In addition to determining the exact tumor location and its geometric features, an increase of the effective tumor atomic number will enhances the chance in treating the tumoral cells under suitable radiation. In the present study, we assessed metrezoate-labeled gallium transmission in Burkett lymphatic cells. Human Burkitt lymphatic cells were grown in culture media. Metrezoate-76% labeled with gallium-67 and the developed complex was used with a volumetric amount of 125%. The complex was added to the culture media, and then the absorbed volume was determined. Through the SPECT imaging system, the culture media containing the lymphatic cell colonies were scanned 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, and 72-hr postaddition of metrezoate-gallium complex. The transmitted activities in the colonies area were measured after imaging. Gallium-metrezoate complex is significantly accumulated in malignant lymphatic cells. The study of the results throughout 72-hr revealed that most absorption, count quantity and transmitted activity had all occurred 4-hr after adding gallium-metrezoate complex solution. It can be concluded that gallium-metrezoate complex can be significantly accumulated in the Burkett lymphatic cells and uptake is non-linear with exposures time. This method of enhancing effective atomic number in malignant lymphatic cells therefore appears promising