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Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 22(4): 999-1006, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422678


Abstract Objectives: evaluate the relationship between family's food and nutrition insecurity (FNI) and the social network of malnourished children. Methods: cross-sectional study with 92 children, included in the economic class D-E. For the analysis of the children's social network, the mothers answered four simple questions. To investigate the FNI, the Brazilian Scale of Food Insecurity was used. The association between variables was analyzed by Poisson regression with robust analysis of variances. Results: 56.5% of the children had a weak social network (<10 individuals), and the prevalence of FNI was 72.8%. An inverse association was observed between children of the daily social network and FNI family (OR=0.94; CI95%=0.89-0.99], p=0.03). The number of individuals in the children's daily social network was negatively associated with the likelihood of FNI. The mother's educational level was also related to FNI (OR=2.20 [CI95%=1.11-4.34]; p=0.02), being the child up to 2.2 times more likely to be in FNI when the mother has less than four years of study. Conclusion: these results suggest that social network is associated with the FNI of malnourished children. Interventions designed to strengthen instrumental and other forms of support among small social networks can improve the health/nutrition of malnourished children with FNI.

Resumo Objetivos: avaliar a relação entre a insegurança alimentar e nutricional (IAN) da família e a rede social de crianças desnutridas. Métodos: estudo transversal com 92 crianças, inseridas na classe econômica D-E. Para a análise da rede social das crianças, as mães responderam quatro perguntas simples. Para investigar a IAN foi utilizada a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar. A associação entre as variáveis foi analisada por regressão de Poisson com análise robusta das variâncias. Resultados: 56,5% das crianças apresentaram rede social fraca (<10 indivíduos), e a prevalência de IAN foi de 72,8%. Foi observada uma associação inversa entre rede social diária das crianças e IAN da família (RP=0,94, [IC95%=0,89-0,99]; p=0,03). O número de indivíduos na rede social diária das crianças se associou negativamente com a probabilidade de IAN. O nível de escolaridade materno também estava relacionado com a IAN (RP=2,20 [IC95%=1,11-4,34]; p=0,02), tendo a criança até 2,2 vezes mais probabilidade de estar em IAN quando a mãe apresenta menos de quatro anos de estudo. Conclusão: esses resultados sugerem que a rede social está associada à IAN de crianças desnutridas. Intervenções destinadas a fortalecer maneiras instrumentais e outras formas de apoio entre pequenas redes sociais podem melhorar a saúde/nutrição de crianças desnutridas com IAN.

Humans , Child , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Food and Nutritional Health Promotion , Health Status Indicators , Social Networking , Food Insecurity , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Comprehensive Health Care , Social Vulnerability
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 283-292, jan. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055786


Resumo O Kanban, uma tecnologia de gestão do cuidado caracterizada pela valorização do trabalho multiprofissional e o uso intensivo da informação, tem sido crescentemente utilizado para enfrentar a superlotação dos serviços de emergência hospitalar (SEH). Pesquisadores acompanharam durante dez meses o Kanban em vários setores de um SEH municipal. Suas observações, registradas em diários de campo, foram discutidos em reuniões quinzenais por um coletivo de pesquisadores. O material empírico foi organizado a partir de duas questões: Há mudanças nas "atribuições tradicionais" da enfermagem atuando no Kanban? Há transformações nas relações interprofissionais entre Medicina e Enfermagem na operacionalização do Kanban? Observou-se forte adesão dos enfermeiros ao arranjo, pari passu com uma maior especialização e fragmentação do seu trabalho. Os diaristas assumem funções administrativas tradicionais da enfermagem, enquanto os plantonistas desenvolvem assistência direta aos pacientes. Os enfermeiros consideram que a decisão clínica ainda é do médico, embora o Kanban propicie sua maior influência na decisão. A gestão de grande massa de dados clínico-operacionais pelos enfermeiros, central na operacionalização do Kanban, reforça sua autoridade profissional.

Abstract Kanban is a care management tool that values multi-professional work and intensive use of data and has been growingly used in Brazil to address overcrowding in hospital emergency services (HES). The researchers monitored the Kanban for ten months in multiple wards of a municipal HES, and their observations were recorded in field diaries and discussed in biweekly research team meetings. The empirical material was organized from two questions: Are there changes in "traditional attributions" of Kanban-operating nursing? Are Medicine-Nursing interprofessional relationships transformed? A strong nurse adherence to this tool was observed, coupled with greater specialization and fragmentation of their work: nurses working as diarists assume more traditional administrative functions, while those on-call develop more direct assistance to patients. Nurses consider that clinical decisions are still in the doctors' hands, although Kanban provides them with a stronger influence on such decisions. Nurses' role in the management of significant mass of clinical and operational data, central to Kanban's operationalization, strengthens their professional authority.

