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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e54459, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559316


Resumen Introducción: La biodiversidad se está perdiendo a un ritmo acelerado como resultado del cambio global. Herramientas como los modelos de distribución de especies (MDEs) han sido ampliamente usados para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el estado de conservación de las especies y ayudar a desarrollar estrategias de gestión para mitigar la pérdida de biodiversidad. Objetivo: Determinar cómo la distribución potencial predicha por los MDEs para ocho especies de murciélagos amenazados difiere de los mapas de distribución reportados por la UICN. También, inferir el área de distribución y estado de endemismo de cada especie, y evaluar la importancia de la región tumbesina para su conservación. Métodos: Basados en registros de presencia del rango global de las especies, usamos MDEs para evaluar el estado de conservación de estas ocho especies en la región tumbesina de Ecuador y Perú. Resultados: Las áreas estimadas por los MDEs eran 35-78 % más pequeñas para cuatro especies (Eptesicus innoxius, Lophostoma occidentale, Platalina genovensium y Lonchophylla hesperia) y 26-1 600 % más grandes para tres especies (Amorphochilus schnablii, Promops davisoni y Rhogeessa velilla) que aquellas reportadas por la UICN. Para Tomopeas ravus, el área estimada por el MDE y la UICN fue similar, pero difirió en la distribución espacial. Los MDEs coincidieron con áreas de endemismo informadas por autores previos para E. innoxius, R. velilla y T. ravus, pero fueron diferentes para A. schnablii, P. genovensium, P. davisoni y L. hesperia, debido en parte a las distribuciones proyectadas para estas últimas especies en valles secos interandinos según los MDEs. Conclusiones: La región tumbesina representa una porción significativa (40-96 %) de la distribución predicha de siete de las ocho especies estudiadas, subrayando la importancia de esta región para la conservación de murciélagos. Nuestros resultados muestran las probables distribuciones para estas especies y proporcionan una base importante para identificar vacíos de investigación y desarrollar medidas de conservación para murciélagos amenazados en el punto caliente de biodiversidad de Tumbes.

Abstract Introduction: Biodiversity is being lost at an accelerating rate because of global change. Tools such as species distribution models (SDMs) have been widely used to improve knowledge about species' conservation status and help develop management strategies to mitigate biodiversity loss. SDMs are especially important for species with restricted distributions, such as endemic species. Objective: To determine how potential distribution predicted by SDMs for eight threatened bat species differed from the distribution maps reported by the IUCN. Also, to infer the area of distribution and state of endemism of each specie, and to evaluate the importance of the Tumbesian region for their conservation. Methods: Based on presence records across the species' entire ranges, we used SDMs to assess the conservation status of these eight species in the Tumbesian region of Ecuador and Peru. Results: The areas estimated by SDMs were 35-78 % smaller for four species (Eptesicus innoxius, Lophostoma occidentale, Platalina genovensium and Lonchophylla hesperia) and 26-1 600 % larger for three species (Amorphochilus schnablii, Promops davisoni and Rhogeessa velilla) than those reported by the IUCN. For Tomopeas ravus, the area estimated by the SDM and IUCN was similar but differed in spatial distribution. SDMs coincided with areas of endemism reported by previous authors for E. innoxius, R. velilla, and T. ravus, but were different for A. schnablii, P. genovensium, P. davisoni, and L. hesperia, due in part to projected distributions for these latter species in dry inter-Andean valleys according to the SDMs. Conclusions: The Tumbesian region represents a significant portion (40-96 %) of the predicted distribution of seven of the eight species studied, underscoring the importance of this region for bat conservation. Our results show likely distributions for these species and provide an important basis for identifying research gaps and developing conservation measures for threatened bats in the Tumbes biodiversity hotspot.

Animals , Chiroptera/classification , Peru , Endangered Species , Ecuador
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 94(2): 219-239, Apr.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556919


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract This consensus of nomenclature and classification for congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy is evidence-based and intended for universal use by physicians (both pediatricians and adults), echocardiographers, advanced cardiovascular imaging specialists, interventional cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, pathologists, geneticists, and researchers spanning these areas of clinical and basic research. In addition, as long as new key and reference research is available, this international consensus may be subject to change based on evidence-based data1.

