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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 539-542, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248931


Atualmente, tem-se discutido a utilização de insetos na alimentação animal devido ao seu potencial para substituir as fontes tradicionais de proteína utilizadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição nutricional de larvas de Tenebrio molitor e de grilos do gênero Gryllus assimilis. Os teores de energia bruta (kcal/kg), proteína bruta (g/kg), extrato etéreo (g/kg), cinza (g/kg), FDN (g/kg) e FDA (g/kg) encontrados nas larvas de Tenebrio molitor foram de 7.188,6, 490,2, 335,4, 36,8, 71,8, e 64,0 respectivamente; nos grilos (Gryllus assimilis), os valores foram de 5.942,6, 541,3, 75,2, 49,1, 277,8, e 193,0 respectivamente. Os macros e microminerais quantificados foram fósforo, potássio, sódio, cálcio, magnésio, ferro, manganês, zinco e cobre. Nas larvas de Tenebrio molitor, os valores encontrados foram de 8,56 g/kg, 8,39 g/kg, 1,39 g/kg, 0,44 g/kg, 2,3 g/kg, 48,4 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg, 189 mg/kg e 18 mg/kg respectivamente. Para os grilos (Gryllus assimilis), os teores encontrados foram respectivamente de 8,30 g/kg, 11,6 g/kg, 1,10 g/kg, 3,88 g/kg, 0,82 g/kg, 96,8 mg/kg, 23,7 mg/kg, 18,3 mg/kg e 21,7 mg/kg. Larvas de Tenebrio molitor e grilos do gênero Gryllus assimilis podem ser alternativas para reduzir o uso de fontes de proteína vegetal na alimentação animal.(AU)

Animals , Tenebrio , Gryllidae , Dietary Proteins/analysis , Edible Insects , Animal Feed/analysis , Larva , Nutritive Value
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 56(2): 127-135, jun. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959465


Resumen Las dos últimas décadas han sido testigos de la aparición de la realidad virtual (RV) como una herramienta importante para la investigación, evaluación y tratamiento en los trastornos mentales en la salud mental, creando entornos interactivos generados por computadora, donde los individuos pueden experimentar repetidamente sus situaciones problemáticas y aprender, a través de tratamientos psicológicos basados en la evidencia, cómo superar dificultades. El propósito de este artículo es proporcionar una revisión sistemática actualizada de la literatura sobre la utilización de la RV en los problemas de salud mental. Se realizó una revisión sistemática identificando 245 estudios, de los cuales se utilizaron solo 29 relacionados con modelos de RV, de los cuales 18 correspondían a distintos trastornos (ansiedad, depresión, esquizofrenia, psicosis, trastornos alimenticios, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo) y 11 a estudios empíricos; de su análisis se concluye que la capacidad de la RV para simular la realidad podría aumentar en gran medida el acceso a las terapias en los trastornos mentales mientras que los resultados podrían ser mejorados por la capacidad de la tecnología para crear nuevas realidades.

The last two decades have witnessed the emergence of virtual reality (VR) as an important tool for research, evaluation and treatment in mental disorders in mental health, creating interactive environments generated by computer, where individuals can repeatedly experience their problematic situations and learn, through psychological treatments based on evidence, how to overcome difficulties. The purpose of this article is to provide an updated systematic review of the literature on the use of VR in mental health problems. A systematic review was made identifying 245 studies, of which only 29 were used related to RV models, of which 18 corresponded to different disorders (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder) and 11 to empirical studies. From their analysis it is concluded that the ability of the RV to simulate reality could greatly increase access to therapies in mental disorders while the results could be improved by the ability of technology to create new realities.

Humans , Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy/methods , Virtual Reality , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mental Health
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 588-596, mar.-abr. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910869


Objetivou-se verificar o efeito da suplementação de diferentes relações de zinco orgânico e de cobre inorgânico, bem como comparar os resultados com a dieta controle de codornas japonesas, sobre o desempenho produtivo e a qualidade dos ovos. Foram realizados dois experimentos na área experimental da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo: variando os níveis de zinco orgânico e mantendo os de cobre recomendados e outro variando os níveis de cobre inorgânico. O período experimental foi de 84 dias, divididos em períodos de 21 dias. Foram usadas cinco pré-misturas minerais. Foram analisadas variáveis de desempenho e qualidade dos ovos. Foi observado primeiramente que as variáveis avaliadas não foram afetadas de forma significativa pelas diferentes relações dos minerais, exceto para pesos relativo e absoluto da casca. No segundo ensaio, não houve interação entre os níveis de zinco e de cobre nem entre estes e a dieta controle, para nenhuma das variáveis observadas; quando analisadas as médias individuais, foi observada diferença significativa para taxa de postura, relação ovos comerciais e totais, consumo de ração e na unidade Haugh. Pode-se concluir que a relação de 35mg/kg de zinco orgânico e a de 3,5mg/kg de cobre inorgânico atenderam as necessidades nutricionais dos animais para desempenho e qualidade de ovos.(AU)

