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Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1050017


The development and yield of plants is directly related to the effects of salinity. There are several reports in scientific studies of significant reduction in the growth and production of tomato in soils with high electrical conductivity. The correction or recovery of salinized soils, although technically possible, is a slow and very expensive process, making it necessary to develop new technologies. The objective of this study is to evaluate the production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) seedlings using seeds pelleted with a homeopathic preparation of Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m) submitted to saline stress. The treatments consisted of the pelletization of tomato seeds with six dynamizations of Nat-m (3cH, 5cH, 7cH, 9cH, 11cH and 13cH). Coated or uncoated seeds (controls) were placed in phenolic foam blocks, kept in plastic trays previously moistened with 50 mM NaCl saline solution (2.922 g.L-1 of NaCl, electrical conductivity = 4.5 dSm-1) and nutrient solution (0.15 dS.m-1) at half the ionic strength, containing 4, 1, 2, 1, 0.5, and 0.5 mmol.L-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, and 17.5, 9.5, 10.5, 2, 0.45 and 0.35 mmol.L-1 of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Mo, respectively. The variables evaluated were percentage of emerged plants, emergence speed index, shoot length, leaf area, number of leaves, root volume, root dry matter, and shoot dry matter. The treatments pelleted seeds/talc Nat-m 5cH and pelleted seeds/talc Nat-m 7cH increased all variables evaluated. They differed statistically from the controls, with a positive response for the development of tomato seedlings under disequilibrium conditions. (AU)

Saltpetre Soils , Solanum lycopersicum , Natrium Muriaticum , Organic Agriculture
Int. j. high dilution res ; 17(3/4): 58-62, 2018.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1050013


The use of less impacting techniques in agricultural systems is the global trend, so the use of homeopathic preparations on these systems has been studied as ecologically sound technology. This study had the object to study the interaction between the homeopathic preparations and the development of Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake seedlings and was conducted from May 2007 to July 2007, in the greenhouse of the Department of Plant Science at the Federal University of Viçosa, MG, Brazil. Applications were made in one-day intervals and preparations utilized were Phosphorus, Calcarea carbonica, Kali muriaticum, Magnesia carbonica, all in potencies 3CH and 12CH and the controls were water and alcohol 3CH. Parameters of seedlings quality were measured in different times during the experiment, up to the end. Kali muriaticum 12CH promoted increased root length of approximately 55% compared to the water control. Phosphorus 3CH differed from other treatments considering the total green mass. The homeopathic preparations Phosphorus 3CH and Kali muriaticum 12CH increased the root growth, in relation to controls. The responses obtained with the application of Phosphorus 3CH indicate the viability of its agronomic use to increase of the root capacity of absorbing elements, as much as necessary for the plant growth. (AU)

High Potencies , Eucalyptus , Organic Agriculture , Homeopathy , Calcarea Carbonica , Kali Muriaticum , Magnesia Carbonica
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-574570


Background: aluminum toxicity is the most important factor limiting the growth of plants in acid soils, whereas current treatments are unfeasible. For this reason, alternatives are sought for, among which homeopathic treatment. Aims: this study aimed at evaluating the influence of homeopathic preparations Alumina 6cH, Alumina 12cH, Calcarea carbonica 6cH and Calcarea carbonica 12cH on the germination and vigor of lettuce seeds subjected to toxic levels of aluminum in paper-solution. At the same time, it was sought to develop a new procedure to apply homeopathic preparations in plants (pelleting). Methods: the statistical design was entirely randomized (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions. Treatments included: 1) pelleted seeds/talc + Alum 6 cH; 2) pelleted seeds/talc + Alum 12cH; 3) pelleted seed/talc + Calc 6cH; 4) pelleted seeds/talc + Calc 12cH; 5) pelleted seeds/talc + distilled water; 6) non pelleted seeds (control). Variables evaluated were: germination percentage (GP), germination speed index (GSI) and radicle length (RL). Results: there was significant difference in GSI and RL ? variables that reflect the vigor of seeds - between the samples treated with homeopathic preparations and the controls Conclusions: homeopathic preparations Alumina 6cH and 12cH and Calcarea carbonica 6cH and 12cH had significant effect on the vigor of lettuce seeds subjected to stress conditions.