Porto Alegre; Editora Rede Unida; abr. 2024. 120 p.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555051


O Mestrado Profissional em Saúde da Família (PROFSAÚDE) é um programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu, organizado em uma rede nacional formada por 45 instituições públicas de ensino superior, lideradas pela Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO) e pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ). O programa tem por finalidade formar profissionais de saúde para exercerem atividades de docência, preceptoria, gestão, investigação e ensino no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), fortalecendo as atividades de produção de conhecimento e ensino na Atenção Primária, nas diversas regiões do país. Ao longo de seus sete anos de criação, foram ofertadas quatro turmas, que formaram mais de 500 mestres em Saúde da Família em todo o Brasil. A modalidade de mestrado profissional oportuniza que os alunos utilizem os conhecimentos científicos para desenvolver produtos finais que respondam as necessidades do SUS, trazendo respostas para os problemas identificados no campo de prática, qualificando processos e produzindo conhecimento. O produto final pode trazer inovação e o desenvolvimento de produtos técnicos e tecnológicos para o SUS. O programa organizou no último ano uma série de debates e criou um Grupo de Trabalho (GT) para discutir o trabalho de conclusão do mestrado (TCM) e a produção técnica tecnológica. O foco das discussões foi a importância de pensar o produto final enquanto reflexões e discussões da prática profissional dos mestrandos e resolução de problemas de seus cenários de atuação, considerando o impacto dessa produção para transformação dos processos de trabalho e dos territórios. O PROFSAÚDE definiu que a produção técnica e tecnológica deve contribuir para o desenvolvimento e a disseminação de novos conhecimentos, processos ou tecnologias aplicados ao campo da atenção, gestão e educação, visando o fortalecimento da Atenção Primária. O programa iniciou, portanto, um processo de aperfeiçoamento teóricometodológico do itinerário de construção dos produtos finais. Ao reconhecer os desafios dos profissionais de fazer com que seus produtos sejam implantados nos diversos territórios do SUS, cada mestre pode percorrer um trajeto após a conclusão do curso, para incorporar seus trabalhos ao campo de prática. Esta obra apresenta uma coleção de 80 produtos desenvolvidos por egressos das três primeiras turmas do PROFSAÚDE. Essa produção técnica e tecnológica visa responder às demandas cotidianas do trabalho na Atenção Primária, constituindo-se como uma das principais interfaces entre a produção do conhecimento ­ fruto das reflexões desenvolvidas durante o mestrado ­ e os serviços e comunidades em que os discentes estão inseridos profissionalmente. Os produtos foram catalogados e estão dispostos segundo a região, o eixo e a Instituição de Ensino Superior, e apresentam um QR Code para acesso na íntegra. No eixo de atenção, foram desenvolvidos produtos com o objetivo de aprimorar e assegurar a qualidade do cuidado em saúde no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde, bem como otimizar os processos de trabalho, incluindo fluxos de atendimento e serviços, desenvolvimento de instrumentos de sistematização, avaliação e acompanhamento do cuidado, matriz de ações, entre outros. No eixo de gestão, foram elaborados produtos voltados à melhoria dos processos administrativos e organizacionais para otimizar a eficiência e a qualidade dos serviços, tais como relatórios técnicos, planos de intervenção, modelo de avaliabilidade de plano de contingência, entre outros. No eixo de educação, foram desenvolvidos produtos voltados à educação em saúde e relacionados à formação de profissionais de saúde no âmbito da graduação e da pós-graduação, incluindo matriz e currículos inovadores, formação para preceptores, oficinas pedagógicas, projetos de residência e materiais didáticos. Este Portfólio representa o compromisso do PROFSAÚDE com a sociedade e com o fortalecimento da área. Trata-se da divulgação do que vem sendo desenvolvido dentro do programa e do impacto gerado pelo processo formativo do PROFSAÚDE em todo o Brasil. Acreditamos que esse movimento traz contribuições significativas, pois os produtos catalogados, e aqui reunidos, representam a pluralidade do país e contemplam diversas temáticas, na medida em que foram desenvolvidos em diferentes eixos, diferentes regiões e distintas realidades.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Management , Health Postgraduate Programs
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 299-307, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560635


Muchos universitarios no logran completar sus tareas escolares en el tiempo designado y optan por aplazar su realización. Esta conducta puede producir ansiedad e influir en su desempeño y responsabilidad académica. Objetivo: Determinar si existe relación entre la procrastinación y la ansiedad rasgo en estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de psicología de la Universidad Privada Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, en Perú. Materiales y Métodos: La investigación se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental, transeccional y correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por los 47 educandos inscritos en este año académico de esta carrera. Se recolectó la información mediante el cuestionario sobre la escala de procrastinación académica de Solomon y Rothblum; así como el de Inventario de la Ansiedad Rasgo-Estado propuesto por Spielberger y Díaz. Resultados: El 63.8 % y el 48.9 % de los alumnos tienen nivel medio de procrastinación y ansiedad rasgo respectivamente. Además, se determinó una correlación positiva débil (r=,111) donde (p>0,05), lo cual no es estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: No existe relación entre la procrastinación y ansiedad rasgo en este grupo de alumnos.

Many university students are unable to complete their schoolwork in the designated time and choose to postpone doing it. This behavior can cause anxiety and influence their academic performance and responsibility. Objective: Determine if there is a relationship between procrastination and trait anxiety in first-year psychology students at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Private University, in Peru. Materials and Methods: The research was developed under a quantitative, non-experimental, transectional and correlational approach. The sample was made up of the 47 students enrolled in this academic year of this career. The information was collected using the Solomon and Rothblum academic procrastination scale questionnaire; as well as the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory proposed by Spielberger and Díaz. Results: 63.8% and 48.9% of the students have a medium level of procrastination and trait anxiety respectively. Furthermore, a weak positive correlation was determined (r=.111) where (p>0.05), which is not statistically significant. Conclusions: There is no relationship between procrastination and trait anxiety in this group of students.

