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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219158


Introduction: For a range of kidney abnormalities, including both neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders, nephrectomy is a popular surgical treatment. We conducted this study to examine the range of lesions found in the nephrectomy specimens obtained and to ascertain the distribution of these lesions by age and sex. MaterialsandMethods: This study was conducted in the department of pathology, from 2017 to 2022. All nephrectomy specimens received during 5 years were included. Results: The spectrum of renal lesions observed in the study included both neoplastic (43.75%) and nonneoplastic (56.25%) conditions. Nineteen patients were males (59.37%) and 13 were females (40.62%) (M: F = 1.4:1). The most common entity in the nonneoplastic category was chronicpyelonephritis (n = 9, 28.12%). In our study, we documented two unusual cases of renal replacement lipomatosis (RRL), a type of pseudotumor related to nonfunctioning kidneys. Fourteen patients underwent nephrectomy for neoplastic conditions such as Wilm’stumor and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Conclusion: Nephrectomy for the nonneoplastic condition was performed more frequentlyin our series. Histopathological evaluation of nonneoplastic nephrectomy specimens must be thoroughly considered, particularly in unusual circumstances such as RRL, where a preoperative erroneous initial impression of a malignant lesion such as angiomyolipoma or liposarcoma is possible.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219156


Introduction: Clinically, all trophoblastic lesions are frequently combined under a broad spectrum of gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTDs)without the use of specific pathological terms. However, studies now demonstrate that various forms of GTDs demonstrate differences in etiology, histogenesis, morphology, and clinical behavior. Thus, the need for diagnostic histopathology of these lesions to distinguish gestational trophoblastic neoplasms from nonneoplastic lesions and molar pregnancies and also for early anticipation for early anticipation, risk category stratification, prognostication, management, and prediction of persistent GTD. Our study aimed to study the histomorphological patterns of various types of GTD with light microscopy and the pattern of occurrence of GTDs in relation to age, parity, and gestation. MaterialsandMethods: The present study was conducted in the department of pathology, from January 2020 to April 2022. All GTDs confirmed by histopathological examination by hematoxylin‑ and eosin‑stained slides were included. Results: The spectrum of GTDs found in this study was seventy cases of hydatidiform mole (92.10%), three cases of exaggerated placental site (EPS) reaction (3.94%), and two cases of choriocarcinoma (2.63%) and one case (1.31%) of placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT). The most common presenting symptom was vaginal bleeding (93.42%). Conclusion: Hydatidiform mole forms the most common type of GTD with an incidence of complete moles more than partial moles. Histomorphological examination and analysis are helpful for confirmatory diagnosis. The most common clinical presentation of GTD was vaginal bleeding followed by amenorrhea. Emphasis on detailed descriptive morphological assessment can help in the histological distinction of benign lesions such as EPS reaction and placental site nodule and avert such cases from being erroneously diagnosed as neoplastic. The Ki‑67 proliferation index helped in distinguishing the EPS reaction from neoplastic lesions such as PSTT which requires surgical intervention and chemotherapy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220608


Background- Those who are pro euthanasia believe that such act eliminates the patient's pain and suffering. Right to die allows the person to die with dignity. But euthanasia may involve taking a human's life, The present study evaluates the attitude of doctors involved in care of critically ill patients towards euthanasia. Material & methods- A survey on Euthanasia was conducted amongst 100 doctors involved in the treatment of critically ill patients of various ailments at ICARE institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre & B.C.Roy Hospital, Haldia, West Bengal, India, to ?nd out their attitude towards euthanasia. In present study, majority i.e., 64 (64%) subjects were between 31-40 years, Results- 24 (24%) subjects were between 41-50 years, 10 (10%) subjects were between 51-60 years while 2 (2%) subjects were more than 60 years. 56(28%) subjects were females while 44 (44%) subjects were males. 4 (4%) were Neurophysician, 5 (5%) were Neurosurgeon, 32 (32%) were Critical care consultant, 19 (19%) were Anesthetist, 34 (34%) were, 6 (6%) were Surgeon. 89 (89%) (81.2-94.4%, 95%CI) subjects were anti-euthanasia. In majority of circumstances, 89 (89%) subjects said they will not give euthanasia while 11 (11%) (5.6-18.8%, 95%CI) subjects said they will give euthanasia. Though the Supreme Court Conclusion- judgement has provided a major boost, it is a long way to go before it becomes a law. Also, its misuse remains a major issue.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220549