Nursing , Emergency Service, Hospital/organization & administration , Hospital Administration/methods , Brazil , Physician-Nurse Relations , Nurse's Role
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 36(3): e00242918, 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089436


Resumo: O Kanban é um arranjo tecnológico de organização do cuidado hospitalar orientado para a gestão de leitos e da clínica, que visa à qualidade e integralidade da assistência, maior rotatividade dos leitos, com consequente redução do tempo de internação e custos hospitalares. O constante e atualizado acompanhamento do paciente, compartilhado pela equipe profissional em reuniões sistemáticas é seu elemento mais marcante e inovador. O objetivo foi caracterizar os prováveis impactos da adoção de tal arranjo no poder profissional (autonomia e autoridade) dos médicos. Estudo qualitativo em hospital de urgência-emergência municipal com uso das seguintes técnicas de produção de dados: etnografia do cotidiano do hospital, com observação e registro em diários de campo, e realização de seminários compartilhados entre pesquisadores e equipes. Os médicos valorizam o trabalho multiprofissional como um qualificador de sua prática, em uma linha auxiliar e complementar. Acresce que o Kanban tende a ser controlado por "híbridos" (médicos que acumulam funções gerenciais e clínicas) que traduzem sinergias entre "gestão clínica" e "gestão de leitos". Assim, interferências no trabalho dos médicos não são exercidas de fora, e as suas decisões clínicas continuam a condicionar o trabalho dos demais grupos profissionais. Os médicos não percebem sua autoridade e autonomia ameaçadas pelo Kanban, dada a articulação entre a autoridade administrativa e a autoridade profissional. Contudo, aspectos relacionados à hibridização e estratificação interna da profissão médica precisam ser mais convocados para o debate do poder profissional em saúde.

Abstract: Kanban is a technical arrangement for the organization of hospital care focused on the management of beds and clinical care, aimed at the quality and comprehensiveness of care and greater hospital bed turnover, and thus a reduction in length-of-stay and hospital costs. The system's most striking and innovative feature is constant, updated patient follow-up, shared by the professional team in systematic meetings. Characterize the probable impacts from the arrangement's adoption on physicians' professional power (autonomy and authority). Qualitative study in a municipal urgency-emergency hospital using the following data production techniques: ethnography of the hospital's routine, with observation and records in field diaries, and shared seminars with researchers and teams. Physicians value multi-professional work for qualifying their practice, as an ancillary and complementary line. Kanban tends to be controlled by "hybrids" (physicians who accumulate management and clinical functions) that express synergies between "clinical management" and "hospital bed management". Thus, in this arrangement interferences in physicians' work are not exercised from outside, and physicians' clinical decisions still condition the work of the other professional groups. Physicians do not see their authority and autonomy threatened by Kanban, given the linkage between management authority and professional authority. Still, aspects related to hybridization and internal stratification of the medical profession need to be better addressed in the debate on health professionals' power.

Resumen: El Kanban es una solución tecnológica para la organización del cuidado hospitalario, orientada a la gestión de camas y apartado clínico, que tiene como meta la calidad e integralidad de la asistencia, una mayor rotatividad de las camas, con la consecuente reducción del tiempo de internamiento y costes hospitalarios. El seguimiento constante y actualizado del paciente, compartido por un equipo profesional en reuniones sistemáticas, es su característica más destacable e innovadora. Caracterizar los probables impactos en la adopción de tal solución tecnológica, respecto al poder profesional (autonomía y autoridad) de los médicos. Estudio cualitativo en un hospital de urgencias municipal, mediante el uso de las siguientes técnicas de producción de datos: etnografía del día a día del hospital, con observación y registro en diarios de campo, así como la realización de seminarios compartidos entre investigadores y equipos. Los médicos valoran el trabajo multiprofesional como un elemento que cualifica en su práctica, dentro de una línea auxiliar y complementaria. Añade que el Kanban tiende a estar controlado por "híbridos" (médicos que acumulan funciones de gerencia y clínicas) que se traducen en sinergias entre "gestión clínica" y "gestión de camas". De esta forma, las interferencias en el trabajo de los médicos no se ejercen a partir de fuera y sus decisiones clínicas continúan condicionando el trabajo de los demás grupos profesionales. Los médicos no perciben que su autoridad y autonomía estén amenazadas por el Kanban, dada la coordinación entre la autoridad administrativa y la autoridad profesional. No obstante, los aspectos relacionados con la hibridización y estratificación interna de la profesión médica necesitan ser estudiados más para los debates sobre el poder profesional en salud.

Humans , Physicians , Emergency Service, Hospital , Brazil , Power, Psychological , Hospitals
Rev. baiana enferm ; 33: e32732, 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1125878


Objetivo identificar a experiência da autonomia na assistência ao parto domiciliar por Enfermeiras Obstétricas. Método estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada aplicada às profissionais que atuavam em equipes de parto domiciliar. Para análise de dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados a experiência do exercício da autonomia é ampla no ambiente domiciliar, principalmente pela presença do modelo biomédico ainda enraizado no ambiente hospitalar e que limita a atuação da Enfermeira Obstétrica. Conclusão o respaldo legal, o conhecimento científico e os materiais/tecnologias dão suporte às Enfermeiras Obstétricas para exercer sua autonomia no parto domiciliar.

