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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223700


Background & objectives: Although the World Health Organization recommends same day or rapid (< seven days) antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, delays in ART initiation remain common due to waiting for laboratory test results. This study employed a simplified clinical algorithm the HATI [HIV Awal (Early) Test & Treat Indonesia]-SAI (Simple ART Initiation) aimed to increase the proportion of ART uptake and decrease the time to ART initiation that can be used in various care settings. Methods: This study compared the percentage of ART uptake and retention, viral load (VL) suppression and time to ART initiation between the observation and intervention phases among newly diagnosed HIV patients from key populations. As part of the intervention, the newly diagnosed patients underwent screening using a simple form [consisting of data on age, height and weight (for body mass index calculation), questions on the presence of symptoms of HIV stages 1 and 2, tuberculosis, history of diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease], to determine eligibility for immediate ART initiation. Those who met the pre-defined criteria immediately received a combination of tenofovir lamivudine and efavirenz for two weeks. The baseline laboratory examination due to this was moved up to two weeks post ART. Factors significantly associated with ART uptake were also determined and their odds ratios were measured using logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 2173 people newly diagnosed with HIV were recruited, with 1579 and 594 in the observation and intervention phases, respectively. In both phases, the majority were men who have sex with men, who were young (<30 yr old) and employed, with high levels of education. The intervention phase significantly increased the proportion of ART initiation [91%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 89-93% vs. 78%, 95% CI: 76-80%] but did not have any impact on the proportion of six months retention and VL suppression. The intervention also significantly decreased the time to ART initiation from median ± interquartile range: 9±20 days to 2±10 days. Interpretation & conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the HATI-SAI intervention increased the uptake and decreased the time for immediate ART initiation. The HATI-SAI provides a simple and safe clinical approach that can readily be adopted in different settings without a costly investment in technology.

Rev. saúde pública ; 37(5): 566-575, out. 2003. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-348044


OBJETIVO: O interesse sobre o comportamento contraceptivo de adolescentes vem crescendo, especialmente pela relevância social conferida à gravidez nessa faixa etária. Assim, realizou-se estudo para investigar fatores associados ao uso de métodos anticoncepcionais entre adolescentes escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que utilizou um questionário auto-aplicado em 4.774 alunos de ambos os sexos, entre 11 e 19 anos. Calcularam-se as prevalências de uso de contraceptivos na primeira e na última relaçäo sexual e em ambas as situações (uso consistente). A regressäo logística foi utilizada para a análise simultânea dos fatores e cálculo de medidas ajustadas. RESULTADOS: Entre 1.664 estudantes com iniciaçäo sexual, os fatores associados positivamente ao uso consistente de contraceptivos pelos rapazes incluíram a iniciaçäo sexual mais tardia, com parceria estável, contar com a família como fonte potencial de contraceptivos e acesso a serviços de saúde; entre as moças, ter iniciado a vida sexual há pouco tempo e ter o pai como fonte de informaçäo sobre sexualidade, contracepçäo e prevençäo DST/Aids. A gravidez foi relatada por 6,4 por cento dos rapazes e 18,1 por cento das moças, sendo sua ausência associada ao uso consistente de contraceptivos por elas (OR=3,83; 2,06-7,15). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados confirmam a complexidade da determinaçäo do comportamento contraceptivo entre adolescentes e a necessidade de que os programas educativos incorporem as múltiplas dimensöes da questäo para que tenham efetividade.

Nursing , Absenteeism , Risk , Regression Analysis , Hospitals, University