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Iatreia ; 34(3)sept. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534571


Introducción: la púrpura trombocitopénica inmune (PTI) es una manifestación hematológica frecuente en el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES). Los corticoesteroides son la primera línea de manejo para la trombocitopenia moderada o grave, en conjunto con antimaláricos y otros inmunosupresores. En casos particulares, en donde la respuesta a las intervenciones iniciales no sea la adecuada, se cuenta con terapias de segunda línea. Objetivo: esta revisión narrativa se enfocará en dos medicamentos agonistas del receptor de trombopoyetina (RTPO): eltrombopag y romiplostim y en su papel en la PTI secundaria a LES. Además, se revisará su perfil farmacológico, dosis e indicaciones en el contexto de esta enfermedad. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de literatura en diferentes bases de datos, se analizaron artículos científicos y guías de manejo, tanto de LES como de trombocitopenia inmune, con el fin de contestar diferentes preguntas clínicas surgidas en el escenario de la práctica cotidiana. Resultados y conclusiones: el uso de los estimulantes de TPO es una alternativa terapéutica para escenarios particulares de pacientes con LES y trombocitopenia inmune. Sin embargo, son necesarios estudios enfocados en esta población específica para poder hacer recomendaciones acertadas acerca de su manejo. Los datos actuales son extrapolados de la trombocitopenia inmune primaria.

SUMMARY Introduction: Immune thrombocytopenia is a frequent hematologic manifestation in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Corticosteroids are the first line of treatment for moderate to severe thrombocytopenia in this disease, in conjunction with antimalarials or other immunosuppressants. In particular cases where the response to initial interventions is not achieved, second-line therapies with different mechanisms of action are available. Objective: This narrative review will focus on two thrombopoietin receptor agonist drugs (TPO-RA): eltrombopag and romiplostim, and their role in immune thrombocytopenia secondary to SLE. In addition, its pharmacological profile, dose and indications will be reviewed in the context of this disease. Methods: A literature search was conducted in different databases; scientific articles and guidelines were analyzed, both for SLE and immune thrombocytopenia. With the purpose of answering different clinical questions that constantly arise in the scene of daily practice. Results and conclusions: The use of TPO-RA stimulants is a therapeutic alternative for particular scenarios in patients with SLE and immune thrombocytopenia, however studies focused on this particular population are necessary to be able to make strong recommendations about its utility. Current data are extrapolated from primary immune thrombocytopenia.

Educ. fis. deporte ; 36(2):, Julio 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116137


Problema: la reducción de la flexibilidad de los isquiotibiales es común en adolescentes, asociándose con dolor lumbar, hernia de disco y riesgo de lesiones musculares. El ultimate frisbee implica aceleraciones y desaceleraciones en cortas distancias. Los antecedentes reportan lesiones en miembros inferiores, sin correlacionarlas con patrones de movimiento como fuerza, velocidad o salto. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre la flexibilidad de los isquiotibiales y la fuerza del soleo, con el salto y la velocidad en jugadores de ultimate frisbee. Método: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, con 103 deportistas universitarios de Medellín, Colombia. La información se recolectó mediante encuesta y observación. Se evaluó la flexibilidad, la velocidad y el salto. Los datos se analizaron con SPSS, versión 24.0. Resultados: la flexibilidad de los isquiotibiales se correlacionó positivamente con la velocidad, pero inversamente con el salto. Conclusión: a mayor flexibilidad de los isquiotibiales, mayor desarrollo de velocidad, pero menor capacidad de salto.

Problem: Reduction of hamstring flexibility is common in adolescents, associating with low back pain, disc herniation, andrisk of muscle injuries. Ultimate frisbee implies accelerations and decelerations over short distances. The background reports injuries in thelower limbs, without correlating them with movement patterns such as strength, speed or jump. Objective: To determine the relationship between hamstring flexibility and the strength ofthe soleus muscle with jump and speed in ultimate frisbee players. Method: Descriptive and correlational study, with 103 university athletes from Medellin, Colombia. Information wascollected through survey and observation. Flexibility, speed and jump were evaluated. Data were analyzed with SPSS® version 24.0. Results: Hamstring flexibility was positively correlated with speed, but inversely with jump. Conclusion: A greater flexibility of the hamstrings, greater speed development, but lessjumping ability.

