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Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(12): 1239-1245, Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439419


Abstract Background In the Philippines, the exact prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) has not yet been determined. Although cases can be extrapolated from medical registries, this method may undermine actual case rates. A reliable screening tool for PD is essential for a timely diagnosis and community-based epidemiological studies. The most widely used screening questionnaire for PD diagnosis was developed by Tanner et al., which consists of nine questions about the motor symptoms of PD. Although this questionnaire has been translated to several languages, the translated version must be validated for use in our local setting. Objective To determine the validity of the Cebuano version of a PD screening questionnaire. Method The questionnaire was translated from English to Cebuano by a hired language specialist. Each item was supplied with ayes, no, ordon't know answer. A total of 73 patients with PD and 244 control subjects completed the study. Results The overall Cronbach alpha for internal consistency of the questionnaire was 0.9410. The item ontremor had the highest sensitivity (97.26%), while the item onproblems with buttoning had the highest specificity (100.00%). A cut-off score ≥ 3 obtained the best Youden index (99.18%), with a sensitivity of 100.00% and a specificity of 99.18%. The questionnaire had an almost perfect predictive ability to diagnose PD (AUC of 0.9994). Conclusion The translated version of the Tanner questionnaire is a validated instrument to identify PD in a literate Cebuano population.

Resumo Antedecentes Nas Filipinas, a prevalência exata da doença de Parkinson (DP) ainda não foi determinada. Embora os casos possam ser extrapolados dos registros médicos, esse método pode prejudicar as taxas reais de casos. Uma ferramenta de triagem confiável para DP é essencial para um diagnóstico oportuno e estudos epidemiológicos baseados na comunidade. O questionário de triagem mais utilizado para o diagnóstico da DP foi desenvolvido por Tanner et al., que consiste em nove questões sobre os sintomas motores da DP. Embora este questionário tenha sido traduzido para vários idiomas, a versão traduzida deve ser validada para uso em nosso meio. Objetivo Determinar a validade da versão Cebuano de um questionário de triagem de DP. Métodos O questionário foi traduzido do inglês para o cebuano por um especialista em idiomas contratado. Cada item foi fornecido com uma resposta "sim", "não" ou "não sei". Um total de 73 pacientes com DP e 244 controles completaram o estudo. Resultados Em geral o alfa de Cronbach para consistência interna do questionário foi de 0,9410. O item "tremor" teve a maior sensibilidade (97,26%), enquanto o item "problemas com abotoamento" teve a maior especificidade (100,00%). Um escore de corte > 3 obteve o melhor índice de Youden (99,18%), com sensibilidade de 100,00% e especificidade de 99,18%. O questionário teve uma capacidade preditiva quase perfeita para diagnosticar DP (AUC de 0,9994). Conclusão A versão traduzida do questionário de Tanner é um instrumento validado para identificar a DP em uma população cebuana alfabetizada.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 310-318, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732121


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>BACKGROUND:</strong> Non-adherence to treatment in epilepsy is considered as a worldwide problem ranging from 30-50% of patients. Despite its striking magnitude, only a few studies tried to explain the factors affecting it. Moreover, a standard method to measure adherence to treatment among patients is still lacking. An in-depth analysis on adherence to treatment of patients with epilepsy, taking into factor their values, beliefs, and culture, is deemed necessary.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OBJECTIVES:</strong> The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the contributory factors and issues on treatment adherence faced by Filipino patients with epilepsy and their caregivers. This study also aimed to serve as a catalyst to further stimulate local researches on treatment adherence in epilepsy.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>METHODS:?</strong>Four focus group discussions were conducted with patients and caregivers who voluntarily agreed to participate and share their experiences on dealing with epilepsy. A total of 39 participants were included. The focus group discussions, facilitated by skilled moderators, were composed of an ice breaker and a discussion on the experiences and issues faced by the participants. The discussions were transcribed and analyzed using thematic coding.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>RESULTS:</strong> Three main content categories were identified from the focus group discussions, namely, 1) accepting a life with epilepsy, 2) dealing with the disease, and 3) ensuring freedom from seizure attacks, which were further sub-categorized. From these, a number of factors affecting treatment adherence were identified and a conceptual framework was developed by the investigators.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> This study was able to demonstrate that conducting a focus group discussion was an effective means of eliciting the experiences and issues in patients and their caregivers. Several factors affecting treatment adherence such as patient-doctor relationship, financial resources, government support, adverse medication effects, religious belief, trigger avoidance, frequent reminders, and safety precautions were elucidated in this study.</p>

Epilepsy , Treatment Adherence and Compliance