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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 36292, 29 ago. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570292


Introdução:O diabetes mellitus é uma doença metabólica caracterizada pelo controle inadequado dos níveis de glicose no sangue, principalmente um estado crônico de hiperglicemia, causado por diferentes processos patogênicos, levando a complicaçõesdosistema nervoso do diabético queincluem axonopatias, doenças neurodegenerativas, doenças neurovasculares e comprometimento cognitivo geral.Objetivo:Avaliar as complicações clínicas da diabetes tipo 2 em mulheres. Metodologia:Tratou-se de um transversal, do tipo prevalência. Foram usados dois grupos de mulheres, onde todas as mulheres estavam com diagnóstico de diabetes Tipo 2 e idade de 40 e 60 anos, comotratamentooral -G1e com tratamentocominsulinoterapia ­G2,ambosfornecidospelarede pública Para comparação das variáveis estudadas foi utilizado o método de Mann-Whitney, adotando-se o nível de significância menor que 5% (p, valor ,0,05). Resultados:Aproporçãode pessoas com diabetes no Piauí, com consulta e hemoglobina glicada solicitada no primeiro quadrimestre de 2021, 2022, 2023, foi de18, 16 e 34 percentuais,respectivamenteeem Boa Hora nos mesmos quadrimestres foi 36, 39, 56 percentuais, respectivamente.Osprocedimentoshospitalares-por local de residência -Piauí foi de um total de 1.193e em Boa Hora 24. O grupo de mulheres estudadas mostrou uma diferença significativa para a glicemia em jejum e a Hemoglobina glicada quando comparados os grupos G1 e G2. Quase 100% da amostra estava obesa (IMC > 25), não fumava e não praticava atividade física.Conclusões:Concluiu-se que a as pacientes tiveram um agravamento do adoecimento ao longo dos anos com aumento de medicação. A ausência das boas práticas de promoção de saúde, atividade física e alimentação, podem ter contribuídocom o agravamento. Outrossim há necessidade urgente de uma intervenção para mudança de hábitos na população para que a medicalização seja diminuída para a promoção da saúde (AU).

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by inadequate control of blood glucose levels, mainly a chronic state of hyperglycemia, caused by different pathogenic processes, leading to complications of the nervous system including axonopathies, neurodegenerative diseases,neurovascular diseases and general cognitive impairment.Objective: To evaluate the clinical complications of type 2 diabetes in women.Methodology: This was a cross-sectional, prevalence study.Two groupsof women were used, where all women were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and aged between 40 and 60 years, with oral treatment -G1 and treatment with insulin therapy -G2, both provided by the public network .To compare the variables studied, the Mann-Whitney method was used, adopting a significance level of less than 5% (p, value 0.05).Results:The proportion of people with diabetes in Piauí, with consultation and glycated hemoglobin requested in the first four months of 2021, 2022, 2023, was 18, 16 and34 percentages, respectively and in Boa Hora in the same four months it was 36, 39, 56percentages, respectively.SUS hospital procedures -by place of residence -Piauí was a total of 1,193 and in Boa Hora 24. The group of women studied showed a significant difference in fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin when comparing groups G1 and G2.Almost 100% of the sample was obese (BMI > 25), did not smoke and did not practice physical activity.Conclusions: It was concluded that the patients' illness worsened over the years with increased medication.The absence of good health promotion practices, physical activity and nutrition may have contributed to the worsening.Furthermore, there is an urgent need for intervention to change habits in the population so that medicalization is reduced to promote health (AU).

Introducción: La diabetes mellitus ecaracterizada por un control inadecuado de los niveles de glucosa en sangre, principalmente un estado crónico de hiperglucemia, causado por diferentes procesos patogénicos, derivando en complicaciones del sistema nervioso incluyendo axonopatías, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, enfermedades neurovasculares y deterioro cognitivo general.Objetivo: Evaluar las complicaciones clínicas de la diabetes tipo 2 en mujeres.Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal de prevalencia.Se utilizaron dos grupos de mujeres, donde todas fueron diagnosticadas con diabetes tipo 2 y con edades entre 40 y 60 años, con tratamiento oral -G1 y tratamiento con insulinoterapia -G2, ambos prestados por la red pública.Para comparar las variables estudiadas se utilizó el método de Mann-Whitney, adoptando un nivel de significancia inferior al 5% (p, valor 0,05).Resultados:La proporción de personas con diabetes en Piauí, con consulta y hemoglobina glucosilada solicitada en los primeros cuatro meses de 2021, 2022, 2023, fuede 18, 16 y 34 porcentajes, respectivamente y en Boa Hora en los mismos cuatro meses fue de 36 , 39, 56 porcentajes, respectivamente.Los procedimientos hospitalarios del SUS -por lugar de residencia -en Piauí fueron en total 1.193 y en Boa Hora 24. El grupo de mujeres estudiado presentó diferencia significativa en la glucemia en ayunas y en la hemoglobina glucosilada al comparar los grupos G1 y G2.Casi el 100% de la muestra era obesa (IMC > 25), no fumaba y no practicaba actividad física.Conclusiones:Se concluyó que la enfermedad de los pacientes empeoró con el paso de los años con el aumento de la medicación.La ausencia de buenas prácticas de promoción de la salud, actividad física y nutrición puede haber contribuido al empeoramiento.Además, es urgente intervenir para cambiar los hábitos de la población para promover la salud (AU).

