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J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 8(2): 191-201, 2017. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1263260


Malaria in pregnancy is a serious public health problem in tropical areas. Frequently, the placenta is infected by accumulation of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes in the intervillous space. Falciparum malaria acts during pregnancy by a range of mechanisms, and chronic or repeated infection and co-infections have insidious effects. The susceptibility of pregnant women to malaria is due to both immunological and humoral changes. Until a malaria vaccine becomes available, the deleterious effects of malaria in pregnancy can be avoided by protection against infection and prompt treatment with safe, effective antimalarial agents; however, concurrent infections such as with HIV and helminths during pregnancy are jeopardizing malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa

Coinfecção , Infecções por HIV , Helmintos , Malária Falciparum , Placenta , Gravidez
Afr. j. Pathol. microbiol ; 4: 1-4, 2015. tab
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1256766


Résumé Introduction. Le placenta est un organe nourricier assurant un lien vital entre le foetus et la mère. Les lésions placentaires ont des répercussions sur le développement foetal et peuvent expliquer l'hypotrophie.Objectif. Décrire les lésions anatomopathologiques des placentas des nouveaux nés hypotrophes observés en milieu hospitalier. Matériels et Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective, transversale et analytique couvrant une période de seizemois, du 1er juin 2010 au 31 octobre 2011. Le recrutement des placentas était consécutif. L'examen anatomopathologique a été effectué après examen systématique des placentas. Résultats. Un échantillon de 140 placentas parmi lesquels 70 placentas issus des nouveaux nés hypotrophes ont été appariés à 70 placentas des sujets normaux. Les placentas provenaient des femmes dont l'âge variait de 15 ans à 44 ans avec une moyenne de 27,16±5,91 ans. Les anomalies macroscopiques relevées dans les placentas des nouveaux nés hypotrophes comportaient 37,50% d'insertion marginale et vélamenteuse du cordon ainsi que 42,50% de brachy-cordon. Les différences concernant l'insertion du cordon étaient statistiquement significatives (P <,05). Les lésions histologiques étaient caractérisées par des villites, des intervillites, suivies des chorioamniotites, d'un excès de dépôts de fibrine, des amas trophoblastiques exubérants périvillositaires, de collapsus de la chambre intervilleuse, de nécrose ischémique, de diminution de la taille des villosités et de la congestion des vaisseaux, soit au total 37,10% des lésions. Par contre, seulement 20,10% de lésions microscopiques était retrouvée dans les placentas des nouveaux nés du groupe témoin, la différence dans les deux groupes étant statistiquement significative (P =, 039). Conclusion. Les placentas des nouveaux nés hypotrophes montrent plus fréquemment une diversité de lésions macroscopiques et histologiques avec une nette prédominance des villites et intervillites, comparés aux placentas des nouveaux nés normaux

Retardo do Crescimento Fetal , Recém-Nascido , Placenta , Hormônios Placentários
Sudan j. med. sci ; 6(1): 33-38, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1272395


Background: Retained placenta is associated with morbidity and mortality when left untreated. This study was done to determine the occurrence of retained placenta in our setting as well as to ascertain the possible risk factors; morbidities and mortality. Method of study: This was a retrospective review of all cases of retained placenta over a three year period (March 2005 to March 2007). There were 3542 deliveries; and of which 64 cases were of retained placenta. Results: The incidence of retained placenta was 1.8of all deliveries with a higher incidence in unbooked patients and a case fatality of 3.12.The commonest complication was postpartum haemorrhage in 51(79.68) of cases with blood transfusion rate of 47. onclusion: Complications associated with retained placenta could be reduced by adequate utilisation of health care facilities manned by skilled attendants; availability of blood transfusion services as well as effective and safe anaesthesia

Transfusão de Sangue , Placenta , Hemorragia Pós-Parto , Fatores de Risco
Tese em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1277262


Notre travail est une etude de type retrospectif cas-temoins menee sur une periode allant du 1er janvier 1995 au 31 decembre 2000 a la maternite du CHU de TREICHVILLE.Il avait pour objectifs d'etudier les aspects epidemiologiques de I'H.R.P et d'en apprecier le retentissement materno-foetal.Au terme de notre etude; nous pouvons retenir les resultats suivants AU PLAN EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE:La frequence de I'H.R.P est de 1.61pour recherche des facteurs de risque a retrouve:-L'age compris entre 30 et 34 ans (39.38pour cent)-Le bas niveau socio-economique (78.46pour cent)-La multigestite (36.92pour cent) et la grande multigestite (32.62pour cent)-La multiparite (29.85pour cent)-L'insuffisance des C.P.N (86.61pour cent)-Les parturientes adressees avec complications materno-foetales (96pour cent) 'Le faible poids de naissance (38.97pour cent)-L'H.T.A (32.62pour cent)Le pronostic maternel est sombre avec un taux de deces estime a7.39pour morbidite maternelle est elevee (67.08pour cent).Le pronostic foetal est mauvais avec une mortalite foetale de 77.34pour cent et une morbidite neonatale de 7.38pour cent

