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Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13466, fev.2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557304


Anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) disease is a rare and severe vasculitis that affects the glomerular and pulmonary capillaries and has an incidence of less than 2 cases per million individuals per year. Anti-GBM disease is mediated by autoantibodies against the α3 chain of type IV collagen. In the majority of cases, the autoantibodies are of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) class, with rare cases being mediated by immunoglobulin M (IgM) or immunoglobulin A (IgA); there are less than 15 IgA-mediated cases reported in the literature worldwide. The classic form of this disease manifests with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN), with or without pulmonary hemorrhage, and the diagnosis consists of identifying high titers of autoantibodies in the serum and/or deposited in the tissues. IgA antibodies are not identified in routine immunoassay tests, and renal biopsy with immunofluorescence is essential for diagnosis. We present a case of RPGN due to anti-GBM disease with linear IgA deposition, whose diagnosis was made exclusively by renal biopsy and with an unfavorable prognosis.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13225, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564166


Innate immune system activation is crucial in the inflammatory response, but uncontrolled activation can lead to autoimmune diseases. Cellular exhaustion and senescence are two processes that contribute to innate immune tolerance breakdown. Exhausted immune cells are unable to respond adequately to specific antigens or stimuli, while senescent cells have impaired DNA replication and metabolic changes. These processes can impair immune system function and disrupt homeostasis, leading to the emergence of autoimmunity. However, the influence of innate immune exhaustion and senescence on autoimmune disorders is not well understood. This review aims to describe the current findings on the role of innate immune exhaustion and senescence in autoimmunity, focusing on the cellular and molecular changes involved in each process. Specifically, the article explores the markers and pathways associated with immune exhaustion, such as PD-1 and TIM-3, and senescence, including Β-galactosidase (β-GAL), lamin B1, and p16ink4a, and their impact on autoimmune diseases, namely type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and immune-mediated myopathies. Understanding the mechanisms underlying innate immune exhaustion and senescence in autoimmunity may provide insights for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469253


Abstract The American Barn Owl (Tyto furcata) lives in urban, periurban and wild environments and feeds mainly on small rodents, meaning it has great importance in the biological control of pests. The aim of this work was to describe the reproductive, parental and eating habits of a pair of American barn owls naturally living outside a residence in the urban area of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. A wood box was installed on an outside wall of the home, monitored by a video camera. A spreadsheet was created to keep track of the observations recorded. The female laid four eggs, and after an incubation period of 30-32 days all the eggs hatched, but only two chicks survived after cannibalism among the chicks. Initially, the male provided the food to the chicks and the female remained in the nest caring for the brood. After approximately a month, the female also began to leave the nest and return with prey, which was offered to the chicks, with the male also continuing this behavior. The chicks left the nest in September, 2017. The data obtained show the existence of cooperation and division of tasks between male and female owls during the reproductive period.

Resumo A coruja-das-torres americana (Tyto furcata) vive em ambientes urbanos e se alimenta principalmente de pequenos roedores, sendo de grande importância no controle biológico de pragas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os hábitos alimentares, parentais e reprodutivos de um casal de corujas-das-torres americanas, naturalmente vivendo fora de uma residência na zona urbana do município de Campos dos Goytacazes, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Uma caixa de madeira foi instalada em uma parede externa da casa, monitorada por uma câmera de vídeo. Uma planilha foi criada para manter o controle das observações registradas. A fêmea pôs quatro ovos, e após período de incubação de 30-32 dias todos os ovos eclodiram, mas apenas dois filhotes sobreviveram após o canibalismo entre os filhotes. Inicialmente, o macho fornecia a comida aos filhotes e a fêmea permanecia no ninho cuidando da ninhada. Depois de cerca de um mês, a fêmea também começou a sair do ninho e voltar com a presa, que era oferecida aos filhotes, com o macho também continuando com esse comportamento. Os filhotes deixaram o ninho em setembro de 2017. Os dados obtidos mostram a existência de cooperação e divisão de tarefas entre corujas machos e fêmeas durante o período reprodutivo.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469270


