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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 57: e00413, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569573


ABSTRACT Background: Triatomines are biological vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas Disease (CD) and have various mammalian hosts. This study evaluated the entomological indicators and food sources of triatomines in Petrolina in the semi-arid region of Brazil, where CD is endemic. Methods: Triatomines were captured indoors and outdoors through an active search and entomological indices (household and natural infections) were calculated. Parasitological analyses were performed through microscopic visualization using Giemsa-stained insect feces, and DNA sequencing was employed to identify food sources from the gut contents of 82 insects (9.05%) that were better preserved. Results: We captured triatomines (906) in peridomicile (807) and intradomicile (99): Triatoma brasiliensis (84.7%, 767 specimens), Triatoma spp. (8.2%, 74 specimens), T. pseudomaculata (6.5%, 59 specimens), Rhodnius spp. (0.4%, four specimens), R. nasutus (0.1%, one specimen), and T. sordida (0.1%, one specimen). The household infestation index is 11.8%. Thirty-five triatomines were infected (33 T. brasiliensis and two T. pseudomaculata), corresponding to a natural infection index of 3.8%. The identified food sources were human T. pseudomaculata and T. brasiliensis, dogs for T. brasiliensis and rodents (Mus musculus) for T. brasiliensis. Conclusions: The results reinforce the need to intensify CD diagnosis, surveillance, and control actions, as an increase in entomological indices was recorded. Blood from humans and domestic and synanthropic animals was detected in the infected triatomines, suggesting a risk of CD vector transmission in Petrolina. As CD is a zoonosis, multidisciplinary and intersectoral CD surveillance must be conducted in the context of the One Health.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0211, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514854


ABSTRACT Background: An external quality assessment on the identification of triatomines within the laboratory network in the state of Rondônia. Methods: Seven laboratories participated in this evaluation. Each was provided with support materials and nine insects from the Hemiptera order for identification. Results: All samples were accurately identified at the species level. However, correct sex identification was achieved for only 79% of the samples. The most significant challenges were encountered in determining the sex of predators, phytophagous species, Rhodnius robustus, and Rhodnius pictipes. Conclusions: The identified shortcomings can inform enhancements in vector control programs for Chagas disease.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 11(4): 204-222, out.-dez.2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402532


Objetivo: investigar a judicialização da saúde no âmbito do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Espírito Santo (TJES) a partir das decisões sobre dispensação de medicamentos não padronizados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde no ano de 2019. Metodologia: levantamento de dados, sob o método quantitativo e qualitativo-descritivo, com base na análise de conteúdo dos acórdãos do TJES no ano de 2019.Resultados e discussão: t odos os 111 acórdãos pesquisados foram demandas individuais, observando-se equilíbrio entre as atuações de advogados particulares e o Ministério Público Estadual e a Defensoria Pública Estadual nas causas investigadas. Houve um número predominantemente maior de deferimentos dos medicamentos não padronizados, em grande medida por meio de tutelas provisórias. Nos 88 acórdãos que concederam o pedido de medicamento, nota-se divisão entre a utilização pelo TJES do parâmetro necessidade/hipossuficiência e o Tema nº 106, do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, sendo pouco utilizado os enunciados do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Os fundamentos técnicos tiveram a predominância de laudos periciais em detrimento de pareces dos Núcleos de Apoio Técnico do Judiciário. Conclusão: constatou-se o predomínio de demandas individuais, com utilização de tutelas provisórias e deferimentos dos medicamentos, tendo considerável atuação dos órgãos públicos na representação processual. O TJES mostra atenção aos precedentes judiciais e jurisprudência dominantes dos Tribunais Superiores na matéria de medicamentos não padronizados e tem pautado majoritariamente os deferimentos dos pleitos em laudos médicos do paciente.

Objective: tostudy the judicialization of health care within the Court of Justice of the State of Espírito Santo (TJES, in Portuguese) in Brazil, using the decisions on the dispensing of nonstandard medications by the Unified Health System in 2019. Methods: data collection was performed using the quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods, based on a content analysis of the second-instance rulings of the TJES in 2019. Results and discussion: all 111 second-instance rulings studied were individual lawsuits, and a balance was observed between lawsuits filed by private lawyers and prosecutors and state public defenders in the cases studied. There was a predominantly higher number of postponements of nonstandard medications, largely through temporary guardianships. In the 88 judgments in which the request for medication was granted, a split can be seen between the use of the need/hyposufficiency parameter by the TJES and Supreme Court's Thesis No. 106, with little reliance on National Council of Justice (CNJ, in Portuguese) testimony. For the technical reports, expert testimony predominated to the detriment of the opinions of the Justice Technical Assistance Centers (NAT-JUS, in Portuguese). Conclusion: there was the predominance of individual lawsuits, with the use of injunctions and motions to medicines, with notable performance of public bodies in litigation. The TJES adheres to precedent and prevailing Superior Court case law on the issue of nonstandard medication, granting most of the motions.

