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The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(3): 828-836, 2023. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1512112


Diarrhoeadisease is the second leading cause of death in children under 5 years old, and is responsible for killing about 300, 000 children annually in Nigeria. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is the preferred treatment for fluid and electrolyte losses due to diarrhoea in children with mild to moderate dehydration. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and use of ORT in the management of diarrhoea in children under 5 years at Seventh Day Adventist Hospital (SDAH, Ife).Method: A structured questionnaire was adopted for this study design and data was collected using a self-structured questionnaire both self-administered and interviewer administered.Results: Of 80 participants, 44 (55%) of the respondents had heard of ORT before this study, while 36 (45%) had not. 48 (60%) responded that they use oral rehydration solution while 32 (40%) of mothers said they had not used ORT. There was significant difference in both outcomes. The result revealed that there was significant difference in morbidity and mortality between mothers who use ORT and those who do not. But there was no significant difference between the knowledge of ORT compared with its use.Conclusion:Appropriate knowledge of the therapy will positively influence its use which will drastically prevent morbidity associated with diarrhoea as well as contain the incidence of mortality

Humanos , Desidratação , Mães , Comportamento , Criança , Conhecimento , Gerenciamento Clínico , Diarreia Infantil
Bull. méd. Owendo (En ligne) ; 18(48): 56-61, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1260162


Introduction : La déshydratation sub-clinique se définit par une perte de 1% à 3% du poids corporel en eau. Elle touche un à deux tiers des élèves en Europe. Peu de données sont disponibles dans notre contexte (climat tropical), justifiant le présent travail. Objectif : Evaluer l'état d'hydratation d'enfants scolarisés au cours de la saison sèche à Yaoundé.Patients et Méthodes : Nous avons mené une étude transversale en février 2017, sur une population d'enfants âgés de 7 à11 ans. L'état d'hydratation était évalué en début et fin de journée par bioimpédancemétrie et analyse d'urine. Par ailleurs les données sur les habitudes d'hydratation ont été recueillies grâce à un questionnaire.Résultats : Nous avons inclus 167 enfants dont 55,1% de filles. Les enfants déclaraient des 86,2% des cas boire de l'eau mais de manière spontanée dans 67,7% de cas. La consommation moyenne d'eau par les enfants au cours de 8 heures passées à l'école était de 527 ± 301 ml. A la bioimpédancemétrie, la masse hydrique était faible chez 52,3% d'élèves. La densité urinaire quant à elle était élevée chez 76% des élèves à l'arrivée à l'école et cette proportion atteignait 81,4% en fin de journée.Conclusion : La consommation d'eau semble faible dans notre population. Plus de la moitié de notre population d'étude est en déshydratation sub-clinique à l'arrivée à l'école. Cette proportion varie selon la méthode utilisée

Camarões , Criança , Desidratação , População
Sciences de la santé ; 3(2): 28-33, 2015.
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1271909


INTRODUCTION : La deshydratation aigue represente une urgence pediatrique courante; generalement secondaire a la diarrhee aigue. L'objectif de cette etude etait d'apprecier; au cours de la deshydratation aigue; la prevalence des dysnatremies; leur impact sur la morbi-mortalite et les implications therapeutiques dans la prise en charge.MATERIEL ET METHODES : Il s'agissait d'une etude retrospective menee sur deux ans (2009 a 2010); au Centre National Hospitalier d'Enfants Albert Royer; incluant tous les enfants de 2 mois a 5 ans; souffrant de deshydratation aigue et ayant eu un ionogramme sanguin. Sur 310 cas de deshydratation recenses; 205 dossiers repondaient aux criteres d'inclusion et ont constitue notre population d'etude. Nous avons recueilli les donnees epidemiologiques; cliniques; biologiques; therapeutiques et evolutives. Nous avons retenu la classification de la deshydratation en legere; moderee et severe qui figurait dans le dossier. L'hyponatremie etait definie par une natremie strictement inferieure a 135 mmol/l; l'hypernatremie par une natremie superieure a 150 mmol/l. L'analyse a ete faite sur Epi info 3.5. Un p 0.05 etait considere comme significatif. RESULTATS : L'incidence de la deshydratation etait de 3;78%. L'age moyen etait de 12.2 mois (2 a 48 mois) et le sex ratio de 1;52 en faveur des garcons. Il y avait deux pics d'hospitalisation; en janvier-fevrier et en septembre. Un trouble digestif (diarrhee ou vomissements) etait present chez 202 enfants (98;5%) et la denutrition chez 35 enfants (17;1%). La gastroenterite aigue (159 cas) representait 77;5% des causes. La deshydratation etait jugee legere dans 20 cas (9;7 %); moderee dans 91 cas (44;4%) et severe [JK1] dans 94 cas (45;8%). [JK2] L'hyponatremie etait presente chez 105 enfants (51;2%) et elle etait severe; inferieure a 125 mmol/l; chez 28 (13;7%). L'hypernatremie etait notee chez 15 enfants (7;3%). Quatre-vingt pour cent des hypernatremies et 51;5% des hyponatremies etaient associees a une deshydratation severe (P

