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Veterinary Medical Journal. 2011; 59 (3): 307-318
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-126596


A total of 33 local E. coli isolates were used in this study. These isolates were biochemically and serologically identified as O1, O2, O6, O78 and O126. Four sets of oligonucleotide primer sequences were designed specifically for 16SrRNA, STX, Sth and eaeA genes. DNA and Plasmids were extracted and polymerase chain reaction was optimized for each. 16SrRNA gene primer successfully amplified with all serotypes giving rise a product mass of 204 bp, while STX gene primer was amplified with O1, O2 an dO78 serotypes in a specific band at 323 bp. At the same time the specific primers of Sth gene get a 171 bp molecular weight product only with O6 serotype meanwhile the eaeA gene primers successfully amplified only with O126 serotype giving rise a molecular weight band at 200 bp. In conclusion, PCR assay was able to differentiate between the different serotypes of E. coli in the suspected samples saving time, money and effort

Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Chickens , Serotyping
Veterinary Medical Journal. 1991; 39 (1): 105-117
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-115749


Out of 45 apparently healthy stallions, klebsiellas were found in an incidence of 13.3% from their genital tract. Prevalence rate was higher among prepuce washing [13.3%] than semen samples [4.4%]. Klebsiellas were observed in [6.7%] among cervical swabs of apparently healthy mares, on the contrary, such inidence reached 14.3% among mares with endometritis. K. pneumoniae was the most prevalent biovar recovered [56.6%]. Meanwhile, k. ozaemae, K. oxytoca, K. aerogenes and untyped klebsiella organisms formulating 21.7%, 8.7%, 8.7%, 8.7% and 4.3% respectively. The degree of susceptibility of klebsiella biotypes to various chemotherapeutic agent is discussed in details. Virulence tests were performed using representative biotypes. Differences in viulence between different biotypes were quite reproducible

Animals , Klebsiella/drug effects , Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Veterinary Medical Journal. 1990; 38 (2): 207-17
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-115691


Motile aeromonad organisms have been isolated in high incidence among examined fish species. A. hydrophila was recovered in an incidence of 6.4%, 4.8% and 6.4% from tilapia nilotica, clarias lazera and mugil species respectively. Other aeromonads were A. punctata, A. salmonicida and A. anaerogenes in an incidence extended between 0.00% up to 4.0%. A. salmonicida was the first to be recovered from fresh water fish. Ps. fluorescens, Citr. diversus, Citr. Freundii, capital later U enterocolitica, S. marcescens and Enterbacter species were the most bacterial pathogens isolated from different kinds of fish. Experimental studies on the pathogenicity of A. hydrophila, Ps. fluorescens and A. punctata in clarias species were discussed in details

Veterinary Medical Journal. 1990; 38 (3): 407-17
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-115708


A total of 190 samples for clostridial isolations were taken from the intestinal tracts of chicken dying from necrotic enteritis. Twenty nine cases were positive for C. perfringens [15.3%]. All strains were highly toxigenic for guinea-pigs. C. perfringens types A,C,D and F were isolated from necrotic enteritis of chikens in an incidence of 62.1%, 24.1%, 10.3% and 3.4%. Coccidiosis was usually observed in the liver of dead broilers showing C. perfringens infection. Necrotic enteritis in chickens could be produced by feeding feed infected with various types of C. perfringens. A correlation was found between different types of C. perfringens and necrotizing activity

Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences [AJVS]. 1989; 5 (2): 251-260
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-12190


A total of 248 samples constituting pyogenic wounds in camels were of microorganisms. Facultative anaerobe, strict anaerobes and both types collected to investigate the incidence of various types were isolated in an incidence of 70.08%, 27.46% and 2.46% respectively. Staph aureus was recovered more frequently from pyogenic wounds [20.08%] than any other micro-organisms, followed by Str. pyogenes [6.97%], C. pyogenes [6.97%], E. coli [4.10%], Ps. aeruginosa [3.68%], C.ovis [2.87], Str. bovis [2.46%] and Staph. saprophyticus [2.46%]. Obligatory anaerobic bacteria recovered were Cl. perfringens [15.98%], F. necrophorum [5.33%], Str. pleomorplus [1.64%], Peptostreptococcus anaerobius [3.69%] and Bacteroides fragilis [0.82%]. All Cl. perfringens recovered from pyogenic septic wounds were studied in details for their morphological, cultural, biochemical and toxoginic typing

Animals , Bacteria , Camelus
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences [AJVS]. 1989; 5 (2): 743-748
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-12240


In a mixed herd of brown swiss and fresian cows, 7 fatal cases of black leg were recorded in brown swiss cows kept under same conditions with fresian cows. Clostridium chauvoei was the only organism increminated in these cases. Preventive measures including treatment and vaccination were successful to prevent further appearance of the disease

Animals , Clostridium Infections/veterinary , Cattle