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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581679


Microorganisms isolated from the sea extreme condition have the potential to prqvide. diverse bioactive substances that are present to their metabolites. Organisms with pH optimal for growth in alkaline range and with temperature optimal for growth in lower temperature range are defines as alkalopsychrophilic microorganisms,which are one of rich resources of bioactive compounds for further stuties with both scientific interest and practical use.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581715


Strain F-11 and several other strains of Halobacteria were isolated from saltern soils in China. Strain F-11 is Gram negative rod and obligate aerobe. Optimum salt concentration for strain F-11 growth is 16%-30% NaCl and no growth below 12% NaCl. And strain F-11 can produced carotenoids pigments. Therefore, strain F-11 is considered as one member of extreme halobacteria.Natural pigment B1 is mainly produced by strain F-ll. Compound B1 is obtained as a red crystal and soluble in organic solvents, but no soluble in water. Compound Bl exhibits a molecular ion by EI-MS at m/z 740. 6, corresponding to the formula C50H76O4.The UV and IR spectra of Bl is identical to that of bacterioruberin, which is one member of C-50 carotenoids. These data coupled with 'H NMR and MS spectral data allowed us to consider that compound Bl is identical with bacterioruberin.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581765


Strain F-5 and several other strains of Halobacteria were isolated from saltern pool of Xiamen, China. Strain F-5 is Gram-negative rod and obligate aerob'e. Optimum salt concentration for strain F-5 growth is 18% to 26% NaCl and no growth below 14% NaCl. And strain F-5 can produce carotenoids pigments. Therefore, strain F-5 is considered as one member of extreme Halogacteria.Natural pigment F-5-C1 is mainly produced by strain F-5. F-5-C1 is obtained as a purple crystal and soluble in organic solvents, but no soluble in water. F5-C1 exhibits a molecular ion by EI-MS at m/z 536. 9, corresponding to the formula C40H56. The UV and IR spectra of F-5-C1 is identical with that of fj-carotene (E. Merck product), which was isolated from carrot. These informations coupled with 'HNMR, 13CNMR and MS spectral data allowed us to consider that F-5-C1 is identified with B-carotene. And this is the first report on B-carotene produced by one strain of Halobacteria.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581872


This paper summarizes the literature and gives examples to try and illustrate that the seas are important habitat of new species of microorganisms and ex-tremophiles; the marine environment is a rich source of novel bioactive natutal products, many of which have not been found in terrestrial sources. Undoubtfully ,the resources of marine microorganisms are likely to play an important role in the discovery of new drugs in the 21st century.