The objective of this study was to verify the effect of the supplementation of different organic zinc and inorganic copper ratios and to compare the results with the Japanese quail control diet on the productive performance and egg quality. Two experiments were carried out in the experimental area of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, varying the levels of organic zinc and maintaining the recommended copper and the other varying levels of inorganic copper. The experimental period was 84 days. Five mineral premixes were used. Performance and egg quality variables were analyzed. It was first observed that the evaluated variables were not affected significantly by the different mineral relations, except for relative and absolute weight of the bark. In the second test, there was no interaction between the zinc and copper levels, neither between the control and the control diet, for any of the variables observed, when analyzing the individual means, a significant difference was observed for posture rate, commercial and total eggs ratio, feed intake, and in the Haugh Unit. It can be concluded that the ratio of 35mg/kg organic zinc and 3,5mg/kg of inorganic copper met the nutritional requirements of the animals for performance and egg quality.(AU)

Animals , Animal Feed/analysis , Coturnix/metabolism , Zinc/administration & dosage
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-737685


O câncer, ou neoplasia, é uma doença caracterizada pela propagação descontrolada de formas anormais das próprias células corporais e corresponde à segunda doença que mais causa mortes no mundo. A história da platina no tratamento do câncer teve início com a descoberta da sua atividade, em 1965, com a aprovação para uso clínico acontecendo apenas após 10 anos. Atualmente, os fármacos com platina estão entre os mais bem sucedidos agentes anticancerígenos, onde se destacam cisplatina (1), carboplatina (2) e oxaliplatina (3). Seus mecanismos de ação são similares: estes fármacos formam adutos com o DNA, impedindo a sua síntese e reparo, levando à morte celular. Contudo, os efeitos adversos desencadeados pelo tratamento e o desenvolvimento de resistência ao medicamento têm limitado suas aplicações. Uma das principais estratégias para a diminuição de tais efeitos consiste em alterar a estrutura destas moléculas, levando à formação de compostos híbridos, que se caracterizam pela presença de pelo menos dois fragmentos funcionais distintos em uma mesma molécula e podem apresentar maior espectro de atividade antitumoral. Dentre as alterações mais comuns encontram-se a modificação da solubilidade, através da inserção de grupos abandonadores mais ou menos hidrofóbicos e a introdução de ligantes com atividade biológica própria. Dessa forma, esta revisão visa verificar os avanços mais recentes na síntese de compostos híbridos de platina, bem como as melhorias na atividade anticâncer dos novos compostos platinados...

Cancer, or neoplasm, is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled propagation of abnormal cells of the body and is the second leading death-causing disease. The history of platinum in cancer treatment goes back to the discovery of its activity in 1965 and its approval for clinical use just 10 years later. Some of the most successful anticancer agents are Pt-based chemotherapeutics, among which cisplatin (1), carboplatin (2), and oxaliplatin (3) stand out. They have similar mechanisms of action: they form adducts with DNA, preventing its synthesis and repair and leading to cell death. However, adverse effects triggered by treatment and the development of resistance to these drugs have limited their application. One of the most important strategies to reduce such effects is to carry out structural modifications of these molecules, leading to hybrid compounds that are characterized by the presence of at least two distinct functional fragments on the same molecule and can exhibit a broader antitumor activity spectrum. Among the most typical modifications are changes to the solubility pattern, created by the insertion of leaving groups with high or low hydrophobicity, and the introduction of biologically active ligands as non-leaving groups. The purpose of these strategies is to obtain compounds capable of reducing systemic toxicity and/or overcoming acquired resistance factors to cisplatin. Therefore, the aim of this review is to discuss the most recent advances in the synthesis of hybrid platinum compounds, as well as improvements in the anticancer activity of Pt-compounds...

Humans , Carboplatin/pharmacokinetics , Carboplatin/therapeutic use , Organoplatinum Compounds/pharmacokinetics , Organoplatinum Compounds/therapeutic use , Imidazolidines/pharmacokinetics , Imidazolidines/therapeutic use , Neoplasms/therapy
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 61(4): 414-422, dic. 2011. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-702750


El objetivo del estudio es conocer la sobrevivencia del probiótico Lactobacillus paracasei ssp paracasei agregado durante el procesamiento de Gauda semidescremado, durante maduración (21días) y en comercialización (14 días), así como la influencia de este organismo sobre la calidad del producto. Los tratamientos fueron: T1 (testigo): Gauda de contenido de grasa normal; T2: Queso Gauda semidescremado, QGS; T3: QGS, con probiótico adicionado junto al agregado del cultivo iniciador; T4: QGS, con probiótico adicionado al cocimiento de la cuajada. Para el recuento del probiótico se usó la metodología descrita por la Asociación de Salud Pública Americana (APHA), proteólisis por método de tirosina soluble en ácido tricloroacético (TCA) y, los análisis físicos y químicos por métodos estandarizados en Normas de la Federación Internacional de la Leche y Normas chilenas. Los recuentos obtenidos fueron de 108 ufc/g y 107 ufc/g en los quesos con adición del probiótico (T3 y T4, respectivamente) cerca del nivel de inóculo (108 ufc/g), durante el período de estudio (35días). La proteólisis se incrementó en forma normal y fue similar en todos los tratamientos durante los 35 días estudiados. Los tratamientos con reducción de grasa presentaron, aproximadamente, un 31% menos de grasa que el tratamiento testigo, y mayor humedad. Entre los tratamientos no se evidenció diferencias en sabor y apreciación general, en cambio los quesos con reducción de grasa resultaron más firmes, menos cohesivos y similares en elasticidad que el testigo.

