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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390094


Paciente de sexo femenino, de 35 años de edad, conocida etilista de 150 g/día de alcohol de larga data, acude por cuadro de 3 días aproximadamente de dolor abdominal difuso al que se agrega anorexia, náuseas y hematemesis en varias oportunidades. Refiere además crecimiento abdominal progresivo de 1 mes de evolución. Ingresa al servicio séptica, se inicia tratamiento antibiótico con ceftriaxona 2 g/día cubriendo foco abdominal (PBE) previa toma de hemocultivo y cultivo de líquido ascítico. A pesar de soporte hemodinámico (inotrópicos) suministrado a la paciente fallece en su segundo día de internación. En los hemocultivos realizados se observaron colonias de bacilos Gram positivos, beta hemolíticas en agar sangre y determinó la presencia de L. monocytogenes. siendo sensible a la penicilina con una CIM de 1 ug/ml.

This was a female patient of 35 years old, long-term known alcoholic consuming 150 g/day of alcohol. She attends the service because of a clinical profile of approximately three days of evolution with diffuse abdominal pain plus anorexia, nauseas and hematemesis in many occasions. She also refers progressive abdominal enlargement of one month of evolution. She is admitted to the service with sepsis. Antibiotics treatment with ceftriaxone 2 g/day is started, covering abdominal focus (SBP) and previous hemoculture collection and ascitic fluid culture. Although hemodynamic support (inotropes) is provided, the patient dies on the second day of hospitalization. In the hemocultures, colonies of Gram positive bacilli were observed, beta hemolytic bacteria in blood agar and presence of L. monocytogenes was determined, being sensitive to penicillin with a MIC of 1 ug/ml.