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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203296


Objective: In this study our main goal is to evaluate thehearing level among the workers of cement industry.Methodology: This Cross-sectional observational study wasconducted at Department of Physiology, Chittagong MedicalCollege, Chittagong and Heidelbargh Cement Bangladesh Ltd.East Halishar, Chittagong, One year (January 2011 toDecember 2011). Where total number of 800 (Eight hundred)subjects were included. During the study, all subjects wereselected purposively on the basis of noise exposure studyprocedure. After selection and proper counseling, the aim,objective and procedure of the study was explained in detailsto all subjects, in the cement industry.Results: During the study highest frequency of hearing losswas found in 30-40 years age group. Most of the patientsworked in production area for 5-10 years. most of the patientsexposed to 70-80dB, 41.4%.51.6% patients exposed >8 hoursdaily and 65.5% patients exposed 42-48 hours weekly.Conclusion: From our study we can conclude that the studyclearly demonstrated that noise is a serious health hazard inthe cement industry. Hearing threshold for the subjectsexposed to noise increase with the progress of age andduration of employment. Further study is needed for betteroutcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203293


Objective: In this study our main objective is to evaluate therelationship between Oesophageal varices, Portal veindiameter and splenic length (antero-posterior).Methodology: This Cross-sectional comparative studyconducted at the Department of Hepatology, BangabandhuSheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) from Jan 2010 toDec 2011 where 50 Patients with cirrhosis of liver attending thedepartment of Hepatology, BSMMU were included as apopulation in this study.All the data was checked and edited after collection. It wasexpressed as Mean and SD. Data has been analyzed byANOVA. p value of less than 0.05 was considered statisticallysignificant. Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS-15(Statistical package for social sciences) win version 15software programme.Results: During the study, the mean age was43.12±15.68years. The highest frequency of cirrhosis patientswas found in 41-50 years age groups (Frequency 12). Leadingcause was HBV (68%) followed by HCV (12%), NBNC (12%),Wilson’s disease (6%) and both HVB& HCV (2%). Also,grade-3 mean portal Vein diameter was found 12.67±2.47 mmwhereas; mean splenic length (antero-post.) was 13.82±2.12cm.Conclusion: Splenic antero-posterior measurement is not areliable predictor for sizes of oesophageal varices. Furtherstudy is needed for better outcome.