Abstract Amphisbaenians are fossorial reptiles that have a cylindrical and elongated body covered with scales arranged in rings, and are all apodal, except for the three species of the genus Bipes. The amphisbaenian diet consists of a variety of invertebrates and small vertebrates. As these animals live underground, many aspects of their natural history are difficult to study. Most feeding studies of amphisbaenians have focused on the composition of the diet and feeding ecology, and the data available on feeding behavior are based on precursory observations. The present study describes the food capture behavior of Leposternon microcephalum Wagler, 1824 in captivity. In this experiment we used non-live bait (moist cat food), which was placed near a burrow opening, on the surface of the substrate. Three animals were monitored visually and filmed using cellphone cameras deployed at fixed points, to capture images from the dorsal and lateral perspectives of the study subjects. Two principal types of behavior were observed: the capture of food and defense mechanisms. The strategies used to capture the food were similar to those observed in other fossorial species. Although the backward movement has already been observed and described, we were able to record this movement being used as an escape strategy. These findings enrich our knowledge on different aspects of the natural history of the amphisbaenians.

Resumo Anfisbênas são répteis fossoriais caracterizadas por apresentarem corpo cilíndrico e alongado coberto por escamas dispostas exclusivamente em anéis e todas são ápodas, com exceção das três espécies do gênero Bipes. Sua dieta consiste em uma variedade de invertebrados e pequenos vertebrados. Por viverem no subsolo, muitos aspectos de sua história natural são difíceis de observar. A maioria dos estudos sobre alimentação em anfisbenas concentra-se na dieta e na ecologia alimentar, enquanto as informações sobre o comportamento alimentar se baseiam em observações preliminares. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever o comportamento de captura de alimentos exibido por Leposternon microcephalum Wagler, 1824, fora da galeria, em cativeiro. Para o experimento foi utilizada uma isca não viva, ração úmida de gato, que foi oferecida e posicionada próxima a uma das aberturas da galeria, na superfície do solo. Um total de três animais foi analisadopor meio de observações visuais e registros de câmeras de telefones celulares posicionadas em um ponto fixo, captando imagens de suas vistas dorsal e lateral. Foram detectados dois tipos principais de comportamento: captura de recursos alimentares e mecanismo de defesa. As estratégias utilizadas para capturar o recurso alimentar foram semelhantes às observadas em outras espécies fossoriais. Embora o movimento de marcha-à-ré tenha sido observado e descrito, o registramos sendo usado como uma estratégia de fuga. Esses resultados contribuem para enriquecer o conhecimento sobre diferentes aspectos da história natural dos Amphisbaenia.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469355


Abstract Food loss due to contamination caused by fungi has much impact on agriculture and leads to significant economic losses. Synthetic and natural fungicides have been used for avoiding losses of several food products due to fungal contamination. As a result, species of the genus Capsicum have been used for preserving food because of their chemical compounds with antifungal activity. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying some phenolic compounds found in both ethyl acetate extract (EAE) and methanolic extract (ME) from habanero pepper (C. chinense) ripe fruit by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-ESI-MS/MS) and at evaluating their antifungal activities against fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Extracts resulted from a sequential process of maceration. Antifungal activity was evaluated by the disk diffusion method (DDM) at the following doses of both diluted extracts: 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL and 200 µL. The chemical analysis showed that there were protocatechuic acid, gentisic acid, vanillic acid, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosideo and naringenin in both extracts. EAE showed high inhibition of mycelial growth at both doses 100µL and 200µL against the three fungi while methanolic exhibited weak activity even at the highest dose under investigation. However, further in-depth studies are needed to reinforce their uses and practical applications to the agricultural field.

