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Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 13(2): 1-18, 2011.
Article in German | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-647506


Keiji Nishitani ist einer der bedeutendesten Philosophen der Kyoto-Schule, der sich mit dem Nihilismus am ernstesten auseinadergesetzt hat. Hier geht es darum, durch die Betrachtung der Heidegger-Auslegung Nishitanis in seinem Werk "Nihilismus" den Unterschied des Verständnisses des Nihilismus zwischen der beiden herauszustellen und dann die Entwicklung des Gedankens des Nihilismus bei der beiden zu überprüfen. Der Gedanke der Leere, den Nishitani in seinem Hauptwerk "Was ist Religion?" entfaltet, ist das, was in der mahajana-buddhistischen Tradition ruht, dessen philosophische Möglichkeit zugleich aber noch nicht genug ausgeschöpft worden ist. Dieser Gedanke ist in diesem Buch durch die Auseinandersetzung mit der abendländischen Philosophie als derjenige für die Überwindung des Nihilismus darzustellen.

Keiji Nishitani é um dos mais importantes filósofos da Escola de Kyoto que se dedicou, com mais intensidade, ao tema Niilismo. Em minha apresentação tratarei do desenvolvimento do conceito de "niilismo" nos dois autores a partir da própria interpretação que Nishitani faz de Heidegger, em sua obra intitulada "O Niilismo". O conceito de vazio que Nishitani desenvolve em sua obra principal "O que é religião" é o que mais se aproxima deste mesmo conceito na tradição do budismo mahayana e ainda não esgotou as possibilidades filosóficas de abordagens. Estas reflexões no livro de Nishitani e um debate com a tradição filosófica ocidental se propõe a ser a superação do próprio niilismo.

Keiji Nishitani is one of the most important philosophers of the Kyoto School who devoted himself deeply to the subject of Nihilism. In my presentation, I discuss the development of the concept of "nihilism" by those two authors taking as a base Nishitani's interpretation of Heidegger in his book entitled "Nihilism". The concept of emptiness developed by Nishitani in his major work "What is religion" is the one that gets closest to that same concept developed by Mahayana Buddhism and that has not yet exhausted the possibilities of philosophical approaches. The thoughts expressed by Nishitani in his book and the debate with the Western philosophical tradition aim to overcome Nihilism as such.