Objetivo: investigar la judicialización de la salud en el ámbito del Tribunal de Justicia del Estado de Espírito Santo (TJES), in Brasil, a partir de decisiones sobre la dispensación de medicamentos no estándar por el Sistema Único de Salud en 2019. Metodología: recolección de datos, utilizando el método cuantitativo y cualitativo-descriptivo, a partir del análisis de contenido de las sentencias del TJES en el año 2019. Resultados y discussión:las 111 sentencias relevadas fueron demandas individuales, observándose un equilibrio entre la actuación de los abogados privados y el Ministerio Público del Estado y la Defensoría Pública del Estado en los casos investigados. Hubo un número predominantemente mayor de aplazamientos de medicamentos no estandarizados, en gran parte a través de tutelas provisionales. En las 88 sentencias que concedieron la solicitud de medicación, hay una división entre la utilización por el TJES del parámetro necesidad/hiposuficiencia y el Tema N.º 106, del Superior Tribunal de Justicia, con escasa utilización de los pronunciamientos del Consejo Nacional de Justicia. Los fundamentos técnicos tuvieron predominio de los informes periciales en detrimento de los dictámenes de los Centros de Apoyo Técnico del Poder Judicial. Conclusión: hubo predominio de las demandas individuales, con uso de tutelas provisionales y diferimiento de medicamentos, con considerable actuación de los órganos públicos en la representación procesal. El TJES muestra atención a los precedentes judiciales y la jurisprudencia dominante de los Tribunales Superiores en el campo de los medicamentos no estandarizados y ha basado mayoritariamente el otorgamiento de reclamaciones en los informes médicos del paciente.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(3): 334-340, May-June 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-896976


Abstract INTRODUCTION Benznidazole (BNZ) is a drug available for the etiological treatment of Chagas disease. However, this drug is toxic and has a limited effectiveness on the chronic phase of this disease, often leading to poor treatment adherence. METHODS: This is a descriptive and exploratory study conducted at the Pharmaceutical Care Service for Chagas disease patients of the Federal University of Ceará. Drug-related problems (DRPs) and pharmaceutical interventions (PIs) were classified according to the Second Consensus of Granada. RESULTS: The average age of patients with Chagas disease was 62 years, with the majority residing in the Ceará countryside (86.7%), and having low education levels (63.3% with elementary school education). Regarding family income, most patients belonged to a household that earned ≤1-2 times the minimum wage per month. Approximately 73% of these patients complied with the BNZ treatment, and nearly 7% underwent therapy interruption after medical evaluation. A total of 189 DRPs were identified, of which 51.9% (n=98) were classified as potential, and 48.1% (n=91) as actual. The most frequent DRPs were related to safety (qualitative safety; n=70; 37%), necessity (non-adherence; n=52; 27.5%), and effectiveness (qualitative effectiveness/non-optimal drug selection; n=45; 23.8%). Among the 216 PIs conducted, the majority were related to patient education (n=168; 77.8%) and pharmacological strategy (n=42; 19.4%). CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates the need for pharmacotherapeutic monitoring in patients with Chagas because of the high number of therapeutic interventions, DRPs (approximately 3 DRPs/patient), BNZ adherence, and polypharmacy.

Humans , Male , Female , Trypanocidal Agents/therapeutic use , Chagas Disease/drug therapy , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/classification , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Nitroimidazoles/therapeutic use , Socioeconomic Factors , Trypanocidal Agents/adverse effects , Brazil , Follow-Up Studies , Middle Aged , Nitroimidazoles/adverse effects
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 27(3): 462-471, 2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-722219


O Extended Class Play (ECP; Burgess, Rubin, Wojslawowicz, Rose-Krasnor, & Booth, 2003) procura avaliar, através dos relatos dos pares, a reputação social dos sujeitos. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a estrutura hexafatorial recentemente proposta, averiguando igualmente a sua adequação para género e idade, numa amostra portuguesa de 465 adolescentes (230 raparigas). Uma Análise Fatorial Confirmatória revelou que o modelo de seis fatores apresenta bons índices de ajustamento, de fiabilidade e validade e ainda boa adequação para gênero e idade. Estes resultados são consistentes com outros trabalhos, ao sugerir que o modelo hexafatorial do ECP apresenta capacidades psicométricas aceitáveis, constituindo-se como uma medida válida a utilizar na investigação sobre a reputação e o funcionamento sociais de adolescentes. (AU)

