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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-410812


Objective To assess the roles of the soft contact lens(SCL) in the treatment of bullous keratopathy.Methods Seventeen cases with bullous keratopathy wore SCL continuously and disposed it each month. All cases were followed up to observe whether the clinical symptoms were relieved and complications appear.Results  Seventeen cases were followed up for 2 to 22 months. The results suggested that the clinical symptoms were relieved significantly without complications.Conclusion SCL can relieve the clinical symptoms and improve the life quality of patients with bullous keratopathy significantly.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-543579


Hydroxypiperaquine (HPQ) and its phosphate (HPQP) are a new long-acting antimalarial agent synthesized in our Lab.The 95% fiducial limits of i.g.LD50 of HPQP and chloroquine phosphate (CQP) in mice were 387~491 and 253~330 mg/kg, respectively.The i.v.convulsive doses of HPQP and CQP in dogs were 40 and 8 mg/kg, respectively.The i.g.convulsive doses of HPQP and CQP in dogs were 200 and 40 mg/kg, while their MLD were 600 and 40 mg/kg, respectively.The acute cardiovascular toxicity of HPQP in rabbits was lower than that of CQP significantly.The intoxicated manifestations of HPQP in dogs were characterized by the signs of stimulation of cholinergic and central nervous system such as emesis, excitation, salivation, urination, defecation, tremor and convulsion.The acute toxic manifestations of CQP were similar to those of HPQP but developed more rapidly and markedly.The transient elevated activities of sGPT demonstrated that hepatic function was impaired to some extent and that th; liver may be the toxic target organ.The results obtained show that HPQP has a lower toxicity and a broader margin of safety as compared with CQP.Thess results may be useful for the control of its side effects during clinical use.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-551171


The histopathological changs of the dog eyes caused by acute and subacute toxic effectsof hematoporphyrin monoether--PsD-044 were observed in this research. The results showed thatPsD-044 could lead to keratoscleritis and scleral perivasculitis. Phototoxic cyclitis and inflammatory edema of the retina were more serious in deferred killed animals, suggesting that it is necessary to avoid exposure to light after the administration of PsD-044.