Objetivo identificar las experiencias de autonomía en la asistencia al parto en casa por las Enfermeras Obstétricas. Método estudio descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una entrevista semi-estructurada aplicada a los profesionales que trabajan en equipos de parto en casa. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el análisis de contenido de Bardin. Resultados la experiencia del ejercicio de la autonomía es amplia en el ambiente domiciliario, principalmente por la presencia del modelo biomédico que sigue arraigado en el medio hospitalario y que limita el desempeño de la Enfermera Obstétrica. Conclusión el apoyo legal, el conocimiento científico y materiales/tecnologías apoyan a las Enfermeras Obstétricas ejerzan su autonomía en el hogar del nacimiento.

Objective to identify the experience of autonomy in the assistance to home birth by Obstetric Nurses. Method descriptive study of qualitative approach. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview applied to professionals who worked in teams of home birth. Data analysis used the content analysis of Bardin. Results the experience of the exercise of autonomy is broad in the home environment, mainly by the presence of the biomedical model still rooted in the hospital environment and that limits the performance of the Obstetric Nurse. Conclusion the legal support, scientific knowledge and materials/technologies support Obstetric Nurses to exercise their autonomy in the home birth.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Maternal-Child Nursing , Home Childbirth , Midwifery , Nurse Midwives , Obstetric Nursing , Professional Autonomy , Personal Autonomy
Saúde debate ; 43(spe6): 10-21, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127393


RESUMO Investigação qualitativa que teve como foco o processo de trabalho dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS), na busca de compreender como eles operam as suas práticas e como constroem relações no território e na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Foi realizada observação participante em seis UBS da região metropolitana de São Paulo por dez meses. Para a análise do material, foi utilizado o conceito de 'planos de visibilidade', constituídos por cenas registradas em diário de campo pelo pesquisador, os quais permitiram emergir questões relativas à recusa da população; à violência e narcotráfico no território e ao difícil manejo do segredo da comunidade. Além disso, evidenciou-se como o ACS tem-se tornado um 'trabalhador multiuso' nas UBS, que pensa sua ocupação em caráter provisório, bem como a sua relação com a racionalização das práticas e com a equipe de saúde. O estudo evidenciou um trabalhador em mutação, que reproduz práticas biomédicas e burocratizadas, o que pode desfigurar o seu papel enquanto elo da comunidade, mas que também consegue ser bastante criativo, (re)inventando permanentemente suas práticas, de modo mais complexo do que prescrito nas formulações originais da política de saúde, em função, entre outras coisas, dos problemas que enfrenta nos territórios em que atua.

ABSTRACT This investigation focus on the work process of Community Health Agents (ACS) as an effort to understand how they operate their practices, give meaning to their work, and establish relationships in a territorial context and the Basic Health Unit (BHU). For this purpose, we carried out participant observations in six BHU along ten months. For the analysis, we built the concept of 'visibility plans' referent to the ACS's work dimensions, not always immediately visible, as a sensitive coexistence with many forms of violence and drug trafficking in the territory, the difficult management of the community's secrecy, and even the population's refusal regarding household visits, a central component to their action. It has also been demonstrated how the ACS have become a sort of 'multitask worker' within the HCC in a precarious or provisional nature, aside from the often difficult relationship with the health care team. A changing worker has been revealed reproducing biomedical and bureaucratic practices, which may disfigure their bonding role with the community, but who also permanently (re)invents their practices in a more complex way than prescribed in the original formulations of health policies due to, among other factors, the complexity of the territories where they are active.

Clinics ; 73(supl.1): e429s, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952824


The immunologic landscape of tumors has been continuously unveiled, providing a new look at the interactions between cancer cells and the immune system. Emerging tumor cells are constantly eliminated by the immune system, but some cells establish a long-term equilibrium phase leading to tumor immunoediting and, eventually, evasion. During this process, tumor cells tend to acquire more mutations. Bearing a high mutation burden leads to a greater number of neoantigens with the potential to initiate an immune response. Although many tumors evoke an immune response, tumor clearance by the immune system does not occur due to a suppressive tumor microenvironment. The mechanisms by which tumors achieve the ability to evade immunologic control vary. Understanding these differences is crucial for the improvement and application of new immune-based therapies. Much effort has been placed in developing in silico algorithms to predict tumor immunogenicity and to characterize the microenvironment via high-throughput sequencing and gene expression techniques. Each sequencing source, transcriptomics, and genomics yields a distinct level of data, helping to elucidate the tumor-based immune responses and guiding the fine-tuning of current and upcoming immune-based therapies. In this review, we explore some of the immunological concepts behind the new immunotherapies and the bioinformatic tools to study the immunological aspects of tumors, focusing on neoantigen determination and microenvironment deconvolution. We further discuss the immune-based therapies already in clinical use, those underway for future clinical application, the next steps in immunotherapy, and how the characterization of the tumor immune contexture can impact therapies aiming to promote or unleash immune-based tumor elimination.