The Extended Class Play (ECP) assesses individuals' social reputation through peer reports. In this study, the recently presented six-factor structure was tested on a Portuguese sample of 465 adolescents (230 girls). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated good fit of the data to this six-factor structure, good composite reliability and validity. Results also showed good fit to both genders and age groups. Therefore, results are consistent with previous research and suggest that this six-factor structure has good psychometric characteristics and that the ECP seems to be a valid measure for investigation on adolescents' social functioning and reputation. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Social Desirability , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Portugal , Social Behavior
Coluna/Columna ; 11(3): 245-246, July-Sept. 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-654892


Descrição do caso clínico de um paciente com síndrome de Brown-Séquard por hérnia de disco cervical em duplo nível, 40 anos, do sexo masculino, sem história de patologia prévia da coluna cervical; teve início insidioso de paresia nos membros direitos, associada à diminuição da sensibilidade dolorosa e térmica do hemicorpo esquerdo, após mergulho que ocasionou trauma indireto da coluna cervical. A RM da coluna cervical mostrou hérnias discais paramedianas direitas nos níveis C4-C5 e C5-C6 com compressão da metade direita do cordão medular e hiperintensidade em T2. Foi realizada descompressão por via anterior e artrodese dos níveis afetados. O paciente recuperou-se parcialmente dos déficits neurológicos, após um longo programa de reabilitação funcional. O tratamento cirúrgico e um programa de reabilitação precoce são da maior importância para a recuperação neurológica de paciente com síndrome de Brown-Séquard por hérnia de disco cervical.

This article presents a case in which Brown-Séquard syndrome resulted from a double level cervical disc herniation. A 40-year-old man without previous history of cervical pathology, presented with insidious right arm and leg paresis associated with associated with decreased pain and thermal sensitivity in the left hemibody after diving which caused indirect trauma of the cervical spine. Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine showed double level disc herniation in C4-C5 and C5-6 with compression of the right half of spinal cord and hyperintensity in T2-weighted images. After a complete decompression of neural structures, a double level interbody fusion was performed. There was partial recovery of neurological status after a long period of physical therapy. Early surgical intervention and prompt rehabilitation are paramount to achieve neurological recovery in patients with Brown-Séquard syndrome resulting from a cervical disc herniation.

Descripción del caso clínico de un paciente con síndrome de Brown-Séquard por hernia de disco cervical en nivel doble, 40 años, del sexo masculino, sin historial de patología previa de la columna cervical; tuvo inicio insidioso de paresia en los miembros derechos, vinculada con la disminución de la sensibilidad dolorosa y térmica del hemicuerpo izquierdo, después de zambullida que ocasionó traumatismo indirecto de la columna vertebral. La RM de la columna cervical mostró hernias discales paramedianas derechas, en los niveles C4-C5 y C5-C6, con compresión de la mitad derecha del cordón medular e hiperintensidad en T2. Se realizó descompresión por vía anterior y artrodesis de los niveles afectados. El paciente se recuperó, parcialmente, de los déficits neurológicos, después de un programa prolongado de rehabilitación funcional. El tratamiento quirúrgico y un programa de rehabilitación precoz son de máxima importancia para la recuperación neurológica del paciente con síndrome de Brown-Séquard por hernia de disco cervical.

Humans , Male , Adult , Brown-Sequard Syndrome , Arthrodesis , Spine , Cervical Vertebrae , Intervertebral Disc Displacement
Rev. bras. ortop ; 47(6): 748-753, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-666220


OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da transposição anterior subcutânea do nervo cubital no tratamento da síndrome do túnel cubital (STC) e a influência de fatores de prognóstico, tais como o estádio de McGowan pré-operatório, a idade e a duração dos sintomas. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 36 doentes com STC submetidos à transposição anterior subcutânea do nervo cubital entre 2006 e 2009, com um tempo médio de follow-up de 28 meses. A idade média foi de 41,6 anos. Nove doentes foram incluídos no estádio I de McGowan, 18 no estádio II e nove no estádio III. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se melhoria estatisticamente significativa dos défices motores e sensitivos. 78% dos doentes com neuropatia severa melhoraram após a cirurgia. Segundo a escala de Bishop modificada, obtiveram-se 21 (58,3%) resultados excelentes, sete (19,4%) bons, seis (16,7%) satisfatórios e dois maus (5.55%). A taxa de satisfação foi de 86% e 72% dos doentes recuperaram as atividades diárias sem limitações. CONCLUSÕES: A gravidade da neuropatia e a duração pré-operatória dos sintomas, mas não a idade, tiveram uma influência negativa no outcome. A transposição anterior subcutânea do nervo cubital é segura e eficaz no tratamento da STC com diversos graus de gravidade. Tendo em conta os principais fatores de prognóstico identificados, o tratamento cirúrgico deve ser aconselhado logo que a perda axonal se torne clinicamente evidente.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results from subcutaneous anterior transposition of the cubital nerve for treating cubital tunnel syndrome (CTS) and the influence of prognostic factors such as preoperative McGowan stage, age and duration of symptoms. METHODS: 36 patients with CTS who underwent subcutaneous anterior transposition of the cubital nerve between 2006 and 2009 were evaluated after an average follow-up of 28 months. Their mean age was 41.6 years. Nine patients were in McGowan stage I, 18 in stage II and nine in stage III. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant improvement in sensory and motor deficits. 78% of the patients with severe neuropathy improved after surgery. According to the modified Bishop score, 21 patients (58.3%) had excellent results, seven (19.4%) good, six (16.7%) satisfactory and two (5.55%) poor. The satisfaction rate was 86% and 72% of the patients recovered their daily activities without limitations. CONCLUSIONS: The severity of neuropathy and preoperative duration of symptoms, but not age, had a negative influence on the outcome. The subcutaneous anterior transposition of the cubital nerve is safe and effective for treating CTS of different degrees of severity. Given the major prognostic factors identified, surgical treatment should be advised as soon as axonal loss has become clinically evident.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cubital Tunnel Syndrome , Prognosis , Ulnar Nerve
Rev. Soc. Bras. Cir. Plást., (1997) ; 21(4): 217-226, out.-dez. 2006. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-464814


Introdução: O linfedema de genitália externa é uma condição rara e debilitante que pode causar dor, deformação e dificuldades do ponto de vista miccional e sexual. O tratamento cirúrgico tem se mostrado efetivo em pacientes com linfedema crônico, em que as alterações patológicas estão em estágio irreversível. Objetivo: Mostrar a experiência do autor no tratamento desta comorbidade, enfatizando a técnica cirúrgica reconstrutora da região peno-escrotal. Método: Foram elecionados 8 pacientes com linfedema da região peno- scrotal, operados no período de maio de 1990 a maio de 2006, com utilização da mesma técnica cirúrgica, que consistiu em retirada de toda pele e tecido celular subcutâneo comprometido, com preservação da drenagem linfática profunda e reconstrução da bolsa testicular com tecido remanescente (pósterolateral) e enxerto de pele para reconstrução peniana. Resultados: Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, apresentando apenas uma retração do retalho cutâneo no dorso do pênis em um dos casos operados, resolvido em nova etapa cirúrgica. Conclusões: Quando os pacientes com linfedema de genitália externa necessitam de tratamento cirúrgico e são selecionados para o procedimento apropriado, os resultados funcionais e estéticos podem ser satisfatórios e a reabilitação do paciente possível.

Male , Adult , Humans , Genitalia, Male , Lymphedema , Perineum , Scrotum , Methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 80(5): 465-482, May 2003. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-336445


OBJECTIVE: To characterize left ventricular regional myocardial function through tissue Doppler echocardiography in healthy adults and to assess the influence of aging in this function. METHODS: In 45 healthy volunteers divided in two groups (< 45 and > 45 years old) we assessed longitudinal and radial regional function (velocities, times intervals and velocity-time integrals). Data were compared in each group and between groups. RESULTS: Systolic function: a) longitudinal: higher velocities and integrals in lateral and inferior walls and in basal segments, with a trend to reduction of these parameters with aging; b) radial: higher basal velocities, no significant change with aging. Diastolic function: a) longitudinal: higher velocities in lateral and inferior walls and in basal segments. With aging e and e/a velocities and integrals decreased, a increased and older individuals showed lower percentage of segments with e/a >1; b) radial: aging was associated with lower e and higher a velocities. CONCLUSION: 1) Tissue Doppler echocardiography detects physiological differences between regional myocardial function of different ventricular segments, in velocities, times intervals and integrals, with physiological heterogeneity and asynchrony; 2) Many of these data are age dependent; 3) Our data contribute to define normal values, and may become useful when compared with data from populations with heart diseases

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Heart/physiology , Ventricular Function, Left/physiology , Age Factors