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Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology ; : 30-2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975980


Introduction: The Vaccinum vitis is widely used in traditional medicine in the treatment of kidney disorders and diuretics, but contemporary medicine practices its decoction more for the treatment of respiratory disease. The study showed that hydroquinone in Vaccinum vitis which is formed by decomposition of arbutin performs antiseptic effects for respiratory system and urinary track. Vaccinum vitis contains 8-12% of arbutin and metilarbutin, flavonoids such as, vaccinin, hydroquenone, quiercetin, isoquircitrin, rutin, abicularin and piperin.[3.4]This study was conducted to get active substances in the form of drugs through extraction of active compounds in the tinction of spirit and other extragents since the decoction of Vaccinum vitis cannot be stored longer.Objectives of the study: To determine biologicallyactive compounds in the decoction and tinctures.Materials and methods used in the study: The study was conducted in the pharmachemistry laboratory at Monos university in April, 2013. In the process of the study, the decoction of vaccinum vitis and 40% and 70%- tinctures were prepared and the quality and quantity of the content, dense, arbutin and tannin were studied in accordance with corresponding standards.The result of the study: The raw materials in proportion of 1:10 were prepared to make decoction in accordance with corresponding technology. Similarly, tinctures were prepared in above mentioned proportion by the method of maceration. The newly created tinctures were from red brown to dark brown in color, with not to strong spirit odor.The aerometer measurement indicated that density of 70% tincture was 0.910 g/ml, and density of 40% tincture was 0.967 g/ml, Light refracture was measured by the refractometer to determine spirit volume. The result showed that in the 70% -tincture there was 1.3670 of light refracture and the spirit amount was 62.88%, while 40%- tincture had 1.3602 light refracture and the spirit amount was 36.4%. When the reaction of identification of tannin and arbutin were experimented we got complete identification reactions of arbutin and tannin.That arbutin’s amount in decoction was 0.110+0.005 and tannins amount was 0.0713±0.0003 in 70% tinctures shows the arbutins amount was 0.284+0.003 and tannins amount was 0.13+0.005 and in 40%-tincture the arbutins was 0.147+0.006 and the tannins was 0.147+0.006.Conclusion1. As a result of the study there are 0.110g of arbutin in the decoction and 0.07g of tannin.2. The tannin’s amount in the tinctures is higher and the quantity of arbutin is higher in the decoction as compared the quantity of arbutin and tannin in the tinctures with the amount that is in the decoction.References1. “монгол улсûн үндэсний фармакопей” анхдугаар хэвлэл уБ 2011 он2. Биндэрьяа.м., мөнхчулуун. м., гарамжав.а., “Эмийн ургамлаас биологийн идэвхт бодис ялгах аргачлал” “шидэт өнгө” ххК х/х 26. уБ 2011он.3. сансархуяг. Э., “Бөөр хамгаалах үйлдэлтэй ургамлуудûн фитохимийн судалгаа” эмзүйн ухаанû магистрийн зэрэг горилсон нэг сэдэвт бүтээл уБ 2011 он4. сосорбурам.Б, нарангэрэл.Б, болон бусад “алирснû навч, тэхийн шээг, хуурмаг булчирхайт ортууз, ургамлуудûн фармакологийн судалгаанû дүнгээс” “Эрдмийн бичиг 2012” Эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлûн эмхэтгэл 35-36 р хуудас5. хос шивүүрт улаагана монгол улсûн стандарт MNS 4166:19936. ладûгина Е.а., сафранович л.н., отряшенкова в.Э., и др “химический анализ лекарственних растений” издательство “вûсшая школа” москва 1983