Muitos estudantes universitários não conseguem concluir os trabalhos escolares no prazo designado e optam por adiá-los. Esse comportamento pode causar ansiedade e influenciar seu desempenho e responsabilidade acadêmica. Objetivo: Determinar se existe relação entre procrastinação e ansiedade-traço em estudantes do primeiro ano de psicologia da Universidade Privada Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, no Peru. Materiais e Métodos: A pesquisa foi desenvolvida sob abordagem quantitativa, não experimental, transecional e correlacional. A amostra foi constituída pelos 47 alunos matriculados neste ano letivo desta carreira. As informações foram coletadas por meio do questionário da escala de procrastinação acadêmica de Solomon e Rothblum; bem como o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado proposto por Spielberger e Díaz. Resultados: 63,8% e 48,9% dos estudantes apresentam nível médio de procrastinação e ansiedade-traço respectivamente. Além disso, foi determinada uma correlação positiva fraca (r=0,111) onde (p>0,05), o que não é estatisticamente significativo. Conclusões: Não existe relação entre procrastinação e ansiedade-traço neste grupo de estudantes.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 53(1): 20-24, 30 de abril de 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553027


El Staphylococcus aureus causa una variedad de infecciones localizadas e invasivas supurativas y 3 síndromes mediados por toxinas: Síndrome de choque tóxico estafilocócico (STSS, por sus siglas en ingles), síndrome de piel escaldada estafilocócica (SSSS) e intoxicación alimentaria1. La escarlatina estafilocócica está relacionada con las toxinas del STSS y SSSS. De hecho, se pudieron describir dos síndromes diferentes cada uno relacionado a un tipo de toxina que eran formas atenuadas de estas entidades. El curso de esta patología generalmente es autolimitado, pero puede evolucionar rápidamente a enfermedad severa que ponga en peligro la vida. Un entendimiento de este conjunto de patologías nos permite abordar al paciente de una manera oportuna, manteniendo la vigilancia y en caso de ser necesario intervenir para evitar el advenimiento del STSS que puede desembocar en falla orgánica múltiple e incluso la muerte. Esta revisión se trata de un caso atendido en la unidad de quemados del Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel (HDNJRE) en el mes de mayo del 2023 con quemadura por contacto complicada con escarlatina estafilocócica. (provisto por Infomedic International)

Staphylococcus aureus causes a variety of localized and invasive suppurative infections and 3 toxin-mediated syndromes: staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and food poisoning1 . Staphylococcal scarlet fever is related to STSS and SSSS toxins. In fact, two different syndromes each related to a type of toxin could be described which were attenuated forms of these entities. The course of this pathology is usually self-limiting, but can rapidly progress to severe life-threatening disease. An understanding of this set of pathologies allows us to approach the patient in a timely manner, maintaining vigilance and if necessary intervening to prevent the advent of STSS that can lead to multiple organ failure and even death. This review is about a case treated at the burn unit of the Hospital del Niño Dr. José Renán Esquivel (HDNJRE) in May 2023 with contact burn complicated by staphylococcal scarlet fever. (provided by Infomedic International)

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551178


Objetivo: avaliar o perfil e os fatores associados à covid-19 em residentes no município de Alegre, Espírito Santo. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico com delineamento transversal no município de Alegre, por meio de inquérito domiciliar, entre os meses de novembro e dezembro de 2021. A análise descritiva foi realizada por meio de distribuição de frequências para as variáveis categóricas e por mediana e intervalo interquartil para as variáveis contínuas. Os fatores associados foram analisados por regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. Resultados: foram entrevistadas 687 pessoas, das quais 18,8% reportaram ter contraído a covid-19. A infecção foi mais frequente entre mulheres e pessoas mais jovens, especialmente antes da vacinação. A vacina inicial mais usada foi a Coronavac (42,6%), enquanto a dose de reforço foi predominantemente da Pfizer (86,30%). Cerca de um terço das aplicações de vacina resultou em reações adversas, destacando-se febre (56%), dor no corpo (31%) e dor de cabeça (41%). A automedicação foi comum, com 76,9% dos entrevistados utilizando medicamentos para tratar a covid-19, sendo a Azitromicina (26,4%), Ivermectina (24,0%) e Dipirona (10,8%) as mais citadas. Fatores como consultas médicas recentes e automedicação foram associados à ocorrência de covid-19. Conclusão: os resultados deste estudo podem ajudar a conscientizar a população sobre fatores que podem agravar a doença, destacando a importância do reforço nas medidas de prevenção.

