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Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-509


Background: In Vascular Dementia (VaD) patients, the causes of blood vessels were common, and preventable and treatable, so that it is very important to detect and diagnose in the early stages of the disease. Diagnosis of dementia is based on clinical symptoms, and neuropsychological tests are useful tools. Objectives: (1) To evaluate the severity of VaD and Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI) after the 1st ischemic stroke in patients over 60 years old. (2) To make observations on the clinical features of post stroke dementia in these patient groups using neuropsychological battery. Subjects: 94 patients with 1st acute ischemic stroke, who were over 60 years old, conscious and literate, and cooperated well with physicians. A standard evaluation protocol was conducted at one month after an ischemic stroke for all the patients. Method: Prospective study. Data was analyzed by using SPSS software version 13.0. Results and conclusions: The rates of VCI and VaD after the first ischemic stroke were 21.3% and 25.5%, respectively. Clinical determinants of dementia were: visuoconstruction (65% patients), visual motor speed (50%), memory disorders (more than 40%, in which visual memory 45.8% and verbal memory 41.6%), executive function (37.5%), and language skill (37.5%). The attention and language functions were less affected (only 25% of the patients). Mini mental state examination score can be used to evaluate and classify clearly 3 groups: VaD, VCI patients and normal people.

Ischemic Stroke , Dementia , Neuropsychological Tests
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-341


Background: Dementia is one of the major causes of dependency after stroke. The prevalence of poststroke dementia (PSD)defined as any dementia occurring after stroke is likely to increase in the future.Objectives: This study have two purposes: 1) Clinical study of MCI and dementia after the first stroke of patients with age of 60 years and older; 2) Overview on clinical characteristics of memory disorders. Subjects and method: 30 patients with were diagnosed with the first ischemic stroke in Huu nghi hospital together with the same number in the control group were involved in this study. The subjects in the two groups were all satisfied with included/excluded criteria diagnosis. Clinical diagnosis of new - onset dementia or other mental disorders was determined using neuropsychological tests. Results: Many functions of the brain were impaired including: logical memory, visiospatial skills, executive function were statistically reduced in the research group compared to the control. However, language function was also impacted but not as much as others. The frequency of the poststrocke dementia in this study was 12.3% while the poststrocke mild cognitive impairment rate was 47%. Conclusions: Global cognitive functioning together with memory state was significantly declined in the ischemic stroke compared to the control group.

Stroke , Dementia
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-351


Background: Epilepsy is a chronic disease, the incidence of epilepsy was from 5/1000 to 10/1000 population. In developed countries the rate of epileptic patients are managed much higher than in developing countries due to the differences in socioeconomic conditions as well as understanding of epilepsy. In Vietnam, few epidemiological studies about epilepsy were published. Objectives: To reveal the prevalence of epilepsy in a rural community in Viet Nam and the relation between the prevalence and age, career, level of education, economic condition of the patient. Subjects and method: This was a cross-sectional described study. Door \ufffd?to \ufffd?door survey based on WHO\u2019s questionnaires was conducted by neurologists and student of Faculty of Public healthy of Hanoi Medical University on people at Phu Linh commune, Soc Son district, Hanoi city. Data was processed by SPSS 10.0 program. Results: Periodic prevalence was 7.5\ufffd?(5.5\ufffd?was active epilepsy). Generalized epilepsy: 79.66%, focal epilepsy: 16.95% indeterminate epilepsy: 3.39%. There was a significant relation between education and prevalence of epilepsy. Conclusion: Periodic prevalence of Epilepsy in Phu Linh (2003) was 7.5\ufffd? Toninco-colonique seizures were dominant. A significant relation between number of epileptic patients and level of education was found.

Epilepsy , Prevalence
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-404


54 patients with the cerebellar pontine angle tumor in Bach Mai, Viet Duc, Sainfaul, Hai Ba Trung Hospitals during 1/1998 - 10/2001 participated to a study. The results have shown that most of them were acoustic neurinoma 33/54 (61.1%), next to meningioma 10/54 (18.5%) and other tumors included medulloblastoma: 5(9.2%), astroytoma: 2 (3.7%), hemangioblastoma: 2 (3.7%), metastasis tumor: 1 (1,9%) and nerve V tumor 1 (1.9%). The acoustic neurinoma usually progresses slowly and its initial symptoms included tinitus, hearing loss. An imbalance is the first symptom of expansion of the tumor from cerebella to the pontine angle.

Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1555


The study was carried out in 100 healthy subjects (60 males and 40 females) with age from 17-40. The investigative parameters of the conduction index in the peripheral nerve system were: nerve conduction velocity (NCV) of median, ulnar, common peroneal, posterior tibial, sural nerves and the latency of Hoffmann reflex. The result are following: NCV of median nerve was 59.345.98m/s, ulnar nerve was 59.586.08m/s, common peroneal nerve was 52.065.67m/s, posterior tibial nerve was 49.735.89m/s, sural nerve was 48.335.59m/s and latency of Hoffmann reflex was 28.152.57m/s.

Peripheral Nervous System , Neural Conduction
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1533


30 patients with Parkinson’s, ages of more than 45 years treated by levodopa but clinical symptoms were unstable. Trivastal slowed the demand of increase of dose of levodopa when combining with levodopa. The adequate dose of trivastal was 1 tablet/day within 15 days, then increased to 2 tablets/day. The drug usually had an effect in 45th day, mainly on the improvement of tremble and speaking difficulty.

Parkinson Disease , Piribedil , Levodopa , Therapeutics , Pharmaceutical Preparations