Resumo As perdas de alimentos por contaminação causada por fungos são de grande impacto negativo para a agricultura, gerando altos prejuízos econômicos. Para evitar as perdas de diversos produtos alimentícios pela contaminação fúngica são utilizados fungicidas sintéticos e naturais. As espécies do gênero Capsicum são usadas há muitos anos para auxiliar na conservação de alimentos por possuírem substâncias químicas com ação antifúngica entre outras. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar alguns compostos fenólicos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas sequencial (LC-ESI-MS/MS) presentes nos extratos acetato de etila (EAE) e metanólico (ME) dos frutos maduros da pimenta biquinho (C. chinense) e avaliar atividade antifúngica de EAE e ME contra os fungos Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Os extratos foram obtidos de forma sequencial, utilizando o procedimento de maceração. A atividade antifúngica foi avaliada seguindo a metodologia de difusão em disco, nas doses de 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL e 200 µL de cada extrato diluído. A análise química evidenciou a presença de ácido protocatequico, ácido gentisico, ácido vanílico, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosídeo e naringenina em ambos os extratos. EAE revelou maior poder de inibição do crescimento micelial nas doses de 100µL e 200µL contra os três fungos testados, enquanto ME exibiu fraca atividade inclusive na maior dose investigada. Entretanto, estudos mais aprofundados ainda são necessários para consolidar seu uso e aplicação prática na área agronômica.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469396


Abstract In order to ensure the timely and uninterrupted supply of medicinal plant raw materials, the methods of cultivation of plant cell cultures, namely, the production of plant root cultures, are relevant. In this paper, the geroprotective potential of Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb and Panax ginseng C. A. Mey root cultures is studied. They were cultured under in vitro conditions by transforming the rhizome (H. neglectum) and seed seedlings (P. ginseng) with Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834 Swiss. To identify the geroprotective potential, the antimicrobial disc-diffusion method and the antioxidant activity were analyzed by titration of KMnO4 extracts of plant root cultures. The qualitative and quantitative composition was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. In the course of the work, the presence of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of plant root culture extracts was established. Biologically active substances contained in extracts of Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb root crops and Panax ginseng C. A. Mey are characterized by geroprotective potential, so they can act as a source of natural antioxidants in the functional nutrition of the geroprotective orientation.

Resumo Para garantir o abastecimento em tempo e ininterrupto de matérias-primas de plantas medicinais, são relevantes os métodos de cultivo de culturas de células vegetais, nomeadamente a produção de culturas de raízes vegetais. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o potencial geroprotetor de culturas de raízes de Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb e Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. Eles foram cultivados em condições in vitro pela transformação do rizoma (H. neglectum) e mudas de sementes (P. ginseng) com Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834 Swiss. Para identificar o potencial geroprotetor, o método antimicrobiano de difusão em disco e a atividade antioxidante foram analisados por titulação de extratos de KMnO4 de raízes de plantas. A composição qualitativa e quantitativa foi analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa. No decorrer do trabalho, foi constatada a presença de atividade antimicrobiana e antioxidante dos extratos de raízes de plantas. Substâncias biologicamente ativas contidas em extratos de raízes de H. neglectum Ledeb e P. ginseng C. A. Mey são caracterizadas pelo potencial geroprotetor, podendo atuar como fonte de antioxidantes naturais na nutrição funcional da orientação geroprotetora.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 68: e230030, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533668


ABSTRACT Objective: Mutations in DICER1 are found in differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) and in multinodular goiter (MNG) at a younger age with other tumors, which characterizes DICER1 syndrome. DICER1 is one driver to DTC; however, it is also found in benign nodules. We speculated that patients with mutations in DICER1 may present long-lasting MNG. Our aim was to investigate the frequency of DICER1 variants in patients with MNG. Subjects and methods: Patients who submitted to total thyroidectomy due to large MNG with symptoms were evaluated. DICER1 hotspots were sequenced from thyroid nodule samples. To confirm somatic mutation, DNA from peripheral blood was also analyzed. Results: Among 715 patients, 154 were evaluated with 56.2 ± 12.3 years old (28-79) and the thyroid volume was 115.7 ± 108 mL (16.2-730). We found 11% with six DICER1 variations in a homo or heterozygous state. Only rs12018992 was a somatic DICER1 variant. All remaining variants were synonymous and likely benign, according to the ClinVar database. The rs12018992 was previously described in an adolescent with DTC, measuring 13 mm. There were no significant differences according to gender, familial history of goiter, age, thyroid volume, TSH and TI-RADS classification between DICER1 carriers. Free T4 were lower in patients with DICER1 polymorphisms (13.77 ± 1.8 vs. 15.44 ± 2.4 pmol/L, p = 0.008), regardless of TSH levels. Conclusions: We conclude that germline DICER1 variants can be found in 11% of large goiters but no second-hit somatic mutation was found. DICER1 is one driver to thyroid lesion and a second-hit event seems unnecessary in the MNG development.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e258084, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360229