Objective: to evaluate the profile and factors associated with covid-19 in residents of the municipality of Alegre through a household survey between the months of November and December 2021. Methods: An epidemiological study with a cross-sectional design was carried out in the city of Alegre in 2021. The descriptive analysis was carried out using frequency distribution for categorical variables and the median and interquartile range for continuous variables. Associated factors were analyzed using Poisson regression with robust variance. Results: 687 people were interviewed, with 18.8% reporting having contracted covid-19. Infection was more common among women and younger people, especially before vaccination. The most used initial vaccine was Coronavac (42.6%), while the booster dose was predominantly from Pfizer (86.30%). Around a third of vaccine applications resulted in adverse reactions, including fever (56%), body pain (31%) and headache (41%). Self-medication was common, with 76.9% of respondents using medications to treat covid-19, with Azithromycin (26.4%), Ivermectin (24.0%), and Dipyrone (10.8%) being the most cited. Factors such as recent medical appointments and self-medication have been associated with the occurrence of covid-19. Conclusion: the results of this study can help raise awareness among the population about factors that can worsen the disease, highlighting the importance of reinforcing prevention measures.

Humans , Male , Female , COVID-19 , Vaccines , Epidemiology , Coronavirus , Disease Prevention , Pandemics
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas ; (2): 1381-1389, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016746


@#We review the evolution of Brachytherapy to interventional radiotherapy and its current and potential roles in HNC management, and the requirements and challenges towards its effective and sustainable implementation in SEA.

Brachytherapy , Radiotherapy
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 7-13, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016390


Background@#Severe and critical COVID-19 disease is characterized by hyperinflammation involving pro-inflammatory cytokines, particularly IL-6. Tocilizumab is a monoclonal antibody that blocks IL-6 receptors. @*Objectives@#This study evaluated the efficacy of tocilizumab in Filipino patients with severe to critical COVID-19 disease. @*Methods@#This phase 3 randomized double-blind trial, included patients hospitalized for severe or critical COVID-19 in a 1:1 ratio to receive either tocilizumab plus local standard of care or placebo plus standard of care. Patients were eligible for a repeat IV infusion within 24-48 hours if they deteriorated or did not improve. Treatment success or clinical improvement was defined as at least two categories of improvement from baseline in the WHO 7-point Ordinal Scale of patient status, in an intention-to-treat manner. @*Results@#Forty-nine (49) patients were randomized in the tocilizumab arm and 49 in the placebo arm. There was no significant difference in age, comorbidities, COVID-19 severity, need for mechanical ventilation, presence of acute respiratory distress syndrome, or biomarker levels between groups. Use of adjunctive therapy was similar between groups, with corticosteroid used in 91.8% in tocilizumab group and 81.6% in the placebo group, while remdesivir was used in 98% of participants in both groups. There was no significant difference between groups in terms of treatment success in both the intention-to-treat analysis (relative risk=1.05, 95% CI: 0.85-1.30) and per-protocol analysis (relative risk=0.98, 95% CI: 0.80 to 1.21). There was no significant difference in time to improvement of at least two categories relative to baseline on the 7-point Ordinal Scale of clinical status. @*Conclusion@#The use of tocilizumab on top of standard of care in the management of patients with severe to critical COVID-19 did not result in significant improvement as defined by the WHO 7-point Ordinal Scale of patient status, nor in significant improvement in incidence of mechanical ventilation, incidence of ICU admission, length of ICU stay, and mortality rate.

COVID-19 , Interleukin-6
Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine ; : 255-261, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013422


Introduction@#Spirituality was defined as a way individual seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment. Studies showed that spiritual beliefs provided comfort to cancer patients and that different dimensions were related with the different aspects of health.@*Objectives@#The aim of the study is to determine the correlation on effects of spirituality and the quality of life among patients enrolled in the outpatient chemotherapy clinic.@*Methodology@#An analytical cross-sectional study using a non-probability convenience sampling was done of which validated questionnaires on the Spirituality and Quality of Life were the research instruments of the study. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient/Spearman rho computed on the relationship between the dimensions of spirituality and subscales of the quality of life among cancer patients. Chi Square/Fisher’s test was used to determine the correlation among the types and stages of cancer with the quality of life and spirituality of the respondents.@*Results@#A total of 105 cancer patients participated in this study, with ages ranging from 21 to 76 years and a mean age of 51 +/- 11 years, 2/5 were married females and 4/5 were Roman Catholic. Fifty-six percent of the cancer patients have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (Breast Cancer). Most of the respondents are at stages 2 and 3 with equal percentages of 41%. This study revealed that most of the cancer patients enrolled in the outpatient chemotherapy clinic had a mean score of 3.56 + 0.35 indicating moderate to high level of spirituality. It also showed a mean score of 5.41 +.53 indicating high QOLs. Dimensions of spirituality which were found to have significant association with QOL domains (p < 0.05) were Mindfulness and Feeling of Security which were both found to have positive correlation with Emotional Wellbeing and Social Status.@*Conclusion@#Spiritual care should be included as one of the non-pharmacological modalities in the comprehensive management and palliative care for the Filipino cancer patients in order to improve the over-all well-being, healthcare outcomes and quality of life of patients and their families.