The objective of this study is to infer the survival of the probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei ssp paracasei added during the processing of low-fat Gouda cheese during the maturation (21 days) and the commercialization (14 days), in order to see the influence that this organism has on the quality of the product. The treatments were: TI (control): Gouda with normal fat content; T2: Low fat Gouda cheese (QGS) T3: QGS, with additional probiotic added with the initial culture; T4: QGS, with the probiotic added in the cooking of the curd. For the count of the probiotic, the methodology was used set forth by the American Public Health Association, (APHA), proteolysis by the method of soluble tyrosine in trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and the physical and chemical analysis using the methods standardized by the International Dairy Federation, and Chilean normative. The counts obtained were from 108 ufc/g y 107 ufc/g in the cheeses that had the probiotic additive (T3 and T4, respectively) close to the level of innocuous (108 ufc/g) during the study period of 35 days. The proteolysis incremented normally, and was the same in all of the treatments during the 35 days studied. The treatments with fat-reduction presented approximately, 31% less fat than the control treatment, and also higher moistness. Within the treatments, there was no evidence of taste and general feel; in turn the cheeses with the reduction of fat resulted firmer, less cohesive, than the control, and with similar elasticity.

Cheese/microbiology , Food Microbiology , Food Technology , Lactobacillus/physiology , Probiotics/analysis , Colony Count, Microbial , Taste
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(3): 784-787, June 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-595603


Os diversos alimentos completos para cães existentes no mercado objetivam atender as necessidades nutricionais do animal quanto ao estádio fisiológico, conforme as alterações que possam ocorrer no aproveitamento dos nutrientes. Com a finalidade de comparar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) e as características das fezes de um alimento seco extrusado de cães adultos e filhotes, foram utilizados 12 cães da raça Beagle, sendo seis adultos, cinco anos, e seis filhotes, cinco-seis meses, mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas e distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. Os animais foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia com um alimento completo seco extrusado para filhotes, por um período de adaptação de cinco dias seguidos por cinco dias de coleta total de fezes. Houve diferença apenas para o CDA do extrato etéreo em hidrólise ácida, sendo maior para os filhotes - 95,3 vs 89,5 por cento. Em relação às características das fezes, os filhotes apresentaram pior escore fecal, devido às fezes terem se mostrado mais úmidas, além de maior pH em fezes secas e maior teor de amônia, culminando em pior qualidade. Conclui-se que filhotes de 5-6 meses de idade apresentam maior digestibilidade da gordura quando comparado a cães adultos, porém defecam fezes com pior escore fecal.

Animals , Dogs , Food Preservation , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology , Nutrients/analysis
Vitae (Medellín) ; 17(2): 141-148, mayo-ago. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-557510


El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la viabilidad de tres microorganismos considerados probióticos: Lactobacillus casei 01, Bifidobacterium BB12, y Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, durante la vida útil del queso Cottage (0, 7 y 14, y 7 días adicionales, para un total de 21 días, y su influencia sobre las características sensoriales. El estudio se llevó a cabo en cuatro tratamientos y tres repeticiones: el tratamiento control T1, sin agregado de probiótico; el tratamiento 2, con agregado de Lb. casei 01; el tratamiento 3, con agregado de Lb. acidophilus La – 5; y el tratamiento 4, con agregado de Bifidobacterium BB12. Los probióticos fueron adicionados a la crema que se agrega al queso, el cual es almacenado a 4ºC. La viabilidad de los microorganismos se midió en análisis microbiológicos; y las características de calidad de los productos mediante análisis físicos, microbiológicos, químicos y sensoriales. Bifidobacterium presentó recuentos superiores a 1 x 10.

The objective of this research was to evaluate the viability of three microorganisms considered as probiotics: Lactobacillus casei 01, Bifidobacterium BB12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, during cottage cheese shelflife (0, 7, 14, and 7 days thereafter equivalent to 21 days), and the influence on sensory characteristics of the products. The study was carried in four treatments and three replications. Control treatment (T1) without probiotics; treatment T2 containing Lb. casei 01; treatment T3 containing Lb. acidophilus La-5; and treatment 4, with the addition of Bifidobacterium BB12. The cream with the addition of probiotics was added to the cheese which is stored at 4ºC. The viability evaluation of microorganisms was carried through microbiology analysis and its quality characteristics obtained through physical, chemical and sensory analyses of the products at 0, 7 and 14 days. Bifidobacterium had higher counts than 1 x 10.

