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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370637


We conducted acupuncture and moxibustion treatment to 21 patients with cold sensitivenees. They also had some sort of basal disorder and mainly claimed of coldness in the hands and feet. We compared the subjective and objective findings of the first visit and the tenth treatment.<br>Following were the results: 1) Along with 55.9% effectiveness of improvement in hand and feet coldness on a subjective basis, concomitant symptoms were also reduced. 2) Generally, those with cold sensitiveness have a lower skin temperature from the crus to the podalgia compared to the healthy, and we have also found that the parts of the body where the patient claimed had coldness indicated lower temperature. 3) Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulus has a strong impact on the peripheral circulation flow.<br>Thus the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment can be considered as one of the effective methods in relieving the subjective symptoms of cold sensitiveness.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370597


We cured by acupuncture therapy seventeen cases of constipation which were caused by disfunction of the digestive system, not including organic disorder of this system.<br>Then we comparatively examined subjective and objective symptoms during the treatment period (about one month).<br>The results showed that acupuncture therapy was effective against the constipation and unspecified complaints which accompanied it. The improvemet ratio for the former was 58.8%, the latter 58.0%.<br>Moreover we were able to observe that the abdominal thermogrphic findings were improved simultaneously.<br>So we supposed that acupuncture stimulation was able to stabilize the function of the autonomic nervous system.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370412


At the 30th general meeting of this association we reported the value of conducting a fundamental, methodological study of stellate ganglion insertion on the basis of clinical indications obtained from clinical results indicating that stellate ganglion insertion (hereafter referred to as SG insertion) on the affected side is appropriate for the treatment of the central sensory dis-turbances, especially numbness of the arms on the afflicted side, accompanying post cerebral apoplexy syndromes.<br>At this time we'd like to report, using cutaneous surface temperature as an index, the results of examinations of the inflnences exerted on circulatory fluctuation by SG insertion, from among our fundamental study of the functional mechanism of SG insertion.<br>The cutaneous surface temperature was measured using a Fujitsu made Infra-eye 150 thermograph. After the clothing from the upper half of the body was removed and the patient had rested in a sitting position for 20 minutes in a temperature-humieity controlled room, the body was monitored and from the picture obtained the cutaneous surface temperature at the 5 points used in this study, GB-14, LI-20, SI-18, _??__??_, and LI-14, measured.<br>There was no significant difference in the cutaneous surface temperatures at the facial points on healthy subjects and hemiplegia patients, however it was discovered that on points on the upper extremities the readings on the affected side were significantly lower than those of healthy subjects or those on the healthy side, moreover readings on affected sides in which numbness was reported were significantly lower than on the affected sides in cases in which no numbness was reported.<br>Results upon administering SG insertion to above cases in which there was reported numbness and measuring sutaneous surface temperatures periodically revealed that the difference in temperature 15 minutes after operations decreased slightly with a tendency to become greater than before operations 2 hours afterward. Also the interesting observation that the correlation of reciprocity of the 6 points varied acording to SG insertion, was made.