Neoplasms , Patients , Quality of Life
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 68-73, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013419


@#Identical or Monozygotic twin kidney transplant usually possess an excellent immunological match and provide the opportunity to minimize or even avoid immunosuppression toxicity. However, there are concerns regarding disease recurrence among end stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients with an unknown etiology. Together with the risk of inherent, familial disease affecting donors and recipients alike, more invasive tests such as a pretransplant biopsy are being considered to ascertain renal prognosis. A 30-year-old female, known case of CKD Stage 5D from an unknown etiology, with secondary hyperparathyroidism and heart failure, presented at our OPD for kidney transplantation. Her donor is her identical twin who is asymptomatic and denies comorbidities. The recipient discloses a previous history of blood transfusion. Immunological workup revealed the following: matched blood type, zero HLA mismatch, negative T-cell tissue crossmatch but with a positive Class I HLA antigen screen. Antibody specificity revealed the presence of donor specific antibodies (DSA). After workup completion, the patient underwent a right kidney transplant with a preimplantation wedge biopsy on the donor kidney. Immediate graft function was noted post operatively. The wedge biopsy revealed a thinned glomerular basement membrane, consistent with Thin Basement Membrane Nephropathy (TBMN). The patient was started on immunosuppression and prophylaxis during the duration of the post operative period without any complications. Five months post-transplant, both the recipient and donor maintain an adequate renal function without any signs of allograft rejection. In this case report, we have demonstrated that TBMN may serve as a viable donor for a presumed monozygous twin kidney transplantation. When a live donor with TBMN is being considered, a thorough work-up and identification of high-risk features are essential to exclude other progressive renal diseases during the pretransplant evaluation.

Kidney Transplantation , Glomerulonephritis
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 62-67, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013418


@#A 40-year-old Filipino female with a history of right total mastectomy for a low-grade phyllodes tumor was admitted due to stillbirth. Her laboratory results revealed an incidental finding of a positive COVID-19 RT-PCR swab, serum creatinine 1.04 mg/dL, urine RBC 1/HPF, and a 24-hour urine protein of 9.22 grams with hypoalbuminemia and dyslipidemia. Serologic workup was noted to be negative. A kidney biopsy was performed which demonstrated unremarkable light microscopy (LM) and immunofluorescence (IF) with widespread podocyte-foot process effacement, consistent with minimal change disease. She was started on prednisone (1 mg/kg/day) and achieved complete remission after six weeks. A 61-year-old Filipino male with a history of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, and mild COVID-19 infection four months prior, now presented with diarrhea. On admission, his COVID-19 RT-PCR swab revealed a reinfection. Workup demonstrated a serum creatinine 3.39 mg/dL, urine RBC 2/HPF, and urine ACR 2.6 g/g. Serologic tests were negative. He was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome and underwent kidney biopsy. Findings showed an unremarkable LM and IF with widespread podocyte-foot process effacement, consistent with minimal change disease. He was started on prednisone (1 mg/kg/day) and achieved complete remission after eight weeks. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) may present with a variety of kidney involvement which includes glomerulopathies such as MCD. An accurate diagnosis using the patient’s clinical presentation, renal histopathology, and adjunct laboratory examinations, is essential to direct effective management and good outcomes.

COVID-19 , Nephrosis, Lipoid , Nephrotic Syndrome
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 5-9, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013411


Objectives@#This preliminary study determined the prevalence of HIV infection among patients with newly diagnosed solid and hematologic malignancies at the Philippine General Hospital - Cancer Institute. @*Methods@#Adult Filipinos aged 19 years and above with biopsy- or imaging-confirmed malignancy and for chemotherapy, seen at the adult medical oncology and hematology clinic from January to September 2021 were included. Demographic and clinical data were obtained using a questionnaire. Rapid HIV screening was performed using blood extracted via finger prick. Pre- and post-test counselling were conducted. @*Results@#Of the 124 patients included in our study, majority were female (91, 73.4%), and 45 years old and above with a median age of 49 (20 – 74). Majority had solid tumors (121, 97.6%) with breast cancer being the most common (67, 54.0%) followed by colorectal (18, 14.5%), and head and neck cancer (14, 11.3%). Among those with hematologic malignancies, two had acute myelogenous leukemia and one had multiple myeloma. Six patients had AIDS-defining malignancies (NHL, cervical cancer). HIV risk factors and associated conditions were present in 18 patients (14.5%). Ten patients reported prior HIV testing. None of the patients tested positive for HIV. @*Conclusion@#The absence of HIV cases detected in our cohort may be due to the low prevalence of HIV risk factors and associated conditions. At this time, there is insufficient evidence to routinely recommend HIV testing among newlydiagnosed cancer patients. However, physicians are encouraged to offer HIV testing to cancer patients, especially to those with HIV risk factors, given the benefits of early detection and management of HIV.