Feto , Hematoma , Placenta
Afr. health sci. (Online) ; 1(1): 36-41, 2002.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1256398


The retained placenta is a significant cause of maternal mortality and morbidity throughout the developing world. It complicates 2of all deliveries and has a case mortality rate of nearly 10in rural areas. Ultrasound studies have provided fresh insights into the mechanism of the third stage of labour and the aetiology of the retained placenta. Following delivery of the baby; the retro-placental myometrium is initially relaxed. It is only when it contracts that the placenta shears away from the placental bed and is detached. This leads to its spontaneous expulsion. Retained placenta occurs when the retro-placental myometrium fails to contract. There is evidence that this may also occur during labour leading to dysfunctional labour. It is likely that this is caused by the persistence of one of the placental inhibitory factors that are normally reduced prior to the onset of labour; possibly progesterone or nitric oxide. Presently; the only effective treatment is manual removal of placenta (MROP) under anaesthetic. This needs to be carried out within a few hours of delivery to avoid haemorrhage. For women in rural Africa; facilities for MROP are scarce; leading to high mortality rates. Injection of oxytocin into the umbilical vein has been suggested as an alternative. This method relies on the injected oxytocin passing through the placenta to contract the retro-placental myometrium and cause its detachment. Despite several placebo controlled trials of this technique; no firm conclusion have been reached regarding its efficacy. This may be due to inadequate delivery of the oxytocin to the placenta. Further trials are in progress to assess the optimal dose of oxytocin as well as efficacy of a new technique designed to improve delivery of the oxytocin to the placental bed

Morbidade/mortalidade , Placenta
Tese em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1276913


Notre travail est une etude prospective portant sur l'apport de L'echographie dans le diagnostic des anomalies de structure et des insertions basses du placenta. Il a porte sur 503 patientes porteuses de grossesses d'age gestationnel superieur a 12 semaines d'amenorrhee recensees au service de radiologie du CHU de TREICHVILLE. Au terme de ce travail; nous pouvons retenir tes points suivants : -1. la frequence de l'insertion basse a tenue est de 7 pour cent; le profil de la gestante noire africaine presentant un placenta bas insere est : age moyen 29;9 ans; gestite 4;5; parite 2;9 avec dans 45;7 pour cent des antecedents d'avortements et dans 17;1 pour cent; un uterus cicatriciel et porteuses dans 11;4 pour cent des cas d'une grossesse gemellaire; -la majorite des PBIE (68;6 pour cent) sont asymptomatiques; - Le taux de migration placentaire est de 57;3 pour cent; - Les types plus frequemment retrouves sont les types I (45;7 pour cent) et II (31;4 pour cent). 2. La frequence des anomalies de la biometrie et de la structure placentaire est de 5;4pour cent et tes anomalies que nous avons retrouvees sont : - I'epaisseur excessive du placenta (2;4pour cent); - la senescence precoce du placenta (1;8 pour cent); - l'hematome retro placentaire (1 pour cent); - l'amincissement du placenta (0;6 pour cent) . Les pathologies maternelles associees a ces anomalies de structure sont l'hypertension arterielle et le diabete. Les incidences sur le foetus sont : la mort; le RCIU; l'hydramnios; les malformations. 3- Il n'a pas de lien entre l'insertion basse du placenta et l'existence d'anomalie de structure

Placenta , Gravidez
Ethiop. j. health sci ; 8(1): 39-45, 1998.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1261931


Effect of khat chewing during pregnancy on delivery outcome was studied in 100 pregnant women who chewed khat during their pregnancies in comparison to 100 consecutive pregnant women who never chewed khat as controls. All women who delivered at Jimma Hospital; Ethiopia; between May; 1996 to February 15; 1997 were included in the study. Data including birth weight; length; head circumference; placental weight and Apgar score were collected immediately after delivery. Interestingly; a decrease was found regarding all the parameters in the neonates born to khat chewer mothers when compared to those born to non-chewer mothers. It was also found that the resulting effect of khat chewing during pregnancy on the delivered offspring was increased with the increase in both duration and frequency of khat chewing. These results indicated that khat use in pregnancy may be one of the factors that lead to intrauterine growth retardation. Further studies should look into the effect of khat chewing by pregnant mothers on foetal growth

Placenta , Extratos Vegetais