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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 33(supl.3): e00118015, 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-889812


Resumo O objetivo foi avaliar a existência de uma associação entre o fato de ver um ator fumando em telenovela brasileira, filme brasileiro ou filme internacional e as tentativas de parar de fumar e abstinência entre fumantes adultos brasileiros. Foram utilizados os dados de 39.425 participantes da versão brasileira do Global Adult Tobacco Survey. O estudo calculou a prevalência de ex-fumantes (ex-fumantes/ex-fumantes + fumantes atuais) e as proporções de fumantes atuais, ex-fumantes e indivíduos que nunca fumaram. Foi utilizada a regressão ponderada multivariada para testar associações significativas entre cessação e exposição ao tabagismo em telenovelas e filmes. Para fumantes atuais, as chances de tentar de parar foram significativamente mais altas entre aqueles que haviam visto ator fumando em filme brasileiro. Aqueles que acreditavam que o fumo causa doenças graves e tinham regras contra fumar em casa apresentavam chances significativamente maiores de terem tentativas de parar e de abstinência. A exposição ao tabagismo na mídia pode ser diferente em adultos e adolescentes. Fatores que influenciam as tentativas e o sucesso na cessação incluem as regras contra fumar em casa, a crença de que o fumo provoca doenças graves e receber informação sobre os perigos do tabagismo através da mídia.

Resumen: Este trabajo tiene el fin de evaluar si existe una asociación entre ver a un actor fumando en telenovelas brasileñas o películas internacionales y dejar de fumar o intentar dejarlo entre fumadores adultos brasileños. Se usaron datos de 39,425 participantes en la Global Adult Tobacco Survey. La ratio de abandono de este hábito (ex fumadores/ex fumadores + fumadores) y los porcentajes de fumadores habituales, ex fumadores y no fumadores también fueron calculados. Se usaron análisis de regresión multivariable para determinar asociaciones significativas entre dejar de fumar y la exposición a telenovelas y películas. Para los fumadores habituales, la probabilidad de intentar dejar de fumar fueron significativamente mayores entre quienes vieron a un actor fumando en una película brasileña. Aquellos que creyeron que fumar causaba enfermedades serias y tenían normas en casa prohibiendo fumar eran más significativamente propensos a haber intentado dejar de fumar o haberlo dejado. La exposición al tabaco en los medios audiovisuales puede diferir entre adultos y adolescentes. Existen factores que influencian intentar o dejar de fumar y son: normas prohibiendo fumar en casa, y la creencia de que el tabaco provoca enfermedades muy serias, así como informarse sobre los peligros del tabaco en los medios de comunicación.

Abstract: The objectives of this research were to evaluate whether there was an association between seeing an actor smoke in telenovelas, Brazilian films, or international films, and trying to quit and quitting among adult Brazilian smokers. Data from 39,425 participants in the Global Adult Tobacco Survey were used. Quit ratio (former smoker/former smoker + ever smoker) and proportions of current, former, and never smokers were calculated. Multivariable weighted regression was used to determine significant associations between quitting smoking and exposure to telenovelas and films. For current smokers, the odds of trying to quit were significantly higher among those who saw an actor smoking in a Brazilian film. Those who believed smoking caused serious illness and had rules in the home prohibiting smoking were significantly more likely to have tried to quit or had quit smoking. Exposure to smoking in the media may be different in adults than adolescents. Influential factors for trying to quit and quitting are rules prohibiting smoking at home, belief that smoking causes serious illness, and hearing about dangers of smoking in media.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Television , Smoking Cessation/statistics & numerical data , Drama , Smoking Prevention , Motion Pictures , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Smoking/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys/instrumentation , Middle Aged
Br J Med Med Res ; 2014 Sept; 4(25): 4341-4351
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175429


Background: The “Toxic Butts” campaign was funded by the California Tobacco Control Program as part of a tobacco product waste toolkit. The campaign was to function as a case study, helping to establish best practices for social media use by tobacco control while at the same time serving as a training tool for local lead agencies interested in better leveraging social media. Little information existed on monitoring and evaluation of social media so new metrics were devised and results reported with the intent of publication. Methods: Campaign staff published English-language content twice a day, seven days a week, for six months. The same content was posted on Facebook and Twitter, with occasional exceptions made for character limits on Twitter. Data were collected usin Twitter and Facebook as primary sources, as well as with a third-party social media monitoring program. Interactions of social media users with the campaign’s content in Facebook and Twitter were examined using six key performance indicators. Two indicators offered novel approaches to quantify engagement, representing any action performed by a social media user with campaign content. Results: The six key performance indicators used to measure campaign performance indicated 1.1 million impressions of “Toxic Butts” campaign content by 340,200 individuals on Facebook, over the six-month period of the study. The largest proportion (42.96 percent) of the campaign’s Twitter followers (n=650) was between the ages of 35 and 44 years, whereas Facebook fans (n=1057) were primarily between the ages of 13 to 17 years (59.1 percent). Twitter followers were nearly evenly split between women and men (51 percent and 49 percent, respectively), whereas Facebook followers were mostly male (60.5 percent compared to 39.50 percent female). Health organizations (34.3 percent) represented the largest share of Twitter followers; Facebook followers were mostly individuals (92.8 percent). Engagement ratios clarified social media users’ interactions with campaign content month-by-month and were considered a valuable point of reference for the overall performance of campaign content. Discussion: The reported key performance indicatorsprovide a starting point of measures of engagement by social media users with a campaign, and the reach of a campaign’s content. Recommendations for future research are provided.