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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207886


Serosal fibroid of uterus are usually asymptomatic but rarely; it may present with atypical symptoms to simulate malignancy and needs extensive evaluation. Authors are reporting a case of 26 years old P1L1 female with history of asymptomatic multiple intramural fibroids since 6 years came with complained of progressively increasing abdominal distension and mild pain abdomen from 2-3 months. On evaluation, she had ascites, pleural effusion and raised Ca-125. MR imaging of pelvis revealed moderate ascites and pedunculated serosal fibroid in addition to intramural fibroids with normal bilateral ovaries. She was evaluated to rule out uterine sarcoma and tuberculosis but diagnosis of them could not be established. Finally, conclusion of Pseudo-Meigs syndrome was made. Myomectomy of single pedunculated fibroid relieved her symptoms. Though, subserosal fibroids are benign in pathology, timely surgery is must to avoid morbidity and mortality owing to massive ascites and pleural effusion.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206570


Umbilical cord cyst refers to any cystic lesion associated with the umbilical cord. Cord cysts can be defined as true or false cysts and may occur in any location along the cord. They are irregular in shape and are located between the cord vessels. Authors are reporting the case of an infant with an umbilical cord tumor which had twice been misdiagnosed previously as a hemangioma, based on ultrasound image of its cystic and solid component with good vascular supply. The ultrasound image most likely suggestive of a hemangioma as a differential diagnosis led to caesarean section in our patient (based on large size of the lesion and fear of rupture of same during process of labour). The definitive diagnosis was made only after birth of the baby. Final diagnosis of true umbilical cord cyst was made after histopathological examination. Thus, there can be confusion in the diagnosis between umbilical cord hemangiomas and umbilical cord cysts based on ultrasound.