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Neotrop. entomol ; 34(5): 823-827, Sept. -Oct. 2005. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-419820


Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o comportamento de oviposição da mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B em relação à posição da folha, à idade da planta e à densidade de adultos na cultura do algodoeiro. Utilizou-se o genótipo IAC 22 para realização dos testes. Nos testes com chance de escolha, plantas com 20, 30 e 40 dias de idade foram utilizadas para avaliar os efeitos da idade da planta e plantas com 40 dias para estudar a distribuição de ovos na planta e no limbo foliar. Naquele sem chance de escolha, utilizaram-se plantas com 20 dias de idade para avaliar as densidades de 50, 100 e 150 adultos por planta. Com base nos resultados, as áreas dos lóbulos do limbo foliar e as folhas apicais foram preferidas para postura e, portanto, as mais adequadas para as amostragens de ovos de mosca-branca em plantas de algodoeiro. Plantas com 20 dias de idade foram as preferidas para a oviposição e, nas densidades de 100 e 150 adultos por planta foi encontrado número suficiente de ovos para discriminar genótipos de algodoeiro com diferentes graus de resistência à mosca-branca.

The effect of silicon-treated wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) on the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rond.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was evaluated. Plants were treated with silicon incorporated to the soil and by foliar spraying. Aphid development was evaluated by observing the duration of the pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive periods, as well as fecundity and longevity. Probing behaviour was investigated by using the DC electrical penetration graphs (EPG) technique and a “honeydew clock”. Silica treated plants had a clear adverse effect on aphid development. Stylet penetration was not affected by treatments showing no physical barriers by the plant tissue. However, stylet was withdrawn more often on plants treated with silica, resulting in reduction of probing time. Sieve elements were reached equally by aphids in all treatments and the insects remained ingesting phloem sap for similar periods. However, honeydew excretion was highly reduced indicating lower sap ingestion rate or higher sap retention inside the body. Chemical changes and induced resistance are possibly related to the reduction of aphid performance.

Gossypium , Insect Control , Insecta , Oviposition , Plants , Sampling Studies