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Rev. salud pública ; 12(4): 570-579, ago. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-574932


Objetivo Analizar desde la perspectiva bioética de la justicia distributiva las características socio-demográficas de las mujeres que consultan por aborto provocado en el Hospital Local del Norte de Bucaramanga. Métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal con una muestra por conveniencia, tomada entre las pacientes que consultaron en Urgencias de Gineco-obstetricia del Hospital Local del Norte de Bucaramanga entre el 1° de marzo de 2008 y el 28 de febrero del 2009 con diagnóstico de aborto en cualquiera de sus presentaciones. Resultados La muestra total fue de 93 pacientes de las cuales 16 aceptaron haberse inducido un aborto. Los factores asociados con este hecho fueron: pertenecer a un estrato socio-económico bajo, carecer de adecuada atención sanitaria y educativa en planificación familiar, carecer de pareja estable o que esta fuera disfuncional y que la pareja presionara inducir el aborto por motivos económicos o paternidad satisfecha. Un contraste de estos resultados con la legislación sanitaria vigente desde la perspectiva bioética de equidad en salud, revela que la aplicación de la normatividad es deficiente tanto en cobertura como en acciones educativas en salud sexual y reproductiva. Conclusiones Facilitar a las pacientes que ejerzan su sexualidad de manera responsable y mejorar las oportunidades para acceder a mejores opciones económicas, puede disminuir la presencia de abortos provocados en la población que habita en la Comuna Norte de Bucaramanga.

Objectivo To evaluate the socio-demographic characteristics of females who admitted to having previously undergone induced abortion who were attended at Hospital Local del Norte in Bucaramanga from the viewpoint of distributive justice. Methods This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study of a convenience sample of patients who consulted the Hospital Local del Norte's Emergency Gynaecology-Obstetrics Service in Bucaramanga between March 1/2008 and February 28/2009 who had a diagnosis of abortion in any of their presentations. Results The sample involved 93 patients, 16 of whom accepted that they had undergone an induced abortion. Factors associated with the event were belonging to a low socioeconomic stratum, lacking adequate health care and education in family planning, lack of a stable partner or that their relationship was dysfunctional and that the couple had pressured for an induced abortion for economic reasons or that their desire for parenting had already been satisfied. Contrasting these results with existing health legislation bioethics from a social justice in health viewpoint revealed that current legislation is deficient in both its coverage and extension to educational activity regarding sexual and reproductive health. Conclusions Enabling patients to enjoy their sexuality responsibly and improving opportunities for access to better economic options may reduce induced abortions in the population living in Bucaramanga's northern commune.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Abortion Applicants/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Public/statistics & numerical data , Abortion Applicants/psychology , Abortion, Induced , Abortion, Induced/statistics & numerical data , Colombia , Contraception Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Educational Status , Family Planning Services , Family Planning Services/supply & distribution , Health Services Needs and Demand , Marital Status/statistics & numerical data , Poverty/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Sampling Studies , Social Environment , Social Justice , Socioeconomic Factors