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Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-165435


OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to analyze the factors that affect the decision to approve workers compensation claims for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases and to analyze the worker characteristics. METHODS: Three hundred, sixty-nine cases were collected based on the workers compensation records of three Seoul and Incheon Regional centers of the Labor Welfare Corporation between 1998 and 1999. They contained the general characteristics, injury information and past medical histories. The x2-test and logistic regression were performed to investigate the factors affecting the approvals. Seventy-two survivors were surveyed by telephone for job stress. Job stress was surveyed in three parts: job demands, decision latitude and personal free time. RESULTS: Of the cases, 167 obtained approval from the Corporation; the others did not. Regardless of approval, 62% of all subjects had more than one of the cerebral and cardiovascular risk factors. Especially, 53.9% of subjects had hypertension. According to the logistic regression, the fatal cases had a higher approval rate (OR=26.4, CI=9.13-76.22). The cases with working condition change (OR=6.5, CI=3.45-12.07), accidents on worksite (OR=4.9, CI=2.39-10.07), female (OR=4.0, CI=1.21-13.3), accidents at night duty (OR=2.9, CI=.156-5.39), cases occurring on duty (OR=.25, CI=1.34-4.72) and cases without past disease history (OR=1.8, CI=1.02-3.36) also had higher approval rates. Telephone survey found that the approval rate increased with decreasing freedom of personal time schedule. However, the logistic regression revealed that job stress didnt affect the approvals. CONCLUSION: To prevent cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, the most important aspect is to control hypertension which is the most common risk factor among the victims. Moreover, job stress and over working should be considered in the just approval of the workers compensation claims.

Female , Humans , Appointments and Schedules , Cardiovascular Diseases , Freedom , Hypertension , Logistic Models , Occupational Diseases , Risk Factors , Seoul , Survivors , Telephone , Workers' Compensation , Workplace