Problema: a redução da flexibilidade dos isquiotibiais é um quadro clínico comum emadolescentes, esta redução foi reportada como um fator associado à prevalência de dor lombar, hérnia de disco e alto risco de lesões musculares. O ultimatefrisbee combina padrões de movimento similares ao futebol e ao handebol, onde se realizam cortes, arremessos, saltos, velocidade, voos e aceleração ­desaceleração em curtas distâncias. Os antecedentes encontrados nesse esporte reportam índices de lesões em membros inferiores, mas não se constataramcorrelações entre padrões de movimento específico com o salto, a força e a velocidade. Objetivo: determinar a relação da flexibilidade dos isquiotibiais, a força do sóleo com o salto e avelocidade em jogadores de ultimate frisbee. Método: realizou-se um estudo descritivo com alcance correlacional e amostra de conveniência de 103 jogadoresuniversitários de ultimate frisbee da cidade de Medellin-Colômbia. Os esportistas cumpriram os critérios de inclusão e assinaram o consentimentoinformado. No que se refere às técnicas de coleta de informação, utilizou-se a pesquisa de opinião e a observação. Avaliou-se a flexibilidade, a velocidade eo salto. Os dados se analisaram com o programa estadístico SPSS versão 24.0. Realizou-se uma análise uni-variada de estadística descritiva, que confirmou asfrequências absolutas e relativas. Além disso, determinou-se a distribuição da normalidade de todas as variáveis através do teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov, queassinalou normalidade para as variáveis com um valor < 0,05. Resultados: estabeleceu-se que a flexibilidade dos isquiotibiais tem correlação positivacom a velocidade, mas inversa com o salto. Conclusão: quanto maior a flexibilidade dos isquiotibiais, maior o desenvolvimento da velocidade, porémmenor a capacidade de salto.

Exercise , Sports , Muscle Strength , High-Intensity Interval Training
NOVA publ. cient ; 15(27): 37-43, ene.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-895069


Resumen Objetivo. Desarrollar una nueva metodología para caracterizar la estructura del eritrocito normal mediante el espacio ocupado por el anillo del eritrocito normal caracterizado con el método de Box Counting. Método. Se analizaron las imágenes de 20 extendidos de sangre periférica, cuyos eritrocitos fueron evaluados por un experto como normales. Se superpusieron dos rejillas Kp de 5 x 5 pixeles y Kg de 10 x 10 pixeles, para calcular el espacio ocupado por dos regiones del eritrocito estos son, el disco y centro de este, visto de manera frontal mediante el método de Box Counting. Resultados. Los espacios ocupados por la región del disco con la rejilla Kp variaron entre 47 y 56, la región del centro del eritrocito, varió entre 9 y 14. La dimensión fractal de estas dos regiones varió entre 0,941 y 1,115 para el disco, entre 0,652 y 1,222 para el centro. Conclusiones. La estructura del eritrocito normal puede ser caracterizada mediante el espacio ocupado por cada una de las regiones del eritrocito a partir de la geometría fractal.

Abstract Objective. Develop a new methodology to characterize the structure of the normal erythrocyte through the space occupied by the ring of the normal erythrocyte characterized by the method of Box Counting. Method. Images of10 peripheral blood smears were analysed, whose erythrocytes were evaluated by an expert as normal. There were superimposed two Kp grids of 5 x 5 pixels and Kg of 10 x 10 pixels, to calculate the space occupied by two regions of the erythrocyte which are, disc and centre of this, seen of way frontal by the method of Box Counting. Results. The spaces occupied by the disc region with grid Kp varied between 47 and 56, the central region of the erythrocyte, varied between 9 and 14. The fractal dimension of these two regions varied between 0,941 and 1,115 for the disc, between 0.652 and 1,222 for the centre. Conclusions. The normal erythrocyte structure can be characterized by the space occupied by the regions erythrocyte from fractal geometry.

