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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 63-69, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631083


Introduction Violence is defi ned by the WHO as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation”. Violence can be divided into many types such as physical, psychological, sexual, neglect and economical etc. Violence against women and child is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women or child due to patriarchy in many countries of the world. Child maltreatment or violence is one of common public health problems in worldwide and psychologically harm in child’s later life. Objective To detect types, percent and some infl uencing factors of violence against child and adolescent among cases, which were involving into forensic psychiatric evaluation procedures. Materials and Methods We are analyzed all archive documents of NCMH, 2000-2014 by retrospective methodology on based ethical approval of NCMH administration (by ordering 2/189 Oct 28, 2015). Results Total 1067 cases of violence against child and adolescent were registered in 2000-2014 years and 84.7 percent of those (n=904) were sexual violence cases. Gender difference was defi ning among sexual violence cases (girls n=885, p<0.000; boys n=19, p<0.000) with statistically signifi cant. Sexual offender can be act his violence in drunken (OR=2.355; p<0.000; CI 95%; 1.601-3.463) or negative relationship between family members (OR=3.723; p<0.000; CI 95%-2.356-5.883) are more infl uenced to sexual violence against child and adolescent. Conclusion Sexual violence is more registered among child and adolescent maltreatment cases. Children and adolescents are more affected into sexual violence likely to have a negative relationship between the family members or offenders have used alcohol.