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Neurodegenerative Diseases/pathology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Diabetic Neuropathies/pathology , Hyperglycemia , Hyperglycemia/chemically induced , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Diabetes Mellitus/pathology
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-7, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556494


Introdução: A autoestima é definida pelo valor que as pessoas dão a si mesmas. É um componente avaliativo do autoconhecimento. A cirurgia plástica tem sido uma alternativa para as pessoas melhorarem a visão de si mesmas, sentindo-se mais confiantes e satisfeitas com seus aspectos corporais. Dessa forma, com a elevação da autoestima nessas pessoas, a cirurgia é capaz de interferir de forma positiva não somente na autoavaliação corporal, mas também na dimensão psicossocial. Método: Foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo e analítico longitudinal prospectivo no qual foi avaliado o impacto da cirurgia plástica na autoestima e nos relacionamentos pessoais e profissionais. Aplicamos um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, além do Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da OMS abreviado (WHOQOL-bref) em pacientes no pré-operatório e que serão submetidos a cirurgia plástica com, pelo menos, 3 meses de pós-operatório, graduando, desta forma, a melhora ou não da autoestima e qualidade de vida. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 52 pacientes, sendo 48 mulheres (92,3%), apresentando idade média de 37±11 anos. Através da aplicação da Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, pudemos notar uma evolução da autoestima, em que os pacientes apresentaram uma média de 29,87±2,10 pontos no escore do período pré-operatório, passando para 34,92±1,84 pontos no período pós-operatório. (p<0,001). Já no WHOQOL-bref, foi obtida uma melhora da autoestima através dos escores dos 4 domínios. Conclusão: Através deste estudo, foi evidenciado um aumento da autoestima e qualidade de vida.

Introduction: Self-esteem is defined by the value people place on themselves. It is an evaluative component of self-knowledge. Plastic surgery has been an alternative for people to improve their vision of themselves, feeling more confident and satisfied with their body aspects. Therefore, by increasing self-esteem in these people, surgery is capable of positively interfering not only with body self-assessment but also in the psychosocial dimension. Method: A prospective longitudinal descriptive and analytical observational study was carried out in which the impact of plastic surgery on self-esteem and personal and professional relationships was assessed. We applied a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, in addition to the abbreviated WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-bref) in patients in the preoperative period and who will undergo plastic surgery at least 3 months after surgery. surgery, thus determining whether or not self-esteem and quality of life improve. Results: 52 patients participated in the research, 48 of whom were women (92.3%), with a mean age of 37±11 years. Through the application of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, we were able to notice an evolution in self-esteem, in which patients presented an average of 29.87±2.10 points in the preoperative period score, rising to 34.92±1.84 points in the postoperative period (p<0.001). In the WHOQOL-bref, an improvement in self-esteem was obtained through the scores of the 4 domains. Conclusion: Through this study, an increase in self-esteem and quality of life was evidenced.

Journal of Breast Cancer ; : 215-222, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1043192


Breast implant augmentation is a low-risk procedure with few life-threatening complications, most commonly rupture or leakage and contraction of the capsule. Breast implant-associated (BIA) malignancies are rare. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is the most well-known neoplastic condition associated with breast augmentation. Carcinomas arising in association with implants have been reported but are rarer than ALCL. BIA-mesenchymal tumors are extremely rare and most are locally aggressive fibromatosis. To date, only eight cases of BIA sarcomas have been reported. Herein, we describe a case of silicone BIA-undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) that was initially mistaken for ALCL because of a significant clinical and radiological overlap in presentation and imaging. Here, we present the morphological and molecular features of this rare neoplasm. We reviewed the existing literature related to BIA sarcomas to highlight the importance of considering this diagnosis in cases of recurrent ALCL-negative BIA effusions.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 35: e3509, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558227


RESUMO Modelos de formação de atletas primam pela ampliação de experiências esportivas, incluindo os eventos esportivos. Assume-se que a variabilidade de propostas incute na vivência de situações paradoxais, importantes na permanência no esporte e/ou vida ativa. Este trabalho discute a percepção da experiência vivida em dois eventos de ginástica para todos com distintos vieses: um com caráter competitivo e outro com caráter demonstrativo. Protagonizaram o estudo 29 crianças participantes de um projeto de extensão universitária. Para a coleta de dados, realizaram-se 8 Grupos Focais, sendo utilizada a Análise Temática. Diários de campo e texto reflexivo do mediador dos GF foram considerados para a triangulação dos dados. Dois eixos foram evidenciados em ambos os eventos: a) aspectos intersubjetivos, cujo comprometimento, o componente estético e a ansiedade perpassaram ambos os eventos e a superação e o nervosismo tiveram maior destaque na competição; e b) inter-relações pessoais, nas quais a importância do outro/grupo foi evidente, com maior relação ao tipo de apresentação coreográfica de grupo, do que especificamente ao tipo de evento. Reconhece-se, então, o fomento a eventos de diferentes naturezas, uma vez que os praticantes de base podem presumir o alto rendimento ou a vida ativa pelo esporte.

