The displaced thalamic calcaneal fractures involve the functional prognosis of the ankle and foot. The purpose of our study is to defend the surgical treatment of these fractures. We report a continuous and retrospective serie of 42 displaced and isolated fractures treated by open reduction bone graft and osteosynthesis by little plate In a more 3 years review based on SOFCOT criteria functional results are considered excellent and good for 69 per cent of the cases We had restored and maintained the Boehler Angle for 90%of fractures with a no significatively mean loss of 4.33°, Astragalo thalamic congruency is good for 85%of cases. Late complications were dominated by arthrosis of the ankle [12%]. For the indications, we believe that all displaced thalamic fractures of the calcaneum must be operated whatever the radiologic stage. The only contra-indications that must be discussed are the old age, the skin status and arterial pathology