Criança , Desidratação , Gastroenterite , Hipernatremia , Hiponatremia
S. Afr. med. j. (Online) ; 99(1): 57-59, 2009.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1271281


Objectives: Seriously ill patients often suffer from disorders of salt and water balance and present with clinical signs of either dehydration or oedema. The relationship of hypoalbuminaemia to oedema is complex and controversial and formed the central issue of this study. Design: Prospective study Setting: Medical wards of New Somerset Secondary Hospital; November 2004. Subjects: 50 patients admitted consecutively to the medical wards at New Somerset Hospital were evaluated. 26 males and 24 females participated. Outcome measures:. An attempt was made to correlate causes of salt and water imbalance with the clinical assessment of volume status; oedema formation; nutritional state and serum albumin levels. Results: Hypoalbuminaemia was not related to oedema in this study. From the 24 patients with serum albumin below 30 g/L; only 6 had oedema. These patients all had other abnormalities which could have resulted in the oedema: notably primary salt retention by failing kidneys; cor pulmonale and malignan- cy. None of the patients with serum albumin levels below 15 g/L had any signs of oedema. The combined insult of a chronic inflammatory disease and malnutrition had a marked effect on serum albumin levels. Conclusion: Significant hypoalbuminaemia was present in a substantial portion of the patients included in this study; yet oedema was detected infrequently and generally had an easily identifiable cause not related to low albumin levels. Most patients with hypoalbuminaemia presented with normal or positive water balance. This study supports the notion that hypoalbuminaemia is infrequently associated with oedema and plays a minor role in its formation

Desidratação , Hipoalbuminemia
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1269753


Acute diarrhoea is due to intestinal infection. The patient ingests the pathogen which has contaminated water; food; drink; toys or anything that can be placed in the mouth. An inadequate and unsafe water supply; and poor application and practice of hygiene leads to faecal contamination. The most important complication is dehydration; with a poor correlation between the clinical features and actual dehydration. The management of the dehydrated patient depends on a careful assessment of the state of the circulation and the need for resuscitation. In most instances; oral rehydration is appropriate and fully effective if the solution is offered in small quantities at a time. Normally nourished infants do not require modi fication of their feeds beyond adapting the quantity offered as tolerated; but if diarrhoea persists; there is a risk of intestinal mucosal damage with malabsorption and nutritional consequences

Desidratação , Diarreia , Gastroenterite
Dakar méd ; : 68-70, 1996.
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1260797


L'objectif de cette etude etait d'evaluer de maniere comparative; les resultats de la therapie de rehydratation par voie orale (TRO) avec la solution standard obtenue avec les sachets de l'OMS et une solution a base de pulpe de fruit de baobab (Adansonia digitata); pain de singe; chez les enfants presentant une diarrhee aigue. Un essai clinique de TRO a ete mene chez des enfants diarrheiques; ages de 6 mois a 57 mois et presentant une diarrhee ou une deshydratation moyenne ; 79 enfants ont recu la solution OMS et 82 la solution de pain de singe ; l'evolution de la diarrhee et le gain de poids ont ete evalues. La solution OMS a eu des resultats legerement superieurs a ceux de la solution a base de pain de singe; quant a l'amelioration de la diarrhee et au gain de poids aux 4eme et 48eme heures; mais cette difference etait statistiquement non significative. La solution a base de pain de singe presente en outre des avantages sur le plan nutritif; economique et socio-culturel ; les auteurs la recommandent; en vue d'une utilisation plus etendue de la TRO a domicile

Ensaio Clínico , Desidratação/terapia , Herbário , Medicina
Niger. j. paediatr ; 20(1): 1-5, 1993.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1267415


In a randomised clinical trial; the efficacy of pap-salt solution (PSS) was compared with the WHO oral rehydration salt (ORS) solution in 212 children; aged between six months and five years. All the children who received PSS were successfully treated and there was no difference (p0.05) in the pre- and post-treatment values of the serum electrolytes in the two groups of children. Pap-salt solution was acceptable to the patients; readily available and much cheaper than the ORS solution. PSS is; therefore; recommended for the rehydration of children with mild and some degree of dehydration in situations where ORS solution is not available

Desidratação , Diarreia , Hidratação