Probiotics , Cheese , Cell Survival
Rev. chil. nutr ; 36(1): 53-62, mar. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-551870


The influence by the addition of whey proteins on the biochemical changes in Chanco cheese ripening was evaluated. 4 treatments were set up: TC (control), and TI, T2 and T3 adding milk whey powder at 2, 4, 6 percent (m/m) respectively using a factorial design 3 x4 (4 treatments by 3 repetitions). In pH control, humidity, fat, total solids, proteins, ashes and salt at 0, 14, 28 and 42 days, standardized methods were used: IDF-FIL, AOAC and Chilean guidelines. Color by colorimeter Color test LFM1, water activity by the LUF analyzer and by the formula. In the sensorial evaluation the test of Multiple Comparison (4 attributes) was used. The results showed that glycolysis increased during ripening in treatments with whey. Moisture, fat and ashes increased at T2 & T3, and water activity decreased slowly in cheeses. Control and TI in texture profile were statistically equal. It is concluded that whey addition to Chanco cheese it is feasible but limited.

Se evaluó la influencia ejercida por el agregado de proteínas séricas, sobre los cambios bioquímicos ocurridos en la maduración del Chanco. Se plantearon cuatro tratamientos: TC (control), y TI, T2 y T3 con agregado de 2,4, 6 por ciento (m/m) de suero en polvo, respectivamente, usando un diseño factorial de 3 x 4 (4 tratamientos y 3 repeticiones). En el control de pH, humedad, materia grasa, sólidos totales, proteína, cenizas y sal, a los 0, 14, 28 y 42 días, se usaron métodos estandarizados, IDF-FIL, AOAC y Normas Chilenas. Color instrumental por el colorímetro Color Tester LFM 1, aw por el analizador LUF y por fórmula. En la evaluación sensorial se usó el test de Comparación Múltiple (4 atributos). Los resultados indican que en los tratamientos con suero la glicólisis se prolonga durante la maduración. Humedad, grasas y cenizas se incrementan en T3 y T4 y la actividad de agua (aw) desciende más lentamente en esos quesos. En el perfil textural resultan estadísticamente iguales el Control y TI. Se concluye que la adición de suero al proceso de Queso Chanco es factible pero en niveles limitados.

Milk/chemistry , Cheese/analysis , Ash/analysis , Chlorides/analysis , Fats/analysis , Humidity , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Food Handling/methods , Proteins/analysis , Time Factors
Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; 28(1): 35-44, 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-485199


Nitrofurazona(NF), 5-nitro-2-furaldeído semicarbazona, é um antibiótico de amplo espectro, que apresenta diversos efeitos tóxicos e baixa solubilidade aquosa. A complexação da NF com ciclodextrinas é de grande interesse para o desenvolvimento de uma formulação para este antibiótico que seja mais segura e eficiente. Neste trabalho foi realizada a preparação e caracterização inicial do complexo de inclusão entre NF e hidroxipropil-Beta-ciclodextrina (HP-Beta-CD) através de experimentos para determinação da cinética de complexação, medidas de fotoestabilidade, medidas de constante de afinidade fármaco: ciclodextrina, ensaios de liberação in vitro, estequiometria de formação do complexo e morfologia do complexo por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os ensaios de cinética de complexação mostram que para o complexo atingir o equilíbrio são necessárias 17,3h. As isotermas de solubilidade determinadas para a NF em função da temperatura mostraram perfis do tipo A e B indicando que a temperatura é um fator importante na complexação da NF com ciclodextrina. Os experimentos de fotoestabilidade indicam que a inserção da molécula de NF na cavidade interna da ciclodextrina protege o fármaco da fotodecomposição. A cinética de liberação mostra que o perfil de liberação do fármaco é modificado pela presença da ciclodextrina no meio. A estequiometria de complexação entre NF e HP-Beta-CD determinada foi de 1:1 NF:HP-Beta-CD. Os resultados demicroscopia eletrônica de varredura indicam alterações na estrutura cristalina da NF em presença deciclodextrina. Este estudo está baseado na caracterização físico-química da complexação entre NF e HP-Beta-CD podendo ser uma nova potencial opção para utilização terapêutica do NF.

