Case detection, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis [TB] in children are challenging issues worldwide. This study in Afghanistan aimed to evaluate paediatric TB case management, including contact investigation, at health facilities where all diagnostic processes were available. In 7 out of 8 regions of the country 1 province was selected. Documents used for management of paediatric TB cases were reviewed in 15 distinct hospitals and 8 provincial hospitals in the selected provinces. The key issues which emerged were: a low suspect rate among total outpatients [0.4%] and a very low suspect rate among children aged < 5 years; low performance of suspect management [68.5% suspects received further examinations]; low utilization of other diagnostic methods; a high early defaulter rate [14.0%]; and insufficient coverage of contact management [74.0%]. This survey indicated that the Afghanistan national TB programme needs to develop plans to improve the quality of diagnosis, suspect management and contact management in paediatric TB cases