ABSTRACT Models for athlete development have prioritized sports experiences, including events. It is assumed that the variety of events instills in the experience of paradoxical situations, important in the permanence in sport and/or active life. This article discusses the lived experience perception by children in two gymnastics for all events with different biases: one competitive and the other demonstrative. Based on qualitative research, 29 children were interviewed using Focus Groups (n=8), and data analysis using Thematic Analysis. Furthermore, field notes by 4 coaches and reflective narrative from the Focus Group interviewer were considered for triangulation. Two themes were highlighted: a. intersubjective aspects and b. interrelationships. These themes were addressed in both events to a greater or lesser extent. In item a, commitment, aesthetic components, and anxiety were in both events, but overcoming and nervousness more prominent in the competition. In item b, the importance of the other/ group was evident, mostly because of the presentation than the type of event. Recognizing the sporting bias of a practice is, therefore, promoting events of different natures, as practitioners can presume high performance or an active life through sport.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-6, mar. 20, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1516513


Objetivo: Narrar a experiência de um grupo de pesquisadores e gestores construindo materiais informativos a partir dos dados epidemiológicos dos casos de covid-19 em Sobral - CE. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo relato de experiência. Contempla uma experiência vivenciada de maio a agosto de 2020. Resultados: Em reunião via internet, alguns integrantes do grupo de pesquisas Observatório de Pesquisas para o SUS com a participação da secretária da saúde de Sobral, do prefeito de Sobral, de um professor especialista em inteligência artificial para tratar do avanço da pandemia em Sobral e na colaboração dos pesquisadores locais diante desse cenário. As ações firmadas foram: analisar semanalmente os dados epidemiológicos do município, desenvolver semanalmente um boletim epidemiológico com um condensado das informações criadas a partir dos dados, expor projeções da curva da pandemia no município, dispor as redes sociais do grupo de pesquisa para as informações, manter o diálogo entre os profissionais e gestores para ajudar na tomada de decisão. Conclusão: Foi possível estabelecer um fluxo semanal de divulgação do boletim epidemiológico local. A experiência serve como base para decisões de outros locais que buscam alternativas na gestão do cuidado. (AU)

Objective: To narrate the experience of a group of researchers and managers building information materials from the epidemiological data of cases of covid-19 in Sobral - CE. Methods: This is an experience report study. Contemplates an experience lived from May to August 2020. Results: In a meeting via internet, some members of the research group Research Observatory for SUS with the participation of the health secretary of Sobral, the mayor of Sobral, a professor specializing in artificial intelligence to address the pandemic progress in Sobral and the collaboration of local researchers facing this scenario. The actions agreed upon were: analyze weekly the epidemiological data of the city, develop weekly an epidemiological bulletin with a condensed information created from the data, expose projections of the pandemic curve in the city, make available the social networks of the research group for information, maintain dialogue between professionals and managers to help in decision making. Conclusion: It was possible to establish a weekly flow of dissemination of the local epidemiological bulletin. The experience serves as a basis for decisions from other places that seek alternatives in the management of care. (AU)

Objetivo: Narrar la experiencia de un grupo de investigadores y gestores construyendo material informativo a partir de los datos epidemiológicos de los casos de covid-19 en Sobral/CE. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio de informe de experiencia. Contempla una experiencia vivida de mayo a agosto de 2020. Resultados: En una reunión vía internet, algunos miembros del grupo de investigación Observatorio para el SUS con la participación del secretario de salud de Sobral, el alcalde de Sobral, un profesor experto en inteligencia artificial para abordar el avance de la pandemia en Sobral y en la colaboración de los investigadores locales frente a este escenario. Las acciones acordadas fueron: analizar semanalmente los datos epidemiológicos del municipio, elaborar semanalmente un boletín epidemiológico con una información condensada creada a partir de los datos, exponer proyecciones de la curva pandémica en el municipio, poner a disposición las redes sociales del grupo de investigación para su información, mantener el diálogo entre profesionales y gestores para ayudar en la toma de decisiones. ]Conclusión: Fue posible establecer un flujo semanal de divulgación del boletín epidemiológico local. La experiencia sirve de base para las decisiones de otros lugares que buscan alternativas en la gestión del cuidado. (AU)

Coronavirus , Health Personnel , Decision Making , Pandemics
Licere (Online) ; 26(04): [168]-[197], dez.2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531459


Este trabalho analisou contribuições teórico-metodológicas da ludicidade com idosas institucionalizadas. Para isso, contou com a Hermenêutica-Dialética como método, que busca na compreensão de falas, texto e contexto, a concepção dos fenômenos estudados, os quais foram evidenciados pela entrevista semiestruturada com 19 (dezenove)participantes envolvidos num programa de extensão com intervenção em Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI) da cidade do Recife. As falas tratadas pela análise de conteúdo categorial por temática revelaram duas categorias empíricas, das quais, optamos pela ludicidade. Como conclusão, foram evidenciados princípios lúdicos, a saber: alegria, diversão, gratuidade, imaginação, plenitude, liberdade e cultura, sendo facetas que fundamentam a prática lúdica num viés teórico-metodológico, revelando contribuições para a melhoria da interação social em ILPI.

This work analyzed the theoretical-methodological contributions of ludic activities with institutionalized elderly women. To this end, it was based on the Hermeneutics-Dialectics as a method, which pursues understanding in speeches, text and context, the conception of the phenomena studied, these were evidenced through a semi-structured interview with 19 participants who were involved in an extension program with intervention in a Long-Stay institution for the Elderly (LSIE), in the city of Recife. The speeches dealt with categorical content analysis by theme and revealed two empirical categories, from which, we opted for playfulness. In conclusion, ludic principles were evidenced, namely: joy, fun, gratuity, imagination, fullness, freedom and culture, these being facets that base the ludic practice on a theoretical-methodological bias, thus revealing contributions to the improvement of social interaction in LSIE.