Humans , Immunotherapy/methods , Neoplasms/immunology , Neoplasms/therapy , Genetic Therapy , Cell Transformation, Neoplastic , Combined Modality Therapy , Tumor Escape/immunology , Cancer Vaccines/therapeutic use , Tumor Microenvironment/immunology , Mutation , Antigens, Neoplasm/analysis , Neoplasms/genetics
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954844


Background: Classically, Crotalus durissus terrificus (Cdt) venom can be described, according to chromatographic criteria, as a simple venom, composed of four major toxins, namely: gyroxin, crotamine, crotoxin and convulxin. Crotoxin is a non-covalent heterodimeric neurotoxin constituted of two subunits: an active phospholipase A2 and a chaperone protein, termed crotapotin. This molecule is composed of three peptide chains connected by seven disulfide bridges. Naturally occurring variants/isoforms of either crotoxin or crotapotin itself have already been reported. Methods: The crude Cdt venom was separated by using RP-HPLC and the toxins were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Crotapotin was purified, reduced and alkylated in order to separate the peptide chains that were further analyzed by mass spectrometry and de novo peptide sequencing. Results: The RP-HPLC profile of the isolated crotapotin chains already indicated that the α chain would present isoforms, which was corroborated by the MS and tandem mass spectrometry analyses. Conclusion: It was possible to observe that the Cdt crotapotin displays a preferred amino acid substitution pattern present in the α chain, at positions 31 and 40. Moreover, substitutions could also be observed in ß and γ chains (one for each). The combinations of these four different peptides, with the already described chains, would produce ten different crotapotins, which is compatible to our previous observations for the Cdt venom.(AU)

Animals , Mass Spectrometry , Protein Isoforms , Crotalid Venoms , Crotoxin , Phospholipases A2 , Neurotoxins
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 23: 21, 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954833


Hemostatic and adhesive agents date back to World War II, when homologous fibrin sealant came onto scene. Considering that infectious diseases can be transmitted via human blood, a new heterologous fibrin sealant was standardized in the 1990s. Its components were a serine protease (a thrombin-like enzyme) extracted from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus snakes and a fibrinogen-rich cryoprecipitate extracted from the blood of Bubalus bubalis buffaloes. This new bioproduct has been used as a coagulant, sealant, adhesive and recently as a candidate scaffold for mesenchymal stem cells and bone and cartilage repair. This review discusses the composition of a new heterologous fibrin sealant, and cites published articles related to its preclinical applications aiming at repairing nervous system traumas and regenerating bone marrow. Finally, we present an innovative safety trial I/II that found the product to be a safe and clinically promising candidate for treating chronic venous ulcers. A multicenter clinical trial, phase II/III, with a larger number of participants will be performed to prove the efficacy of an innovative biopharmaceutical product derived from animal venom.(AU)

Animals , Snake Venoms , Fibrinogen , Fibrin Tissue Adhesive , Serine Proteases , Crotalid Venoms
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484695


Abstract Hemostatic and adhesive agents date back to World War II, when homologous fibrin sealant came onto scene. Considering that infectious diseases can be transmitted via human blood, a new heterologous fibrin sealant was standardized in the 1990s. Its components were a serine protease (a thrombin-like enzyme) extracted from the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus snakes and a fibrinogen-rich cryoprecipitate extracted from the blood of Bubalus bubalis buffaloes. This new bioproduct has been used as a coagulant, sealant, adhesive and recently as a candidate scaffold for mesenchymal stem cells and bone and cartilage repair. This review discusses the composition of a new heterologous fibrin sealant, and cites published articles related to its preclinical applications aiming at repairing nervous system traumas and regenerating bone marrow. Finally, we present an innovative safety trial I/II that found the product to be a safe and clinically promising candidate for treating chronic venous ulcers. A multicenter clinical trial, phase II/III, with a larger number of participants will be performed to prove the efficacy of an innovative biopharmaceutical product derived from animal venom.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484721


Abstract Background Classically, Crotalus durissus terrificus (Cdt) venom can be described, according to chromatographic criteria, as a simple venom, composed of four major toxins, namely: gyroxin, crotamine, crotoxin and convulxin. Crotoxin is a non-covalent heterodimeric neurotoxin constituted of two subunits: an active phospholipase A2 and a chaperone protein, termed crotapotin. This molecule is composed of three peptide chains connected by seven disulfide bridges. Naturally occurring variants/isoforms of either crotoxin or crotapotin itself have already been reported. Methods The crude Cdt venom was separated by using RP-HPLC and the toxins were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Crotapotin was purified, reduced and alkylated in order to separate the peptide chains that were further analyzed by mass spectrometry and de novo peptide sequencing. Results The RP-HPLC profile of the isolated crotapotin chains already indicated that the chain would present isoforms, which was corroborated by the MS and tandem mass spectrometry analyses. Conclusion It was possible to observe that the Cdt crotapotin displays a preferred amino acid substitution pattern present in the chain, at positions 31 and 40. Moreover, substitutions could also be observed in and chains (one for each). The combinations of these four different peptides, with the already described chains, would produce ten different crotapotins, which is compatible to our previous observations for the Cdt venom.

