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Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-35012


We present a case of fibroepithelioma in a 67 year-old male patient. He was admitted e,t Dey4. of Orthopedic Gurgery due to the trochanteric fracture of the femur. And he was eonsulted to our Department for evaluating the deformity of the left foot. Once he had worked as a miner, he have been suffered from multiple injuries of the left f t, The leeions beeame purulent discharge and crust. He found verrucous lesions at the site. On his visit, we found multiple dark brown verrucoua papules at dorsum of the left foot, d we psrformed the skin biopsy of the lesions. Histopathologic findinga showed a proliferation of long, brsnching and anastomosing skin of loid cells embedded within an edematous fibrous stroma.

Aged , Humans , Male , Biopsy , Congenital Abnormalities , Femur , Foot , Multiple Trauma , Orthopedics , Skin
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7756


We experienced 53-year-old male patient, who had an eczematous verrucous plaque measuring 6 x 4cm in diameter on the nasal bridge for 4 months. On physical examination, there was no abnormality except of palpable bean sized nodule on the left side of chin for 2 months. The overlying skin of the nodule is a quite normal appearance. The skin biopsy of the nodule showed the charact.eristic a.rrangement of the infiltrate in three zones. And the result of fungus culture of the thin tissue slice on Sabouraud media diagnosed fungal infection due to Sporotherix .schenkii. The treatment began with oral ketoconazole for 4 weeks, and the medication was interrupted for 2 weeks, because of no favorable effectiveness. On his revisit, a chain of painless nodules along lymphatics palpated on the right side of his f ace. We changed the therapy into saturated solution of potassium iodide(KI) with 0.25ml(5 drops) orally there times a day and was gradually increased administration of KI, And no side effects were noted. The patient was treated for a. total of 18 weeks, which included 6 weeks of treatment following clinical resolution.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Biopsy , Chin , Fungi , Ketoconazole , Physical Examination , Potassium , Skin , Sporotrichosis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-11481


The present study was designed to measure the activity of purine nucleosiae phosphorylase(PNPase) in sera and lymphocytes af peripheral blood from patients with allergie contact dermstitis and drug eruption since PNPase activities are known to be decreased in cell-mediated immune deficieney diseases. The PNPase activities in sera and lymphocytes of normal subjects were (7.2 +1.05) * 105 unit/L of sera and (1.85+0.38) unit/102 lymphocytes, respectively. In allergic contact dermatitis, the PNPase activities in sera and lymphocytes of patients were (3.9+0.78) *105 unit/L of aera and (0.69+0.23) uoit/102 lymphocyteis, which were signifieantly lower than those of normal subjects. There were no differences in PNPase activities of sera and lymphocytes between drug eruption patients and normal subjects. From these results, it is suggested that the lowered PNPase aetivity in allergie contact dermatitis might be associated with abnormal lymphocytes differentiation or activation or some other unknown mechanism, since lowered PNPase activity in allergic contact dermatitis is in contrast to the generally accepted concept that enhanced status of CMI in ACD will lead to the increase in PWPase activity.

Humans , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact , Dermatitis, Contact , Drug Eruptions , Lymphocytes , Purine-Nucleoside Phosphorylase