Food loss due to contamination caused by fungi has much impact on agriculture and leads to significant economic losses. Synthetic and natural fungicides have been used for avoiding losses of several food products due to fungal contamination. As a result, species of the genus Capsicum have been used for preserving food because of their chemical compounds with antifungal activity. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying some phenolic compounds found in both ethyl acetate extract (EAE) and methanolic extract (ME) from habanero pepper (C. chinense) ripe fruit by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-ESI-MS/MS) and at evaluating their antifungal activities against fungi Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Extracts resulted from a sequential process of maceration. Antifungal activity was evaluated by the disk diffusion method (DDM) at the following doses of both diluted extracts: 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL and 200 µL. The chemical analysis showed that there were protocatechuic acid, gentisic acid, vanillic acid, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosideo and naringenin in both extracts. EAE showed high inhibition of mycelial growth at both doses 100µL and 200µL against the three fungi while methanolic exhibited weak activity even at the highest dose under investigation. However, further in-depth studies are needed to reinforce their uses and practical applications to the agricultural field.

As perdas de alimentos por contaminação causada por fungos são de grande impacto negativo para a agricultura, gerando altos prejuízos econômicos. Para evitar as perdas de diversos produtos alimentícios pela contaminação fúngica são utilizados fungicidas sintéticos e naturais. As espécies do gênero Capsicum são usadas há muitos anos para auxiliar na conservação de alimentos por possuírem substâncias químicas com ação antifúngica entre outras. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar alguns compostos fenólicos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas sequencial (LC-ESI-MS/MS) presentes nos extratos acetato de etila (EAE) e metanólico (ME) dos frutos maduros da pimenta biquinho (C. chinense) e avaliar atividade antifúngica de EAE e ME contra os fungos Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rhizopus stolonifer e Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Os extratos foram obtidos de forma sequencial, utilizando o procedimento de maceração. A atividade antifúngica foi avaliada seguindo a metodologia de difusão em disco, nas doses de 25 µL, 50 µL, 100 µL e 200 µL de cada extrato diluído. A análise química evidenciou a presença de ácido protocatequico, ácido gentisico, ácido vanílico, kaempferol-3-O-robinobiosídeo e naringenina em ambos os extratos. EAE revelou maior poder de inibição do crescimento micelial nas doses de 100µL e 200µL contra os três fungos testados, enquanto ME exibiu fraca atividade inclusive na maior dose investigada. Entretanto, estudos mais aprofundados ainda são necessários para consolidar seu uso e aplicação prática na área agronômica.

Capsicum , Phenolic Compounds , Antifungal Agents
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e249169, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345546


Abstract The American Barn Owl (Tyto furcata) lives in urban, periurban and wild environments and feeds mainly on small rodents, meaning it has great importance in the biological control of pests. The aim of this work was to describe the reproductive, parental and eating habits of a pair of American barn owls naturally living outside a residence in the urban area of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. A wood box was installed on an outside wall of the home, monitored by a video camera. A spreadsheet was created to keep track of the observations recorded. The female laid four eggs, and after an incubation period of 30-32 days all the eggs hatched, but only two chicks survived after cannibalism among the chicks. Initially, the male provided the food to the chicks and the female remained in the nest caring for the brood. After approximately a month, the female also began to leave the nest and return with prey, which was offered to the chicks, with the male also continuing this behavior. The chicks left the nest in September, 2017. The data obtained show the existence of cooperation and division of tasks between male and female owls during the reproductive period.