Women , Health of Institutionalized Elderly
Korean Journal of Radiology ; : 1102-1113, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1002403


Objective@#To elucidate the use of radiological studies, including nuclear medicine, and biopsy for the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer (PCA) in clinical practice and understand the current status of PCA in Asian countries via an international survey. @*Materials and Methods@#The Asian Prostate Imaging Working Group designed a survey questionnaire with four domains focused on prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), other prostate imaging, prostate biopsy, and PCA backgrounds. The questionnaire was sent to 111 members of professional affiliations in Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan who were representatives of their working hospitals, and their responses were analyzed. @*Results@#This survey had a response rate of 97.3% (108/111). The rates of using 3T scanners, antispasmodic agents, laxative drugs, and prostate imaging-reporting and data system reporting for prostate MRI were 21.6%−78.9%, 22.2%−84.2%, 2.3%−26.3%, and 59.5%−100%, respectively. Respondents reported using the highest b-values of 800−2000 sec/mm2 and fields of view of 9−30 cm. The prostate MRI examinations per month ranged from 1 to 600, and they were most commonly indicated for biopsy-naïve patients suspected of PCA in Japan and Singapore and staging of proven PCA in Korea and Taiwan.The most commonly used radiotracers for prostate positron emission tomography are prostate-specific membrane antigen in Singapore and fluorodeoxyglucose in three other countries. The most common timing for prostate MRI was before biopsy (29.9%). Prostate-targeted biopsies were performed in 63.8% of hospitals, usually by MRI-ultrasound fusion approach. The most common presentation was localized PCA in all four countries, and it was usually treated with radical prostatectomy. @*Conclusion@#This survey showed the diverse technical details and the availability of imaging and biopsy in the evaluation of PCA. This suggests the need for an educational program for Asian radiologists to promote standardized evidence-based imaging approaches for the diagnosis and staging of PCA.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 36: eAPE00532, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1439013


Resumo Objetivo Validar um instrumento de competências para o gerenciamento de equipes de Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) Métodos Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e metodológica de abordagem quantitativa realizada entre os anos de 2019 e 2020 com enfoque na validação de âmbito nacional do Instrumento: Avaliação das competências gerenciais na ESF. A validação das competências ocorreu por meio da técnica Delphi e a consistência interna foi examinada por meio do Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados Por meio da técnica Delphi, realizada com experts de áreas relacionadas ao constructo, foram validadas 47 competências, subdivididas em três dimensões: conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. A partir de então, as 47 competências foram decompostas em 25 itens do instrumento de avaliação. Este instrumento foi aplicado com gerentes de unidades básicas de saúde, com a finalidade de proceder a avaliação da consistência interna entre os itens. A matriz de correlação entre os itens do instrumento demonstrou forte correlação, o que representa que o instrumento possui níveis altos de confiabilidade. Conclusão O processo de validação demonstrou consistência interna entre os itens, de modo que o instrumento de avaliação das competências gerenciais mostrou-se apto para aplicação em pesquisas no âmbito da ESF.

Resumen Objetivo Validar un instrumento de competencias para la gestión de equipos de Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF). Métodos Se trata de una investigación descriptiva y metodológica de enfoque cuantitativo realizada entre los años 2019 y 2020 centrada en la validación de ámbito nacional del Instrumento: Evaluación de las competencias de gestión en la ESF. La validación de las competencias se realizó por medio del método Delphi y la consistencia interna se examinó por medio del alfa de Cronbach. Resultados Mediante el método Delphi, realizado con especialistas de áreas relacionadas con el constructo, se validaron 47 competencias, subdivididas en tres dimensiones: conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes. A partir de ahí, se desglosaron las 47 competencias en 25 ítems del instrumento de evaluación. Este instrumento se aplicó con gerentes de unidades básicas de salud, con la finalidad de proceder a la evaluación de la consistencia interna entre los ítems. La matriz de correlación entre los ítems del instrumento evidenció una fuerte correlación, lo que representa que el instrumento tiene altos niveles de fiabilidad. Conclusión El proceso de validación demostró consistencia interna entre los ítems, de modo que el instrumento de evaluación de las competencias de gestión demostró ser apto para uso en investigaciones en el ámbito de la ESF.

Abstract Objective To validate an instrument on competence for managing Family Health Strategy (FHS) teams. Methods This is a descriptive and methodological research with a quantitative approach carried out between 2019 and 2020 with a focus on the nationwide validity of FHS management competence assessment instrument. The validity of competences was performed using the Delphi technique and internal consistency was examined using Cronbach's alpha. Results Using the Delphi technique, performed with experts from areas related to the construct, 47 competences were validated, subdivided into three dimensions: knowledge, skills and attitudes. From then on, the 47 competences were broken down into 25 items of an assessment instrument. This instrument was applied with managers of Basic Health Units, in order to proceed with internal consistency assessment between items. The correlation matrix between the instrument items showed a strong correlation, which means that the instrument has high levels of reliability. Conclusion The validity process demonstrated internal consistency between items so that the instrument for assessing management competences proved to be suitable for application in research within the scope of FHS.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 35(66): 1-22, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509377


Este artigo acessou as experiências na extensão universitária em Ginástica para Todos (GPT) e suas reverberações na formação e atuação profissional em Educação Física e Esporte. Como suporte metodológico, optamos pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando para a coleta de dados Grupos Focais com 17 participantes de nove grupos de GPT representativo de 4 regiões brasileiras. A Análise Temática indicou dois eixos de discussão: 1. Experiência de vida/experiência prévia do participante como estratégia de ensino e aprendizagem na ginástica que potencializou interfaces da ginástica com outras práticas corporais e a autonomia dos estudantes e, 2. Trabalho de co-construção de aulas e coreografias: confirmando o professor como mediador do processo, que induz que temas, figurinos, materiais, movimentos sejam definidos por todo o grupo. Notadamente, os discentes entrevistados confirmaram que as propostas ampliaram a percepção de organização de aula e/ou treino, passível a diferentes contextos, como escolas e clubes.