RBM rev. bras. med ; 72(6)jun. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-759522


Foram examinados 130 pacientes e realizadas 241 observações, com a finalidade de investigar a acurácia da palidez no diagnóstico da anemia no adulto. As regiões anatômicas observadas foram as comumente utilizadas pelos médicos, a conjuntiva, lábio, palma da mão, linha palmar e uma região ainda não relatada, a extremidade digital, examinando-se a antiga técnica da gradação da palidez. Os autores concluem pela recomendação dos velhos exames e pela adoção do novo sinal, descrito neste trabalho. Este estudo foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética da Instituição e todos os pacientes assinaram um consentimento informado.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Anemia , Physical Examination , Pallor
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 49(2): 193-200, Mar-Apr/2015.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-746218


OBJECTIVE To know the structure and functioning of healthcare services from the perspective of women who have suffered rape. METHOD A qualitative study conducted with 11 women who experienced rape, monitored in a maternity in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Data were systematically based on content analysis. RESULTS It allowed for understanding the path taken by women in search of support from health services, as well as the limitations and capabilities of these services. CONCLUSION The assistance received in healthcare services leans towards a revictimization process of women who already carry trauma from the rape. It is necessary to reflect about care practices aimed at sexually victimized women. .

OBJETIVO Conocer la estructura y el funcionamiento de los servicios de salud a partir del relato de mujeres que sufrieron estupro. MÉTODO Estudio cualitativo realizado con 11 mujeres con historia de estupro, acompañadas en una maternidad del Estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Los datos fueron sistematizados con base en el análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS Permitieron comprender el camino recorrido por la mujer en la búsqueda de apoyo junto a los servicios de salud, así como las limitaciones y potencialidades de esos. CONCLUSIÓN La atención recibida en los servicios de salud favorece un proceso de revictimización de la mujer, quien ya carga los traumas provenientes del estupro. Es necesario hacer una reflexión acerca de las prácticas de cuidado dirigidas a las mujeres victimadas sexualmente. .

OBJETIVO Conhecer a estrutura e o funcionamento dos serviços de saúde a partir da fala de mulheres que vivenciaram o estupro. MÉTODO Estudo qualitativo realizado com 11 mulheres com história de estupro, acompanhadas em uma maternidade no estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Os dados foram sistematizados com base na análise de conteúdo. RESULTADOS Permitiram compreender o caminho percorrido pela mulher na busca de apoio junto aos serviços de saúde, bem como as limitações e potencialidades destes. CONCLUSÃO O atendimento recebido nos serviços de saúde favorece um processo de revitimização da mulher, que já carrega os traumas provenientes do estupro. Faz-se necessário refletir acerca das práticas de cuidado direcionadas às mulheres vitimadas sexualmente. .

Female , Humans , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Patient Satisfaction , Rape , Rape/psychology
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 21: 48, 31/03/2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954772


Background American visceral leishmaniasis is caused by the intracellular parasiteLeishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, and transmitted by the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Since treatment is based on classical chemotherapeutics with significant side effects, the search for new drugs remains the greatest global challenge. Thus, this in vitro study aimed to evaluate the leishmanicidal effect ofCrotalus durissus terrificus venom fractions on promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi. Methods Phospholipase A 2 (PLA 2 ) and a pool of peptide fraction (<3 kDa) were purified from Crotalusvenom. Furthermore, promastigotes and peritoneal macrophages of mice infected by amastigotes were exposed to serial dilutions of the PLA 2 and peptides at intervals varying between 1.5625 μg/mL and 200 μg/mL. Both showed activity against promastigotes that varied according to the tested concentration and the time of incubation (24, 48 and 72 h). Results MTT assay for promastigotes showed IC 50 of 52.07 μg/mL for PLA2 and 16.98 μg/mL for the peptide fraction of the venom. The cytotoxicity assessment in peritoneal macrophages showed IC50 of 98 μg/mL and 16.98 μg/mL for PLA 2 and peptide by MTT assay, respectively. In peritoneal macrophages infected by Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi amastigotes, the PLA 2 stimulated growth of parasites, and at higher doses reduced growth by 23 %. The peptide fraction prevented 43 % of the intracellular parasite growth at a dose of 16.98 μg/mL, demonstrating the toxicity of this dose to macrophages. Both fractions stimulated H 2 O 2 production by macrophages but only PLA 2 was able to stimulate NO production. Conclusion We have demonstrated the in vitro leishmanicidal activity of the PLA2 and peptide fraction ofCrotalus venom. The results encourage further studies to describe the metabolic pathways involved in cell death, as well as the prospecting of molecules with antiparasitic activity present in the peptide fraction of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom.(AU)

Animals , Peptides , Phospholipases , In Vitro Techniques , Crotalus cascavella/toxicity , Leishmania , Metabolic Networks and Pathways
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2014. xvii,97 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-774253


