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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-905616


La agresión es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo infantil, máxime cuando los niños presentan discapacidad. Las relaciones interpersonales, pueden facilitar el aprendizaje de habilidades, actitudes y contribuir al desarrollo. Se analiza el impacto de la agresión familiar y escolar en los aspectos socioafectivos de alumnos de primer ciclo con discapacidades intelectuales, quienes asisten a una escuela primaria pública de una comunidad urbano marginada. Participaron 10 alumnos, sus padres y docentes. La metodología fue mixta y se aplicó, a partir del consentimiento informado, instrumentos formales e informales. Se identificó que los niños eran agredidos de forma física, verbal y social en sus contextos familiar y escolar, lo que impactaba en la percepción, interacción y confianza respecto a ellos mismos, sus padres, docentes y pares. Se precisa identificar y eliminar la agresión, a partir de conocer los contextos, las modalidades en que se presenta y las personas que la ejercen.

Aggression is a risk factor for child development, even more so in children with disabilities. Interpersonal relations may promote the acquisition of abilities and attitudes to foster development. This study focused on the impact of school and family aggression on socio-affective aspects of children with intellectual disabilities attending a public elementary school in a low-income urban community. Ten students, together with their parents and teachers, took part in the study using a mixed methodology. Once the informed consent forms were signed, formal and informal instruments were administered. Children suffered from physical, verbal and social aggression both at school and at home, which had an impact on their perception, interactions and self-confidence, as well as on the trust they showed towards their parents, teachers and classmates. It is necessary to identify and eliminate aggression based on knowledge of the contexts, the forms of aggression and the people responsible for it.