This article accesses the experiences in the university extension in Gymnastics for All (GPT) and its reverberations in the undergraduate students and professionals in Physical Education and Sport. As methodological support, qualitative research was addressed, using Focus Groups with 17 participants from nine GfA groups representing four Brazilian regions for data collection. Thematic Analysis indicated two axes of discussion: 1. Life experience/previous experience of the participant as a teaching and learning strategy in gymnastics that potentiated gymnastics interfaces with other corporeal practices and the students' autonomy and, 2. Co-construction work of sessions and choreographies: confirming the teacher as a mediator of the process, where themes, costumes, materials, movements are defined by the whole group. Notably, the students justified that the proposals expanded the perception of class organization and/or training, subject to different contexts, such as schools and clubs.

Este artículo accede a las experiencias en la extensión universitaria en Gimnasia para Todos (GPT) y sus repercusiones en la formación y desempeño profesional en Educación Física y Deporte. Como soporte metodológico, optamos por la investigación cualitativa, utilizando Grupos Focales con 17 participantes de 9 grupos de GPT que representan 4 regiones brasileñas para la recolección de datos. El Análisis Temático indicó dos ejes de discusión: 1. Experiencia de vida/experiencia previa del participante como estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje en gimnasia que potenció interfaces de la gimnasia con otras prácticas corporales y la autonomía de los estudiantes y, 2. Trabajo de coconstrucción de entrenamiento y coreografías: reafirmando al docente como mediador del proceso, lo que induce a que temas, vestuarios, materiales, movimientos sean definidos por todo el grupo. En particular, los estudiantes justificaron que las propuestas ampliaron la percepción de la organización de clases y/o la formación, sujetas a diferentes contextos, como escuelas y clubes.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e246686, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422401


A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar a atividade e o ofício dos mototaxistas de Sobral, Ceará. O objetivo específico foi compreender: a) a atividade exercida e o conceito de real da atividade; b) as prescrições; c) as regras informais; e d) as relações profissionais. A investigação adotou o referencial teórico da Clínica da Atividade, e participaram oito mototaxistas. Inspiradas no método da Instrução ao Sósia, foram realizadas e gravadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. Seu áudio foi transcrito e o conteúdo passou por análise construtivo-interpretativa. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade era regulamentada pela prefeitura e dependia da manutenção dos instrumentos utilizados. O expediente era organizado por uma regra do coletivo de trabalho relacionada ao horário de funcionamento de escolas e universidades. A busca por passageiros variava, sendo possível ficar em pontos fixos ou circular pela cidade. As condições ambientais demandavam cuidados como o uso de protetor solar e hidratação. A autonomia da profissão permitia organizar o próprio expediente e o ganho mensal. Entretanto, houve queixas relativas à falta de direitos previdenciários e ao fato de que a flexibilidade geraria uma sobrecarga de trabalho que poderia trazer prejuízos à saúde. Riscos foram identificados em acidentes de trânsito e violência urbana. Os relatos acerca das relações com os colegas mostraram um ambiente amistoso, e as relações com os passageiros eram definidas por cada situação, abrangendo desde interações objetivas até conversas pessoais.(AU)

The research had as general objective to analyze the activity and the work of motorcycle taxi drivers in Sobral, Ceará. Specific objectives were to understand: (a) the activity performed and the real of activity; (b) the prescriptions; (c) informal rules and (d) professional relationships. The investigation adopted the theoretical framework of the Clinic of Activity. Eight motorcycle taxi drivers participated in the investigation. Inspired by the instruction to the double method, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The audio of the interviews was transcribed and underwent constructive-interpretive analysis. The results showed that the activity was regulated by the city and depended on the maintenance of the instruments used. The working hours were organized by a collective labor rule related to the opening hours of schools and universities. The looking-for for passengers also varied: it was possible to stay at fixed points or move around the city. Environmental conditions required care such as the use of sunscreen and hydration. The profession's autonomy made it possible to organize its own hours and monthly earnings. However, there were complaints regarding the lack of social security rights and that flexibility would create an overload of work that could harm health. Risks have been identified in traffic accidents and urban violence. Reports about relationships with colleagues showed a friendly atmosphere. Relations with passengers were defined by each situation, ranging from objective interactions to personal conversations.(AU)

La investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar la actividad y el trabajo de los mototaxis en Sobral, Ceará. Los objetivos específicos eran comprender: (a) la actividad realizada y la real de la actividad; (b) las prescripciones; (c) reglas informales y (d) relaciones profesionales. La investigación adoptó el marco teórico de la Clínica de Actividad. En la investigación participaron ocho mototaxis. Inspirándose en el método de instrucción al doble, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas. El audio de las entrevistas fue transcrito y sometido a un análisis constructivo-interpretativo. Los resultados mostraron que la actividad estaba regulada por la prefectura municipal y dependía del mantenimiento de los instrumentos utilizados. Los horarios de trabajo fueron organizados por una norma laboral colectiva relacionada con los horarios de apertura de escuelas y universidades. La búsqueda de pasajeros también variaba: era posible permanecer en puntos fijos o moverse por la ciudad. Las condiciones ambientales requerían cuidados como el uso de protector solar e hidratación. La autonomía de la profesión permitió organizar sus propias horas y ganancias mensuales. Sin embargo, hubo quejas sobre la falta de derechos de seguridad social y que la flexibilidad crearía una sobrecarga de trabajo que podría dañar la salud. Se han identificado riesgos en accidentes de tráfico y violencia urbana. Los informes sobre las relaciones con los colegas mostraron un ambiente agradable. Las relaciones con los pasajeros se definieron por cada situación, desde interacciones objetivas hasta conversaciones personales.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Work , Motorcycles , Occupational Health , Working Conditions , Psychology , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Self Care , Social Problems , Sunscreening Agents , Work Hours , Burnout, Professional , Accidents , Disease , Disaster Vulnerability , Employment , Informal Sector , Occupational Stress , Frustration , Heat Exhaustion , Interpersonal Relations , Job Satisfaction , Labor Unions
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 34: e3418, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440390