O timo é um órgão linfoide primário, sítio do desenvolvimento de células T, provendofatores críticos e coordenados que induzem e suportam o comprometimento delinhagem, diferenciação e sobrevivência dessas células. A presença das célulasnão-linfóides, principalmente as células epiteliais do timo (TEC) no parênquimatímico promove a migração e diferenciação coordenada dos linfócitos T. Os linfócitosT são o principal alvo do Virus linfotrópico T humano (HTLV-1), agente etiológico daleucemia/linfoma associado ao HTLV-1 (ATL) e de doença que compromete osistema nervoso/muscular (HAM/TSP). É desconhecida a causa que leva a uma ououtra doença. A resposta imune antiviral mediada por células T é ineficiente nessaspatologias. Mesmo que o vírus tenha tropismo pelos linfócitos T, ele é capaz deinfectar outros tipos celulares por contato direto entre células ou por partículas viraislivres. Linfócitos ativados recirculam pelos órgãos linfoides, incluindo o timo, onde ascélulas epiteliais tímicas (TEC) interagem intimamente com as células recirculantes,promovendo uma possível via de transmição do HTLV-1. No nosso trabalho,observamos que as TECs possuem os receptores para a entrada do vírus (GLUT-1e Neuropilina-1). Experimentos in vitro mostraram que as TECs podem serinfectadas pelo HTLV-1 por linhagens de linfócitos derivados de pacientesportadores de ATL e de HAM/TSP. Essas infecções ocorreram tanto por contatodireto entre as células, quanto por sobrenadante contendo partículas virais livresderivadas do sobrenadante dos linfócitos. O vírus pode ser observado após 24horas e 10 dias de cultivo, quando a maioria das células estava infectada. Atravésde microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, foram observadas partículas viraisbrotando de estruturas semelhantes a corpos multivesculares nas TECs...

The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ, site of developing T cells, providing acoordinated set of critical factors to induce and support lineage commitment,differentiation and survival of these cells. The presence of non-lymphoid cellsthrough the thymic parenchyma serves to provide coordinated migration anddifferentiation of T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes are the main target of Human TLymphotropic Virus type 1 (HTLV-1). This virus is the etiologic agent of HTLV-1associated lymphoma and leukemia (ATL) or a disease of muscular/nervous systems(HAM/TSP), but it is unknown what triggers to one or other disease. T-cell mediatedimmune response against viral proteins is not effective in both diseases. Althoughthe virus has T lymphocyte tropism, it can infect other cells by cell contact and cellfreevirus. Activated T lymphocytes circulates around lymphoid organs, including thethymus, where the thymic epithelial cells (TEC) strongly interact with recirculatingcells, so infected lymphocytes could transmit the virus to TEC. Interestingly, in ourwork we observed that TEC expresses molecules related to the HTLV-1 transmission(GLUT-1, Neuropilin 1). In vitro experiments showed that TEC could be infected bycell lineages derived from ATL and HAM/TSP patients. These infections happenedfrom cell contact and by cell-free virus derived from cell supernatants. The virus canbe seen after 24h and after 10 days, when most cells in the culture were infected. Bytransmission electron microscopy, virus particles were observed budding frommultivesicular bodies like structures in TEC. Cytokines and chemokines wereincreased at mRNA level soon after contact with HTLV-1 containing supernatantderived from lymphocytes. In addition, type 1 interferon and interferon stimulatedgenes were decreased in HTLV-1 infected TEC...

Humans , Epithelial Cells , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 , Thymus Gland , Virus Integration , Leukemia, T-Cell , Paraparesis, Tropical Spastic
Insuf. card ; 7(2): 51-55, abr.-jun. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-657494


Introdução. A avaliação funcional nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) pode ser feita pela classe funcional da New York Heart Association (NYHA), pelo teste da caminhada dos 6 minutos, pelo teste ergométrico (TE) ou pelo padrão ouro que é o teste cardiopulmonar. Objetivos. Objetivou-se avaliar a segurança e exeqüibilidade do TE em pacientes com IC. Métodos. Foram avaliados 62 pacientes com IC que atingiram as classes funcionais II a IV da NYHA durante a evolução da IC, com forma dilatada e disfunção sistólica, em protocolo de rampa. Resultados. O consumo de oxigênio médio encontrado foi 23,2 ± 5,9 ml.Kg-1.min-1 para pacientes sem betabloqueador (BB) e de 23,7 ± 6,0 com BB (p=0,607). Houve queda na pressão arterial em 30,6% dos pacientes. Os demais apresentaram resposta pressórica normal ou elevação. O índice cronotrópico encontrado foi 77,5± 36,1% nos sem BB e 72,0 ± 31,9 naqueles com BB (p=0,555). Não houve complicação fatal ou evento cardiovascular maior. Conclusão. O TE foi seguro e de fácil execução em pacientes com IC.