HIV , Philippines , Neoplasms , Mass Screening
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 72-82, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012803


Introduction@#The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted technical workers who work more often in the field (e.g., engineering, mechanical, health safety environment (HSE), quality control, and production workers) with increasingly complex workloads and work pressures. Few studies have yet to examine the job satisfaction of such workers using a combination of psychological and organizational factors during difficult times, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. @*Objective@#This study aims to explain whether psychological and organizational factors affect employee job satisfaction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. @*Methods@#This quantitative research uses Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling. A survey with a questionnaire was used to collect data in this study. Using the non-probability sampling technique, data from 103 respondents spread throughout four Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs) in Indonesia were collected. Data analysis in this study used SmartPLS 3.0. @*Results@#Male workers in this study constituted more than 90% of the respondents, the majority with a long working period (more than five years). Worker experience was directly proportional to worker age; most workers were between 41 and 56 years old. The results, with a majority of SEGs from engineering, found that out of five hypotheses (H1–H5), four are accepted while one is rejected. Employee job satisfaction during this pandemic is influenced by the feeling of safety (H1) and work pressure (H3). Work pressure is further influenced by the feeling of safety at work (H2). Moreover, work pressure acts as a mediator on the feeling of safety and job satisfaction (H4). However, job satisfaction is not influenced by management commitment (H5). @*Conclusion@#Management commitment to work safety during pandemic situations must be adjusted, especially regarding policies to ensure the availability of additional standards on health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. In addition, the guarantee that the company is committed to ensuring that workers feel safe will be covered if exposed to COVID-19. Occupational safety and health standards are no longer fully focused on work equipment or facilities. The feeling of safety and work pressure during a pandemic require attention from companies in accordance with their existing limitations and capabilities.

Job Satisfaction , COVID-19
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 1-11, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006808


@#High-Grade B-Cell Lymphoma (HGBCL) with gene rearrangements in MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 is an aggressive malignancy usually presenting in advanced stages. Current recommendations suggest the use of regimens more intensive than R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, prednisone), which are based on retrospective studies and single-arm prospective trials that included patients who are mostly in the advanced stage, and did not receive consolidation radiotherapy. The optimal approach and treatment of HGBCL, whether limited-stage (LS) or advanced-stage, remains to be determined. Here we describe the promising outcomes of three patients with LS and low IPI HGBCL with the use of R-CHOP as induction chemotherapy regimen, which was followed by consolidation radiotherapy. Three women, 54-, 60-, and 64-years of age diagnosed to have HGBCL with MYC, and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements, with Ann Arbor stages I-IIE were included in this case series. All three patients had complete metabolic response to 6 cycles of R-CHOP and was subsequently treated with consolidation involved site radiotherapy (ISRT; total dose 30-36 Gy). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were tolerated very well. All patients remain to be in remission, with the longest being at 23 months. Outcomes of patients with HGBCL generally remain to be poor, but this may not be the case for patients with limited-stage disease and favorable clinicopathologic risk profile. Nevertheless, the treatment of HGBCL is currently evolving and more studies are needed to determine the ideal approach and preferred chemotherapy regimen. Also, more studies are needed to elucidate the potential role of consolidation radiotherapy in patients with limited-stage HGBCL to improve survival outcomes. Findings of this case series suggest that patients with LS HGBCL may still derive benefit from R-CHOP followed by consolidation ISRT, but prospective trials are needed to confirm this.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 1-15, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006393


Background and Objective@#Colorectal cancer (CRC) has the third highest incidence in the Philippines. Currently, there is a paucity in literature that is focused on the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of Filipinos regarding CRC screening. This is the first study in the Philippines that describes this. @*Methods@#This is a cross-sectional study that validated a 52-item Filipino questionnaire on the knowledge on colorectal cancer, willingness to undergo CRC screening, and perceived benefits and barriers to fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and colonoscopy. The study enrolled household heads more than 20 years of age residing in both urban and rural communities in the Philippines. @*Results@#The UP-PGH CRC KAP (University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital Colorectal Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices) and Rawl Questionnaire’s validity and internal consistency were established in a pilot study of 30 respondents. A total of 288 respondents were then enrolled to the main study group with a median age of 54.0. Knowledge scores for prognosis and utility of CRC screening were modest (6.3/12 and 8.4/20, respectively). Perceived benefit scores to FOBT and colonoscopy were high (9.9/12 and 13.9/16, respectively).Median scores to barriers to FOBT and colonoscopy were intermediate (22.5/36 and 35.8/60, respectively). Notably, a vast majority (86.1%) were willing to participate in CRC screening programs initiated by the government, and 46.9% agreed to undergo screening tests even as out-of-pocket expense. @*Conclusion@#The UP-PGH CRC KAP Questionnaire as well as the Filipino translation of the Rawl Questionnaire are reliable and valid tools in extensively assessing the knowledge of Filipinos on CRC and willingness to undergo screening, as well as the benefits of and barriers to FOBT and colonoscopy. Knowledge scores were modest suggesting that directed educational campaigns and awareness programs can aid in increasing awareness about CRC and its screening. Household income and highest educational attainment were significantly positively correlated with knowledge scores, and perceived benefits of and barriers to CRC screening. Scores were generally comparable between urban and rural communities.

