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Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 11(1): 102-111, ene.-jun. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657051


The work produced is a thematic review that aims to reflect on civic ethics, from the look of Adela Cortina, who offers a clear exposition, allowing conceptual understanding of it, as well as the urgency of their quest. The approach is performed in relation to the role of three key elements, which are useful at time to trying to build a better society. Those three elements constitute a tripod on which civic ethics rests: a participatory democracy, an economy exerted from ethical companies and active citizenship...

O trabalho elaborado constitui uma revisão temática que pretende a reflexão em torno da ética cívica a partir da visão de Adela Cortina, que com sua claridade expositiva permite a compreensão conceitual da mesma e também a urgência de sua busca. O enfoque é dado ao papel que exercem três elementos fundamentais na hora de se tentar construir uma sociedade melhor, constituídos em uma trípode sobre a qual esta repousa: uma democracia participativa, uma economia exercida por empresas éticas e uma cidadania ativa...

Humans , Bioethics , Democracy , Service Organizations and Firms , Sociology , Sociology/ethics
Cienc. enferm ; 15(3): 111-122, 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-556202


El presente estudio va en búsqueda de factores presentes en el ambiente laboral que protegen y benefician la salud en situaciones de estrés. Nuestro objetivo fue conocer los factores protectores de estrés presentes en el ambiente laboral, percibidos por el personal de salud que trabaja en centros de atención hospitalaria pública y privada de la Región de la Araucanía, Chile. Estudio cualitativo basado en teoría fundamentada de Glasser y Strauss, que contempló entrevistas en profundidad a 8 informantes claves: directivos de instituciones de salud, auxiliares de enfermería, enfermeros/as y médicos, que laboran en unidades hospitalarias críticas y no críticas, públicas y privadas de mediana y alta complejidad de la Región de la Araucanía. Fueron grabadas bajo consentimiento informado y luego transcritas para resumir los componentes que ellos percibieron. Realizado este proceso, fueron llevadas a un software para análisis textual, asignándose códigos por temas específicos y redactando comentarios. Se construyeron categorías de códigos, se compararon categorías y se establecieron relaciones entre los comentarios y las categorías para realizar análisis de conjunto. Los relatos revelan 5 temas centrales en el constructo de los protectores de estrés que se relacionan con la estructura organizacional, desarrollo del rol, liderazgo, trabajo en equipo. Los resultados pretenden ser un primer paso para develar los aspectos positivos del trabajo, útil para orientar objetivamente las futuras estrategias de promoción de salud de los trabajadores.

This study goes in search of the protective factors of stress in the work environment that protect and benefit health in stressful situations. Our objective was to know the stress protector factors that are present in the work environment, as perceived by the health staff who work in public and private hospitals in the Araucanía Region, Chile. It is a qualitative study based on Glasser y Strauss theory, which included in depth interviews to eight important informers: Heads of Medical Centers, nurses, aids and physicians who work in critical and non critical areas, public and private, medium and high complexity in the Araucanía Region. They were recorded under permission and transcribed to summarize what they perceived. After this process the interviews were put on a software for textual analysis, assigning codes for specific themes and then we wrote down comments. Code categories were built on and categories were compared and relations were established between the commentaries and categories in order to analyze them together. We founded five domains of stress" protector factors in the organization. They were: organizational structure, clear definition of role, leadership, physical environment, and teamwork. The results pretend to be the first step to reveal the positive aspects of useful work to objectively orientate the future strategies to promote a healthy working environment for the employees.

Humans , Burnout, Professional , Health Promotion , Personnel, Hospital , Job Satisfaction , Working Conditions