Safety and feasibility of treadmill test in heart failure patients Background. The functional evaluation of heart failure (HF) patients can be done by New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, six-minute walk test, and treadmill test (TT) or the cardiopulmonary exercise testing, which is the gold standard. Objective. The objective was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of the TT in HF patients. Methods. Sixty-two HF patients with NYHA II to IV during the evolution of HF, with dilated cardiomyopathy and systolic dysfunction were evaluated on a ramp protocol. Results. The average myocardial oxygen consumption obtained was 23.2 ± 5.9 ml.Kg-1.min-1 for patients without beta-blocker (BB) and 23.7 ± 6.0 for those in use of BB (p=0.607). There was a decrease in blood pressure in 30.6%. The others presented a normal or elevated blood pressure response. The chronotropic index was 77.5 ± 36.1% for those without BB and 72.0 ± 31.9% for the patients using BB (p=0.555). There was no fatal complication or major cardiovascular event. Conclusion. The TT was safe and easily performed in patients with HF.

Rev. RENE ; 12(3): 555-560, jul.-set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-682135


O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência de uso do partograma em maternidades escola de Alagoas, Brasil. Foi um estudo descritivo de corte transversal. A amostra constou de 171 prontuários de puérperas assistidas durante o trabalho de parto. Foram coletados dados relativos ao uso do partograma e de seus itens: dilatação cervical, altura da apresentação, variedade de posição, batimentos cardíacos fetais, dinâmica uterina, condições da bolsa, uso de ocitocina, uso de medicamentos/fluidos/anestesia, nome da gestante, data, hora real, hora de registro e assinatura do examinador. Estes foram analisados quanto ao registro total, parcial ou ausência de registro. A frequência de uso do partograma foi de 42%. Conclui-se que a freqüência de uso do partograma na instituição estudada é limitada, devido sua baixa utilização, e quando utilizados, seus itens não foram totalmente preenchidos.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Labor Pain , Clinical Evolution , Parturition , Humanizing Delivery , Medical Records , Labor, Obstetric , Medical Records/statistics & numerical data
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 96(3): 240-245, mar. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-581474


FUNDAMENTO: A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) cursa com frequentes descompensações e admissões ao serviço de emergência. Vacinação contra Influenza (INF) e Pneumococo (PNM) são recomendadas nas diretrizes, entretanto, as infecções respiratórias são a terceira causa de hospitalização na IC. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a frequência da vacinação contra INF e PNM em pacientes com IC na rede pública. MÉTODOS: Em estudo observacional realizado em Teresópolis, região serrana fluminense, foram utilizadas três estratégias: (I) estudo das requisições para vacina contra INF e/ou PNM na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, entre 2004 e 2006; (II) inquérito direto a 61 pacientes com IC atendidos na atenção básica sobre sua situação vacinal contra INF e PNM; (III) inquérito direto sobre situação vacinal contra INF e PNM a 81 pacientes com IC crônica descompensada atendidos na única emergência aberta à rede pública. RESULTADOS: Na estratégia I, a vacinação contra INF e/ou PNM foi de 15,3 por cento daqueles com indicações por doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias. A mediana do tempo entre a indicação e a vacinação foi de 32 dias. Na estratégia II, o percentual de vacinados contra INF, com idade > 60 anos, foi de 23,1 por cento, e de 24,6 por cento contra PMN em todas as idades. Na estratégia III, o percentual de pacientes vacinados contra INF foi de 35,8 por cento e contra PNM foi de 2,5 por cento. CONCLUSÃO: A taxa de vacinação contra INF e PNM em pacientes com IC é muito baixa e ainda menor naqueles descompensados atendidos em serviço de emergência.

BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) is associated with frequent decompensation and admissions to the emergency service. Influenza (INF) and Pneumococcal (pneumonia) vaccinations are recommended in the guidelines, however, respiratory infections are the third leading cause of hospitalization in heart failure. OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of vaccination against INF and PNM in patients with HF in government healthcare units. METHODS: An observational study carried out in Teresópolis, a mountain region in Rio de Janeiro, employed three strategies: (I) study of requests for vaccine against INF and/or PNM in the Health Department of Teresópolis between 2004 and 2006; (II) direct inquiry to 61 patients with heart failure treated in primary care about their vaccination status against INF and PNM; (III) direct inquiry about their vaccination status against INF and PNM to 81 patients with decompensated chronic heart failure treated in the only emergency service open to the public. RESULTS: In strategy I, INF and/or PNM vaccination was 15.3 percent of those with indications for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The median time between indication and vaccination was 32 days. In strategy II, the percentage of patients vaccinated against INF, aged > 60, was 23.1 percent and 24.6 percent against PMN at all ages. In strategy III, the percentage of patients vaccinated against INF was 35.8 percent and against PNM was 2.5 percent. CONCLUSION: The rate of vaccination against INF and PNM in patients with HF is very low and even lower in those with decompensated HF treated in emergency services.

