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Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 349-357, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-297482


Multi-channel in vivo recording techniques are used to record ensemble neuronal activity and local field potentials (LFP) simultaneously. One of the key points for the technique is how to process these two sets of recorded neural signals properly so that data accuracy can be assured. We intend to introduce data processing approaches for action potentials and LFP based on the original data collected through multi-channel recording system. Action potential signals are high-frequency signals, hence high sampling rate of 40 kHz is normally chosen for recording. Based on waveforms of extracellularly recorded action potentials, tetrode technology combining principal component analysis can be used to discriminate neuronal spiking signals from differently spatially distributed neurons, in order to obtain accurate single neuron spiking activity. LFPs are low-frequency signals (lower than 300 Hz), hence the sampling rate of 1 kHz is used for LFPs. Digital filtering is required for LFP analysis to isolate different frequency oscillations including theta oscillation (4-12 Hz), which is dominant in active exploration and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, gamma oscillation (30-80 Hz), which is accompanied by theta oscillation during cognitive processing, and high frequency ripple oscillation (100-250 Hz) in awake immobility and slow wave sleep (SWS) state in rodent hippocampus. For the obtained signals, common data post-processing methods include inter-spike interval analysis, spike auto-correlation analysis, spike cross-correlation analysis, power spectral density analysis, and spectrogram analysis.

Animals , Humans , Action Potentials , Neurons , Physiology , Sleep
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 746-755, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-255978


The purpose of this article is to introduce the measurements of phase coupling between spikes and rhythmic oscillations of local field potentials (LFPs). Multi-channel in vivo recording techniques allow us to record ensemble neuronal activity and LFPs simultaneously from the same sites in the brain. Neuronal activity is generally characterized by temporal spike sequences, while LFPs contain oscillatory rhythms in different frequency ranges. Phase coupling analysis can reveal the temporal relationships between neuronal firing and LFP rhythms. As the first step, the instantaneous phase of LFP rhythms can be calculated using Hilbert transform, and then for each time-stamped spike occurred during an oscillatory epoch, we marked instantaneous phase of the LFP at that time stamp. Finally, the phase relationships between the neuronal firing and LFP rhythms were determined by examining the distribution of the firing phase. Phase-locked spikes are revealed by the non-random distribution of spike phase. Theta phase precession is a unique phase relationship between neuronal firing and LFPs, which is one of the basic features of hippocampal place cells. Place cells show rhythmic burst firing following theta oscillation within a place field. And phase precession refers to that rhythmic burst firing shifted in a systematic way during traversal of the field, moving progressively forward on each theta cycle. This relation between phase and position can be described by a linear model, and phase precession is commonly quantified with a circular-linear coefficient. Phase coupling analysis helps us to better understand the temporal information coding between neuronal firing and LFPs.

Action Potentials , Hippocampus , Physiology , Neurons , Physiology , Periodicity
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 637-646, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-297527


Here we describe and illustrate our methods for multi-channel in vivo recording in mice, including the fabrication of the microdrive array and the surgical procedure for implanting electrodes. The multi-channel microdrive is fabricated from printed circuit board base, screws, nuts and clamping screws. Rotation of the screw drives both the nut and the attached electrodes to move forward simultaneously. Each full turn of the screw corresponds to 280 µm in depth penetration. The recording electrodes are self-made tetrodes consisting 4 wires (13 µm in diameter). The major steps of headstage fabrication include: tetrode making, microdrive construction, headstage assembling and tetrode plating. The finished headstage is suitable for multi-channel recording in freely moving rodents with the modest weight and the adjustable number of recording electrodes. Additionally, the recording site is allowed to be manipulated after implantation at any time. In the latter part of this paper, we introduce the procedure of the implant surgery to record in bilateral hippocampus in mice. Using these headstages, we simultaneously recorded population activity in bilateral CA1 in freely behaving mice.

Animals , Mice , Electrodes, Implanted , Electrophysiology , Hippocampus