne d'âge était de 27,8 ± 3,6 ans avec les extrêmes entre 17 et 41 ans, dont 58,7% d'entre elles avaient le niveau de secondaire et paucipares dans 52,17%. La décision des rapports sexuels revenait au couple dans 58,70%. La décision d'avoir les enfantsrevenait au couple alors que celle de nommer les enfants revenait au mari dans 45,65% et 45,65%. Le nombre d'enfants était déterminé par le couple dans 45,65%. L'espacement des naissances était déterminé par la femme dans 45,65%. Le début de la CPN était décidé par la femme dans 86,6% et le choix du lieu des consultation prénatales(CPN) étaient décidés par la femme dans 89,13%. Le moment de se rendre à la maternité était décidé par la femme dans 73,91%. Le retour à domicile était décidé par le couple dans 39,13% et la décision des rapports sexuels après l'accouchement revenait à l'homme dans 52,17%.Conclusion.La femme congolaise n'a pas toujours une autodétermination maximale dans la santé reproductive. Ainsi des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessairespour laisser la liberté aux femmes de prendre des décisions qui conviennent mieux pour leur santé

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Saúde Reprodutiva , Saúde Sexual , Mulheres , Intervalo entre Nascimentos