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Salud UNINORTE ; 22(1): 46-51, jul. 2006. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-440523


El tumor de Wilms o nefroblastoma representa el 6 por ciento de los cánceres infantiles y se considera laformación abdominal y renal maligna más frecuente en la edad pediátrica. En Estados Unidosse diagnostican aproximadamente 500 nuevos casos por año, siendo más frecuente el hallazgoa los 36 meses de edad, aunque es posible encontrarlo en momentos tan tempranos como elnacimiento, e incluso hasta los 15 años de edad, con igual probabilidad de encontrarlo en niñasy niños a cualquier edad. Es un tumor agresivo, tiene la capacidad de alcanzar gran tamaño eincluso hacer metástasis a distancia.Se presenta por su inusual manifestación inicial el caso de un paciente de 28 meses de edad,sexo masculino, que consultó al servicio de urgencias por dolor en rodilla izquierda de 24 horasde evolución, acompañado de imposibilidad para la marcha. Al examen físico inicial se encontrópresencia de masa abdominal./ Wilms’ tumor or nephroblastoma represents 6 percent of pediatric cancer and it is considered the mostcommon childhood renal and abdominal malignancy. In the United States 500 new cases arediagnosed per year, and this tumor is most frecuently found at 36 months of age. However thislesion can be found from birth until 15 years of age with similar frequency between males andfemales. Wilms’ tumor is an aggressive neoplasia, being able to reach big sizes, and capable ofproducing metastasizes.In this paper we present the case of a 28 months old male that arrived to the emergencyservice due to left knee pain of 24 hours of evolution and march difficulty. Physical examinationrevealed an abdominal mass

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Pediatrics , Kidney , Knee , Influenza, Human , Wilms Tumor
Salud UNINORTE ; 21: 15-27, jul.-dic. 2005. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-440604


Objective. Determine the prostate antigen levels and its association with the risk factors related withprostate cancer in male patients older than 40 years and residents of nine towns of Atlántico duringthe period from July to December 2003.Methods. Cross-sectional study in a sample of 839 men older than 40 years, residents in nine townsof Atlántic Department chosen randomly. Total Prostatic – Specific Antigen (tPSA) levels in blood were measured by radioinmunoassay and information regarding family medical history, life-styles, comorbidity,medications, past medical and surgical history was collected through questionnaires. Those whose resultswere 4.0 ng/mL or more, were measured the Free Prostatic Specific Antigen (fPSA).The sample calculationsand the uni and bivariate analysis of the results was performed using Epi-Info version 6.04.Results. A 3.93 percent (n= 33) of the studied population showed high tPSA levels in blood (> 4ng/mL),36.7 percent (n= 308) of the population obtained levels between 2.0 and 4.0 ng/mL and 59.3 percent obtained levels < 2 ng/ml. se realize un análisis bivariado variables: age, marital status, family history of prostate cancer,alcohol and cigarette comsumption, obesity, and urinary symptoms, and there only were statisticalassociation between age and urinary symptoms (p< 0.05).Conclusion. A 3,6 percent of the studied population had high risk of prostate cancer , in function of tPSAand fPSA levels. There were found high percentage of illiteracy and other health conditions due tothe socioeconomic and educational characteristics. Along with health education and information aboutprograms of subsidiary regimens, affirmative actions towards health could be obtained.

Male , Risk Factors , Prostate-Specific Antigen , Prostate , Mortality , Men , Men's Health