Introdução: a toxicidade por alumínio é o principal fator que limita o crescimento das plantas em solos ácido; no entanto, os tratamentos disponíveis não são praticáveis. Por esse motivo, são procuradas alternativas, entre as quais, encontra-se a homeopatia. Objetivos: avaliar a influência das preparações homeopáticas Alumina 6cH e 12cH, e Calcarea carbonica 6cH e 12cH na germinação e vigor de sementes de alface expostas a níveis tóxicos de alumínio em papel-solução. Ao mesmo tempo, procurou-se desenvolver um novo método de aplicação de preparações homeopáticas nas plantas (peletização). Métodos: o desenho estatístico foi totalmente casualizado, com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos incluíram: 1) sementes peletizadas/talco + Alum 6cH; 2) sementes peletizadas/talco + Alum cH12; 3) sementes peletizadas/talco + Calc 12cH; 4) sementes peletizadas/talco + Calc 12cH; 5) sementes peletizadas/talco + água destilada (controle 1) e 6) sementes não peletizadas. As variáveis avaliadas foram: porcentagem de germinação; índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG); e crescimento radicular (CR). Resultados: houve diferença significativa nas variáveis que refletem o vigor das sementes (IVG e CR) entre as amostradas tratadas com preparações homeopáticas e os controles. Conclusões: as preparações homeopáticas Alumina 6cH e 12cH, e Calcarea carbonica 6cH e 12cH apresentaram efeito significativamente positivo no vigor de sementes de alface expostas a condições de estresse.

Introducción: la toxicidad por aluminio es el factor más importante que limita el crecimiento de las plantas en suelos ácidos, mientras que los tratamientos disponibles son impracticables. Por eso, se buscan alternativas, entre ellas, la homeopatía. Objetivos: evaluar la influencia de los preparados homeopáticos Alumina 6cH y 12cH, y Calcarea carbonica 6cH y 12cH en la germinación y vigor de semillas de lechuga expuestas a niveles tóxicos de aluminio en papel-solución. Al mismo tiempo, se buscó desarrollar un nuevo método para aplicar preparados homeopáticos en plantas (peletización). Métodos: o diseño estadístico fue completamente casualizado, con 6 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron: 1) semillas peletizadas/talco + Alum 6cH; 2) semillas peletizadas/talco + Alum cH12; 3) semillas peletizadas/talco + Calc 12cH; 4) semillas peletizadas/talco + Calc 12cH; 5) semillas peletizadas/talco + agua destilada (controle 1) e 6) semillas no peletizadas. Las variables evaluadas fueron: porcentaje de germinación (PG); índice de velocidad de germinación (IVG); y longitud de las radículas (LR). Resultados: hubo diferencia significativa en el IVG y LR ? que reflejan el vigor de las semillas ? entre las semillas tratadas con preparados homeopáticos y los controles. Conclusión: los preparados homeopáticos Alumina 6cH y 12cH, y Calcarea carbonica 6cH y 12cH manifestaron efectos estadísticamente significativos en el vigor de semillas de lechuga expuestas a condiciones de stress.

Organic Agriculture , Lactuca , Aluminum/toxicity , Calcarea Carbonica , Germination , Seeds
Int. j. high dilution res ; 8(26): 3-8, 2009. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-529840


Sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) dissolved in water forms aggregates whose thermodynamic properties are well defined. The interest in polymer-surfactant systems derives from increasing possibilities to apply them in pharmaceutics, cosmetics and environmental protection. Nutrient content of soils after many years of use is a concern in many areas; on the other hand, the metabolism of plants approaches equilibrium when the conditions necessary for their growth are present. Magnesium and phosphorus are important nutrients for plants and high dilutions of Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p) may carry information related to them. Aims: To study the influence of Mag-p on SDS aggregates. Methods: the effect of Mag-p dilution 12c on the structure of SDS aggregates was assayed through 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. Results: The spectrum of SDS and Mag-p 12c in D2O presented an extra signal in 221.41 ppm when compared to the SDS / D2O spectrum. The C=O group of ketones and aldehydes absorb around 200 ppm. The carbon carbonyl shows large spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) and weak NOE (Nuclear Overhauser Effect) enhancement, thus signal from this type of atom are very weak when compared to signals from carbon atoms with hydrogen. The signal present in 221.41 ppm was comparable in size to the other signals in the spectrum indicating that it was not a machine-generated artifact. The experiments carried out in this work suggest that this signal was induced by a combination of SDS and the high diluted solution.

