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Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 4(2): 141-158, 2017. 27 cmilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-964631


Las especies del género Quercus son componentes estructurales de los bosques templados y semicálidos en Guatemala, así como la principal fuente energética en las zonas rurales del país. A pesar de su importancia aún se desconoce la riqueza, distribución y grado de vulnerabilidad de las especies. Por lo cual, se presenta una actualización del listado de especies para Guatemala, su distribución potencial y la evaluación del estado de conservación con base a los criterios utilizados para el listado nacional de especies amenazadas (LEA). Se registraron 29 especies de encinos, 12 corresponden a encinos blancos (Sect. Quercus) y 17 a encinos rojos (Sect. Lobatae), de los cuales Q. cortesii, Q. gulielmi-treleasei, Q. vicentensis, Q. xalapensis se citan por primera vez para Guatemala. Las especies con mayor número de registros son Q. sapotifolia (13%), Q. peduncularis (13%), Q. crassifolia (12%), Q. skinneri (7%) y Q. acutifolia (6.5%), correspondiendo a más del 50% de los registros. Los departamentos con mayor número de registros son Guatemala (177), Zacapa (155), Huehuetenango (134), Baja Verapaz (115) y Chiquimula (93); mientras que departamentos como Retalhuleu, Escuintla y Suchitepéquez presentan menos de 10 registros. En relación al estado de conservación, seis se ubicaron En Peligro Crítico, 22 en la categoría Amenazada y una en la categoría Vulnerable.

The species of the genus Quercus, commonly known as oaks, are important structural components of the forests in the region, as well as a primary source of energy in the rural areas of Guatemala. Despite their relevance, the richness, distribution and degree of vulnerability of the species, are still unknowing. Therefore, it presented an update of the list of species for Guatemala, its potential distribution and the assessment of the state of conservation based on the criteria used for the List of Threatened Species (LEA in Spanish). Twenty-nine species of oak were recorded, of which Q. cortesii, Q. gulielmi-treleasei, Q.vicentensis and Q. xalapensis are cited for the first time for Guatemala. The species with most number of records are Q. sapotifolia (13%), Q. peduncularis (13%), Q. crassifolia (12%), Q. skinneri. (7%) and Q. acutifolia (6.5%), that represent more than 50% of the records. The departments with the highest number of records are Guatemala (183), Zacapa (155), Huehuetenango (134) and Baja Verapaz (115), while departments such as Retalhuleu, Escuintla and Suchitepéquez present less than 10 records. Regarding the state of conservation, the species were evaluated using the methodology of the List of Threats Species of Guatemala, six species were Critically Endangered, 22 in the Threatened category and one in the Vulnerable category.

Humans , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Quercus/growth & development , Trees/growth & development , Endangered Species , Quercus/classification