Background- Different success rate of Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection (ICSI) are seen in different causes of infertility. In present study, we evaluated ICSI outcome in different causes of infertility. Materials and Methods- This is a retrospective study of ICSI cycles performed on 120 subjects at ART unit of Omega hospital Pvt Ltd, Nagpur between Jan 2020 and December 2021 to see ICSI outcomes in different causes of infertility. In present Results- study, out of 120 subjects, majority 52(43%) subjects were in the age group of 31-35 years followed by 49(41%) subjects in 25-30 years age group.Majority 55(46%) subjects were having infertility of 5-10 years, 52(43%) subjects were having infertility of <5 years. Majority 83(69%) subjects were having primary infertility. 45(37%) subjects had male infertility, 41(34%) subjects had ovulatory factor, 15(13%) subjects had unexplained infertility. 77(64%) subjects had biochemical pregnancies. 64(53%) subjects had clinical pregnancy by Ultrasound. 59(49%) subjects had live birth. 17(14%) subjects had abortion, 13 (11%) subjects had preterm labour. 3(2%) babies had to be admitted in NICU. Most important 74% mothers & 96% babies reported no complications. We found that ICSI is an effective option in couples with different causes of infertility. Therefore, Conclusion- physicians should have adequate training and required information regarding ICSI to improve the pregnancy outcomes reducing burden of infertility in the community.

Natl Med J India ; 2022 Jun; 35(3): 142-146
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218196


BACKGROUND The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown in India caused disruptions in cancer treatment due to the restriction on movement of patients. We aimed to maintain continuity in cancer treatment during the lockdown through teleconsultations. We tried to reach out to our patients using telephonic consultations by establishing a Teleconsult Centre facility run by a team of doctors and patient navigators. METHODS We telephonically contacted all patients who had outpatient appointments from 23 March to 30 April 2020 at our centre through the Teleconsult Centre to understand their current circumstances, feasibility of follow-up, local resources and offered best possible alternatives to continue cancer treatment, if required. RESULTS Of the 2686 patients scheduled for follow-up during this period, we could contact 1783 patients in 9 working days. Through teleconsultations, we could defer follow-ups of 1034 patients (57.99%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 55.6%–60.3%), thus reducing the need for patients to travel to the hospital. Change in systemic therapy was made in 75 patients (4.2%, 95% CI 3.3%–5.2%) as per the requirements and available resources. Symptoms suggestive of disease progression were picked up in 12 patients (0.67%, 95% CI 0.35%–1.17%), who were advised to meet local physicians. CONCLUSION Our study suggests that the majority of patients on follow-up can be managed with teleconsultation in times of crisis. Teleconsultation has the potential of being one of the standard methods of patient follow-up even during periods of normalcy.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2022 May; 65(1): 164-175
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223277


Central nervous system (CNS) infections are among the most devastating diseases with high mortality and morbidity. In the pre-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) era, the occurrence of CNS infections was very infrequent. However, in the past four decades or so, with a global increase in the immunocompromised population, the incidence of opportunistic infections of the CNS has changed. This includes a global increase in the incidence of parasitic infections such as Toxoplasma gondii. Infections such as neurocysticercosis and cerebral malaria are quite prevalent in developing countries. Early diagnosis of these infections is crucial for instituting accurate therapy and preventing mortality and morbidity. Despite advances in neuroimaging techniques, laboratory diagnosis remains the mainstay for confirmation of diagnosis. We present an update on the noninvasive tests available for laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections of the CNS.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205213


Background: According to National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, computer vision syndrome affects 90% people who spend more than 3 hours a day on the computer. It is a group of eye and vision related problems. It is a temporary condition resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer display for prolonged, uninterrupted period of time. Also different reactions of the eye and the brain to the characters on the screen cause strain. Hence, this study is planned to assess computer vision syndrome in software professionals. Objectives: To assess Computer Vision Syndrome by history and clinical examination. Material and Methods: An assessment survey was conducted in a convenient software company. A total number of 60 people in age group 28-40 years having minimum exposure of three years to computer everyday were recruited in the study. A questionnaire was developed to collect data about perceived symptoms on computer vision syndrome. Results: It was observed that 80% of subjects suffer from backache, wrist and shoulder pain. 72% subjects complained of eyestrain and 70% complained of dry and irritated eyes. 62% subjects complained of headache. More than 50% subjects gave history of watering and redness of eyes. Conclusion: Study shows that more than 50% subjects suffer from some or the other symptom of computer vision syndrome. Early detection and prevention of computer vision syndrome is necessary to prevent future complications and better health of software professionals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207677