Nitrofurazone (NF), 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has reported toxic effects and low solubility in water. It would be of great interest to form inclusion complexes between NF and a cyclodextrin, to develop more effective and safer antibiotic formulations. This paper focuses on the preparation of inclusion complexes of NF with 2- hydroxypropyl- -cyclodextrin (HP- -CD) and their initial characterization by evaluating rates of complex formation, photostability, solubility isotherms, release rate profiles, stoichiometry of the complexes and their morphology, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. The kinetic tests of complex formation revealed that 17,3 h is enough for stabilization of the NFcyclodextrin complex. The solubility isotherm studies showed that the isotherm changes from type A to type B, as a function of temperature. The photostability experiments showed that the insertion of the NF in the HP- -CD cavity protects the drug from photodecomposition. The release kinetic tests showed that the profile of NF release from the complex is altered by the presence of HP- -CD in the medium. A Job's plot indicated that the stoichiometry of the complex was 1:1 NF:HP- -CD. The scanning electron micrographs showed changes in the crystal structure of NF in the complex. This study focused on the physicochemical properties of drug-delivery formulations that could potentially be developed into a novel type of therapy with NF.

Nitrofurazone/pharmacokinetics , beta-Cyclodextrins/pharmacokinetics , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Rev. chil. nutr ; 33(1): 74-85, abr. 2006. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-476918


Se comparó Cottage, queso fresco (4g de materia grasa/100g de queso), elaborado con cultivos Redi-Set (semidirecto) y DVS (directo), con agregado de crema homogeneizada y sin homogeneizar, para verificar la factibilidad de su producción. Los tratamientos fueron: Cottage con cultivo Redi Set con crema homogeneizada (CH) y sin homogeneizar (CSH); Cottage con cultivo DVS con CH y CSH. En el proceso se encontró que el uso de Redi-Set y DVS producen distintos perfiles de acidificación hasta el segundo calentamiento, luego los pH se asemejan con diferencias de sólo 0,02 unidades en la cuajada final, aunque el DVS tomó cerca de 50 por ciento más de tiempo en alcanzar el pH final. Los contenidos de humedad (79.00-79.95g/100g), calcio (94.9-97mg/100g), materia grasa (4.13-4.37g/100g) y pH (4.71-4.73), así como los atributos sensoriales no presentaron diferencias significativas entre los cuatro tratamientos, tampoco hubo diferencias en el rendimiento práctico del Cottage natural y crema, cuyos promedios fueron de 16,62 (+/-1,14) y 19,47 (+/-1,37) kg/100 kg de leche, respectivamente.

Cottage cream, fresh cheese (4g fat matter/100g cheese) made with Redi-Set and DVS culture plus homogenized and non homogenised cream was compared to check the feasibility of its production. The treatments were: Cottage cheese made using Redi-Set culture plus homogenized cream (CH) and without homogenizing (CSH); Cottage cheese elaborated with DVS and with CH and CSH. The process showed that when using Redi-Set and DVS different acidification profiles are produced up to the second heating. Later pHs became similar with only 0.02 units difference in drained curds, despite the fact that DVS took longer (50 percent more time) to reach the final pH. The sensory attributes, contents of moisture (79.00 - 79.95g/100g), calcium (94.9 - 97mg/100g), fat (4.13 - 4.37g/100g) and pH (4.71 - 4.73), did not show significant differences neither in the four studied treatments nor in the practical yield of natural cottage and cream, whose averages were 16,62 (+/-1,14) and 19,47(+/-1,37) kg/100 kg of milk, respectively. In conclusion it is feasible to produce a typical cottage cheese using any of the 4 protocols reported in this study.

Cheese , Taste , Food Analysis/methods , Flavoring Agents/chemistry , Feasibility Studies , Food Handling , Cheese/analysis , Food Technology/methods
Acta cir. bras ; 20(supl.1): 257-261, 2005.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-414652


OBJETIVO: A anfotericina B é um agente antifúngico de largo espectro bastante empregado na terapia antifúngica. Entretanto, esta molécula apresenta um alto nível de toxicidade que, na maioria das vezes, impede o seu uso contínuo na terapêutica médica. O objetivo deste artigo foi comparar a eficácia e a toxicidade in vitro do Fungizon™ (AmB-D) e de dois sistemas carreadores de AmB. MÉTODOS: Três produtos foram avaliados: o Fungizon™ , e dois sistemas oriundos da mistura entre o Fungizon™ e o Lipofundin™ , uma emulsão de uso parenteral. Tais sistemas foram obtidos por duas técnicas: Na primeira diluiu-se previamanete o Fungizon™ com água para injetáveis e em seguida inseriu-se o Lipofundin™ (AmB-DAL); o segundo método consistiu na diluíção extemporânea do Fungizon™ com a referida emulsão (AmB-DL). Dois modelos celulares foram empregados no estudo: os eritrócitos (RBC) oriundos de doadores humanos e a Candida tropicalis (Ct). A avaliação in vitro (liberação de K+ e hemoglobina, e o índice de sobrevivência celular-CSR) foi realizado com quatro concentrações de AmB (entre 50 e 0.05mg.L-1). RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstram que a ação da AmB não só foi dependente da concentração como também variou de acordo com o modelo celular e o veículo que diluiu o Fungizon™ . Nas concentrações de 50 mg.L-1, apesar da liberação de hemoglobina ser quase que total para AmB-D (99.51), para a AmB-DAL e AmB-DL este valor tendeu a zero. Um p = 0.000 demonstrou que AmB-D foi significativamente mais hemolítico. CONCLUSÃO: A mistura Fungizon™ -Lipofundin™ aparenta ser um bom sistema para carrear a AmB tendo em vista seu elevado índice terapêutico demonstrado.

