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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203556


Background: Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS) places a relativelylarge socioeconomic burden on developed nations, yet remainsa difficult disease to treat. Vitamin D3 (VD3) deficiency isreported to be associated with increased incidence of allergicairway diseases. The ability of VD3 to augment innate andadaptive immune responses has sparked interest in itsimmunologic role in allergy. The objective of the present studyis to evaluate the relationship between serum vitamin D leveland Chronic Rhinosinusitis (CRS).Materials & Methods: A total of 25 patients with ChronicRhinosinusitis were enrolled and were labelled as study group.Also, 25 healthy subjects without history of sinusitis and noendoscopic evidence of inflammatory sinus disease wereenrolled as control group. Complete demographic details of allthe patients were obtained. Blood samples were obtained fromall the patients and were sent to laboratory for assessment ofVitamin D levels. In the laboratory, ELISA technique was usedfor assessment of serum Vitamin D levels. All the results wererecorded in Microsoft excel sheet and were analysed by SPSSsoftware.Results: Mean Vitamin D levels of the study group patientswas found to be 31.8 nmol/L and that of control group werefound to be 43.2 nmol/L respectively. Vitamin D levels weresignificantly lower in study group as compared to control group.Conclusion: Vitamin D levels are significantly altered inChronic Rhinosinusitis patients. However; their role inpathogenesis of the disease need further exploration.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203545


Background: The naming of cavernous sinus was in the year1732 due to its resemblance to the corpus cavernosum. Thepresent study was conducted with the aim to determine theetiologies of cavernous sinus thrombosis.Materials and Methods: The present retrospective crosssectional study was performed in the Department of Medicine,SP Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan (India) andDepartment of Eye, Government District Hospital, Bikaner,Rajasthan (India). The type of management received was alsotaken into consideration. Patients with incomplete records werenot enrolled in the study. Subjects belonging to ASA grade 4,patients with significant co morbidities were excluded from thestudy. All the data thus obtained was arranged in a tabulatedform and analysed using SPSS software. Data was expressedin percentage.Results: The mean age of the subjects was 41.73+/- 3.56years. The most common cause was tumour followed bytrauma. Least number of cases was of diabetes (3.3%). Therewere 13.3% cases of inflammation. Surgery was attributed in10.7% cases. There were 6 and 6.7% cases of infection andaneurysm respectively.Conclusion: The most frequent cause of cavernous sinusthrombosis in our study was trauma.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203382


Background: Tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies continue topresent challenges to otolaryngologists. The major issuesinvolve the accurate diagnosis and speedy, safe retrieval of theforeign body. Accidental foreign-body aspiration in therespiratory tract can lead to considerable morbidity andmortality in both adults and children. Hence; under the light ofabove mentioned data, the present study was undertaken forassessing the prevalence of Tracheo- bronchial foreign bodycases.Materials & Methods: Data of a total of 250 patients wasanalysed during the study period. The overall prevalence oftracheobronchial foreign body cases was assessed. Completedemographic details of all the cases were obtained from thedata record files. Patient data, clinical history, radiographic andbronchoscopic findings were also obtained from their recordfiles for defining the epidemiology of the patients. Record ofPreoperative Chest X-ray was also obtained. All the resultswere recorded in Microsoft excel sheet and were analysed bySPSS software.Results: The prevalence of tracheobronchial foreign bodycases was 11.2 percent (28 cases). Needles were found in39.29 percent of the cases, while peanuts were found in28.57 percent of the cases. Plastic objects were found in 21.43percent of the cases. Right bronchial tree was involved in 39.3percent of the cases, while foreign body was found in leftbronchial tree in 28.57 percent of the cases. Tranche wasfound in 21.43 percent of the cases.Conclusion: Because of associated high mortality with foreignbody aspiration, it is required to rapidly recognize from thepatient's history and start the prompt by bronchoscopy andextraction of the aspirated foreign body.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203166


Background: A facial expression is due to the contraction andcoordination of the facial musculatures, and this is mainlysupplied by the facial nerve. When its function is disturbed,significant alterations may be observed, with impairment offacial expression. The prevalence of the five major causes inthe USA are as follows: Bell’s palsy (25 cases per 100000yearly), infection (7.7 cases per 100000 yearly), neoplasticaetiologies (6.8 cases per 100000 yearly), neurologic causeslike cerebrovascular accidents (6.8 cases per 100000 yearly)and traumatic reasons (4.1 cases per 100000 yearly). Thepresent study was conducted to determine the prevalence andetiology of bell’s palsy.Materials and Methods: The complete demographic detailslike age, gender and socioeconomic status was noted amongstall the subjects. The type of treatment received, the risk factorsassociated were also recorded in a tabulated form. All the datathus obtained was arranged in a tabulated form and analysedusing SPSS software. Data was expressed in percentage.Results: There were 33.3% males (n=200) and 66.7% females(n=400). The recovery rate after treatment was 100% amongstall the patients.Conclusion: Females were more commonly affected ascompared to males and a 100% recovery rate was observed inour study. The most common age group affected was 21-40years.