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Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics ; 49(3): 240-244, 2022-10-26. Tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1399404


Separation of a parent from the family as a result of incarceration has both short-term and term effects on the family, even after release from prison. This study is a report of factors and challenges of the family left to adapt to the changed circumstances of separation from parent(s) who are incarcerated. Methods: This was a cross sectional study carried out on 89 cares-givers of children whose parents are incarcerated at the Agodi prison, Ibadan who gave informed and written consent to interview their families. Results: Most caregivers had little or no formal education (69.7%) and 67.4% are into petty trading or subsistence farming. A majority of the caregivers reported the need of schooling (85.4%), provision of food (84.3%) and medical care (71.9%) as major challenges, only 25% received any form of support to meet these needs. Twenty-nine (32.6%) respondents reported receiving financial support to provide for the child's feeding. Some caregivers 21 (23.6%), obtained loans to cope with the financial needs of the children while only 3 (3.4%) received support from family or other non-

Pais , Prisões , Cuidadores , Separação da Família , Criança
Health sci. dis ; 19(1): 46-50, 2018. tab
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1262784


But : Déterminer la prévalence des troubles psychiatriques chez les femmes incarcérées à la prison civile de Lomé. Méthodologie : Il s'agit d'une étude transversale, à visée descriptive réalisée à la prison civile de Lomé du 15 au 20 décembre 2016. Résultats : Au cours de la période d'étude, 67 femmes (3,87% de la population carcérale) étaient détenues à la prison civile de Lomé. Ces femmes détenues provenaient du Togo, du Ghana et du Nigéria respectivement dans 44,3% ; 18,0% ; 13,1% des cas. Ces femmes avaient le niveau collège, primaire respectivement dans 29,5% ; 23,0% des cas ; et 21,3% n'ont jamais été scolarisées. Les revendeuses ont représenté 49,2% de l'échantillon. Elles étaient célibataires dans 31,15% des cas, mariées ou concubines dans 31,15% des cas, veuves dans 29,50% des cas et divorcées dans 8,20% des cas. 86,9% de ces femmes étaient des mères et avaient en moyenne chacune 3 enfants. La durée moyenne de l'incarcération a été de 22,8 mois. Le trafic de drogue a été le principal motif d'incarcération (50,8%) suivi de l'homicide et du vol (14,8% chacun). 4,9% des femmes détenues étaient alcoolo-dépendantes, 3,3% étaient dépendantes au cannabis et 3,3% étaient tabagiques. L'insomnie, l'irritabilité et la tristesse ont été les principaux symptômes soit respectivement 42,6%, 31,1% et 21,3%. 31,1% de ces femmes ont présenté un épisode dépressif et 14,8% un trouble anxieux. Conclusion. Les femmes sont peu représentées dans la population carcérale à Lomé. Il s'agit en règle d'adultes de faible niveau d'instruction. Le trafic de drogue, l'homicide et le vol sont les principaux motifs d'incarcération. Près de la moitié de ces femmes ont un trouble psychiatrique dépressif ou anxieux

Transtornos Mentais , Saúde Mental , Prisões , Estresse Psicológico , Togo , Mulheres
Pan Afr. med. j ; 12(49): 3-5, 2012.
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1268421


Introduction: L'activite sexuelle chez les jeunes les expose a un accroissement du risque de contracter des grossesses non desirees. Le recours a l'avortement clandestin avec son corollaire de complications peut entrainer le deces de la jeune femme. Avortement et infanticide sont interdits et sanctionnes par la loi senegalaise. Comment ces jeunes femmes vivent-elles leur detention ? Existe-il des alternatives a la detention pour eviter leur desocialisation ? Methodes: Cette etude retrospective portait sur la maison d'arret des femmes de Dakar situee a Liberte 6; un quartier deDakar. Nous avons procede a des entretiens avec des femmes detenues a la maison d'arret des femmes de Dakar et suspectees d'infanticide ou d'avortement clandestin. Resultats: Les femmes de notre echantillon ont une moyenne d'age inferieure a 25 ans avec parmi elles une fille mineure de 16 ans. Nous avons trouve 18;51 de femmes suspectees d'infanticide ou d'avortement. Dans notre etude 50 des femmes sont originaires de la peripherie et de la banlieue de Dakar et presque 44 proviennent des autres regions du pays. La duree moyenne de detention provisoire est de neuf mois. Conclusion: Malgre leur qualification distincte dans le code penal : l'infanticide est un crime et l'avortement un delit; les femmes suspectees d'avoir commis ces actes sont soumises a de longues detentions preventives