RESUMO Em 2020, o vírus da COVID-19 chegou no Brasil e atingiu uma grande parte do território nacional. Dentre as medidas de segurança para evitar a disseminação, ocorreu o fechamento de comércios não essenciais, como as academias de ginástica. Contudo, afirma-se que a prática de exercício físico auxilia na prevenção da COVID-19. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a percepção de segurança de frequentadores de academias climatizadas da cidade de Manaus-AM quanto ao contágio da COVID-19 nesses ambientes. Para a pesquisa foi elaborado um questionário autoaplicado abordando aspectos psicossociais, de saúde e comportamentais. Análises descritivas foram adotadas para as variáveis ​​categóricas e ​​numéricas. A associação foi testada aplicando o Teste de Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou o teste Exato de Fisher. A significância foi estabelecida em 5%. Para 151 respondentes, a percepção de ocupação do espaço, a satisfação com a academia, o medo de morrer, a auto percepção de saúde e ser portador de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis foram variáveis que apresentaram associação com a percepção de segurança (p < 0,05 para todas as variáveis). Apesar de as academias cumprirem com as recomendações dos órgãos reguladores, aspectos pessoais influenciaram mais na percepção de segurança ao frequentar academias climatizadas de Manaus.

ABSTRACT In 2020, the COVID-19 virus arrived in Brazil and reached a large part of the national territory. Among the security measures to prevent the spread, non-essential businesses were closed, such as gyms. However, it is suggested that the practice of physical exercise can help prevent COVID-19. This study aimed to analyze the safety perception of individuals who goes to climatized gyms in the city of Manaus regarding the contagion of COVID-19 in these environments. A self-applied questionnaire was elaborated addressing psychosocial, health and behavioral aspects. Descriptive analyses were adopted to categorical and numerical variables. The association was tested by applying Pearson's Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test. Significance was set at 5%. For 151 respondents, the perception of occupying space, satisfaction with the gym, fear of dying, self-perception of health and having a non-transmissible chronic disease were determining variables to present a greater or lesser perception of safety (p < 0.05 for all variables). Although the gyms comply with the recommendations of regulatory bodies, personal aspects influenced more the perception of safety when attending air-conditioned gyms in Manaus.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , COVID-19 , Chi-Square Distribution , Air Conditioning
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2022 Dec; 65(4): 839-843
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223354


Introduction: High-grade urothelial carcinoma has a different molecular pathway than superficial low grade urothelial carcinoma, and is characterized by genomic instability. The high tumor mutation burden leads to neoantigen formation, evoking an immune response. The immune response has been keenly studied in last two decades and programmed death ligand-1 (PDL-1) has emerged as acceptable immunohistochemical marker for assessment of response to therapy, prognostication and patient selection for immunotherapy. The targeting of PD-1 and PDL-1 by checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs) is an attractive strategy to unblock the inhibitor and induce cytotoxic cell death. However, the presence of complementary and companion diagnostic testing with multiple PDL-1 assays and platforms for various CPIs make a diagnostic quagmire. Thus, it is the need of hour to harmonize these assays. In this undertaken study we evaluated the concordance in PD-L1 expression between the two PD-L1 clones: SP263 and SP142, in treatment naïve muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Methods: We evaluated Ventana PD-L1 “SP263 and SP142” qualitative immunohistochemical assay using rabbit monoclonal anti-PD-L1 clones in evaluation of PDL-1 immunoexpression on Ventana autostainer platform. The study includes 30 muscle invasive urothelial carcinomas, with 10 of 30 having nodal metastasis. Results: SP263 assay was statistically more sensitive than SP142 for tumor cell (TC) scoring (P = 0.0009), whereas SP142 was more sensitive for immune cell (IC) scoring (P = 0.0067). There was no statistical significant discordance for TC or IC scoring between primary tumor and metastatic lymph node. Conclusion: PD-L1 testing status can be done on both primary tumor and metastatic site, however in metachronous metastatic setting, testing on recent metastatic site should be preferred. The harmonization of immunoexpression between 2 PD-L1 clones could not be achieved.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218263


The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding causes and ill effects of household air pollution among residents of selected community in Kozhikode (Kerala). The research design adopted was non-experimental descriptive survey type. The sample was selected using non-probability convenience sampling technique. The data were collected using semi structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge regarding causes and ill effects of household air pollution among residents. The data was tabulated and analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that majority of the samples (50%) had average knowledge regarding causes and ill effects of household air pollution and 31.7 percent had good knowledge, spiratory illness due to household air pollution.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225748


