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Acta amaz ; 51(2): 91-101, jun. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353303


Myrciaria dubia (Myrtaceae) é um arbusto que produz frutos com altas concentrações de ácido ascórbico (1380 a 1490 mg 100 g-1 na polpa e 2050 mg 100 g-1 na casca), 20 vezes mais que a acerola e 100 vezes mais que o limão. Nativo da região amazônica, ocorre naturalmente em ambientes sazonalmente inundados, nas margens de lagos e rios, mas também é cultivado comercialmente em terra firme. Neste estudo, observações fenológicas e avaliação da produtividade de frutos foram realizadas em uma população natural de camu-camu em ambiente inundável e em uma plantação em terra firme, na Amazônia central. Visitas quinzenais foram feitas durante um ano para coleta de dados sobre floração, frutificação e fenologia foliar. No auge da floração, os botões florais foram marcados e acompanhados até a maturação dos frutos, que foram colhidos para biometria e contagem das sementes. Os frutos variaram de 1,01 a 2,73 cm em diâmetro e 1,14 a 10,87 g em peso, com maior produção de frutos em ambiente natural. A fenologia diferiu entre os habitats e a sincronia das fenofases foi maior na população natural. Apesar de ser nativo de florestas inundáveis, a produção de frutos em terra firme ocorreu ao longo do ano, sugerindo que há poucas restrições para o desenvolvimento de frutos em cultivo.(AU)

Myrtaceae , Flowers , Rainforest , Fruit
Acta amaz ; 49(4): 330-333, out. - dez. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118967


Titi monkeys (family Pitheciidae) are Neotropical primates highly diversified in morphology, ecology and genetics, with a wide geographic distribution, including the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Pantanal and Caatinga. This diversity, together with knowledge gaps, generates uncertainties in titi monkey taxonomy and distribution. An example is Plecturocebus baptista, with only 14 occurrence records and an ill-defined distribution based on untested geographical barriers. Here, we report the occurrence of this species at a new locality outside its known range, across the Paraná-Urariá River, which was considered a distributional limit for the species. The new record implies an overlap of P. baptista with the range of P. hoffmannsi. We document the sighting of an apparent hybrid animal. Our observations suggest that i) the distribution of P. baptista needs to be reviewed, and ii) the evolutionary relationships between P. baptista and P. hoffmannsi may be more complex than previously assumed. Since both species share contiguous areas of potential hybridization, we question whether the two species arose via allopatric speciation. (AU)

Amazonian Ecosystem , Pitheciidae , Hybridization, Genetic
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700400


Microdialysis is a technique used to measure the unbound antibiotic concentration in the interstitial spaces, the target site of action. In vitro recovery studies are essential to calibrating the microdialysis system for in vivo studies. The effect of a combination of antibiotics on recovery into microdialysate requires investigation. In vitro microdialysis recovery studies were conducted on a combination of vancomycin and tobramycin, in a simulated in vivo model. Comparison was made between recoveries for three different concentrations and three different perfusate flow rates. The overall relative recovery for vancomycinwas lower than that of tobramycin. For tobramycin, a concentration of 20μg/mL and flow rate of 1.0μL/min had the best recovery. A concentration of 5.0μg/mL and flow rate of 1.0μL/min yielded maximal recovery for vancomycin. Large molecular size and higher protein binding resulted in lower relative recoveries for vancomycin. Perfusate flow rates and drug concentrations affected the relative recovery when a combination of vancomycin and tobramycin was tested. Low perfusate flow rates were associated with higher recovery rates. For combination antibiotic measurement which includes agents that are highly protein bound, in vitro studies performed prior to in vivo studies may ensure the reliable measurement of unbound concentrations.

Boca Raton; CRC Press; 3rd ed; 2008. 307 p.
Monography in English | LILACS | ID: lil-766509
Boca Raton; CRC Press; 3rd ed; 2008. 307 p.
Monography in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-941526