Resumo A coruja-das-torres americana (Tyto furcata) vive em ambientes urbanos e se alimenta principalmente de pequenos roedores, sendo de grande importância no controle biológico de pragas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os hábitos alimentares, parentais e reprodutivos de um casal de corujas-das-torres americanas, naturalmente vivendo fora de uma residência na zona urbana do município de Campos dos Goytacazes, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Uma caixa de madeira foi instalada em uma parede externa da casa, monitorada por uma câmera de vídeo. Uma planilha foi criada para manter o controle das observações registradas. A fêmea pôs quatro ovos, e após período de incubação de 30-32 dias todos os ovos eclodiram, mas apenas dois filhotes sobreviveram após o canibalismo entre os filhotes. Inicialmente, o macho fornecia a comida aos filhotes e a fêmea permanecia no ninho cuidando da ninhada. Depois de cerca de um mês, a fêmea também começou a sair do ninho e voltar com a presa, que era oferecida aos filhotes, com o macho também continuando com esse comportamento. Os filhotes deixaram o ninho em setembro de 2017. Os dados obtidos mostram a existência de cooperação e divisão de tarefas entre corujas machos e fêmeas durante o período reprodutivo.

Animals , Male , Female , Strigiformes , Reproduction , Brazil , Feeding Behavior
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256944, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364507


In order to ensure the timely and uninterrupted supply of medicinal plant raw materials, the methods of cultivation of plant cell cultures, namely, the production of plant root cultures, are relevant. In this paper, the geroprotective potential of Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb and Panax ginseng C. A. Mey root cultures is studied. They were cultured under in vitro conditions by transforming the rhizome (H. neglectum) and seed seedlings (P. ginseng) with Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834 Swiss. To identify the geroprotective potential, the antimicrobial disc-diffusion method and the antioxidant activity were analyzed by titration of KMnO4 extracts of plant root cultures. The qualitative and quantitative composition was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. In the course of the work, the presence of antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of plant root culture extracts was established. Biologically active substances contained in extracts of Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb root crops and Panax ginseng C. A. Mey are characterized by geroprotective potential, so they can act as a source of natural antioxidants in the functional nutrition of the geroprotective orientation.

Para garantir o abastecimento em tempo e ininterrupto de matérias-primas de plantas medicinais, são relevantes os métodos de cultivo de culturas de células vegetais, nomeadamente a produção de culturas de raízes vegetais. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o potencial geroprotetor de culturas de raízes de Hedysarum neglectum Ledeb e Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. Eles foram cultivados em condições in vitro pela transformação do rizoma (H. neglectum) e mudas de sementes (P. ginseng) com Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834 Swiss. Para identificar o potencial geroprotetor, o método antimicrobiano de difusão em disco e a atividade antioxidante foram analisados por titulação de extratos de KMnO4 de raízes de plantas. A composição qualitativa e quantitativa foi analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia gasosa com espectrometria de massa. No decorrer do trabalho, foi constatada a presença de atividade antimicrobiana e antioxidante dos extratos de raízes de plantas. Substâncias biologicamente ativas contidas em extratos de raízes de H. neglectum Ledeb e P. ginseng C. A. Mey são caracterizadas pelo potencial geroprotetor, podendo atuar como fonte de antioxidantes naturais na nutrição funcional da orientação geroprotetora.

Plants, Medicinal , Plant Roots , Panax , Anti-Infective Agents , Antioxidants
Med. infant ; 30(1): 8-14, Marzo 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427774