Background:Influenza is one of the diseases which have the pandemic potential. Influenza surveillance as part of the pandemic preparedness activities was initiated in Sri Lanka in 2005. This study would help in evaluating, strengthening influenza surveillance system of DGH Matara, and taking targeted preventive measures and contribute to more efficient resource allocation in the future.Methods:This was a cross sectional analytical study.Results:Case definitions for ILI and SARI used were consistent with the epidemiology unit Sri Lanka prescribed definitions. Though the site collected data on cases daily and sampled weekly, sampling technique was not random. Respiratory specimen collection, packaging, storage and transport were consistent with the guidelines of epidemiology Unit, Sri Lanka. Refrigerator temperature monitoring, analyzing surveillance data on site as well as supervisory visits made by central level were not satisfactory. No clear pattern of ILI and SARI was observed among different age groups during 2014-2018. Influenza viral activity was detected except for 搖ntyped� from respiratory samples sent by DGH, Matara during 2014-2018.Pandemic preparedness by the site was not at optimal level.Conclusions:Representativeness of data obtained from respiratory specimen collection and data analyzing were not satisfactory. Temperature monitoring inside storage refrigerators of the site was not possible as no written records were available. Supervision from the central level was not satisfactory.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225735


Background:Leptospirosis is a zoonotic illness with a global disease burden impacting both developed and developing nations and is caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. In this study, selected characteristics of confirmed leptospirosis cases werestudied; hence modifiable risk factors were elucidated. This information would be useful to prevent further transmission of leptospirosis by public health care workers in Sri Lanka and take appropriate administrative decisions regarding leptospirosis control in the community.Methods:This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey of Bed Head Tickets (BHTs), Case Surveillance Forms of confirmed leptospirosis cases treated at district general hospital, Matara during 2015-2018. The study was conducted from 21.02.2019 to 01.03.2019.Results:Age >35 years (OR 3.92:95% CI:2.72-5.65), male sex (OR:2.30, 95% CI:1.61-3.29), paddy field as source of infection (OR:2.45, 95% CI:1.69-3.54), positive history of recent skin lesions/injury(OR:2.29, 95% CI:1.58-3.34), (OR:3.14, 95% CI:1.62-6.06), (OR:2.88, 95% CI:1.31-6.36), (OR:2.13, 95% CI:1.27-3.58) were risk factors for leptospirosis. Positive history of chemo prophylactic treatment (doxycycline administration) and its duration were not associated with leptospirosisConclusions:Age >35 years (OR 3.92:95% CI:2.72-5.65), male sex (OR:2.30, 95% CI:1.61-3.29), paddy field as source of infection (OR:2.45, 95% CI:1.69-3.54), positive history of recent skin lesions/injury(OR:2.29, 95% CI:1.58-3.34) were risk factors forleptospirosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216411


Introduction: Lethologica is a phenomenon that is an early sign of aging. Lethologica refers to the inability to retrieve a specific word as a response to a visual, auditory, or tactile presentation. Need: Even though it is known that aging has a strong impact on cognitive language functions, it is not yet clear which aspect is most affected. Since naming is an important element of language functions, analysis of this aspect would aid in understanding the nature of deterioration of cognitive?linguistic functions with age. Aim: The aim is to analyze the impact of aging on naming abilities in neurotypical individuals. Methods: One hundred and fifty neurotypical individuals of 30 individuals from each group between 30 and 80 years of age, i.e., 31� years, 41� years, 51� years, 61� years, and 71� years participated in the study. A tool was developed in Malayalam language to assess confrontation naming, responsive naming, generative naming, and contextual naming. A score of 1 was given for each correct response. Results: As age advances, all the naming abilities deteriorated. The effect was most prominent in the generative naming task as it demands the most cognitive involvement. The neuronal areas governing these cognitive aspects mainly include the prefrontal cortical regions which are highly susceptible to the aging process. Responsive naming and contextual naming were least affected as it gained the advantage of crystallized intelligence. The age?related decline is more prominent after the age of 60 years. Conclusion: Naming skills, even though being a language element also have strong foundations within the cognitive domain. Hence, any age-related neurobiological alterations can impact naming functions.

Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 24: 1-11, 18 jan. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1413191


Objetivo: analisar o potencial de morbimortalidade por COVID-19 em comunidades quilombolas rurais. Métodos: estudo transversal, com 26 comunidades do Estado de Goiás. Utilizou-se o método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) que hierarquiza critérios para estimar o índice de prioridade de morbimortalidade por COVID-19, sendo eles: sexo masculino, idade ≥ 60 anos, diabetes, câncer, hipertensão, tabagismo, dislipidemia e obesidade. Resultados: de 1.672 entrevistados, 52,0% eram homens, 19,0% ≥ 60 anos, 5,5% autor referiram diabetes, 19,6% hipertensão, 9,2% dislipidemia, 1,3% obesidade, 0,4% câncer e 13,9% tabagismo. Houve menor índice de prioridade na Comunidade Engenho 2, e maior em Buracão; sendo: idade ≥ 60 anos em Quilombo do Magalhães; sexo masculino em Kalunga dos Morros; diabetes e hipertensão em Tomás Cardoso; dislipidemia em Almeidas; obesidade em Buracão; câncer em Água Limpa; tabagismo em José de Coleto. Conclusão: houve diferentes potenciais de morbimortalidade por COVID-19, demonstrando qual comunidade apresenta maior/menor prioridade para ações estratégicas para enfrentamento da pandemia.

