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Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0612, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, SES-SP, SESSP-ILSLPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1431402


ABSTRACT Background: Brazil has the second largest number of leprosy cases worldwide, and the state of São Paulo has been considered non-endemic since 2006. Methods: We analyzed 16 variable number tandem repeats loci and three single nucleotide polymorphisms loci of Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) in 125 clinical isolates from patients in different municipalities in the state. Results: The clustering pattern of M. leprae indicated that the transmission of leprosy persisted in the state and included scenarios of intra-extra-familial transmission in areas with low endemicity. Conclusions: A significantly active circulation of M. leprae was observed. Therefore, surveillance and control measures must be implemented.

Hansen. int ; 46: 1-22, 2021. ilus, tab


Embora o Brasil venha apresentando uma redução considerável no número de casos novos de hanseníase, alguns estudos têm demonstrado transmissão ativa mesmo em áreas não endêmicas, como o estado de São Paulo. Diante disso, investigamos o perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e geoespacial dos casos novos de hanseníase diagnosticados entre 2015 e 2019 no Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima (ILSL), um centro de referência localizado no município de Bauru, interior do estado de São Paulo. Foram diagnosticados 177 novos casos de hanseníase nesse período, sendo 61,6% dos pacientes naturais do estado. A maioria dos indivíduos era do sexo masculino (59,9%) e a faixa etária mais prevalente foi de 60 a 69 anos; 79,1% se autodeclaravam brancos e 65,6% possuíam pouca ou nenhuma escolaridade. A forma clínica dimorfa foi a mais frequente (42,4%), a baciloscopia foi positiva em 38,4% dos pacientes (49,0% entre o sexo masculino e 22,5% entre o sexo feminino) e 49,0% dos pacientes possuíam incapacidades no diagnóstico. O georreferenciamento, realizado para os casos oriundos do município de Bauru (n = 31), revelou que a maioria dos pacientes residia em regiões com elevado nível de vulnerabilidade social. O perfil dos pacientes atendidos no ILSL apontou para predominância de homens adultos ou idosos com baixa escolaridade, multibacilares, apresentando incapacidades físicas e longo tempo de sintomas. Em conjunto, nossos dados sugerem atraso no diagnóstico que pode contribuir para a manutenção da transmissão da hanseníase mesmo numa região não endêmica.(AU)

Although Brazil has shown a considerable reduction in the number of new cases of leprosy, some studies have shown active transmission even in non-endemic areas, such as São Paulo state. Considering this, we investigated the sociodemographic, clinical and geospatial profile of new cases of leprosy diagnosed between 2015 and 2019 at the Lauro de Souza Lima Institute (ILSL) a reference center localized in Bauru, a municipality in the interior of São Paulo state. A total of 177 new cases of leprosy were diagnosed in this period, with 61.6% of the patients born in the state. The majority of the individuals was male (59.9%), the most prevalent age group was 60 to 69 years old, 79.1% declared themselves white color/race and 65.6% had little or no schooling. The borderline form of leprosy was the most frequent (42.4%), slit skin smear was positive in 38.4% of patients (49.0% among men and 22.5% among women) and 49.0% had disabilities at diagnosis. Georeferencing, performed for cases from the municipality of Bauru (n = 31), revealed that most patients lived in regions with a high level of social vulnerability. The profile of leprosy new cases found at ILSL pointed to a predominance of adult or elderly men with low education, multibacillary, presenting physical disabilities and a long time of symptoms. Altogether, our data suggests a delay in diagnosis that may contribute to the maintenance of leprosy transmission even in a non-endemic region.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Leprosy/diagnosis , Leprosy/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Geographic Mapping , Sociodemographic Factors