Female , Humans , Amphotericin B/pharmacology , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , In Vitro Techniques , Parenteral Nutrition/standards , Phospholipids/pharmacology , Sorbitol/pharmacology , Analysis of Variance , Amphotericin B/adverse effects , Antifungal Agents/adverse effects , Candida tropicalis/drug effects , Drug Carriers , Drug Combinations , Erythrocytes/drug effects , Hemoglobins/drug effects , Models, Biological , Phospholipids/adverse effects , Potassium/blood , Sorbitol/adverse effects , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1456161


PURPOSE: Amphotericin B (AmB), an antifungal agent that presents a broad spectrum of activity, remains the gold standard in the antifungal therapy. However, sometimes the high level of toxicity forbids its clinical use. The aim of this work was to evaluate and compare the efficacy and toxicity in vitro of Fungizon (AmB-D) and two new different AmB formulations. METHODS: three products were studied: Fungizon, and two Fungizon /Lipofundin admixtures, which were diluted through two methods: in the first one, Fungizon was previously diluted with water for injection and then, in Lipofundin (AmB-DAL); the second method consisted of a primary dilution of AmB-D as a powder in the referred emulsion (AmB-DL). For the in vitro assay, two cell models were used: Red Blood Cells (RBC) from human donors and Candida tropicallis (Ct). The in vitro evaluation (K+ leakage, hemoglobin leakage and cell survival rate-CSR) was performed at four AmB concentrations (from 50 to 0.05mg.L-1). RESULTS: The results showed that the action of AmB was not only concentration dependent, but also cellular type and vehicle kind dependent. At AmB concentrations of 50 mg.L-1, although the hemoglobin leakage for AmB-D was almost complete (99.51), for AmB-DAL and AmB-DL this value tended to zero. The p = 0.000 showed that AmB-D was significantly more hemolytic. CONCLUSION: The Fungizon-Lipofundin admixtures seem to be the more valuable AmB carrier systems due to their best therapeutic index presented.

OBJETIVO: A anfotericina B é um agente antifúngico de largo espectro bastante empregado na terapia antifúngica. Entretanto, esta molécula apresenta um alto nível de toxicidade que, na maioria das vezes, impede o seu uso contínuo na terapêutica médica. O objetivo deste artigo foi comparar a eficácia e a toxicidade in vitro do Fungizon (AmB-D) e de dois sistemas carreadores de AmB. MÉTODOS: Três produtos foram avaliados: o Fungizon , e dois sistemas oriundos da mistura entre o Fungizon e o Lipofundin , uma emulsão de uso parenteral. Tais sistemas foram obtidos por duas técnicas: Na primeira diluiu-se previamanete o Fungizon com água para injetáveis e em seguida inseriu-se o Lipofundin (AmB-DAL); o segundo método consistiu na diluíção extemporânea do Fungizon com a referida emulsão (AmB-DL). Dois modelos celulares foram empregados no estudo: os eritrócitos (RBC) oriundos de doadores humanos e a Candida tropicalis (Ct). A avaliação in vitro (liberação de K+ e hemoglobina, e o índice de sobrevivência celular-CSR) foi realizado com quatro concentrações de AmB (entre 50 e 0.05mg.L-1). RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstram que a ação da AmB não só foi dependente da concentração como também variou de acordo com o modelo celular e o veículo que diluiu o Fungizon . Nas concentrações de 50 mg.L-1, apesar da liberação de hemoglobina ser quase que total para AmB-D (99.51), para a AmB-DAL e AmB-DL este valor tendeu a zero. Um p = 0.000 demonstrou que AmB-D foi significativamente mais hemolítico. CONCLUSÃO: A mistura Fungizon -Lipofundin aparenta ser um bom sistema para carrear a AmB tendo em vista seu elevado índice terapêutico demonstrado.

Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; 3(1): 148-161, Mar. 2004.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-417577


Chromobacterium violaceum is a versatile, Gram-negative beta-protebacterium that grows in a variety of ecosystems in tropical and subtropical areas, such as the water and borders of the Negro River, in the Amazon region of Brazil. Although it is a saprophyte and is generally considered non-pathogenic, sporadic cases of human infection have been described, mainly in young children and in immunodeficient individuals. Although rare, infections with C. violaceum are characterized by rapid dissemination and high mortality. With the complete genome sequence of C. violaceum now available, a detailed description of the molecular arsenal required for this bacterium's remarkable versatility has been revealed. Most importantly, a more detailed picture of its biotechnological properties, including the characteristic violacein pigment, has emerged. The complete genome sequence also enabled us to make a thorough examination of the repertoire of genes encoding probable virulence factors, which determine the potential for pathogenesis. We described a number of genes involved in infectious processes, such as host cell adhesion, [quot ]contact-dependent secretion[quot ] of factors that promote cell invasion, as well as other virulence factors, such as cytolytic proteins. We also described genes involved with the synthesis of lipopolysaccharides and proteoglycan, known to elicit the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines and involved in the detoxification process, which may contribute to the evasion of the bacteria from the host immune response

