The presence of thyroid disorders in Gushing's syndrome is very common. These abnormalities demonstrate the effect of the cortisol on the different levels of hypothalamo-hypophyso-thyroid axis'. However, the association between primary hypothyroidism and Cushing s' syndrome is more rare. We report the case of a 55 year-old woman with a Gushing's disease because of pituitary macroadenoma. A primal]] hypothyroidism was diagnosed 8 years before in this patient because of obvious clinical features and was confirmed by decreased thyroid hormones levels and moderate TSH increase. Hypercortisolism induces a decrease in thyroid hormones, and changes in TSH wih less reactivity to TRH Suppression of hypercortisolism is associated with a normalisation of these functionnal thyroid disorders but also leads to an increase in autoimmune thyroiditis