Background: Swine influenza outbreaks are common in pigs year-round and infection in humans is a result of close contact with infected animals. Understanding the perception of the public and their potential resources would help public health agencies in developing educational programs to increase the awareness of the public. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices on different aspects of swine flu.Methods: A cross-sectional study of 100 pregnant women was conducted at Varun Arjun Medical College, Banthara, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India to test their knowledge, attitudes, and use of precautionary measures against influenza infection.Results: In this study, 98 (98%) of pregnant women were aware of swine flu infection, 85 (85%) of pregnant women knew that swine flu is due to viral infection while 65 (65%) of pregnant women were aware that swine flu infection spreads through air while sneezing and coughing. In this study, 95 (96%) of pregnant women knew fever as symptom of swine flu, 83 (83%) of pregnant women knew cough and cold as symptoms while 64 (64%) of pregnant women knew headache and body ache as symptoms. 94 (94%) of pregnant women were aware that vaccination against swine flu can prevent swine flu infection. 80 (80%) of pregnant women knew that covering mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing can prevent spread of swine flu infection while 52 (52%) of pregnant women knew that frequent hand washing helps in preventing spread of swine flu infection. 76 (76%) of pregnant women received vaccination against swine flu while 24 (24%) of pregnant women did not receive vaccination against swine flu.Conclusions: Learning more about the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the public during swine flu and other infectious disease outbreak can be crucial to improve efforts by public health officials and clinicians.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207498


Background: Overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity in the mother are associated with adverse obstetrics well as neonatal outcome. Aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity, and the impact of body mass index (BMI) on maternal and neonatal outcome.Methods: This is a retrospective study from January 2018 to September 2018 on 180 women with singleton term pregnancies. Maternal and neonatal outcomes at delivery were noted.Results: In present study, 3 (1.66%) pregnant women were underweight, 57 (31.66%) pregnant women had normal BMI, 71 (39.44%) pregnant women were overweight while 49 (27.22%) pregnant women were obese. Gestational weight gain was less than 8 kgs in 40 (22.22%) pregnant women, weight gain was 8-15.9 kgs in 132 (73.33%) pregnant women while weight gain was more than 16 kgs in 8 (4.44%) pregnant women. Out of 3 underweight women, 1 delivered by cesarean section and 2 had normal delivery, out of 57 women with normal BMI, 21 delivered by cesarean section and 36 had normal delivery, out of 71 overweight women, 47 delivered by cesarean section and 34 had normal delivery while out of 49 obese women, 38 delivered by cesarean section and 11 had normal delivery. PET and GDM was seen in 9 (7.5%) women each while macrosomia were seen in 5 (4.16%) women.Conclusions: Increased association was seen with maternal obesity and adverse outcome of pregnancy like PIH, GDM, cesarean section.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201994


Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) comprising of a group of respiratory diseases of varying etiology and severity is being increasingly recognized as a major public health problem particularly amongst children below five years of age. In all countries ARI is a leading cause of hospitalization and death. Therefore ARIs represent a large challenge in field of communicable diseases. The study was conducted with the objective to assess the socio-demographic, epidemiological and clinical profile of ARI cases.Methods: A descriptive cross sectional, hospital based study was conducted at Government Medical College and Hospital. All children admitted with ARI in the paediatric ward during the study period of one calendar year.Results: Maximum (53.13%) cases of ARI were from the age group <1 year. Males (60.80%) outnumbered the females (M:F ratio was 1.5:1). Month wise and season wise distribution of ARI cases showed that, most of the cases were admitted in the month of December (13.35%), followed by January (12.78%) and November (10.80%).Conclusions: Prevalence of ARI cases as well as severity of the disease was more in participants less than 1 year of age.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215363


Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of mortality in a developing country like India among the infectious diseases. Early diagnosis of tuberculosis is by chest X-Ray, sputum examination, culture and nucleic acid amplification. Chest X-Ray findings are not very specific, sputum examination and culture take many days thus delaying the diagnosis. CT scan is very fast, non-invasive and accurate. It can diagnose the cause of unexplained cough, chest pain, fever and other chest symptoms. Because of accuracy, high speed and better resolution, CT scan is the modality of choice for early detection of pulmonary TB. The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of CT and HRCT in pulmonary TB.METHODSIt is a cross sectional study conducted at Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences from January 2016 to June 2016 in a series of cases sent for CT or HRCT using AQUILION, Toshiba 64 slice multi detector CT. All the data were entered in excel sheet and transferred to SPSS Version 2 and then analysed by using descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation and percentage. Chi square test was used. p Value of <0.05 was taken as statistically significant.RESULTSAmong 358 cases, 49.7% (178 cases) were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis. In cases diagnosed as pulmonary TB, 104 (58.4%) were male and 74 (41.7%) were female. Over 60 yrs. of age, 56.1% of the cases had TB with cavitary and parenchymal lesion, followed by TB with lung destruction & cicatrisation in 17.3% of the cases. In younger age group, 20 years and below, had TB with cavitary & parenchymal lesions in 75% of cases and TB with chronic empyema & fibrothorax in 25% cases. Incidence of TB in higher age groups was statistically significant (p<0.05).CONCLUSIONSCT and HRCT can diagnose different stages of pulmonary TB and any associated diseases. It helps in taking treatment decisions and preventing disease spread which is an important health issue. For early detection of pulmonary TB, CT and HRCT is a must for diagnosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212022


Background: The present study was conducted on medical teachers to evaluate their attitudes and practices towards research.Methods: This study was conducted at Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Mangaluru, Karnataka India. In a cross-sectional study, randomly, 50 medical teachers were selected for evaluation and assessment of attitudes and practices towards research amongst the medical teachers.Results: In this study, 44 (88%) of faculties were interested in research. 36(72%) of faculties said that they were using internet for research regularly while 14(28%) of faculties said that they were using internet for research sometimes. 36(72%) of faculties had attended state conferences, 18(36%) of faculties had attended national conferences while 5(10%) of faculties had attended international conferences. 6(12%) of faculties presented 1-2 papers in Conferences, 8(16%) of faculties presented 3-4 papers in Conferences while 36(72%) of faculties presented 1-2 papers in Conferences. 11(22%) of faculties were involved in research with the aim of purely research.19(38%) of faculties felt that resources are inadequate, 17(34%) of faculties felt that reference material is inadequate, 16(32%) of faculties felt that hospital records were inadequate,Conclusions: In this study, the attitude towards the research was quite healthy. There was a lack of utilization of research facilities and less research output like poster/ paper presentation in academic meets and research publications in the journals by medical faculties.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185663


Background: Thyroid disorders are reported at high prevalence during pregnancy, affecting ~5% of all pregnancies. Maternal thyroid disorders are implicated to influence foeto–maternal outcomes. Objective: To estimate prevalence of thyroid disorders in pregnant women and study the maternal and perinatal outcome with thyroid disorders. Methodology: 864 pregnant women were screened for thyroid disorders & were evaluated for maternal & foetal complications by predefined outcome measures. Observations: Of 864 patients screened, 105 were diagnosed with thyroid abnormality and followed up till delivery, with newborn thyroid profile on day 7. Of 105 participants having thyroid abnormalities; 88 had subclinical hypothyroid (83.8%), 14 (13.3%) had overt hypothyroidism. Significant associations were noted between various maternal & foetal complications and thyroid disorders. Conclusion: Thyroid disorders were more commonly associated with maternal and foetal complications.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 2019 Oct; 10(4): 233-240
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214086


Background: With the rapid depletion of forests, impairing the availability of raw drugs, Ayurveda, hasreached a very critical phase. Consequently, cultivation of medicinal plants is essential to ensure theiravailability to the industry. In view of the above concept, organic farming of medicinal plants needsscientific validity.Objectives: The present study includes the organic and non-organic cultivation of Cymbopogon citratus,followed by toxicological and pharmacological profiling of extracts.Materials and methods: C. citratus was simultaneously cultivated organically (OCC) and non-organically(NCC). Toxicity profile of aqueous extracts was recorded on prokaryotes using bioluminescent bacteria,Vibrio harveyi and evaluated its type 2 anti-diabetic activity.Results: OCC have shown the higher mean values of height, number of germplasms and root lengthscompared to NCC. The higher level of toxicity was shown by NCC with decrease in bioluminescence withincreasing concentration of extract. In acute type 2 anti-diabetic study, OCC showed prominent decreasein blood glucose at postprandial condition (6th h) (48.86% OCC-200). The order of sub-chronic antidiabetic activity was observed as positive control > OCC-200 > NCC-200, while OCC at 200 mg/kg corrected the altered lipid profile and antioxidant status with significant increase in body weights of animals. Histopathological examination of pancreas showed the enlargement of pancreatic islets andformation of neo islets with degenerative changes in OCC treated animals.Conclusion: The study confirms that organically grown C. citratus is better in terms of nourishment,biological activity and safety measures.© 2017 Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore and World Ayurveda Foundation. Publishing Services byElsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204250


