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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963094


From this study, the effects of the three combinations: namely 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-acridine alone and 2-methoxy-6-choloro-9-acridine and DDS and DDS alone on the advanced cases of lepromatous type of leprosy confined at the Central Luzon Sanitarium- have been carefully evaluated. Our results have shown that 2-methoxy-6-choloro-9-acridine is more effective and very promising in the treatment of leprosy when given parenterally than by mouth. The explanation is that the parenteral 2-mthoxy-6-chloro-9-acridine can act as one molecule in the inhibition of the utilization of glycerol by the Mycobacterium leprae in contrast to the enteral 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-acridine, which splits into the alkylamino radical and the acridine nucleus. On the other hand, this anti-metabolic action of 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-acridine potentiated that of DDS when both are administered simultaneously. This is shown in the rapid regression of clinical signs and symptoms associated with the nagative bacteriological findings up to the time of this writing. Also, the lepra reactions have been controlled by prolonged treatment with parenteral 2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-acridineHowever, it is the strong opinion and recommendation of the researchers that though this is a controlled experiment, further study should be done for at most a period of five years in the different leper colony in the world. (Summary)

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963669


A blood tuberculin test is described based on the hypothesis that a high degree of tuberculin hypersensitiveness could be widespread even to the nucleated cellular elements of the blood. The reactions produced by the challenging drop of PPD tuberculin inside the hypersensitive cells have been fairly demonstrated. The test appears to be specific for human mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Editors of the Journal hope to stimulate, through publication of this article, similar studies by other investigators in this field

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-963670


These studies have experimentally demonstrated the induction of hyperreactivity of tuberculosis in rabbits, monkeys, and man by the injections of cholera El Tor heat-killed vaccine. Our criterion the severity of the tuberculous lesions after the injections of the El Tor vaccine and not on the determinations of LD50 of the El Tor endotoxins as done by Suter(1962) for those of the Salmonella typhimurium. While our approaches to this problem have been different from those of Suter, we have had the same results as those of the latter except in looking for the mechanisms and/or nature of hyperreactivityOur main view in this regard has been a mechanism that belongs to the phenomenon of anergy. This means that the endotoxins of cholera El Tor could destroy the antibody formation of the lymphocytes against tuberculosis indirectly by shifting this same capacity against their (El Tor) toxins. When this state of affair happens, with no immunebody road-blocks against tuberculosis, it becomes very obvious that the Mycobacterium tuberculosis will be very active; and sequentially, the tuberculosis lesions will have a flare-up. On the other hand, the restoration of this function of the lymphocytes against the mycobacterium tuberculosis by the administrations of corticoids will abolish this hyperreactivity of tuberculosis. In resume, the nature of hyperreactivity from this study is but a sort of anergy. (Summary and conclusions)