A field experiment ‘‘Response of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) to potassium and sulphur’’ was conducted at S D Agricultural University, Gujarat during rabi season 2021-22 on loamy sand soil. The experiment comprised of 9 treatment combinations. Application of 40 kg K2O/ha significantly influenced the growth viz., plant height at 60, 90 DAS and at harvest, number of primary, secondary, tertiary branches per plant and yield attributes viz., number of umbels per plant, seed yield per plant, 1000 seed weight as well as seed and straw yields. The maximum seed and straw yields were recorded under the application of 30 kg S/ha similar response trend was also observed in growth and yield attributes.
We report a case of a 21 year old girl who presented with sudden onset of abdominal, back and bilateral leg pain, paralysis with unexpected collapse at home. Physical examination was suggestive of acute aortic occlusion. CTangiogram revealed multi-system thrombo-embolic shower. She proceeded to urgent aortic thrombectomy and fasciotomy of the bilateral lower limb. Further investigation revealed atrial myxoma and we report the patient's postoperative progress and eventual transfer to rehabilitation facility.