Background: India is facing a grave challenge of having very high rates of child under-nutrition and a high infant and child mortality, which demands an urgent need for comprehensive multi-pronged evidence based strategy to tackle the situation. Breastfeeding offers the ultimate food during the first 6 months of life. Complementary feeding starts when breast milk is no longer sufficient by itself, the target age is between 6-24 months. Complementary feeding plays critical role in bridging these gaps between nutritional requirements and growth and development of child with increasing age. Complementary feeding strategies encompass a wide variety of interventions designed to improve not only the quality and quantity of these foods but also improve the feeding behaviors. In this review we analyzed knowledge and attitude of mother regarding feeding practices among children of 6 months to 2 years of age who had visited tertiary care centre.Methods: Personal interview of mothers having a child in the age group of 6 months to 2 years of age in the duration of October 2017 to March 2018 visiting pediatric department at a tertiary care centre and willing to give information are included in the sample. The Questions regarding socio demographic profile, various occupations, type of feeding practiced, knowledge regarding feeding and complimentary feeding were included in Performa. Data was entered in MS Excel and analyzed using SPSS software.Results: Almost 8 out of 10 mothers were literate in the study (77.80%). About 75% mothers didn't know the correct type of complimentary feeding to initiate for their babies. Knowledge about correct time of starting complimentary feeding was more commonly found in housewife mothers than the working mothers and findings was supported by statistical significance. Mothers with >=2 children were using correct type of food for complementary feeding more commonly that with mothers having single child.Conclusions: The present study highlighting knowledge gap and practice gap in mothers about complimentary feedings. Appropriate complementary feeding education emphasizing timely initiation and meal diversity is necessary to improve knowledge and feeding practices of mothers whether mother is educated or uneducated.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2019 Aug; 67(8): 1360-1362
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-197452


A 52-year-old woman presented with idiopathic active scleritis not responding to oral cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, and oral steroid. Her intraocular pressure in the left eye was 45 mm of Hg in spite of using combination of brinzolamide 1% and brimonidine 0.2% (thrice a day), timolol maleate 0.5% (twice a day) eye drops in both eyes and oral acetazolamide. She was administered subcutaneous golimumab 50 mg injection every 4 weeks along with oral methotrexate 15 mg/week. The scleral inflammation responded and she underwent Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation after two months of initiation of golimumab therapy. After one week of surgery her IOP in left eye was the reduced to 8 mm of Hg. The index case showed that Golimumab can be a useful drug in the management of necrotizing scleritis refractory to the conventional therapy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194387


Background: The global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decade. Half of world’s population is now at risk. India represents significantly a larger burden, accounting for nearly 34% of the global burden of dengue infection. Dengue infection needs to be addressed as a single disease with different clinical presentations ranging from asymptomatic conditions to severe clinical courses that may lead to high morbidity and mortality.Method: This was retrospective observational study carried out during period of July 2017 to April 2018, to study clinical profile and laboratory parameters in dengue fever patients. Confirmed dengue cases having NS1 positive or IgM positive or having both NS1 and IgM positive or dengue ELISA reactive, having minimum one CBC reports done and not having other confounding factor such as co-infection, bone marrow diseases etc. that may altered clinical and laboratory results are included in study. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS software version 18.0.Results: Out of 48 confirmed dengue cases maximum patients 58.33% was from young age group (21 to 40 years) with M:F ratio was 2.43:1. Fever was found in 100% patients, in order of frequency followed by headache, bodyache, abdominal pain, weakness, retro-orbital pain, anorexia, dry cough, back pain, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, rash, joint pain, itching and malena.NS1was positive in 41.67% cases, dengue ELISA in 31.25%, IgM was positive in 20.83% cases, and both NS1 and IgM positive were in 4.17% cases. TLC count was low 35.42%, high in 12.50% of cases and remaining had normal TLC count. Platelet count was ranged between normal platelet counts to thrombocytopenia. One case had platelet count less than 20000. Out of 48 patients, 2 (4.17%) had malena.Conclusion: In this study, fever was found in all patients, and headache, body ache and weakness were common symptoms, but significant number of patients also had gastroentstinal and respiratory symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and dry cough. TLC count ranging from normal TLC, leukopenia to leucocytosis. Large number of patients had low platelet count that shows dengue fever had varied clinical presentation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211594