Objective: to analyze the potential for morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 in rural quilombola communities. Methods:cross-sectional study, with 26 communities in the State of Goiás. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used, which ranks criteria to estimate the COVID-19 morbidity and mortality priority index, namely: male gender, age ≥ 60 years, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia and obesity. Results: among the 1,672 respondents, 52.0% were men, 19.0% ≥ 60 years, 5.5% self-reported diabetes, 19.6% hypertension, 9.2% dyslipidemia, 1.3% obesity, 0.4% cancer and 13.9% smoking. There was a lower priority index in the Engenho 2 community, and higher in the Buracão; where: age ≥ 60 years in the Quilombo do Magalhães; male gender in the Kalunga dos Morros; diabetes and hypertension in the Tomás Cardoso; dyslipidemia in the Almeidas; obesity in the Buracão; cancer in the Água Limpa; smoking in the José de Coleto. Conclusion: there were different potential for morbidity and mortality from COVID-19, demonstrating which community has the highest/lowest priority for strategic actions to face the pandemic.

Humans , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Vulnerable Populations , COVID-19
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939450


Objective: To assess public knowledge, practices and perceptions on typhus fevers in Sri Lanka. Methods: A descriptive study was done in four selected typhus-prone areas in Southern Sri Lanka. A mixed-method was employed using face-to-face interviews and questionnaire-based surveys among confirmed cases of typhus and at-risk populations, respectively. Frequencies, percentages, and means were used to characterize socio-demography and evaluate disease awareness. Results: The lay terms for typhus fevers reported in the studied region were 'peacock fever', 'tick fever' and 'bird fever'. A total of 499 subjects participated [mean±SD, (45±16) years] in the questionnaire-based survey, and 13.6% (n=68) reported past experience of typhus fever, 1.2% (n=6) identified the disease as 'typhus' while 58.7% (n=293) and 11.8% (n=59) knew it as 'peacock fever' and 'tick fever', respectively. The etiological agent was unknown to 95.2% (n=475), but 53.5% ((n=267) were aware that it was vector-borne. Fever (57.3%, n=286), eschar (35.7%, n=178), headache (22.0%, n=267) and myalgia (19.2%, n=96) were identified as key symptoms. Past disease experience was significantly associated with higher awareness of the main disease symptoms (fever: χ 2 =15.713, P<0.001; headache: χ 2 =19.447, P<0.001; lymphadenopathy: Fisher's exact test, P=0.023; eschar: χ 2 =12.049, P<0.001). None knew of any disease prevention methods. Participants with a past history of typhus fever had sought treatment at state hospitals (55.9%, 38/68) and private sector hospitals (5.9%, 4/68). Conclusions: Public awareness on preventive practices for typhus fevers was rare among the participants though vector-borne aspect was known to many. Clinical disease awareness was deficient among those without past experience of typhus fever. Community sensitization on vector avoidance strategies is highly recommended.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939463


To assess the larvicidal activity of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) against larval stages of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Methods: A crude extract was prepared in ethanol from powdered mangosteen pericarps. A concentration gradient (0.01-4.92 g/ L) was prepared from the stock solution. Seven batches of 25 third instar larvae of Aedes aegypti were used for larval bioassays. Larval mortality rates were observed after one and 24 hours. Cholesterol and total lipid contents in 20 randomly selected dead larvae at each trial were assessed by colorimetric method. The experimental setup was repeated five times. The General Linear Model and Probit analysis were used to evaluate the relationship of mortality with cholesterol level, total lipid level and cholesterol to total lipid ratio. Results: The percentage mortalities significantly varied with different concentrations (F7,32=385.737; P<0.001). The LC50 and LC99 values were (0.041 0.006) g/L and (10.616 1.758) g/ L, respectively after 24 hours. There was no mortality recorded within the one-hour exposure time. Only the cholesterol content (F5,24=173.245; P<0.001) in larvae exposed to different concentrations denoted a significantly decreasing trend within 24- hour exposure. Larvae that were exposed to the lowest concentration (0.55 g/L) showed a higher cholesterol level (22.67 1.33) g. Conclusions: The Garcinia mangostana extract acts as an effective sterol carrier protein inhibitor that inhibits cholesterol uptake in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Hence, it could be explored for use as a key source for the development of an environment-friendly plantbased larvicide.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951025


Objective: To compare the DNA sequences of Leishmania (L.)donovani isolated from individuals in two districts of the Northern Province with other parts of Sri Lanka and neighboring countries. Methods: Samples were collected from military personnel at the Army Hospital, Narahenpita, Sri Lanka from November 2018 to March 2020. A portion of the samples was fixed, stained with Giemsa and observed under the light microscope. The genomic The DNA was extracted from the remaining portion of the samples using DNEasy blood tissue kit (Qiagen, Germany) and amplified using Leishmania genus-specific primers for molecular diagnosis initially. DNA was amplified using L. donovani species-specific primers by PCR and the amplified product was sequenced for comparison of nucleotide sequences. Results: Out of 76 suspected patients, at least one biological sample of 45 (59.2%) was positive for L. amastigotes upon microscopy. Overall, 33 (43.4%) were positive in Leishmania genus-specific PCR, but only 23 (30.3%) were positive in L. donovani specific PCR. The dendrogram indicates that the current sequences clustered together with those from Nepal and Gampaha districts (Western Province), Sri Lanka, while the Indian and Eastern African sequences clustered separately. Conclusions: The genetic diversity was low among the isolates, indicating a single and possibly a local point of origin. However, the similarity of Sri Lankan and Nepal strains indicate a possibility of a shared point of origin, which needs more extensive evidence to confirm.