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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-410337


Objective To investigate the effect of positive pressure ventilation on radiosensitivity of the patients suffering from primary lung cancer. Methods Thirty cases of lung cancer were randomly divided into two groups: ① combining therapy group: patients treated with posi tive pressure ventilation using BiPAP respirator and radiotherapy;② simple radi otherapy group. The changes of PaO2, SaO2, blood white cells and the cellula r immunological function were observed before and after treatment. Resul ts Nasal or naso-facial positive pressure ventilation with BiPAP respi rator increased PaO2 significantly with the maximum of 7.5 kPa, SaO2 was ma inteined at above 95%. No significant change for the cellular immunological func tion was found in the combining therapy group (P>0.05)and only one patient with leukopenia(6.7%). But in the radiotherapy group, the lymphocyte transfor mation efficiency and the ratio of CD4/CD8 were obviously decreased(P<0 .01), and leukopenia was found in 5 cases(33.3%). Conclusion  Nasal or naso-facial positive pressure ventilation with BiPAP respirator could improve the effect of radiotherapy for lung cancers. It could also increase PaO 2 significantly and has protective rote to the marrow and cellular immunologic al function of the patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-677058


The cellular proliferative activity (CPA) of the surgical specimens of 35 patients with lung cancer,10 patients with benign lesions of the lungs,and 10 normal subjects was studied with flow cytometry.It was found that CPA was significantly higher in lung cancer than in benign pulmonary lesion and it was significantly higher in benign pulmonary lesion than in the normal lungs.The finding suggests that CPA is useful in the screening of lung cancer patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-550500


in the period from Lanuary, 1983 to June, 1990, a total of 980 cases of cor pulmonale were hospitaluzed in this institute. Among the 980, 154 cases were complicated with multiple organ failure (MOF), and 114 cases out of the 154 died with a mortality rate of 74%. Besides the heart and the lungs, the organs involved were the brain, the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys and the blood system. It was found that MOF more often occurred in elderly persons. The older the patient is, the more the organs will be involved and the higher the mortality rate will be. Infection especially that of gram negative bacilli was the main factor to induce MOF. The combined administration of penicillin and the antibiotics of cephalosporin group was quite helpful to control the infections, which is the key step in the management of such cases, when the antibiotics of aminoglycoside group were used, special attention must be paid to the prevention of their toxic effects on the kidneys High-frequency jet ventilation is not suitable to treat cor pulmonale complicated with MOF.