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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126371


Hypertension is an important cardiovascular disease and a recognized accompaniment of glomerulonephritis. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence of hypertension among patients with glomerulonephritis and determine the various histological types which are associated with hypertension in North Okkalapa General Hospital. The period of study is from 1 December 1992 to 25 October 1993. All patients with biopsy proven glomerulonephritis were included in the study. There were 80 patients with glomerulonephritis and (53 percent) were found to be hypertensive. (65 percent) of those patients with glomerulonephritis who were hypertensive had mesangiocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis followed by mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (43 percent). Oedema, the hallmark of nephritis, was absent in (11 percent) of the hypertensive patients. There were four patients with hypertension associated with pregnancy. (75 percent) had mesangiocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis. Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis is the histological type most commonly associated with glomerulonephritis. As hypertension was the sole presenting feature in (4 percent) of patients with glomerulonephritis, glomerulonephritis should be considered in all young patients with hypertension.

Hypertension , Glomerulonephritis
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126337


Six patients returning due to various symptoms between 2 months to 11 months after recovering from acute renal failure following Russell's viper bite were investigated. Urine RE, C & S, Blood urea, electrolyte, creatinine, cholesterol, serum protein, were estimated. Ultrasound abdomen and renogram were performed. Renal biopsy was performed if suggestive of renal involvement. Autopsied tissue from four patients in the acute stage were included. Biopsy was taken from five patients with nocturia of 2-4 times. Three patients with proteinuria, (trace to ++). One patient with hypertension of 170/100 mm Hg discovered 8 months after recovery. The glomerular changes consisted of mild degrees of glomerular necrosis. Fluid collection and adhesion between the glomeruli and the Bowman's capsule were seen in all the cases but more marked in the ones who expired. Ballooning of the capillary loops with thickening of the basement membrane were seen only in three biopsied cases who presented with proteinuria and nocturia. Mild to moderate tubular degeneration was noted in all the cases. Interstitial fibrosis occurred in two of the biopsied cases presenting with nocturia. Thus changes in both the glomeruli and tubules and interstitium persist even after 11 months following Russell's bite and may manifest as nocturia, proteinuria and occasionally hypertension.

Viper Venoms , Snake Venoms , Daboia , Myanmar