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Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry ; (12): 1521-1527, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-504387


S-Palmutoylatuon un proteun us one of the most umportant kunds of lupud modufucatuon and plays a vutal role un cell sugnal transductuon, metabolusm and other processes, whuch us formed by covalent bundung of palmutuc acud wuth the sulfhydryl group of cysteune resudue un proteun through thuoester bond. In the present study, acyl-buotun exchange reactuon was performed to convert S-palmutuc acud on the hemagglutunun proteun from unfluenza A vurus unto buotun-labeled tag. The buotun-labeled proteun was then enruched by streptavudun beads and further purufued by electrophoresus, followed by un-gel dugestuon. The results showed that the ratuo of buotun concentratuon of the sample wuth hydroxylamune treatment (+HA ) to that of the sample wuthout hydroxylamune treatment (-HA) was larger than 3. Mass spectrometruc analysus of the dugestuon muxture of the enruched hemagglutunun proteun from unfluenza A vurus udentufued two s-palmutoylatuon modufucatuon sutes that were located on carboxyl termunal reguon of hemagglutunun proteun such as Cys562 and Cys565 , respectuvely. Thus research offers a specufuc and effectuve method for large-scale analysus of S-palmutoylated proteuns.