FUNDAMENTO: La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) cursa con frecuentes descompensaciones y admisiones al servicio de emergencia. Vacunación contra Influenza (INF) y Neumococo (PNM) son recomendadas en las directrices, entre tanto, las infecciones respiratorias son la tercera causa de hospitalización en la IC. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la frecuencia de la vacunación contra INF y PNM en pacientes con IC en la red pública. MÉTODOS: En estudio observacional realizado en Teresópolis, región serrana fluminense, fueron utilizadas tres estrategias: (I) estudio de las requisiciones para vacuna contra INF y/o PNM en la Secretaría Municipal de Salud, entre 2004 y 2006; (II) averiguación directa a 61 pacientes con IC atendidos en la atención básica sobre su situación de vacuna contra INF y PNM; (III) averiguación directa sobre situación de vacuna contra INF y PNM a 81 pacientes con IC crónica descompensada atendidos en la única emergencia abierta a la red pública. RESULTADOS: En la estrategia I, la vacunación contra INF y/o PNM fue de 15,3 por ciento de aquellos con indicaciones por enfermedades cardiovasculares y respiratorias. La mediana del tiempo entre la indicación y la vacunación fue de 32 días. En la estrategia II, el porcentual de vacunados contra INF, con edad > 60 años, fue de 23,1 por ciento, y de 24,6 por ciento contra PMN en todas las edades. En la estrategia III, el porcentual de pacientes vacunados contra INF fue de 35,8 por ciento y contra PNM fue de 2,5 por ciento. CONCLUSIÓN: La tasa de vacunación contra INF y PNM en pacientes con IC es muy baja y aun menor en aquellos descompensados atendidos en servicio de emergencia.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Heart Failure , Influenza, Human/prevention & control , Pneumonia, Pneumococcal/prevention & control , Vaccination , Age Distribution , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Influenza Vaccines/administration & dosage , Pneumococcal Vaccines/administration & dosage , Sex Distribution , Time Factors , Vaccination/standards , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data
Acta odontol. venez ; 49(1)2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-678852


El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento de los niños con laceraciones faciales, tratados con 2-octil cianoacrilato y la sutura convencional, a la que asistieron el Hospital da Restauração, Recife / PE. Se seleccionaron 11 niños de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 3 a 9 años, a la que asistieron el servicio de Cirugía Buco-maxilofacial del Hospital. La muestra fue no probabilística. Para observar el comportamiento de los niños se tomaron fotografías antes, durante y después de la atención. Además de las fotos, las formas se han cubierto las cuestiones relacionadas con la física y aspectos psicológicos de los niños. En el análisis de los datos utilizados para la prueba Exato de Fisher y de Mann-Whitney . Los resultados mostraron que los dos mayores frecuencias, las categorías son non cooperativas y habilidades de cooperación. Existe una diferencia entre el comportamiento de los niños tratados con el 2-octil-cianoacrilato y la sutura convencional, los niños tratados con adhesivo fueron más cooperativos y estuvieron calmados, probablemente debido a la menor duración del procedimiento, con una diferencia significativa entre los grupos (p <0,05), y también la falta de anestesia local. Los resultados sugieren la necesidad de más estudios sobre el uso de adhesivos en los niños con laceraciones faciales y el comportamiento de los que hacen frente a estasituación

The aim of this study was to evaluate the children's behavior with facial lacerations, treated with 2-octyl cyanoacrylate and with the conventional suture, attended at the Hospital da Restauração, Recife / PE. Were selected, 11 children, of both sexes, aged from 3 to 9 years, attended in the Hospital service of Bucco-Maxillofacial Surgery. The sample was not probabilistic. To observe the behavior of children were taken photographs before, during and after care. Besides the photos, formularies were completed containing questions relating to children's physical and psychological aspects. In the analysis of the data used to test the exact Fisher and Mann-Whitney. The results showed that the two largest frequencies correspond to the cooperative and without cooperative skill categories. Was observed a difference between the children's behavior treated with the 2-octyl cyanoacrylate and with the conventional suture; the children's behavior treated with the adhesive were more cooperative and calm, probably due to the procedure's lower duration, with significant differences between groups (p < 0,05), and also the absence of local anesthesia. The results suggest the need for more studies on the use of adhesive in children with facial lacerations and the behavior of those facing this situation

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Cyanoacrylates/therapeutic use , Sutures , Facial Injuries/surgery , Dental Cements/therapeutic use , Pediatric Dentistry
Rev. bras. cardiol. (Impr.) ; 23(6): 362-364, nov.-dez. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-576412


Relata-se o caso de paciente que sofreu infarto agudo do miocárdio após uso de anfepramona, um análogo da anfetamina. Discutem-se seus efeitos colaterais, mecanismos de lesão e risco - benefício no tratamento da obesidade em relação às doenças cardiovasculares. Conclui-se que o uso dessa droga deve ser feito com cautela e sempre sob orientação médica.

Humans , Male , Adult , Appetite Depressants/adverse effects , Myocardial Infarction/complications , Obesity/complications , Acute Coronary Syndrome/complications , Acute Coronary Syndrome/diagnosis , Risk Factors