Knowledge , Attitude
World Journal of Emergency Medicine ; (4): 62-63, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005324
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(4): 137-144, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557867


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la incidencia del espectro del acretismo placentario en pacientes ingresadas a la unidad de cuidados intensivos obstétricos del Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo fundamentado en el análisis de la base de datos del Hospital de la Mujer de pacientes internadas entre los años 2017 a 2020 con diagnóstico de espectro de placenta acreta, referidas o diagnosticadas en la institución e intervenidas para histerectomía por la complicación estudiada. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 22 pacientes con diagnóstico de acretismo placentario que dieron una incidencia de 0.09%; de éstas, a 1 se le indicó cesárea; 19 de las 22 pacientes tenían antecedente de cicatriz uterina previa, todas con placenta previa. El promedio de edad fue de 30.86 ± 4 años. La cesárea se practicó, en promedio, a las 34 semanas de embarazo con dos técnicas quirúrgicas. El sangrado promedio estimado fue de 1.947 mL. Las complicaciones transoperatorias fueron las lesiones: ureteral (n = 2) y vesical (n = 1). La principal complicación posoperatoria fue la fístula vesicouterina (n = 1). El promedio de estancia fue de 2 días en 16 de las 22 pacientes y de 7 días en las 6 restantes. CONCLUSIONES: Lo importante del acretismo placentario es el diagnóstico oportuno que permita derivar a las pacientes a centros hospitalarios que cuenten con especialistas experimentados en la atención de estos casos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of placental accretism spectrum in pregnant women admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study based on the analysis of the database of the Hospital de la Mujer of patients admitted between 2017 and 2020 with a diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum, referred or diagnosed at the institution and underwent hysterectomy for the complication studied. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients with a diagnosis of placenta accreta were analysed, giving a prevalence of 0.09%; of these, caesarean section was indicated in 0.2%. 19 of the 22 patients had a history of previous uterine scarring, all with placenta praevia. Mean age was 30.86 ± 4 years. Caesarean section was performed at a mean gestational age of 34 weeks using two surgical techniques. The mean estimated blood loss was 1,947 mL. The most common operative complications were ureteral (n = 2) and bladder (n = 1) injuries. The most common postoperative complication was vesico-uterine fistula (n = 1). The mean length of stay was 2 days in 16 of the 22 patients and 7 days in the remaining 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The most important aspect of placenta accreta is early diagnosis, which allows referral to hospital centres with specialists experienced in the management of these cases.

Odontoestomatol ; 26(43)2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558610


Objetivos. Explorar el efecto de las características de superficie sobre el volumen total y la viabilidad de la biopelícula formada sobre pilares de cicatrización de PEEK y titanio. Métodos. Los parámetros de rugosidad (S a y S k) y la energía superficial de pilares de cicatrización de PEEK y titanio (n=3) fueron determinados mediante microscopía confocal láser de barrido (CLSM) y ángulo de contacto, respectivamente. Se determinó luego el volumen total y la viabilidad de una biopelícula bacteriana multiespecie cultivada por 30 días, mediante CLSM y el reactivo LIVE/DEAD Kit BacLight. El tamaño del efecto se determinó mediante d de Cohen. Resultados. Los pilares de PEEK mostraron una mayor rugosidad que los de titanio (S a 0,41 µm vs 0,17 µm), pero no se observaron diferencias en la energía superficial. Si bien el volumen total de biopelícula fue mayor en titanio que en PEEK (696 µm3 vs 419 µm3), no hubo diferencias en la proporción de bacterias vivas entre ambos materiales. Conclusiones. La viabilidad de la biopelícula bacteriana formada no guarda relación directa con las características superficiales de pilares de cicatrización de PEEK y titanio.

Objetivo. Explorar o efeito das características da superfície no volume total e viabilidade do biofilme formado em PEEK e pilares de cicatrização de titânio. Métodos. Parâmetros de rugosidade (S a e S k) e energia de superfície de PEEK e pilares de titânio (n = 3) foram determinados por microscopia confocal de varredura a laser (CLSM) e ângulo de contato, respectivamente. O volume total e a viabilidade de um biofilme bacteriano multiespécie cultivado por 30 dias foram então determinados usando CLSM e o reagente LIVE/DEAD Kit BacLight. O tamanho do efeito foi determinado usando o d de Cohen. Resultados. Os pilares de PEEK mostraram maior rugosidade do que os de titânio (S a 0,41 µm vs 0,17 µm), mas não foram observadas diferenças na energia de superfície. Embora o volume total de biofilme tenha sido maior no titânio do que no PEEK (696 µm3 vs 419 µm3), não houve diferenças na proporção de bactérias vivas entre os dois materiais. Conclusões. A viabilidade do biofilme bacteriano formado não está diretamente relacionada às características da superfície dos pilares de cicatrização de PEEK e titânio.