Humans , Hematology , Serology , Blood Substitutes , Genetics
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(7): 919-924, jul. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-757916


The access to ophthalmological care in Chile has been historically a problem. Only at the end of the twentieth century concrete solutions were promoted. In 1960, Primary Care Ophthalmologic Units were created to ease the access to ophthalmology, due to the efforts of Professor Juan Arentsen. Their functioning was organized and standardized subsequently using a model proposed by the Chilean Ophthalmologic Society, leading to a better patient flow and reducing waiting lists. These units became an innovative initiative to reduce the gaps in Chilean public health, optimizing the professional and infrastructural assets of the public health care system and achieving a new organization for the ophthalmological health care net.

History, 20th Century , Humans , Ophthalmology/history , Primary Health Care/history , Chile , Delivery of Health Care , Ophthalmology/organization & administration , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Public Health
Investig. segur. soc. salud ; 4: 7-52, 2002. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-600439


Antecedentes: a A finales de 1999, la Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá (SDS), sustituyó la facturación Fee For Service (presupuestación histórica) por un nuevo mecánismo de pago llamado "Pago Fijo Global Prospectivo por actividad final en salud", para financiar la atención de la población pobre no afiliada al Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud. La SDS decidió contratar un estudio que tuviera como fin la disminución de la variabilidad de cada uno de los paquetes. Objetivos: redefinir unidades homogéneas para el sistema de pago por actividades finales a las Empresas Sociales del Estado adscritas a la Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá, de tal forma que se disminuya la variabilidad en los paquetes de servicios. Metodología:se utilizó la información de facturación que los hospitales enviaron a la SDS en el período comprendido entre mayo de 1999 y junio de 2000, el procedimiento principal de atención y el nivel del hospital; con esta información se desarrollaron los procesos estadísticos y el ajuste de modelos de regresión múltiple. Resultados: Se buscó aumentar la homogeneidad de los paquetes evaluando la influencia de los valores extremos (Outliers) y discriminando los paquetes con base en las variables relacionadas anteriormente. Al obtener una disminución importante de la variabilidad al separarse las actividades finales en valores Outliers y valores normales, se estructuró un pago diferencial para los primeros y se definieron las nuevas tarifas para los segundos, disminuyendo el riesgo financiero de los hospitales para el conjunto de las actividades finales. Conclusión: esta forma de pago estimula en los prestadores el control de costos y la eficiencia en la prestación de los servicios, lo cual es fundamental en un escenario de restricción de recursos financieros y costos ascendentes en el sector de la salud.

Background: a At the end of 1999, the District Health Secretariat of Bogota (SDS) replaced Fee For Service billing (historical budgeting) with a new payment mechanism called "Prospective Global Fixed Payment for final health activity" to finance the care of the poor population not affiliated with the Social Security Health System. The SDS decided to contract a study aimed at reducing the variability of each of the packages. Objectives: to redefine homogeneous units for the final activity-based payment system for the State Social Enterprises attached to the District Health Secretariat of Bogota, in order to reduce variability in the service packages. Methodology: We used the billing information that the hospitals sent to the SDS between May 1999 and June 2000, the main procedure of care and the hospital level; with this information we developed the statistical processes and the adjustment of multiple regression models. Results: We sought to increase the homogeneity of the packages by evaluating the influence of the extreme values (outliers) and discriminating the packages based on the variables listed above. By obtaining a significant decrease in variability when separating the final activities into Outliers and normal values, a differential payment was structured for the former and new rates were defined for the latter, reducing the hospitals' financial risk for the final activities as a whole. Conclusion: this form of payment stimulates providers to control costs and efficiency in the provision of services, which is essential in a scenario of financial resources restriction and rising costs in the health sector.

Humans , Cost Control , Financing, Organized , Health Systems , Health , Costs and Cost Analysis , Financial Resources in Health