Introducción: Los trastornos del desarrollo (TD) constituyen un motivo de consulta muy frecuente en la práctica pediátrica. El Hospital Garrahan recibe por demanda espontánea al servicio de Mediano Riesgo (MR) consultas de cuidadores con preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo de los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNyA). Allí son valorados por pediatras clínicos, quienes realizan la interconsulta al servicio de Clínicas Interdisciplinarias del Neurodesarrollo (CIND) según necesidad (representan el 10% del total de consultas en MR). El objetivo del trabajo es comparar las características de los pacientes de MR que fueron consultados al área de Maduración de CIND durante el bimestre marzo/abril de 2016, 2021 y 2022. Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo, observacional y comparativo. Se revisaron las historias clínicas analizando las siguientes variables: edad, procedencia, contar con pediatra de cabecera, cobertura de salud, motivo de consulta y sospecha diagnóstica. Resultados: La cantidad de consultas aumentó por encima del 20%, con un descenso en la mediana de edad de alrededor de un año. Aproximadamente el 70% de los pacientes procedían del conurbano en los tres períodos. Observamos un descenso respecto al número de NNyA con seguimiento pediátrico y cobertura social. El lenguaje y la conducta fueron los motivos más frecuentes de consulta y la mayor sospecha diagnóstica fue el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). Conclusiones: Los datos observados pueden relacionarse con el impacto de la pandemia así como también con las condiciones socio-económicas de los últimos cinco años, con un mayor conocimiento acerca del desarrollo y un probable aumento de la prevalencia de los TD (AU)

Introduction: Developmental disorders (DD) are a frequent reason for consultation in pediatric practice. The Garrahan Hospital receives spontaneous consultations at the department of Intermediate Risk (IR) from caregivers with concerns about the development of children and adolescents. At the IR department, children and adolescents are evaluated by clinical pediatricians, who consult with specialists at the Interdisciplinary Neurodevelopmental Clinic (INDC) as needed (accounting for 10% of the total number of consultations at the IR department). The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of IR patients who were consulted at the INDC during the bimonthly period March/April 2016, 2021, and 2022. Materials and methods: a retrospective, observational, and comparative study was conducted. Medical records were reviewed analyzing the following variables: age, provenance, having a primary care pediatrician, healthcare insurance, reason for consultation, and diagnostic suspicion. Results: The number of consultations increased by over 20%, with a decrease in median age of around one year. Approximately 70% of the patients came from Greater Buenos Aires in the three periods. A decrease in the number of children and adolescents with pediatric follow-up and a social health insurance was observed. Language and behavior disorders were the most frequent reasons for consultation and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was most often suspected. Conclusions: The observed data may be related to the impact of the pandemic as well as socio-economic conditions over the last five years, together with increased knowledge about development and a probable increase in the prevalence of ASD (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child Behavior Disorders , Ambulatory Care , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/diagnosis , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/epidemiology , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Language Development Disorders , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies
JEMDSA (Online) ; 28(1): 1-6, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1427754


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a lifelong disease requiring daily self-care activities for better outcomes. Although most of these self-care activities for outpatients are taught in primary health care, their actual practice occurs at home where patients stay. Family dynamics or established cultures impact the management of the disease, hence a need for primary health care­family partnership to empower both families and patients with ways to manage the disease. This systematic review aims to describe the primary health care­family partnership. Methods: The literature was sourced using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. The Scopus/ Elsevier, ScienceDirect and PubMed databases were used to source literature written in English and published between January 1, 2010 and July 31, 2022. Studies were included if focused on self-care activities, management and family-centred care (FCC); participants were diabetes patients and non-diabetic family members; and primary health care diabetes intervention. Results: A total of 62 publications that met inclusion criteria were used in this review. The included studies include quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method studies, including reports. The process of including these publications involved identification, screening and re-screening in line with set eligibility. The key search strategies resulted in the following sub-headings: diabetes self-care, diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES), family-centred care, and primary health care. Conclusion: Evidence from existing literature shows that primary health care is the source of information, yet actual diabetes management occurs at home. This review recommends the adoption of DSMES and FCC modalities to set the foundation for workable primary health care­family partnerships. The adoption of these joint modalities for partnerships will outline the dos and don'ts in managing diabetes at home. The literature further indicates that family support is critical, therefore primary health care­families partnership may lead to improved adherence to self-care activities and better outcomes

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Quality of Life , Diabetes Mellitus , Family Relations , Research Report , Self-Management , Systematic Review , Health Education
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12566, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447686