Dodecilsulfato de Sódio (SDS) dissolvido em água forma agregados cujas propriedades termodinâmicas são conhecidas. O interesse no estudo de sistemas polímero-surfactantes decorre das potenciais aplicações destes nas áreas de farmácia, cosmética e proteção ambiental. A quantidade de nutrientes no solo, após muitos anos de uso é um tema importante para muitas áreas; por outro lado, o metabolismo das plantas tendem ao equilíbrio quando as condições necessárias para o crescimento estão presentes. Magnésio e Fósforo são nutrientes importantes para plantas e altas diluições de Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p) potencialmente contém informações importantes sobre estas substâncias. Objetivos: estudar a influência de Mag-p em agragados de SDS. Métodos: o efeito da diluição 12c de Mag-p sobre a estrutura de agregados de SDS foi estudada através de ressonância magnética nuclear de 13C. Resultados: O espectro de SDS e Mag-p 12c em D2O apresentou um sinal extra em 221.41 ppm, quando comparado com o espectro de SDS / D2O. O grupamento C=O group das cetonas e aldeídos absorvem por volta de 200 ppm. O Carbono da carbonila mostrou um aumento no tempo de relaxação spin-rede (T1) e fraco aumento NOE (Nuclear Overhauser Effect), uma vez que este tipo de átomo geram sinais fracos em relação aos carbonos ligados a hidrogênios. O sinal presente em 221.41 ppm foi comparável em tamanho a outros sinais do espectro, sugerindo que este sinal pode não ser devido a um arfetato experimental. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que este sinal foi pode ter sido originado pela combinação de SDS com as moléculas da alta diluição.

High Potencies , Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate , Homeopathy , Magnesia Phosphorica , Homeopathic Remedy , Sodium
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 32(1): 32-36, jan.-fev. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-479093


Foram caracterizadas as plantas: hiperídrica, intermediária e normal de um clone de Bidens pilosa mantido em cultivo in vitro por meio de isozimas e da atividade de peroxidase. Empregando-se a eletroforese em géis de amido a 12 por cento, testou-se seis isozimas, sendo detectado polimorfismo em peroxidase e fosfatase ácida, permitindo caracterizar cada tipo de planta. Não houve polimorfismo em fosfogluco isomerase, fosfoglucomutase, glutamato oxaloacetato transaminase e malato desidrogenase. A atividade da peroxidase foi maior nas plantas hiperídricas e intermediárias. Conclui-se que a variabilidade enzimática tem potencial como marcador de hiperidricidade em plantas mantidas in vitro.

Activity of peroxidase (EC and isozymes analysis of a Bidens pilosa clone maintained in vitro culture were characterized in hyperhydric, intermediary and normal plants. Electrophorese in starch gels (12 percent) of six isozymes systems was tested, polymorphisms in peroxidase and acid phosphatase (EC were detected. There was absence of polymorphism in phosphoglucoisomerase (EC, phosphoglucomutase (EC, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (EC and malate dehydrogenase (EC Comparing the activity of peroxidase enzyme, it was higher in hyperhydric and intermediary plants in relation to normal ones. Enzymatic variability is a potential tool as hyperhydricity marker in plants grown in vitro.

Int. j. high dilution res ; 7(23): 113-117, 2008. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-529852


This study sought to evaluate the influence of dilutions of the homeopathic preparation Arnica montana on the rooting of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and white Lippia (Lippia alba). Cuttings of R. officinalis and Lippia alba were place for rooting in trays of commercial substrate “plantmax”-like and soon after, subjected to daily applications of Arnica montana 3cH, 6cH, 9cH and 12cH and two controls – distilled water and ethanol 70%. Statistical design was entirely casualized delineation, with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions, each experimental unit was composed by 10 stakes. Applications were made via pulverization, 10 drops of the treatment in 400 ml of water. 45 days later the number of roots, the number of shoots, the length of the largest root, the percentage of sets and the quality of stakes were assessed. Data were analyzed through variance analysis, mean were compared by Tukey’s test at 5% level of statistical significance. Arnica montana 3cH, 6cH and 12cH had a stimulatory effect on all variables regarding the issuance of roots in both species studied, showing the similarity of this homeopathic preparation to the physiological picture arising from the process of cutting, promoting an increase in the percentage and quality of roots.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do preparado homeopático Arnica montana na formação de raízes de alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis) e cidreira (Lippia alba). Mudas de Rosmarinus officinalis e Lippia alba, cultivadas no horto medicinal de NCA/UFMG foram colocadas para enraizar em bandejas contendo substrato comercial de tipo "plantamax" e imediatamente após, submetidas a aplicações diárias de preparados homeopáticos de Arnica montana nas diluições 3cH, 6cH, 9cH e 12cH, com dois controles, água destilada e etanol 70%. O desenho estatístico foi completamente randomizado (DIC), com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições, cada unidade experimental esteve composta de 10 estacas. Depois de 45 dias, foram avaliados o número de raízes, o número de brotos, a longitude da raiz mais longa, porcentagem de estacas enraizadas e qualidade das estacas. Arnica montana nas diluições 3cH, 6cH e 12cH promoveu todas as variáveis relacionadas com a formação de raízes sob estudo, acentuando a semelhança entre Arnica montana e o quadro induzido pelo processo fisiológico do estacamento, promovendo aumento na porcentagem e qualidade das raízes.

Plant Structures/growth & development , Homeopathy , Lippia , Rosmarinus