Aborto Criminoso/legislação & jurisprudência , Adolescente , Infanticídio , Prisões , Comportamento Sexual , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1268275


Aim:To determine the prevalence of eye disorders among the inmates of a Nigerian prison with a view to providing eye health care for the prisoners. Methods: A cross sectional survey of the ocular health status of the prisoners in a Nigerian prison was carried out using a pretested protocol designed for the study. Data was obtained on bio-data as well as anterior and posterior segment examinations. These were analyzed using EPI-INFO version 6.0. Results: Two hundred and sixty-nine (26.8) out of the 1005 prisoners examined had eye disorders. The commonest ocular problems noted were presbyopia (21.5); pterygium (19.3) refractive error (15.6) and allergic conjunctivitis (12.5). One inmate (0.1) was blind; 12 (1.2) had monocular blindness while 5(0.5) had low vision. Cataract was the commonest cause of monocular blindness and also the only cause of bilateral blindness. Conclusion: The prevalent eye diseases in the prison community are similar to the findings in the general population. There is a need to train the staff of the medical clinics in Nigerian prisons as integrated eye health workers to enable them meet the basic eye health needs of the prisoners

Oftalmopatias , Prevalência , Prisões , Erros de Refração
West Afr. j. med ; 25(3): 240-242, 2006.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1273438


The topic of foreign body ingestion has received extensive coverage in the areas of surgery; emergency medicine and pediatrics. A subset of this topic; the intentional ingestion of foreign bodies; however; is much less common; and involves subtleties in evaluation and management not usually seen in accidental ingestions. Here; we report a case of ingestion of a rolled; metal tuna can lid in a male prison inmate previously diagnosed with depression and paranoid schizophrenia. Following evaluation by the surgical team; the foreign body was removed by laparotomy and the patient was discharged back to the prison without complication. In many cases; ingestions of this type involve a command hallucination ordering the patient to swallow the foreign body. Interestingly; the patient in the present case reported auditory hallucinations commanding him not to swallow the can lid

Depressão , Ingestão de Alimentos/cirurgia , Prisões , Esquizofrenia
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1256447


Background: Correct and consistent use of condoms has been reported as effective in the prevention of transmission of HIV.There have been many studies reporting on attitudes (perceptions) of communities on condoms and other aspects of HIV and AIDS and yet there is paucity of data on the perception towards condoms and abstinence by law makers. Objective:To determine perceptions of Members of Parliament in Malawi towards condoms. Methods: A qualitative study utilising parliamentary Hansards to describe the discussions about condoms and abstinence in the National Assembly 1999-2004. Content and discourse analyses were used. Results: In general; Members of Parliament had negative attitudes towards extra- and/or pre-marital sexual intercourse; condom promotion and use. Sexual abstinence amongst non-married persons was preferred as opposed to condom use. Condom use was not perceived as an effective way of controlling the spread of HIV. Some MPs though called for a change in mind-set so as to allow use of condoms in prisons; in order to prevent transmission of infection from prisoners to the general community once the prisoners were released. Conclusion:This study confirms that health interventions such as condoms are not perceived neutrally and may be construed as the enemy of society

HIV , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Preservativos , Prisões , Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis
Monografia em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1276030


Ce document est le rapport d'une rencontre internationale sur le VIH/SIDA et les prisons en Afrique qui s'est tenue a Dakar. Cette conference a permis de se pencher sur le sort des personnes infectes par le VIH; les modes de transmission du virus; les pratiques penitentiaires pour y faire face; ainsi que les modes de prise en charge des malades

HIV , Ética , Prisões , Religião