Objectives . To explore the effect of surface characteristics on the total volume and viability of a bacterial biofilm developed on the surface of PEEK and titanium healing abutments. Methods. Surface parameters S a and S k, as well as the surface energy of PEEK and titanium healing abutments (n=3) were determined using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and contact angle, respectively. The total volume and viability of a multispecies bacterial biofilm cultivated for 30 days were determined using CLSM and the LIVE/DEAD BacLight reactive kit. Effect size was determined using Cohen's d. Results. PEEK healing abutments displayed a higher surface roughness than titanium (S a 0.41 µm vs 0.17 µm), although no differences in surface energy were observed. Despite the higher total volume of the biofilm measured on titanium abutments compared to PEEK (696 µm3 vs 419 µm3), no differences in the live/dead bacterial ratio were observed. Conclusions. Bacterial viability of the biofilm did not show a direct relation to the surface characteristics of PEEK and titanium healing abutments.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(2): e20230524, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557001


Resumo Fundamento: As disparidades nos resultados de saúde entre grupos raciais merecem investigação, mesmo em atletas de elite. Portanto, compreender o impacto da raça na sobrevida pós-medalha em atletas olímpicos brasileiros torna-se essencial. Objetivo: Comparar a sobrevida pós-medalha entre medalhistas olímpicos brasileiros brancos e não brancos de 1920 a 1992. Métodos: Utilizamos dados disponíveis publicamente para um estudo de coorte retrospectivo de todos os medalhistas olímpicos brasileiros de 1920 a 1992 (somente homens). Os atletas foram classificados nos grupos brancos e não brancos usando determinação estruturada de etnia. As análises de Kaplan-Meier calcularam o tempo médio de sobrevida restrito (TMSR) para cada grupo étnico. Uma análise de riscos proporcionais de Cox avaliou as diferenças de sobrevida baseadas na etnia, ajustando para a idade da conquista da medalha e ano de nascimento (p<0,05). Resultados: Entre 123 atletas (73,9% brancos), a idade média da conquista de medalhas foi de 25,03 ± 4,8 anos. Durante o estudo, 18,7% dos atletas brancos e 37,5% dos atletas não brancos morreram (p=0,031). Os atletas brancos tiveram média de idade ao óbito de 75,10 ± 18,01 anos, enquanto os atletas não brancos tiveram idade média de 67,13 ± 14,90 anos (p=0,109). O TMSR para atletas brancos foi de 51,59 (IC 95%, 49,79 - 53,39) anos, e para atletas não brancos foi de 45,026 (IC 95%, 41,31 - 48,74) anos, resultando em um ΔTMSR de 6,56 (IC 95%, 2,43 - 10,70; p=0,0018). A análise multivariada mostrou que atletas não brancos apresentavam maior risco de mortalidade do que atletas brancos (RC 5,58; IC 95%, 2,18 - 14,31). Conclusão: Após a primeira medalha, os atletas olímpicos brasileiros brancos normalmente desfrutam de uma expectativa de vida seis anos mais longa do que seus colegas não brancos, ilustrando uma acentuada diferença de mortalidade e disparidades de saúde entre indivíduos saudáveis no Brasil.

Abstract Background: Disparities in health outcomes among racial groups warrant investigation, even among elite athletes. Therefore, understanding the impact of race upon post-medal survival in Brazilian Olympians becomes essential. Objective: To compare post-medal survival between white and non-white Brazilian Olympic medalists from 1920 to 1992. Methods: This study used publicly available data for a retrospective cohort study on all Brazilian Olympic medalists from 1920 to 1992 (males only). Athletes were classified into white and non-white groups using structured ethnicity determination. Kaplan-Meier analyses computed the restricted mean survival time (RMST) for each ethnic group. A Cox proportional hazards analysis assessed ethnicity-based survival differences, adjusting for medal-winning age and birth year (p<0.05) Results: Among 123 athletes (73.9% white), the mean age of medal achievement was 25.03±4.8 years. During the study, 18.7% of white and 37.5% of non-white athletes died (p=0.031). White athletes had a mean age at death of 75.10±18.01 years, while non-white athletes had an age of 67.13±14.90 years (p=0.109). The RMST for white athletes was 51.59 (95% CI 49.79-53.39) years, while for non-white athletes, it was 45.026 (95% CI 41.31-48.74) years, resulting in a ΔRMST of 6.56 (95% CI 2.43-10.70; p=0.0018). Multivariate analysis showed that non-white athletes had a higher mortality risk than did white athletes (HR 5.58; 95% CI, 2.18-14.31). Conclusion: Following their first medal, white Brazilian Olympians typically enjoy a six-year longer lifespan than their non-white counterparts, illustrating a marked mortality gap and health disparities among healthy individuals in Brazil.