Chromobacterium/genetics , Virulence Factors/genetics , Genome, Bacterial , Lipopolysaccharides/biosynthesis , Bacterial Adhesion/genetics , Chromobacterium/pathogenicity , Colicins/biosynthesis , Colicins/genetics , Hemolysin Proteins/biosynthesis , Hemolysin Proteins/genetics , Indoles , Virulence/genetics
Rev. chil. nutr ; 30(3): 272-29, dic. 2003. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-387654


Debido al advenimiento explosivo de la comida rápida como pizzas, sandwiches y otros, el procesado laminable ha adquirido gran preponderancia en el mundo, Chile produce principalmente queso fundido untable. Considerando además, los riesgos sobre la salud derivados del consumo excesivo de grasas saturadas, amerita estudiar la factibilidad de producción de fundido laminable de reducida grasa. El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar un producto con aproximadamente 300g/Kg menos de grasa que el normal, usando Chanco y quesillo. Las materias primas y productos fueron caracterizados física, química y sensorialmente, por métodos estandarizados. Las formulaciones incorporaron Chanco joven, madurado y quesillo, en proporciones 70/30 y 50/30/20, además de goma Guar/Xanthan (G/X) y concentrado proteico de suero (CPS). Se logró elaborar queso procesado laminable reducido en grasa, con los tres quesos estudiados, reemplazando 300g/Kg de grasa del producto grasa normal, usando G/X y CPS, donde esta última presentó mejor calidad sensorial.

Humans , Cheese , Food Analysis , Food Technology , Cheese/analysis , Chile , Food, Formulated
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 53(3): 299-305, sept. 2003.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-356554


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence the use of homogenization of different proportions of milk--which allow to increase the yield in the process and probably to improve sensorial characteristics of the cheese--has on the ripening of low fat Chanco cheese. Five treatments (three replicates each) were studied, two corresponded to control (normal fat and low fat) and the other three treatments were low fat using partially homogenized milk in the following percentages of the total volume of milk; 12.5, 25 and 50 per cent. Standard methodology was used to monitor the evolution of ripening in terms of moisture, fat and total protein content, ripening index (NS/NT per cent), lipolysis (ADV), pH, sensorial quality and micro structure of the product. The low fat treatments with homogenized milk showed less fat losses in the whey and consequently increased yields. This study allowed us to know the low fat Chanco cheese maturation profile, low fat treatments with homogenisation showed a higher degree of lipolysis than the non--homogenized low-fat control although it was lower than normal fat control. No differences in terms of the development of proteolysis were observed. The low--fat homogenized treatments did not show improvement in the flavor neither in the cheese firmness probably due to the short ripening period (21 days) of this cheese variety, nevertheless T3 presented some advantages which could be improved applying simultaneously another technological helps.

Dietary Fats/analysis , Food Handling/methods , Cheese/analysis , Chemistry, Physical , Humidity , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Time Factors
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 35(3): 377-381, Mar. 2002. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-304675


Sm14 is a 14-kDa vaccine candidate antigen from Schistosoma mansoni that seems to be involved in cytoplasmic trafficking of fatty acids. Although schistosomes have a high requirement for lipids, they are not able to synthesize fatty acids and sterols de novo. Thus, they must acquire host lipids. In order to determine whether Sm14 is present in different stages of the life cycle of the parasite, we performed RT-PCR. Sm14 mRNA was identified in all stages of the life cycle studied, mainly schistosomulum, adult worm and egg. Additionally, we used a rabbit anti-Sm14 polyclonal antibody in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to localize Sm14 in adult worm sections. The basal lamella of the tegument and the gut epithelium were strongly labeled. These tissues have a high flow of and demand for lipids, a finding that supports the putative role of Sm14 as an intracellular transporter of fatty acids from host cells

Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Rabbits , Helminth Proteins , Schistosoma mansoni , Schistosomiasis mansoni , Antibodies, Helminth , Carrier Proteins , DNA, Complementary , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect , Gene Expression , Helminth Proteins , Life Cycle Stages , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Schistosoma mansoni , Vaccines
Braz. j. biol ; 61(4): 631-638, Nov. 2001. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-308292