Background: Patients who attend the hospital for any form of operative procedure frequently undergo physical or mental pain and agitation. These patients are extremely anxious. It is important to choose the most appropriate form of anesthesia for induction for the analgesia or sedation. This study examined the safety and effectiveness of the Ketamine and Propofol combination technique for short procedures like D and C, MTP, evacuation and marsupilisation of Bartholin’s abscess.Methods: The present observational study was carried out in association with the Gynecology and Obstetrics department and Department of Anesthesiology of PDMMC and hospital, Amravati, Maharashtra, India over a period of 3 months from 1st January to 31st March 2019.Results: In present study, 28 (56%) patients were of 25-40 years age, 14 (28%) patients were of 41-50 years age while 8 (16%) patients were of 51-60 years age. 7 (14%) patients were underweight, 26 (52%) patients had normal BMI, 10 (20%) patients were overweight while 7 (14%) patients were obese. MAP before surgery was 100 ± 12, which decreased to 92±9.2 during operation and increased to 97±19.4 in the postoperative period. Heart rate and arterial SPO2 were not significantly different before, during, and after the operation. Mean VAS score for pain was 5.2±5.1 and the mean Ramsay’s score of sedation was 5.8 ± 0.01. 1 (2%) patient had apnea, 1 (2%) patient had skin reaction, 1 (2%) patient had cough, 1 (2%) patient had agitation while 2 (4%) patient had nausea and vomiting.Conclusions: Ketamine and Propofol combination technique can be recommended for use in the short procedures safely and effectively.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194320


Background: Doctors know everything about cause, diagnosis, treatment and care to be taken for diabetes mellitus. This study was carried out to evaluate awareness, attitude and practices of diabetes in doctors.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 100 male and 100 female doctors of various subjects who attended a conference at Mangaluru 25th to 27th October 2018.Results: Prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 12% in male doctors while it was 8% in female doctors. 11 (91.66%) male doctors and 8 (100%) female doctors were taking medicines for diabetes regularly, 8 (66.66%) male doctors and 7 (87.5%) female doctors were doing blood sugar regularly, 7 (58.33%) male doctors and 5 (62.5%) female doctors were doing diet control, 7 (58.33%) male doctors and 5 (62.5%) female doctors were doing exercise regularly, 9 (75%) male doctors and 8 (100%) female doctors were using footwear while 6 (50%) male doctors and 4 (50%) female doctors were taking proper dental care.Conclusions: In present study, doctors were aware of causes, diagnosis, treatment & care to be taken in diabetes. Still, routine check-up was not seen in 100%. After diagnosis, doctors were taking medicines quite regularly but regular follow up for diabetes & cardiovascular risk was seen in less numbers.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211246


Background: Employee state insurance scheme (ESIS) is a multidimensional social security system providing medical facilities to the insured persons and their family through large network of hospitals and dispensaries all over India. The present study was done to measure the satisfaction of OPD (Outpatient Department) patients.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in ESI Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India on 500 patients attending OPD. Patients were approached at the end of their OPD visits to know their perceptions towards the public health facilities, during the months of September and October 2017. Data collected was analyzed.Results: In present study, out of 500 patients, 210 (42%) said that crowd was average, 270 (54%) were satisfied with queue system, 390 (78%) were satisfied with the availability of drugs, 380 (76%) were satisfied with the behaviour of pharmacist.205 (41%) patients said it was not overcrowded, 310 (62%) patients were happy with the behaviour of registration clerk, 330 (66%) were satisfied with the seating arrangements for the patients and attendants, 265 (53%) were satisfied with the cleanliness, 205 (41%) were satisfied with the condition of toilets.390 (78%) patients said that doctor was available, 270 (54%) said that waiting time was less, 325 (65%) said that doctor listened to the problem attentively, 435 (87%) said that the doctor explained nicely about the disease while 425 (85%) were satisfied with the time given by the doctor.Conclusions: Almost half of the patients were satisfied with the registration facilities, basic amenities, service by doctor and pharmacy services. Mostly, patients chose this hospital as it was free for them due to their insurance and as it was near their house. Still, there is scope for improvement.