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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-400808


Objectives To study the survival,growth and function restoration of fetal ovary allo transplant. Methods Murine fetal ovaries were grafted subcutaneously and under renal capsule to spayed adult female rats.On day 5,10,25-35,beyond 35 after transplantation,the grafts were removed and underwent histological and histochemical examination. Serum estrodiol and progesterone levels were determined. Results It can be divided three periods according the HE staining:On the day 5 of transplantation, there were many blood cells in the graft.On day 10,there were a lot of primordial and primary follicles in ovarian cortex of the graft.On day 25 and later,there were follicles in different developing stages, corpora luteas and interstitial glands in the graft.The positive reaction of 3-β-HSDH and oil red O and the results of serum estrodiol and progesterone showed that transplanted fetal ovary restored secreting function. Conclusions Fetal ovary allotransplant can be survival,develop and restore the function of secreting sexhormone.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-571310


Objective In this study, an immunhistochemical analysis was carried out to clarify the correlation of CD34, CD105, Ⅷ R Ag, LN and collagen Ⅳ expression with human endometrial functional status. Methods Ten proliferative phase human endometrial sections were stained immunhistologically for three endothelial markers (CD34, CD105, factor Ⅷ related antigen) and two basement membrane markers (Laminin, collagen Ⅳ). Results At the same sample and the same cut of the sections,Significant differences were found in the microvessel density and morphosis.Conclusion\ CD34 and CLIV are the best markers for the microvessel density.\;[