From September, 92 to August, 93 bee sampling was done in a secondary forest near the Pepital River, in Alc⮴ara, MA, in order to study the local Euglossini fauna. Five aromatic compounds were used: eucaliptol, eugenol, methyl salicylate, vanillin, and benzoate. Four hundred sixty-seven male Euglossini bees were captured, distributed in 4 genus and 19 species. Euglossa was the most abundant and with high diversity (302 specimens and 14 species), followed by Eulaema (121; 3), Eufriesea (41; 1), and Exaerete (3; 1). The species which more frequently visited the bait were Euglossa piliventris (141 specimens; 30.19 percent), Euglossa cingulata (113; 24.21 percent), Euglossa ignita (45; 9.64 percent), Eufriesea pulchra (41; 8.78 percent), and Euglossa gaianii (33; 7.07 percent) corresponding to 79.88 percent of the sampling universe. The bees were active throught the year, however during the rainy season more activity and diversity were observed. The most attractive essence was eucaliptol (44.32 percent specimens and 84.21 percent species). In spite of this study having been done in a forest fragment, a secondary vegetation area smaller than other areas studied in Maranh䯬 it showed a significant diversity rate. This result reinforces the importance of fragments in the conservation of local bee communities

Animals , Male , Bees , Trees , Brazil , Population Density , Seasons
Braz. j. biol ; 61(4)Nov. 2001.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467567


From September, 92 to August, 93 bee sampling was done in a secondary forest near the Pepital River, in Alcântara, MA, in order to study the local Euglossini fauna. Five aromatic compounds were used: eucaliptol, eugenol, methyl salicylate, vanillin, and benzoate. Four hundred sixty-seven male Euglossini bees were captured, distributed in 4 genus and 19 species. Euglossa was the most abundant and with high diversity (302 specimens and 14 species), followed by Eulaema (121; 3), Eufriesea (41; 1), and Exaerete (3; 1). The species which more frequently visited the bait were Euglossa piliventris (141 specimens; 30.19%), Euglossa cingulata (113; 24.21%), Euglossa ignita (45; 9.64%), Eufriesea pulchra (41; 8.78%), and Euglossa gaianii (33; 7.07%) corresponding to 79.88% of the sampling universe. The bees were active throught the year, however during the rainy season more activity and diversity were observed. The most attractive essence was eucaliptol (44.32% specimens and 84.21% species). In spite of this study having been done in a forest fragment, a secondary vegetation area smaller than other areas studied in Maranhão, it showed a significant diversity rate. This result reinforces the importance of fragments in the conservation of local bee communities.

De setembro/92 a agosto/93, foram feitas coletas em uma área de vegetação secundária, próxima ao rio Pepital, Alcântara, MA, com o objetivo de conhecer a fauna de Euglossini local. Foram coletados 467 machos, 4 gêneros e 19 espécies. Euglossa foi o gênero mais abundante e com maior número de espécies (302 indivíduos, 14 espécies), seguido de Eulaema (121; 3), Eufriesea (41; 1) e Exaerete (3; 1). As espécies que mais se destacaram em visita às iscas-odores foram: Euglossa piliventris (141 ind.; 30,19% do total de abelhas coletadas), Eulaema cingulata (113; 24,21%), Euglossa ignita (45; 9,64%), Eufriesea pulchra (41; 8,78%) e Euglossa gaianii (33; 7,07%) representando 79,88% do universo amostral. Foram ativas durante todo o ano, entretanto, foram observadas maior atividade e maior diversidade de abelhas em visita às essências no período chuvoso. A essência que atraiu o maior número de espécies e indivíduos foi o Eucaliptol (84,21% e 44,32%, respectivamente). O sítio de estudos, embora apresentasse vegetação secundária, cuja área amostrada foi menor do que outras áreas já estudadas no Maranhão, revelou uma significativa diversidade de Euglossini. Tal resultado reforça a importância dos fragmentos na manutenção das comunidades de abelhas na região.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 32(2): 207-14, feb. 1999. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-228262


Gene vaccines represent a new and promising approach to control infectious diseases, inducing a protective immune response in the appropriate host. Several routes and methods of genetic immunization have been shown to induce antibody production as well as T helper (Th) cell and cytotoxic T lymphocyte activation. However, few studies have compared the nature of the immune responses generated by different gene vaccination delivery systems. In the present study we reviewed some aspects of immunity induced by gene immunization and compared the immune responses produced by intramuscular (im) DNA injection to gene gun-mediated DNA transfer into the skin of BALB/c mice. Using a reporter gene coding for ß-galactosidase, we have demonstrated that im injection raised a predominantly Th1 response with mostly IgG2a anti-ßgal produced, while gene gun immunization induced a mixed Th1/Th2 profile with a balanced production of IgG2a and IgG1 subclasses. Distinct types of immune responses were generated by different methods of gene delivery. These findings have important implications for genetic vaccine design. Firstly, a combination between these two systems may create optimal conditions for the induction of a broad-based immune response. Alternatively, a particular gene vaccine delivery method might be used according to the immune response required for host protection. Here, we describe the characteristics of the immune response induced by gene vaccination and the properties of DNA involved in this process

Animals , Mice , Genes , Immunotherapy, Active/methods , Vaccines, DNA/immunology , Biolistics , Gene Transfer Techniques , Mice, Inbred BALB C