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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209602


occurrences ofCandidasp. isolated were C. albicans which was thepredominant species 10(21.5%),C. tropicals 5(5.4%),C. krusei 4(4.3%) andC. Parapsilosis3(3.2%) respectively.Conclusion:Candida albicansremains the most predominant species of Candidain patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis and colonizationby Candidaspshould not be ignored.The presence of Candida sp.might contribute to in one way totheprogression of the disease under supplementary nutrition. Immunization and health check-ups were not available for pregnant and lactating women, however, 53.3% received iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets and 4.17% were provided with referral services. 71.53% of adolescent girls received IFA tablets. Health check-ups and basic skills programmes were not conducted foradolescent girls, however, 5.56% were provided with referral services.Conclusion:The performance of ICDS in Kashmir in terms of coverage is very low and almost all the services except supplementary nutrition are not delivered properly. There are many reasons for the underperformance of the scheme including socio-economic and other aspects of the grassroot workers including anganwadi workers (AWWs) and anganwadi helpers (AWHs), inadequacy of equipment for proper implementation, undesirable condition of AWCs, lack of professionalism in implementing staff, lack of co-ordination between AWCs and other associated personals like Lady Health Visitor (LHV)/Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM). In Kashmir the political environment makes the implementation of ICDS scheme even more complicated and difficult. A realignment is the need of hour and the state government must identify the specific problems faced by the scheme and convey them to all the stake holders so that a better and modified version of the scheme is implemented.