Plastination is a technique used to preserve biological tissues while retaining most of their original appearance. In the technique, developed by Dr. Gunther von Hagens in 1977, specimens were impregnated with a polymer, such as silicone, epoxy, or polyester. Considered the most suitable material for brain plastination, polyester has a wide application in teaching and research compared with imaging techniques. The materials for plastination are usually imported from Germany and more expensive than domestic products. If domestic polymers were to enter the market it would favor the expansion of plastination in Brazil. Hence, this study evaluated the feasibility of using domestic polyesters to replace the usual Biodur® (P40) in plastination of brain slices. For this evaluation, 2-mm-thick sections of bovine brains were prepared and plastinated with domestic polyester. Slices were compared before impregnation and after curing using standardized photographs taken after dehydration and after curing. Plastination followed the standard protocol: fixation, dehydration, forced impregnation, and curing. Fifteen brain slices were plastinated with each polyester (P40, P18, and C1-3). There was no significant difference in the percent shrinkage between groups after plastination of P18 and P40, but the curing time of Cristalan© polymer was too short for impregnation. Therefore, no initiator was used for C polymers impregnation. Thus, domestic polyester P18 was a viable option for the process.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-5, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468828


Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), ɣ-terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.

Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), ɣ-terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.

Aedes/drug effects , Citrus/chemistry , Leishmania/drug effects , Limonene/analysis , In Vitro Techniques , Oils, Volatile/chemistry
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469044


Abstract Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), -terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.

Resumo Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), -terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231520, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527942


Abstract It is repeatedly stressed the need to characterize the extant biodiversity in tropical ecosystems. However, inventory studies are still progressing slowly in dry ecosystems, leading to the underestimation of their true biodiversity and hindering conservation efforts. In this study, we present primary and secondary data, along with an updated list of amphibians and reptiles from two localities in the São Francisco-Gurguéia region in Piauí. Additionally, we compare the species composition between nine areas within the Caatinga, which were sampled using standardized methods over the past ten years, to examine broader spatial patterns of community composition. To survey reptiles and amphibians, we employed similar methods and sampling efforts in two areas within the Serra das Confusões National Park (SCNP) region. Our surveys recorded a total of 73 species of amphibians and reptiles, of which 24 are new distribution records for the SCNP region. Consequently, our findings increase the known herpetofauna in the region to 94 species. Despite their proximity, the two sites in the SCNP region exhibited only 42% similarity in species composition, and they differed significantly from other areas within the Caatinga. Furthermore, even the closer Caatinga areas presented differences in species composition, highlighting the necessity to evaluate biodiversity across the landscape and contribute to understanding biogeographic patterns.

Resumo É repetidamente enfatizada a necessidade de caracterizar a biodiversidade vivente em ecossistemas tropicais. No entanto, os estudos de inventário ainda estão progredindo lentamente em ecossistemas secos, levando à subestimação de sua verdadeira biodiversidade e dificultando os esforços de conservação. Neste estudo, apresentamos dados primários e secundários, juntamente com uma lista atualizada de anfíbios e répteis de duas localidades na região de São Francisco-Gurguéia, do Piauí. Além disso, comparamos a composição de espécies entre nove áreas dentro da Caatinga, que foram amostradas usando métodos padronizados nos últimos dez anos, para examinar padrões espaciais mais amplos de composição da comunidade. Para estudar répteis e anfíbios, utilizamos métodos e esforços de amostragem semelhantes em duas áreas na região do Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões (PNSC). Nossos levantamentos registraram um total de 73 espécies de anfíbios e répteis, das quais 24 são novos registros de distribuição para a região do PNSC. Consequentemente, nossos resultados aumentam a herpetofauna conhecida na região para 94 espécies. Apesar da proximidade, os dois locais na região do PNSC exibiram apenas 42% de similaridade na composição de espécies e diferiram significativamente de outras áreas dentro da Caatinga. Mesmo áreas mais próximas da Caatinga apresentaram diferenças na composição de espécies, destacando a necessidade de avaliar a biodiversidade em toda a paisagem e contribuir para a compreensão de padrões biogeográficos.